
fanpopping sejak December 2009

  • Female, 27 years old
  • New Jersey
  • Favorite TV Show: Big Bang Theory, New Girl, Teenwolf, Awkward, Glee, Modern Family, Girl Code, Catfish etc.
    Favorite Movie: Hunger Games/Cathingfire, any classic disney movie cause Im forever 8 years old, Great Gatsby
    Favorite Musician: The Maine, Rocket to the Moon, All Time Low, Panic at the Disco, paramore
    Favorite Book or Author: WC, HG, TMI, TID, HP, nightshade Series, takhta of Glass, Maximum Ride, many others
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whatsupbugs beri saya props untuk my comments
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Stelena-Finchel beri saya props untuk my images
I hope your hari is as wonderful as anda are ¯`·.¸¸.ҨҩҨҩ ♥ diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
kingcesar67 berkata …
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