This is my opinion on the puncak, atas 10 hottest avatar girls from the populer tampil avatar the last airbender one of my favorit shows and I know some of anda think it's wierd atau stupid to rate cartoon characters as hot but if anda don't like that kind of think then don't read this it's that simple and I hope anda will like it and please no mean komentar just say it in a nice was and it is just an opinion please let me know what anda think please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please no mean comments

10.Song she's Beautiful but she has a scar on her leg and eye's for Zuko back off he's Mai's

9.Jin she is lovely but she has eyes for Zuko back off he's Mai's

8.Yue she's sexy her white hair is lovely but she's one dead but also she has eyes for Sokka back off he's Toph's

7..June she has a dangous bounty hunter beauty but she has a tatto which is not flawless skin

6.Suki she's evil sexy it's like sexy but more edgy I hate Suki but I have to admite she is beautiful I put her here not because I hate her but because her hair is too short and there are more people I know including be that think long hair is better

5.Mai she is sleek some people think she's ugly but if she was ugly she wouldn't of have a chance with Zuko she is beautiful and she is different from most I like different but she always has that same wierd hair style and barly makes a facial expression

4.Ty Lee she is devine I know some of you are surprised that miss big boobs is not number one but she iss a bit too perky and she is smart but is dizy in the head

3.Toph she is glowing she is the jewel of the earth kingdom and she's a princess even thought she dosn't care about look she is still hot it's kinda what makes her so hot but a little underaged

2.Azula she's stunning she's the gem of the fire nation and a princess her hair black as the night sky skin white as snow eyes like gold and lips that put the redest red rose to shame lucky she got her mother's looks her dad is ugly why noy number 1 sligh

1.Katara she is GORGEOUS she's the gem of the water tribe and the jewel of the avatar world and a princess she has GORGEOUS long brown hair GORGEOUS blue eyes GORGEOUS skin and a GORGEOUS face