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added by avatarkorra1
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by kataangfan
added by avatarkorra1
added by kataangfan
added by Crisi_FanZuko
added by tiffany88
added by tiffany88
They pindah like water,
Shadowless, in their luminescent
Splashing, like the laughter
Of waves on the beach, incandescent
By hari with a million reflections of sunlight,
Remaining awake as the full moon oleh night….

They smile like friends,
Long-lost but never forgotten,
Longing to make amends
For opportunities unbegotten;
Beyond physical embrace, emerging
To enclose my lonesome spirit with their merging…

They gaze like sisters
In a fellowship of healing:
Mending fractures, soothing blisters,
Closing gashes, never leaving
Any wound untended
By healing as water was intended;
A spiritual transfusion—
My being...
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added by wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by lord1bobos
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by wordbender
Source: wordbender
added by lord1bobos