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fanpopping sejak August 2010

  • Female, 28 years old
  • sac, usa
  • Favorite TV Show: any
    Favorite Movie: idk
    Favorite Musician: snsd, snsd tiffany, ss501, shinee, and fx
    Favorite Book or Author: i dont really read books.
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Klub Saya

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fanylove09 beri saya props untuk my polls
Hi :D
I was just wondering if u would like to gabung this club :
This is a club i create because i really really like Tiffany.. :)
Hope u can join.. Thanx a lot... diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Sn822007 beri saya props untuk my answers
Do anda want to gabung the club about A PINK?Here's the link


atau juz type in da box above there korea girls group a pink.I hope anda can be a fanz ya.THX VERY MUCH ^3^ diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Sn822007 beri saya props untuk my pop quiz questions
Could anda gabung the club?link yes,you awesome but if not,it's just fine..don misunderstanding me for forcing anda to gabung the club ^^ LOL.!!!!! !! ! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu