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Why can’t people ever fix their security in prisons? I mean, for goodness sake, you’d think that after years of people breaking out through the sewage system Shawshank Redemption style, prisons would increase security, atau at the very least, use some stronger cell bars. But, no, they always leave one crack in their prisons to allow prisoners to escape… So, naturally, video games have quite a lot of those. In video games, it seems that getting out of those prisons are as easy as getting out of any. So, today, I want to share with anda all the ten best prison breaks in video games. First, some rules. Only one game per franchise. Also, I am including games that I haven’t played, because if I didn’t, I would have no idea what I am doing here. Also, it doesn’t matter if the protagonist is trying to break out himself atau if they are trying to break someone else out. If it involves a prisoner breaking out, than it goes on the list. So, with that said, let us start the list.

#10: Stilwater Penitentiary from Saints Row 2

Let’s start with one that’s pretty simple. After waking up from a coma, The Boss, along with the prisoner, Carlos, are forced to find a way out of prison in order to get back to the mainland. So, naturally, the first the the Boss does after waking up from a coma is running through the prison yard, shooting police officers as he and Carlos make their way to the boats. Granted, anda could sneak up to the roof, but that only delays the inevitable shooting from the outside. After getting to the boats, Carlos will drive the perahu to the mainland as the Boss shoots at police boats and helicopters in order to lose them… That’s something I find funny in sandbox missions. anda can slaughter officers and they will be gone in a few menit during missions, but outside of missions, killing officers only increases their numbers. I never understood that. Still, this is a pretty interesting and attention grabbing way to start off a game like Saints Row 2. Good job, developers

#9: kastil, castle Jail from Chrono Trigger

So, for a game that was rated E back in the day, anda should expect that having a girl with anda is punishable with death…. Oh, those old medieval times and their extremely unnecessary punishments. So, after being captured oleh the royal guards for the supposed kidnapping of Princess Nadia, anda are put on trial for it. Of course, if you’re found innocent atau guilty, anda are still diberikan the death penalty no matter what. What I find neat about this one is that anda have two options of escape. anda can either wait for three days, and your friend Lucca will come and save you, atau anda can piss off the guards enough to where anda can attack them and leave through the door. Eventually, anda will regroup with your friends in time to face the boss, a Dragon Tank, which can heal itself if anda don’t destroy the head. It’s pretty simple, and it’s kinda dumb that the king just decides to let anda go once anda escape, but whatever. It’s a JRPG. When did those ever use logic

#8: Coldridge Prison from Dishonored

Just like Saints Row 2, Dishonored starts anda off in a prison as the game's tutorial. However, this one is a bit lebih interesting. After being told that anda were used oleh the Spymaster as a fall guy (That’s old noir talk) for the Empress’s death, anda are then diberikan a letter oleh a group of rebels who wish to have anda gabung them, and leave a key under the note to help anda escape. So, from here, anda are now on your way to the exit. However, there are guards here that anda must be aware of. anda could just walk over and kill them, but the true challenge comes when someone wants to avoid killing everyone in the game, in order to keep Chaos low. Here, anda will need to do an assortment of sneaking through alternate routes and choking guards until they go unconscious. And it all ends with anda jumping off a bridge into the water as guards shoot at anda (Unless anda are better at stealth than I am, which, let me tell you, I am not the best with). It’s simple, sure, but still a neat start to a stealth game.

#7: Bargate Prison from Fable

anda know, I never understood some things about prisons, but tell me why the guards of Bargate prison feel the need to take your clothes when anda are arrested? Seriously, they end up leaving anda in your boxers. Oh well, the escape is pretty interesting. In order to get out of Bargate prison, anda will need to spend a full tahun there, being tortured, and when a whole tahun comes around, anda will be forced into a race, where guards bet on prisoners to see who will win. After winning, anda will be sent to the Warden’s Office, where the prison warden will read to anda a line of poetry… I’m not making this up. While he is reading, anda need to look over the combination on a dinding in order to open one of the three buku that holds the cell key to your cell. After this, anda will be able to break out of prison, as well as your mother, and maybe even the other prisoners if you’re feeling like a good guy. And after that is done, anda will make your way out, only to be faced with a fight against a giant Kraken… It’s not as dangerous as it sounds. As horrible as Peter Molyneux is, at least this was a time before he lost what little of his mind he had left.

#6: Imperial Prison from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Man, there are a lot of game tutorials that take place in prisons. Anyway, anda know anda have a good game when the first person anda meet is a prisoner who insults anda due to what race anda chose. Boy, racism right off the bat. Quite a tutorial. But what makes this one interesting are the many different ways anda can escape. anda can go with the Imperial guards, who will be flanked oleh assassins and killed, leaving anda to fight them, anda can go through a crumbled wall, filled with rats, skeletons, and the body of a Goblin Shaman. After which, anda will arrive to meet the Emperor, who will try to be attacked oleh Mythic Dawn members, which anda will basically kill. And for the first time in forever, the member of royalty actually DOESN’T want the guards to kill you. What a shock. Instead, he gets killed oleh assassins, and anda kill them as well, with the last of the Imperial guards giving anda a key to leave and go out into the world of Oblivion. With all the story being told and all of the events occurring, it’s interesting to see how this all happens just within the tutorial. Easily the best of the prison tutorials.

#5: Forsaken Fortress from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

After having Link’s sister, Aryll, taken oleh a giant bird, what is the best thing for a twelve tahun old boy to do? Go to a large prison alone filled with giant monsters with no weapons to find her. Either bravery atau stupidity. I’ll let anda decide on that one. Anyway, This is the only moment besides the opening where anda are empty handed. The place is filled with Moblins and Bokoblins using large cari lights. The only way anda can hide is oleh either staying out of the light atau oleh hiding underneath the barrels. This is so much like Metal Gear Solid in a way (And don’t worry, we’ll get to a Metal Gear Solid entry soon). This is completely different from the other sneaking sections from other Zelda games before. Ocarina of Time had anda going through some kastil, castle hedges. Majora’s Mask had anda go through a Deku garden. All of which had the punishment for getting caught being thrown out with no penalty. They both also had anda go into the Gerudo thieves hideouts, but those were pretty simple. Here, anda are a young boy sneaking past real dangerous monsters. And all this without a weapon. At least Link had weapons in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. Here, anda got NOTHING! Toon Link is truly the Snake of Zelda.

#4: Island from Resident Evil 4

So, after Ashley gets sent to a prison island, the only thing for the badass Leon to do is to go to that island with a multitude of weapons to go and get her out… Resulting in a lot of things, like much lebih intelligent Ganados that wield better weapons, a J.J, with a mini-gun, a psychotic ex-marine with incredible pisau skills and the dumbest boss fight ever (Krauser), a giant centipede-ish monster, and don’t even get me started on the nightmare inducing Regenerators. This is a lot different from the Spanish village and the large kastil, castle just outside of it. I mean, this is a maximum security facility, complete with gatling guns, large trenches, and even a room with freaking lasers. All of that just screams what Spain is known for. But, of course, this is still a great place, as it is where the climax for the game is, and is a very fun idea. Also, if anda ever wanted to see just how much of an action film this game is, look no further than the freaking helicopter that helps anda blow up Ganados. Seriously, how come no one ever talked about that one?

#3: Groznyj Grad from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Yes, I know, Metal Gear Solid probably had a better prison break than this. I’m sorry for not including it. But this one is just so good in my opinion. After being tortured oleh Volgin and having his freaking eye shot out, Snake is left inside of a jail cell, where there different places anda would think to try, but fail. anda can hide under the bed, but that never works. anda could try to stab the guard with a fork, but that never works. No, instead, the only way to get out is to either use Frequency 144.75, get sick for the guard to see, atau use a pill to fake your death. Pretty interesting stuff. And after that, you’re on your own from there. anda have to make it through the prison, all the way ending with anda jumping out of a large pipe into the river in an attempt to avoid capture. anda may just bleed to death once there, but at least you’re out of your prison cell… Well, this is Metal Gear Solid, so it’s gotta be depressing for the protagonist in some way

#2: Undead Asylum from Dark Souls

Am I cheating… Does this count as cheating? I can’t really say, because this looks so much lebih like a prison than an asylum. Asylums don’t have creatures trying to kill anda every chance they get. anda start off pretty weak… obviously for the start of a game. anda are then forced to walk out of your cell and out into the asylum, where other Hollowed prisoners await you. Granted, they aren’t much of a challenge. However, the true challenge comes in the form of the Asylum Demon, who anda can’t even fight the first time anda meet him. anda have to run off into an opening, then go and talk to a dying knight to get some equipment, and once anda got your weapon, then anda can go back and fight him. This prison shows anda how the game works, and it shows anda that this is as easy as the game gets. After anda leave this prison filled with insane hollow undead wanting to kill you, it gets so much harder. Than again, this is Dark Souls, so that isn’t too surprising.

#1: Carnate Island from The Suffering

All of these prisons, while interesting, all just had anda go through them for one atau two levels, and never had to deal with them again after that. The Suffering is all about escaping prison. Only, it is a lot lebih dangerous than anda thought. As a death row inmate, Torque is sent to Carnate Island to the prison there. Here, many horrifying things happen. Monsters come from the ground and start killing everyone there, and all anda can do is do your best to get out of the prison and off of the island. anda are sent through many different parts of the prison, such as the cell blocks, the execution rooms, the boiler room, the courtyard, the old quarry, an abandoned asylum, the underground room, the front of the prison, and the town that surrounds it. It’s interesting how much effort went into just tampilkan anda the prison in a state where even the inmates and crazed officers are not the most dangerous thing there. Oh, and anda gotta cinta the fact that monsters like ones with blades for limbs, creatures that have rifles on their backs, monsters with needles all over their body, and so much lebih horrifying creatures. And in the end, all of this happened because Torque was suspected of killing his wife and kids. Is he innocent atau is he really the one who did it? Well, that’s what the morality system is. Either help the survivors atau kill them. Either way, it will tell anda what happened. But, are we here to talk about prison breaks atau how to be a morally good person. Carnate Island; a dark, terrifying, and insane place to be, but if it isn’t the perfect sign of a hidden horror gem, I don’t know what is.

Well, there anda have it. Did anda enjoy the list? Tell me what anda thought of it. With that said, I will see anda all selanjutnya time.
 Art oleh AquaMarine
Art by AquaMarine
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the first hari of the 12 Days of Christmassacre. From this hari until Christmas, for over twelve days, I will be talking about natal movies. But, I won’t just be talking about natal movies. Oh, no, no, no. I’m going to be talking about natal horror film (Because why else would it be a Corner of Horror review?). So, with all that out of the way, why don’t we start this daftar off with the most well known natal horror movie. And that movie is Black Christmas.

Black natal is a 1974 horror movie, from our friends all the way in Canada....
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Okay, some of these aren't even funny, but I think you'll still like them.
legend of zelda
posted by Canada24
I never been very good at giving pproper discriptions, atau fillimg moods. So apologises in advance..

Rick finally awoke from his coma, only to realize he must of been there for a long Tom now, the place was empty, and all the doors were blocked up.

Rick saw something trying to get into the window, it was clearly a female zombie, though Rick didn't know of that yet.

It looked aweful, and smelled even worse. And kept groaning.

"My god... She's so drunk" Rick laughed.

"Hey love. How much anda have last night?" Rick mocked the groaning zombie.

Rick decided to keep exploring the hospital.

Rick ended up opening...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hey, everyone, welcome to an episode of Content Cuck. So, after having been on this website for four years, I can safely say that, I have matured. A lot. Mentally, anyway. There was a time where I couldn’t handle a small opinion without have a fucking hissy fit like a baby suffering from the most violent case of autism you’ve ever seen. There were times when I couldn’t even do criticism right. Hell, I think I may have ruined the word “criticism” for a few people who knew me on this website. So, for the fourth anniversary of my arrival on this website, I’m not gonna celebrate with...
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 Art oleh Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
Hello, and welcome to the Third hari of Christmassacre. And today, we got something extra special for anda all. We all know that Black natal was a great and subtle slasher film. And we all known nothing about Elves other than it’s bad and it’s hilarious because it’s awful. But, if we were to merge the two together, getting a slasher movie that has so bad, it’s good concepts and is a hilarious mess…. Silent Night, Deadly Night. Let’s get into this wonderful, wonderful mess.

So, this movie was released to the world in the good old tahun of 1984. Ronald Reagan was in office,...
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 Art oleh Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
halloween was a pretty good movie… And then it made a bunch of crappy sequels. I could talk about how I hate all of them equally, but I want to focus on the one that was an immediate sequel to the first one, the detik movie in the franchise. So, how could what was berkata to be one of the greatest slasher film of all time manage to get worse and worse with time… Well, why don’t we look into it and find out?

First off, I would like to point out one thing. The director of the first movie was John Carpenter. However, he was then changed to producer, and halloween 2 was directed oleh Rick...
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Be me. Age 9. My brother’s birthday comes up and for it, he gets a copy of Tony Hawk Underground. I watch him play it for a bit and am amazed oleh the character creator, insane tricks, and how much I hate Eric Sparrow. Sneak into his room while he’s at work. Try to play Tony Hawk Underground. Fail miserably. Finally manage to get the tricks down. Brother walks in from work. Mfw.jpeg. Immediately gets punched in the stomach and thrown out…. Tony hawk everyone.

Legendary skater and now a family man who is going through an existential crisis, he was the man who revolutionized skateboarding...
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added by windwakerguy430
Song: link

Johnny: *Running on a rooftop*
Parker: *Running with Gordon* Get him!!
Sean: Why is that guy being chased?
Jeff: I don't know.
Johnny: *Hiding, watching Parker and Gordon run in the other direction* Finally, they're gone. They want me dead because I'm tonight's host for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. There are two films we have for you.

8:00 PM - Con Mane: Golden Iris

8:30 PM - Six Shooters 5

Welcome to another story about a spy named Con Mane. We begin at a Mexican nuclear base.

Con: *runs onto dam*
pilot: *flies past Con*
Con: *ties himself to guardrail*

Con jumped, as the rope...
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 Art oleh SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
Monsters and creatures in a horror game, movie, show, atau book are the very thing that makes the game, movie, show, atau book scary. It shows us something that is a threat, possibly completely inhuman and unimaginable, that we wouldn’t expect it to be real, but horror makes us believe that it is real, and that is what scares. So, whenever a monster is done and used creativity, I tend to respect the creator and the use of the monster. And there are so many of them, I may have to make another daftar another time. But, for now, I wanna talk about monsters and creatures from… anything that I find...
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I don’t think I need to give a lesson on who batman is. Everyone and their grandparents know who he is. Batman, the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader. Having tons of comics, film and video games. Some being some of the greatest games of all time and others being… the complete opposite. And that’s what we are looking at, the complete opposite. Developed oleh the Japanese studio, Kemco Software, best known for their work on the puncak, atas Gear franchise and their mobile games, they are still around today. Nothing was hurt oleh this game, DC Comics is still making bank and batman is still a cherished...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Okay, so after the last game, I needed to cool down and play a much better game. That last one got a little heated, but thankfully, I can try out something that may calm me down and be a joy to play. So, with that all berkata and done, let us play through a belalang Manufacture game. belalang made a lot of underrated titles, such as Killer 7, Shadows of the Damned, and the great Wii franchise, No lebih Heroes. So, naturally, I really enjoy seeing their name on anything. With that being said, I can’t wait to talk about today’s game, Killer is Dead


Killer is Dead was made some...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: ww90sr8hierosdknlnholsnhoieryjoerijlkdfshmskdfhdghdsgserhd
When it comes to video games, many people expect a satisfying final boss to help bring the game to a close. Many bosses can be huge and epic, like in Bayonetta. They could be incredibly emotional, like Gwyn from Dark Souls. atau they can equal your strength and test your skills like Henry from No lebih Heroes… atau sadly, they can suck so hard, that they make anda pertanyaan why anda went through the game for this in the first place. That is what I want to talk about today. Final bosses that are built up to be epic, and in the end, suck so hard, that it literally leaves a bad taste in your mouth....
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added by Seanthehedgehog

Well, here it is. It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. While I have been busy with a ton of other things like work and the underlying threat of every phone call being a scam artist atau something to leave me bankrupt, this artikel has always been in the back of my mind. And I’m finally gonna talk about it. Today. That’s right. It’s time we finally get to talking about the classic comedy film. Clerks… 2!. Nah, I’m kidding. Fuck that movie. It’s Clerks, the original, 1994 film

I: From Humble Beginnings

Clerks is the best comedy film I have ever seen. Of...
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