harry potter vs twilight Club
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Just so it's clear, these aren't mine...

Reasons why Harry Potter is better:

1. Harry Potter is full of twists and turns and is unpredictable. anda can guess basically everything that happens in twilight.
2. In Harry Potter, as the readers grow older, the characters mature too. Is it just me atau are the main characters in twilight not aging?
3. No thesauruses were harmed in the making of Harry Potter.
4. So anda say Harry Potter is not a cinta story? Are anda saying that parents sacrificing their lives for their child is not love? Are anda saying that the bond that keeps friends together forever, even through tremendous danger, is not love? Are anda saying that the a person sacrificingthemselvesfor a better future is not love? What is cinta then?
5. Harry Potter is not an 104-year-old sparkling pedophile.
6. Herry Pottur fanz dont spel liek tihs.
7. J.K.R invented a whole new magical world, unlike S.M, who threw unoriginal mythical characters into the real world.
8. People don't have to worry about killing other people because of the way they smell in Harry Potter.
9. Quidditch. Need I say any more?
10. Harry had it WAY worse than Bella, but he didn't decide to kick the bucket and jump off a cliff, did he?
11. J.K.R can write.
12. Women in Harry Potter areindependentand strong, unlike Bella who can't think for how many months and has to use a person to gain back slight happiness.
13. J.K.R doesn't waste paper oleh placing only the names of months on how many pages.
14. Harry Potter is not a stalker.
15. Nor does he approve of abusive relationships.
16. No one in Harry Potter whines as much as Bella. Thank goodness.
17. Harry Potter has character development.
18. Robert Pattinson prefers Harry Potter.
19. So does Stephen King.
20. And Evana Lynch.
21. In Harry Potter, people are lebih than hot pale guys with gorgeous eyes.
22. The lives of Harry Potter females don't revolve around bayi and men.
23. Hermione is intelligent. Bella is not.
24. Harry Potter contains humour.
25. J.K.R has no need to use the word 'chagrin' 10 times a chapter.
26. vampire don't sparkle.
27. manusia serigala are werewolves. Not stinking shape-shifters.
28. Harry leaves Ginny, but she doesn't try to have near-death experiences just to hear his voice.
29. Harry Potter has lebih than 1 plot-line running at once.
30. There are reasons why the evil people in Harry Potter.
31. anda couldn't predict the ending of the series of at the end of the first book.
32. J.K.R puts SOME of her own traits in Hermione, where as S.M thinks she IS Bella.
31. Harry Potter includes mythology from all over the world, Twilight vampire can't even turn into bats!
32. Twilight is a fad, Harry Potter is a legend.
33. J.K.R knows what a proper adjective is.
34. When J.K.R uses fancy words, she uses it in the correct context.
35. Harry Potter is British. :D
36. J.K.R can hide major plot points, without telling everyone what is going to happen.
37. I very much doubt J.K.R would leave her spouse for one of her own characters.
38. J.K.R doesn't have typos on every two pages.
39. The main actors/actresses actually have emotions.
40. And can change their facial expressions.
41. J.K.R doesn't need to drop references to classic literature all the time.
42. People don't fall in cinta with their sebelumnya cinta interest's child.
43. Harry Potter had a real battle, where real action, death, and victory took place. In twilight, all they have is a group of ancient vampire that come and say "oh looks like your not guilty, forgive us for coming over."
44. J.K.R doesn't continuously komentar on how hot a character may be.
45. Harry Potter vampire don't fool themselves saying they are vegetarian.
46. Hogwarts over Forks high school any day.
47. Harry Potter readers are not hormone-raging teenagers.
48. Harry Potter vampire and manusia serigala aren't one-dimensionalshape-shiftersand mutant sparkling fairies.
48. J.K.R actually THOUGHT about her plan before writing.
49. Harry Potter fan actually read the buku because they are GOOD and not because they are pressured into membaca them oleh they're crazy fan friends.
50. Edward sparkles. Harry Potter saves the world and is STILL cute.
51.Twilight doesn't have an amusement park.
52. Twilight doesn't have anything that can be USED in an amusement park.
53. anda can't read twilight 5 times without noticing a lot of mistakes and over-used points. Harry Potter seems to get lebih and lebih exciting the lebih anda read it.
54. J.K.R creates a whole new amazing magical world. S.M takes ideas from other authors and pretends its original.
55. Harry Potter is a great story for ALL ages, and it never gets old. Twilight is aimed at 14-16 tahun old crazy girls who will eventually dislike it.
56.People liked Harry Potter before the film came out.
57. Twilight is a (not even) okay romance series, but Harry Potter lives in people's hearts and has made a great impact on people's lives.
58. There are actually REAL reasons why to like Harry Potter. Not just 'zomg hw can u liek compare hp to twilight?!? its ovious twilight is so much bettr coz its a luv story!'
59. J.K.R isn't afraid to sacrifice her important characters. S.M is too scared to.
60. OUR Bella(trix) could kick S.M's Bella's butt.
61. So could Hermione.
62. Even Dobby could.
63. For goodness sake, even WINKY could.
64. Ginny is everything Bella is not.
65. Harry Doesn't cinta Ginny just because she smells good.
66. No one in Harry Potter falls in cinta with their crush/lover/boyfriend/girlfriend's CHILD!
67. Harry Potter promotes courage, perseverance, the TRUE cinta of friends, family etc., and a WHOLE lot more! Twilight promotes teenage pregnancy and marriage + suicidal thoughts after rejection.
68. The women in Harry Potter have their OWN minds and don't do everything their partner tells them to do.
69. Harry doesn't go on and on about how perfect Ginny's body is.
70. Potter fan know how to spell.
71. ...and can prove a CONVINCING argument.
72. ....AND don't threaten murder when someone says they don't like Harry Potter.
73. ....AND can read at a higher-than-4th-grade membaca level.
74. It took years of hard work and struggle to get where J.K.R is today...not 3 months as a suburban house-wife dreaming about sparkly vampires.
75. At least 'Albus Severus' can be pronounced.
76. Oh and 'Renesmee Carlie Cullen'? Even Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore laughs in his grave.
77. There are actual parental figures in Harry Potter. Absentee adults with the brain mentalities of a 10 tahun old don't count.
78. Harry Potter fan don't need anger management.
79. Look up 'plot' after 'consistency'.
80. Harry Potter promotes friendship and equality while Twilight promotes changing yourself to fit in.
81. None of the characters in Harry Potter are mindless freaks that are there just for the sake of being there.
82. All of the characters in Harry Potter have small flaws that makethemselves their own unique individuals.
83. Being pale and sparkly are not legitimate character flaws.
84. Abstaining from eating your patients does not make anda noble atau wise. Therole-modelof the century award goes to Dumbledore.
85. There was a hot debat about whether atau not Snape was evil. If S.M had wrote about him, we would've known since his first appearance - his eyes would've been red.
86. The most frightening character in Harry Potter is not a little girl that can pretend to inflict pain on you.
87. Harry's name does not mean 'Beautiful Swan'. Enough said.
88. Even the most obscure Weasleys are better developed than the Cullens....and they're supposed to be the main characters.
89. Harry is lebih devoted to the parents he has never really met than Bella is to her mother and father that she supposedly 'loves'.
90. Ginny doesn't give birth to a Mentally ill Hippogriff child that Dean Thomas falls in cinta with.
91. Harry can walk on a flat surface without falling over.
92. The Blacks in Harry Potter would OWN the Blacks in Twilight.
93. A LOT of Harry Potter couples parallel Austen and Bronte lebih than ANY of the Twilight couples.
94. vampire don't sparkle. End of sentence.
95. Our Bella has lebih personality than S.M's Bella.
96. J.K.R took bits of mythology and made it her own.
97. S.M took bits of mythology and ruined it.
98. Harry doesn't sneak into Ginny's room and watch her sleep.
99. Almost all good people in Twilight are beautiful, and the bad people ugly. Rubbish!
100. Harry Potter fan can find 100 legitimate reasons why Harry Potter is better. And more.
101. Harry and Ginny don't have a twisted, controlled, abusive relationship.
102. And being turned into a vampire rocks, because the uncontrollable urge to kill and feed on humans isn't hard to resist, as long as you're Bella.
103. Enemies work together in the last two books. Harry and Voldemort would never work together.
104. Bella has prophetic dreams for no apparent reason. At least we know why Harry has them.
105. Bella is a damsel in distress. The women in Harry Potter can fend off an attack for themselves.
106. Rosalie grew up in New York during the great depression. Her father allowed her family to have a middle-class life because he worked at a bank. S.M didn't realize the entire problem with the great depression was the all the banks failed. She taught thousands of people wrong facts.
107. The Quileutes are an actual tribe that S.M chose to put them in the buku because they 'live near forks'. She made mythology for real people.
108. Bella is disturbed when Jacob falls in cinta with her daughter, but managed to keep in control of herself. Jacob nicknames her child 'Nessie' and she tries to kill him. There is something wrong with her.
109. Bella might have read all the classics, but Hermione could beat her in any test.
110. When people lose the cinta of their lives in Harry Potter, they don't instantly jump to suicide as a solution.
111. Harry Potter is about REAL love. Hot make-out sessions with vampire don't compare to a man sacrificing his life to the dead love-of-his-life's son.
112. Harry Potter has REAL humour. Not cheesy dark jokes about how different someone is.
113. Bellatrix might have been obsessed with Voldemort, but she wasn't incompetent and she could walk without tripping over her own feet.
114. The Weasley Twins. What lebih do I have to say?
115. The actors in Harry Potter have lebih than one facial expression.
116. Bella is so Mary Sue, its like S.M did it on purpose!
117. Dumbledore is gay. This is like a great triumph to the gay community, and a very noble and brave thing for J.K.R to say.
118. It took time for Hermione and Ron (And Harry and Ginny) to fall in love. Hermione didn't just glance at Ron and instantly form an obsession with him.
119. What was the point in rambling on about 'Victoria' then producing a 'fight' in Eclipse as poor and pathetic as it was?
120. What was the point in giving the Volturi all these superhuman powers when they just decide to talk their way out of things?
121. The Death Eaters would easily destroy the Volturi. (Yes, face it, although they are evil, they kill their target rather than running away from it.
122. I would like to see what would happen if someone mencuri S.M's thesaurus...
123. Harry doesn't get his friends to kidnap Ginny while he goes away.
124. Ginny doesn't almost faint when Harry kisses her.
125. Harry can't always save everyone from fatal experiences.
126. Harry Potter fan seem to come up with better reasons than 'its awesum!!!111'
127. Because there's lebih to Harry Potter than being 'totally hawt'
128. J.K.R doesn't consistently use overly fancy words to make their readers feel smart for membaca her books.
129. Harry Potter doesn't adhere to one religion...you find elements from all sorts of faith.
130. Harry Potter fan can actually for a good argument why the series is better than Twilight.
131. Harry Potter fan don't have to ACT smart. :)
132. J.K.R's flawed characters actually have flaws. Believable ones too.
133. Parodies of Twilight? Better than the actual series. Parodies of Harry Potter? The buku are still better.
134. Twilight doesn't have its own totally awesome, full length, fan-made musical. :D
135. Because most people in Harry Potter have fairly normal body temperature.
136. Because Harry Potter isn't a bunch of words grouped randomly.
137. None of the guys in Harry Potter fall in freaky, stalking cinta with a girl because she smells nice.
138. None of the girls in Harry Potter have the whole population of the school running after them because they are 'new to school'.
139. No one in Harry Potter professes their undying cinta to a sparkly, albino, pedophile of a control freak stalker with abusive tendencies.
140. J.K.R uses her own ideas.
141. Harry Potter does not make a good door stop.
142. J.K.R writes buku related to the series and donates the profit to charity, so oleh membaca Harry Potter, we get a goodSamaritan feel as well.
143. Harry Potter is so deeply ingrained in its hardcore fan that we use spells without realizing we are lowly muggles. :(
144. Harry Potter has lebih merchandise.
145. Harry Potter turned a whole generation to reading, something the world desperately needed after the rise of video games.
146. Harry Potter has a whole adult cover thing going on because so many adults looked like big kids membaca childrens fiction on the train to work.
147. Harry Potter inspired thousands of us to add our own interpretation of the books. What can anda do to Twilight?
148. Harry Potter can make anda cry, and no, not of unintentional laughter.
149. anda are actually alert while membaca Harry Potter. anda can stay up all night and have no regrets because anda know anda have just unraveled a bit of the magic.
150. Because 150 reasons just isn't enough.
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