harry potter vs twilight Club
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added by lilcherrywine
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
twiligh is so better then harry poter becauz twilight is a LUV stoty and harry potter has no luve at all.it also has VAMPIREZ wich are REEL unlike wizards from hp. plus anda can realat to bella lebih then hary becuz bella has FELLINGS. and do i even need to menchon edward? he is so SEXY. jakob is to. no one in harry potter is as hot as edward culen!! they had rober patenson in harry potter but that was the only reazon i watched it. twilight is also lebih exiting then harry potteer. whoevr can balence out cinta and exitment mmusr be a great writer! ans stefinie meyers came up with new creaturs and...
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posted by I_Hate_Twilight
Now that I have enough free time, I researched a bit and noticed that Twifans has some tics and mannerisms while writing.

I'm not just good, because the first thought was that I noticed the keyboard problem. But then I saw that it was too frequent, several problems with keyboards on many different people.

SO WHY WRITE: ZE becoz FANNS TAWLK Diz lyk !!!!!
There is already some Twilight-English dictionary? It is normal that no one writes like that. What is interest? Look like they're talking to snakes ...
Who invented it?

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posted by hpotterforever7
Note: I did not write this, I found it off a website, and I don't want to offend anyone with it :)

Harry Potter penulis J.K Rowling has reportedly turned down the chance to present an award at this year's Oscars ceremony. She claims she is too busy menulis to attend the bintang studded event, where she was offered the opportunity to present an award with Twilight penulis Stephenie Meyer. On J.K Rowling's official website, she is quoted as saying that menulis is her main priority at the moment....but I can't help but wonder if it was Stephenie Meyer who was the reason behind her refusal.

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added by goodtimes
added by youknowit101
added by omg_stop
Source: http://twi-hate-can-suck-it.tumblr.com
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: http://ornerybear.blogspot.com
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
posted by metman5715
After viewing a decent number of articles, questions, and forum on this site, I realize that all who say that these two series cannot be compared are right. The two are different genres and therefore are difficult to compare.

I will say that I am a die-hard, never give in Harry Potter fan who would not be caught dead membaca Twilight. But that is my opinion. It seems to me that Twilight fan are never diberikan the chance to fully explain the reasons they prefer Twilight because the Harry Potter fan base does not allow them to do so. We have become so used to dealing with the hardcore fan that...
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posted by potteralltheway
I have actually read both series and liked Twilight okay, but Harry Potter rules for me!

First, the so often brought up topic... love, atau lack thereof. Harry Potter consists of all sorts of love: family, parental, romantic, friend. Twilight consists of pure lust. Now for the evidence! Mrs. Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix Lestrange because Bellatrix nearly killed Ginny, her only daughter. The Weasleys all look out for each other, and even Percy apologized in the seventh book. They joined together in dark times, happy ones, sad ones, and when fred died. anda might say the Cullens tampil family love....
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added by ClaireVoyant
Source: pixiv.net
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: NextMovie.com