duncan dan courtney Club
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Chapter 6: Icebreaker

"We are not having sex," snapped Courtney with anger.

"Why?" snapped back Duncan in confusion.

Courtney threw his bantal straight in his face. "You know why!"

Duncan rolled his eyes figuring she'd get like this. He probably shouldn't have done it in the first place, but the idea of getting her back oleh pissing her off was a little too tempting.

4 hours earlier…

This was too easy for her. Getting DNA from Lindsey was a piece of pie, but despite her victory she had wanted to see Duncan all day. She missed him and honestly didn't like it. She was so independent that missing someone's company was foreign to her. Whatever the reason she didn't let it distract her from the main goal, winning. Once she was done with Lindsey she decided to see if she would find Duncan.

When she did she was lebih than surprised to find what he was doing. "What's this?" she asked as he lit a candle on puncak, atas of a table.

Duncan jumped upon hearing her voice. He had been planning this for her, but was still undecided about actually doing it. "Um…I was…just uh." Why was he akting like such a dork? Usually he was so cool around everyone, with Courtney he had to try so hard, and right now he was having the hardest time keeping his composure.

He was currently standing in front of a meja lit makan malam that he had just finished setting up. He wasn't sure what had come over him, one menit he was walking around feeling proud about fooling Harold, the selanjutnya he was setting up a private area for him and Courtney. The set up was cheesy, even to Duncan, but for some reason he decided to give being romantic a try.

Courtney was still waiting for him to say something. Duncan, now at a loss for words, shrugged and dropped his hands in defeat. "I thought anda might like to have makan malam with me," he mumbled awkwardly.

Her mouth dropped a little in surprise. This was completely out of Duncan's character, but the way he seemed so embarrassed about it was rather sweet. Courtney giggled softly before smiling. "Are anda asking me out on a date?" she teased.

Again Duncan seemed embarrassed. "If anda don't want to-''

"No," interrupted Courtney. "I'd cinta to."

Duncan tried to play it smooth and even went as far as pulling out her chair for her. He rolled his eyes at himself feeling like such a loser.

Courtney meanwhile couldn't stop smiling. She never in a million years would've pegged Duncan for the sweet romantic type who'd plan a candle light dinner. Yet here he was trying and abandoning his pride.

"Where'd this come from Mr. Tough guy?" asked Courtney trying to study him.

Duncan nervously scratched his neck and shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know, I thought maybe anda might like it atau something." He looked up at her beaming face and felt somewhat proud of himself. Mission accomplished.

"I must admit I'm rather surprised. I would've figured anda for the type of guy to take a girl to a monster truck tampil as a date."

Duncan snickered and nodded. "Yeah that is my usual style."

Courtney was still trying to figure him out. "So what are saying? You've suddenly turned into the romantic type."

"I'm saying I'm trying to be romantic, I can't promise anything."

"Why try at all?"

"You're worth it," he replied bluntly.

Courtney was so taken back oleh his answer that she had to avert her eyes from his. There was a strange sensation going through her that she couldn't name, another whole new emotion. It was so raw and fresh it scared her. Being with Duncan physically wasn't hard; there had always been a mutual attraction and strong sexual tension. However being with Duncan emotionally left her constantly in question. She knew she cared about him deeply, how deeply was the thing that scared her. She had too many plans and goals set for herself, she didn't want any distractions, and he was proving to be a huge distraction.

"Look at me," Duncan suddenly demanded gently.

Courtney did so carefully. She wasn't sure what she saw what she looked at Duncan. There seemed to be some fear too, but there was also something else.

"Sorry," she blurted out. "I'm just… I guess I'm just not use to this."

Duncan just smirked and took her hand in his. "Really? I thought anda would've demanded this of the all the guys you've gone out with."

Courtney smirked back at him entwining her fingers in his. "While the thought of a man obeying my every order is tempting, I'd rather have a real man rather than a pathetic baby."

"Oh so anda admit that I'm a real man," boasted Duncan.

"I'm saying I'm going to make anda a real man," grinned Courtney.

They both laughed right before they heard people approaching them. "Shit," cursed Duncan. "It's those fucking camera men." He knew this was going to look bad if they were caught having a romantic makan malam together. Talk about busted.

Courtney pushed his makan malam in front of him and thrust a fork in his hand. Duncan only looked at her completely confused. "Just follow my lead," she commanded getting up from her chair.

Just as she got up from her kursi the camera men popped out from the bushes and started recording. Duncan played it cool and started eating his daging panggang, steak when Courtney suddenly started rubbing his chest tenderly. Now he was really confused, didn't she want to keep this secret? He decided to take her saran and just follow her lead.

She then made her way behind him and started rubbing his back and stroking his hair. While he would've looked at her questioningly he couldn't help but relax right into her touch. She knew what he liked so well that he was putty in her hands.

He was soaking up the moment until he felt a tight pinching pain on the back of his head. He then saw Courtney holding a piece of his hair triumphantly in her hand. He looked at her annoyed before asking. "Didn't anda already get DNA from Lindsey?"

She smirked devilishly at him. "Yeah but it was so much fun the first time I couldn't resist."

He kept sneering at her as she walked away, but on the inside he was smiling proudly. 'That's my girl.'

He didn't really care if Chris was really dead atau not. The guy was a grade-A jackass who made their lives a living nightmare. But then again if it hadn't been for Chris, Duncan knew he wouldn't be sharing a tempat tidur with Courtney right now. OK so maybe Duncan would like to thank him for that, but he seriously doubted Chris was dead, and Courtney was absolutely sure Chris wasn't dead, just like he was absolutely sure he wasn't the one who had done anything wrong.

Courtney knelt down in front of Duncan looking apologetic. "I'll get us back to set, and then you'll be cleared. Just hang in there."

Duncan moved his wrist around in discomfort; the cuffs they had trapped him in were way too tight. "This feels a little too familiar for comfort."

"I'm sorry the others won't listen to me. They keep listening to…" Courtney couldn't even bring herself to finish as she watched Lindsey continue to act as leader. That was her job! Not some blonde bimbo. Courtney took a deep breath to calm herself, it wasn't Lindsey she should be worried about. Duncan was the one being accused of murder.

Courtney decided she had had enough and was going to get back control of the situation before it got out of hand.

She argued with Lindsey for a good while and then managed to get Harold to cooperate. Things however weren't going as she planned. They couldn't stop the train with anything and Lindsey was suddenly ranting about something else.

"Here we have a suspicious napkin covered on opposite ends with some kind of jeruk, orange powder. As though it was held like a murder weapon."

Courtney wasn't even listening, she found studying her nails lebih interesting than whatever Lindsey was saying.

"And here we have Courtney eating a bag of jeruk, orange cheesies, which she refused to share."

Courtney looked at the little drawing Lindsey had created of her. She looked like an evil monster! Which probably wasn't too far from the truth but it didn't mean she couldn't be insulted none the less.

"Therefore," continued Lindsey. "Courtney was the only one to have orange, cheesy fingers!"

"Oh this is ridiculous!" snapped Courtney trying to keep her cool. There was no way this airhead was pinning Chris's murder on her.

"Really?" asked Lindsey suspiciously. She suddenly pulled out the piece of paper Chris had used earlier to get Courtney's hand print. "The prints don't lie."

If Chris wasn't dead now Courtney was going to guarantee she was the one who really did kill him. That jerk had framed her! No wonder he had taken her hand print, he was trying to set her up and turn everyone against her!

She tried convincing the others she was innocent, but they were already moving in on her. Just when Courtney thought she was done for, Chris appeared, very much alive. He was laughing at all of them carrying the rubber replica of his dead self behind him. "Oh man! I really had anda guys going."

Courtney sternly reminded him that she knew all along, but it didn't matter, Chris announced Lindsey the winner of the challenge, which pissed Courtney off to no end.

"No! This isn't fair! I won two portions already; I was the one who knew anda weren't dead. She couldn't even tell the difference between a human being and a rubber dummy!" she screeched kicking the fake Chris again with all her might. "Besides, I'm innocent!" She heard Duncan snicker, they both knew she wasn't as innocent as she pretended.

Chris didn't give Courtney any credit what so ever. He proceeded to let Lindsey know that she would be enjoying a night at the film with someone of her choice. Courtney rolled her eyes already picturing Lindsey and Beth stuffing their faces with jagung meletus, popcorn and gossiping about stupid mindless garbage.

Courtney was however taken extremely off guard when Lindsey moved past Beth to…Duncan!

She watched completely paralyzed as Lindsey un-cuffed him and actually invited him to go to the film with her!

Courtney couldn't stop the gasp from escaping her lips. Lindsey was actually doing something to get under Courtney's skin. There was no way this was happening.

Courtney tried reasoning with herself convinced that Duncan would say no. 'Please say no, please say no.'

She looked on with complete horror as Duncan smiled evilly once at her and actually left with Lindsey. He had actually left her behind and went somewhere with another girl. This was why she never let her guard down, because a guy can screw anda in lebih ways than one. Courtney stood Frozen I her spot while she secretly vowed to Duncan, 'You will never see me naked again.'

Duncan continued to look on at the girl in front of him in complete astonishment. He couldn't believe she was akting like this, well actually yes he could, but he really couldn't believe she was keeping it up.

"Are anda freaking kidding me!" he shouted at her as she continued to set up a barricade of pillows in the middle of their bed. "I went out of my way to set up a stupid romantic makan malam for anda and then anda start akting like a little brat?"

"Oh yeah anda really went out of your way for me," spat Courtney sarcastically. "You went so far out of your way that anda ended up going on a tanggal with Lindsey!"

Duncan scoffed and laughed condescendingly at her. "You are such a hypocrite, all I did was watch some dumbass movie with a girl I couldn't even hold a conversation with, you're the one who went out of your way to get Justin's attention."

Courtney stomped her foot down angrily. "That was strictly for strategy purposes! anda were the one who was so eager to be all alone with miss perfect, blonde and tan Lindsey dim wit!"

Duncan growled. "I was only trying to make anda jealous like anda did with me anda overdramatic maniac!"

"I am not a maniac, and I did not get jealous, I got disgusted!"

oleh now Courtney had set up a tall dinding of pillows in the middle of their bed, she couldn't be near him right now, no matter how much she really wanted to.

Duncan knew agreeing to Lindsey's invitation would piss off Courtney, but this wasn't her usual pissed off mode. Courtney actually seemed hurt oleh his actions; her body language alone told him how devastated she was.

He decided to menyeberang, salib the line yet again and actually approach her. She immediately moved away. Duncan truly hated himself now, he made himself look like a truly untrustworthy guy trying to take advantage of her. He should've known oleh earlier tonight how vulnerable she was and how easy it was to hurt her atau give her the wrong impression.

Courtney had finally figured out what had been bugging her so much. She could finally name what it was she felt, but she couldn't say it out loud. The thought of Duncan rejecting her feelings was far too much for even her to handle. Now that he was holding her she was scared beyond all hell to let him any closer.

Even though Courtney pulled away, Duncan grasped her arms firmly and gazed down at her. "I'm sorry," he said.

She just shook her head stubbornly. "So am I."

2 hours later...

She couldn't sleep. Her head was buzzing with so many thoughts it was making her stir crazy. Had she just overreacted? She had after all been no better when it came to Justin. But how could he plan a romantic makan malam and then go off with Lindsey later? But it's not like he had planned to go off with Lindsey, he only did it to make her jealous. But that still didn't make it right did it?

Courtney huffed angrily. God she was hot, her earlier frustrations had her all riled was she had gotten jealous, she had actually felt insecure about Duncan being alone with the attractive blonde. Yet it all seemed so ridiculous when deep down she already knew Duncan would never hurt her like that. She also had the idea of her and Duncan's "next time" swimming around in her brain. He damn walls and boundaries were getting in the way of her deepest desires. She found it pathetic that she couldn't take her mind off of Duncan's rough but gentle hands, atau his hot strong kisses, atau the way he looked at her right before he went lower and lower towards her….

Courtney couldn't take it anymore. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Duncan was asleep. She could barely make out his back over the dinding of pillows, but his breathing seemed low and even. Courtney slowly turned her back to his and moved her hand down her sleeping shorts. She was shocked oleh her own wetness. She had never touched herself before and the slickness of her own womanhood was amazingly sweet to feel. She moved her fingers down gradually in herself letting out a small gasp as she brushed her opening. She tried it again, this time moving her fingers slightly deeper letting her thumb play with her clit. Her breathing turned into small pants as she moved her fingers along her slick core rhythmically. She was getting so lost in the sensation that she forgot about a certain criminal laying right selanjutnya to her.

Duncan couldn't believe what was happening just beyond the barrier of pillows, the girl of his wildest dreams was actually masturbating beside him! Hearing her touch herself got him hard faster than anything else ever had atau could. He propped himself up on one elbow and continued to watch her pleasure herself.

Courtney had her hand deep in her shorts moving at a hasty pace. Her other hand was up her night kemeja teasing and pinching her nipples. Her face was flushed as she bit at her lower lip trying to keep her moans controlled. She was so close she was practically sweating, but she didn't have the extra strength to push her to her release. Her hand was growing tired and she was about to give up all together until a much stronger and much needier hand came down on puncak, atas of hers. She looked up at teal eyes, barely registering that someone was there. "I believe this is mine," urged on a deep and low voice. The hand on puncak, atas of her continued to help her along with just the edge she needed.

Courtney tried to protest but all that came out of her mouth was a shaky breath as his fingers pushed her own fingers inside of her again. "Duncan," she gasped out in pained pleasure. "Stop." She was still mad at him, right? She honestly couldn't remember why but she knew she shouldn't be letting him have this satisfaction. But it was difficult to actually make him stop when her other hand moved down on puncak, atas of his and held it in place.

Duncan smiled wickedly at her as her other hand began making him pindah faster and harder. "Make me," he challenged knowing she was too far gone to make him stop now.

Courtney whimpered as her walls started to contract around hers and Duncan's fingers. "Ooh… I-ah- hate you," she choked out.

"Love anda too," he whispered back pushing her deeper and allowing her to cum. Courtney had no air left to scream and could only throw her head back and let the heavenly bliss crash over her as her whole body flexed and contracted in overloaded ecstasy. Her body held itself together for so long Courtney worried she may be stuck that way permanently, but her body finally found the ability to relax again and Courtney was able to think clearly.

She snapped her head back and looked at Duncan as though he were an alien. "You cinta me?" She was sure he would deny it, she was sure he'd just play it off as something to "just say," instead he did the exact opposite.

Duncan completely took down the dinding of pillows, taking all of Courtney's walls with it. Her guard was down and she was ready to accept whatever came next. Duncan moved on puncak, atas of her carefully and looked at her with the most sincere and honest face she'd ever seen on him atau anyone else for that matter. "Courtney, I cinta you."

Sure couldn't believe him, she knew it was true and yet she couldn't let it sink in. He loved her, actually loved her. She never in a million years thought someone like him could cinta someone like her and yet here they were. He loved her and she had known for some time that she was in cinta with him and she didn't feel fear from it. She felt complete and free. She finally let reality catch up to her brain and started laughing happily for lack of a better reaction.

Duncan wasn't thrown off oleh the laughter, he could tell she had trouble taking it all in at once. The way she looked at him alone told him she felt the same, but she berkata the words anyway. "Duncan, I…I cinta anda too."

He kissed her feverishly before remembering something. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"I know," she berkata pulling him back in.

"I didn't mean to-''

"I know," she berkata cutting him off with another kiss.

"I just thought it would be-''

"Duncan!" Courtney snapped impatiently. "Please shut up and ciuman me."

Duncan chuckled at her and roughly drew her body closely to his. "I could do lebih than just ciuman anda princess."

Courtney licked her lips seductively before replying, "Oh really?"

Duncan brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered. "Only if anda can handle it." He loved how she had teased him earlier on train. She had made it appear she was only trying to manipulate him but he knew she was just inviting him to do this very thing later.

Courtney looked at him shyly. "But what about…"

"Got it," berkata Duncan reaching over the side of tempat tidur and pulling a condom packet from his pants. While Duncan began to urgently unwrap the sucker, Courtney looked at him bewildered.

"Where did anda get that?"


"Geoff?" asked Courtney now really confused. "Geoff isn't even on the tampil anymore."

Duncan rolled his eyes annoyed he couldn't even open the damn packet, he was so anxious his hands were shaking uncontrollably. "Geoff had these things stashed all over the place so he and Bridgette could do their 'business' whenever they had to." He glanced down at Courtney who looked at him disbelievingly. "What? anda honestly thought those two weren't having sex?"

He had a point, thought Courtney as she grew lebih and lebih impatient with Duncan unable to open up the condom packet. When he still couldn't get it she sighed and snatched it out of his hand. "Let me take care of this."

There was no time for games, she had made up her mind and she was doing this with him. Courtney immediately flipped them over so she was on top. She marveled at Duncan's body letting her hands roam over the angles of his chiseled form, loving how his muscles flexed under her touch. She finally reached his boxers and swiftly had them removed from his body in a second. Duncan arched his neck meneruskan, ke depan and watched her rip open the condom packet, she then did something unusual and placed the tip of the condom in her mouth. Duncan watched on curiously as Courtney lowered her head to his erection and moved her mouth over it. He instantly threw his head back as her warm mouth vibrated pleasure throughout his system. Courtney brought herself back up and smiled down at her handy work, the condom was perfectly placed over his erection. Duncan wanted to ask her exactly where she learned that trick, but that could wait for later. He sat up and pulled her hips against his and immediately attacked her nightwear. He pulled her kemeja off and snaked her out of her shorts in a matter of seconds. He began to ciuman and nibble her neck while Courtney tugged at his hair and straddle his thigh moving herself against his hard muscle. The dampness between her legs made it hard for him to pace himself, he sucked at her nipples feeling her body ripple with each nip and teasing bite. He was at his hardest and most barbaric self as his treatment grew lebih rough and needier.

"Duncan," moaned Courtney. She couldn't wait. Her body was giving out already from the anticipation. Duncan moved fast and flipped her on her back.

He moved his hands under her thighs to give him better access. He looked at her assuredly before moving the tip of his manhood into her center. Courtney felt like she was going to die with want, her entrance went aflame as the tip of Duncan teased her with what was soon to come. Duncan began to pindah in and Courtney immediately tensed up at his size. "You're too big," she accused as he tried to position her better.

"You're too tight," he shot back ciuman her navel to relax her. One she loosened up Duncan was able to sink in perfectly. He pushed in to the hilt and felt something break as he did so. She was officially his and he was officially hers. Courtney made a hissing sound and dug her nails in his back, Duncan winced as he tried to pull out, she was so taunt that she was literally holding him captive. "Princess," he nearly pleaded as she tightened further. If she kept this up he wouldn't be able to hold himself back. "You ok to keep going?"

Courtney nodded enthusiastically. She was uncomfortable with him inside of her, but at the same time she felt as though he belonged infused with her. Duncan moved in again without hesitation and all at once time stopped. She couldn't pindah as he filled her, she forgot where she as everything but him disappeared. She couldn't open her eyes as her head tossed with each thrust. The pressure made her feel like she might break and the throbbing was pounding as hard as her heart. She briefly opened her eyes and saw Duncan no better off, he was having trouble concentrating as each thrust brought him to a whole other dimension of desire. As Courtney looked up at him she finally gave herself into him completely. She felt beautifully whole with him and was soon withering in layers upon layers of bliss. Soon both their bodies were in perfect sync and she couldn't slow down even if she knew how, adrenaline kicked its way in and soon everything spun out of control.

Duncan was lost with her and plunged harder and deeper as the intensity of his peak failed to fall. Both of them had reached the best of what could ever be felt. The mingled moans, sweat and sensations finally built up so high they started gathering and exploding all at once. Both of the pasangan erupted at every nerve and came at the same time. Duncan instantly collapsed on puncak, atas of Courtney, while Courtney lay limply with her arms and legs still wrapped around him. Both of them absorbed the state of calm and belonging, neither one of them expecting something so far from their wildest imagination.

Courtney drifted off with Duncan's weight still on puncak, atas of her, he was probably crushing her but she didn't care. Her legs and belly still quivered with reverberations, the rest of her body ached so tenderly she couldn't even pindah and allowed her sore muscles to go numb.

Just when she was about to slip into the sweet delirious solitude, Duncan spoke again.

"I cinta you," he muttered breathlessly. "Sorry," he apologized as if loving her were a crime, somehow he felt she was just too good for him.

She smiled and kissed his temple not caring what was good for her. She loved him and wold not apologize for it. "Don't be."
added by duncneyShipper
Source: DuncneyNation.tumblr.com
*sorry for the wait*

Courtney's POV

"A boy & Girl" the doctor finished. I was amazed I mean I always wanted a son as well as a daughter. This is amazing and I can't wait to meet them and see their tiny little toes and fingers and hold them close, felling their oh so soft, smooth skin. But one pertanyaan remand............
"Duncan," I berkata abruptly, "What should we name them?"
"Maybe we should wait till the birth and figure this out," he answered, "What if we pick a name that doesn't suit the babies?" Naturally I had to agree.

Months went oleh like wild api and I awoke on a autumn morning felling...
continue reading...
posted by crystalpotato
Kevin: Duncan did anda get her to tell us were the diamond was?

Duncan: nope, I need lebih time.

Kevin: if we wait any longer the cops will find us. Just threaten to kill her.

Duncan: I did. But she's strong and for some reason I don't scare her.

Kevin: fine! We'll find some one else to tell us. Just kill her.

Duncan: I... I can't

Keivin: wait a minute. anda FOOL YOU'VE fallen in cinta with her!!!

Duncan: NO! Only a idiot would fall in cinta with a prisoner.

Kevin: then why won't anda kill her?

hey I haven't been on fanpop for a while and I just wanted to write a new article. School starts in September so I Probley gonna be Alot before I start. Any way if your alittle confused I'll just tell anda the plot of the story

Courtney the princess of Elbracka knows were every diamond in the entire kingdom is. Includeing a very rare diamond that is hidden on her necklace. She lives a life of luxury until some criminals from across the world come to steal her diamond from her.
Courtneys POV

He is so annoying, here I am trying to leave this god forsaken party and he's following me.
"Courtney wait!"
I hear him scream form half a mile behind me.
" what do anda want!" I yell.
"Please come into the party again plus I got anda some vodka" He smirked
Dam it my one weakness, how did he know that. I guess he knows me better than I thought.
"Well maybe just for a few lebih minutes" I smiled "um, how much vodka do they have?"
"A lot" He replied
so he held my hand while we walked back into the tavern and I went over to the drinks to say hi to my friend Mr. Vodka. After about 5 menit I...
continue reading...
posted by reyfan01
[okay im not done with the dxc aladdin one but i've been dying to write a dxc my fake fiance for months! I'll go back to the aladdin one.]

Courtney's POV
Well after 11 years my life couldn't have been better. After the stupid tampil ruined my image, I was constantly harassed in law school oleh fan and Courtney haters! After 2 years of school there they kicked me out because they didn't want such a bad image on their campus! So I went to a performing arts school and finished my education there hoping my broadway career would shoot up! I got line in one musical!!!!And only for 1 month. After that...
continue reading...
posted by reyfan01
Duncan, meanwhile, all this time, had been taken to a weird cave outside the city, way out. 'what's a cave doing here' duncan thought puzzled. But he followed the old man to it. Duncan was told to look into the cave and then go in wihtout turning back. Duncan did as he was told. The old man's face lit up as the boy went inside the cave and survived going in.

"Remember! Hand me the lamp and nothing else! Don't touch anything!"the old man yelled out. "Got it!"Duncan shouted back walking in deeper. 'Why do I feel i've seen this in a movie before.' Duncan thought. As he walked in deeper he sees...
continue reading...
posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
 What Courtney wants to do
What Courtney wants to do
When a Boy Meets a Girl Book:1
    “Gwen anda look amazing!” exclaimed Destiny my best friend she turned to me “Courtney what do anda think?” As much as I didn’t want to answer I did anyway “Great!” I tried to sound as enthusiastic, I continued to sewing Gwen’s dress.” Two lebih weeks till the wedding of Gwen and Duncan!!!” exclaimed LaShawna friend of Gwen and another person I could do without seeing it wasn’t what she berkata that really bothered me it was the way she berkata it that ticked me off. I sighed trying to concentrate on sewing for the millionth...
continue reading...
Hi guys! Wow, I'm so excited about the IAD! Well, I was fooling around on DeviantART and I saw this, so i decided to write a story based on this :) I hope you'll like it!

TDI atau any of the following seasons haven't happened, okay? :)
Please komentar when done reading, it would make me so happy!

Down The Rabbit Hole

Courtney's POV

"My dear Courtney, why don't anda take a nap here, anda seem so tired! We'll wake anda up when it's time to go home." My older sister berkata while she look up and down my body. She obviously noticed my shaking legs and my eyelids that were just about to close.

"B- but...
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 Courtney's Dress :D
Courtney's Dress :D
Well, hi there...long time no seee!!! :D lol. sorry I haven't written in a while...been busy on fanfiction doing House of Night stuff...
BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I DO NOT cinta DXC ANY LESS! I still cinta them with a hardcore bloody passion<3
So, with that hardcore bloody passion, this story will be made. Thanks and enjoy, mi amors<3


Courtney's POV:

"Bridgette! Can anda please stop making out with Geoff for two seconds to talk to me?!" I spat at my 'best friend' on the plane ride back to the abandoned film lot.

continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:After he kissed her my world changed,completely.My style,my attitude,my friends,basically,my life.Cheerleading became a struggle due to there was no lebih cheer left in me.I don`t talk to Geoff,Trent Gwen and even Bridgette anymore.I`ve gotten detention countless times which means I have to spend lebih time with him.My style,well,let's just say it isn`t peppy anymore.My parents are off the charts when it comes to yelling/freaking out.The most yelling is when I don`t come halaman awal from school the sebelumnya hari and don`t call atau come back two days later;the police have been called a million...
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(So u kno, im talkin as Duncan)

"Duncan Stop." Gwen says while laughing.

I stop ciuman Gwen and lay back on the couch.

"You know that i was kidding right." Gwen says.

Then i heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I say.

I open the door and i see a girl with Onyx eyes,Brown Hair and the girl was wearing a faded black switer lengan panjang, kaus with Jeans.

"D-D-Duncan." She says while studdering.

"Courtney?" I reply.

"I miss anda Duncan. I know that anda might hate me and all! But! Hate me if anda want to! But Please Please Please cinta me if anda can!" She says while tears run down her face.

Im Speachless.

"Fine. anda dont...
continue reading...
posted by lolaminer
Gwen pov
I can't believe it. that narcicist(a/n:Is that how anda spell it?)is bringing us back to that stupid tampil that brought way to much drama for anyone to handle? This is complete banteng crap.

"We aren't going to this thing are we?"

"It says if we don't then the producers will force us to go."

"Awww crap, what are we gonna do now Duncan?"

"I don't know, should we pindah out."

"No way, I cinta this little apartment, why don't we just go to this reunion and get it over with and then come home."

"But what if Chris Mclame tries to put us up in another season of total drama hell."

"Then we'll just have to escape somehow."

"How? they'll eventually find us and take us back there."

"Don't worry, we'll think of something."


I'm sorry this part is kind of boring, but don't worry, the selanjutnya part will be better.

update soon.

Oh ya, I see people say this all the time and I want to do it

I don't own tdi/a/wt/r atau any of the characters.
Hiya people outthere infront of your computers! Little info before i start! Even thought it was yesterday, i dedicate this story to TDItwin because of her birthday yesterday! Okay, i know, not the best place to post this, so i'll just start now.

Oh, and ONE lebih sentence of info! Actualy pretty important one. . . Oh, well, as i berkata a couple of days ago, the end would be soon, and actualy, sooner than i realized, cuz THIS is the finale!
Hope anda guys like it!

9 months later. . . Wow, they went oleh fast!


The last 9 months went oleh fast. ....
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posted by Depressed671
It was the first hari of school, and Courtney had worked out a plan, she would go to school with Duncan so that she can keep contact with him at all times, she would change her school scheduale so she can have the same classes as him, Duncan agreed on this plan. "Yeah, that's an awesome idea. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, when my mom was pregnant with me, she had some maternity clothes that she wanted to keep it in case someone she knew got knocked up so she could lend it to them, and she wants to lend them to you." berkata Duncan. Courtney put her hands on her mouth "Aww! That is so sweet of her!"...
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Courtney's place
Courtney:I feel like crap....i am crap...no one appreciates me....i cant do this anymore. WAH! *grabs a piece of paper and starts writing*
*places paper on table* *sniff* i just cant live with this hate anymore. *gets dressed and stroms out house crying gets into car and drives*

Duncan's place
Duncan:UGH! i hate gwen...I HATE GWEN! i got Court back but then i lost her..I'll just go over to her house and try to explain.
*gets into car and drives to Courtney's house*

Courtney's place
Duncan:*knocks on door* Courtney i wanna tell anda something....Courtney i know your in there....come...
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I have nothing to say so lets have a squid and a mouse start us off!


: :: :

Mouse: <:)~

Courtney's P.O.V
As I walked in the school I saw Izzy talking to Heather. That bitch. Someone needs to meninju, pukulan her in the face. She was laughing and looking at me. Then I saw Justin walk up. If anyone was oblivious to my relationship with Duncan, it was Justin. He was another person on my daftar of people who need to get punched. "Hello, Court." he berkata flirtatiously Then he KISSED me! "Ewwwwwww" I berkata and punched Justin in the face....
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posted by lolibarbie
Oh, my God. I have never seen Courtney this peeved, ever. I mean the kiss, gosh that ciuman with Gwen, I mean yeah, I liked it but still! She has to know still that I- I'm such a retard.

Right now is one of those times I wish Geoff was here. I walked into fist class and stuck my hands into one of the seats and pulled out a picture, the picture I had under my bantal during TDA. She looked so happy, well her version of it. She could light up a room. I mean, she made me happy, right? But now, now she's different.

I took a picture of a girl I once knew
I kept it here in case I'd run into you
The look...
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I stood with my mouth hanging open i shock. I swallowed before speaking, than choked out,"I'm sorry, I must be mistaken. Did anda just say that-"

"We're moving, yes."He said, answer and finishing my question.

I looked at both crazy."What! We can't move, I-I have friends here, and I have adapted to this area so well, and ow anda want to take it all away from me."I complained, as I became louder than needed.

My mother rubbed her head."Honey, it's not a option, your father's job has been getting very low service and his boss believes, that in Mississippi, they well have better work progress."She exclaimed....
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posted by dXcFan14
I woke up...

"Dude, anda ok?" Geoff asked, Bridgette sleeping in his arms.

"Yeah..." I replied, while he looked at me doubtfully.

"You sure?" he raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"100%" I smirked, when I noticed something.

"Dude, why we sleeping? Its only, what, 9:30pm?" I looked confused.

"Err... dude, our chicks" was all he berkata before falling asleep.

"Uhh..." I sighed.

"Whats wrong Dunky?" a small voice was heard.

"Nothing Princess" I smirked as she sat up.

"Don't lie, Dunky. You, of all people, should know I can see right through your act. What was your dream about?" she looked straight into my eyes....
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posted by james55
Gwen’s pov………………………..

It….. It was Trent. Couldn’t believe it every thing was going great. And yes I was starting to like Duncan but know what am I suppose do

“Hey Gwen” ha-ha hey Trent “I missed you” (try’s to hug me) hey Trent don’t forget we broke up. “Oh let me guess it’s because anda like Duncan” no I don’t “I know anda like him” know I don’t (I berkata nervously) “sure anda don’t”

I think he’s onto me. Know one can know I like Duncan

Courtney’s pov……………………….

Yes I’m saved now that Trent’s here Gwen will have to stay...
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