duncan dan courtney Club
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Duncan's POV

I unlocked her phone instantly, knowing the code oleh jantung after mere detik of peeking over at her when she was unlocking it. She never noticed. Ha, my ex-con ways eh?

I pressed my finger on her call log, seeing the name "Darryl ;)" instantly. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. Not at the fact that he had a wink face after his name but also that he was the most baru saja call in her log. tidak terjawab from 5 menit ago. That's what Princess was hiding... atau should I say who.

I clicked on his name, scrolling down to see that there was a lot of talking going on between the two. Something was definitely going on with them.

Missed call

Received call

Received call



Missed call

Missed call

Missed call

Received call


...and the daftar went on.

Who the fuck is this guy and why is he in her call log so often? Not to mention the annoying winking face that seemed to eyeball me teasingly everytime I thought of who he could possibly be and what was going on between him and Court. Every call never lasted lebih than 6 minutes... fishy.

I had enough of looking at how often they were talking so I decided to go to her text messages. I found his name under about 5 people, Bridgette and Trish being the most baru saja people she had texted.

Darryl: Where r u?

Me: On my way...

Darryl: Cnt wait ;)

He sent her a wink face? For what? What can't he wait for? I was getting lebih and lebih pissed oleh the minute. Who the fuck was this guy? He had to be someone important for Courtney to be hiding him from me.

I continued to read on, the messages dating back older.

Me: The kids are at their grandma's. anda home?

Darryl: No, but I'm omw.

Me: Well hurry, I'm on my way over...

Darryl: Now doing 85 mph

Me: Lol, kk ;)

I grew livid. She was getting rid of the kids to go see this guy?! I nearly threw her phone out of anger, biting the urge back oleh squeezing my left hand into a tight fist until my knuckles lost color.

I once again read lebih messages, knowing that as I went a long I would still not like what I'd see, but I couldn't help but being nosey.

Darryl: Does Maddison have practice 2day?

Me: No, why? anda wanna come over?

Darryl: And anda know this babe.

Me: Well don't keep me waiting.

Darryl: I'd never tease anda like that. Omw now.

I jumped up from my seat, biting my lip so hard it drew blood. My nostrils flared, completely pissed off to the point of no return - seeing red. I sat down to think about what I should and should not do. I didn't want my teenage, immature ways to come out and just merk because of jealousy. Courtney wasn't my girl besides. We just started to try to work things out. I really have no reason to be mad... Then again, I have every reason to be mad. That's my children's mother. I cinta her to death. No one can have her. NO one. Who the fuck was this guy? Like seriously, who. the. fuck. is. he. And why the hell does he know who my children are? Courtney better not had introduced my fucking kids to anyone. I swear I'll kill her!

I rose from my kursi on the tempat tidur once again, fuming at the thought of my kids even being introduced to any of Courtney's "male friends". What if they really liked him? What if they would eventually start calling them dad? Was he around that often?

I tried to stray from the annoying thoughts but I couldn't. My jealousy and territorial habits over Courtney never faded. In my mind she was mine and always was mine. I thought back to the most baru saja message which was only last week. Tuesday. I tried not to jump to conclusions but the messages obviously told a story that anyone with a brain could see. They were fucking. He even called her "babe". I can only call her that! Who the hell did this guy think he was? Like, seriously. Babe? What else was he calling her? Lord please don't tell me he even has pet names for the kids because I might really lose it then.

I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself down once again before exiting out of her messages and setting everything back on her phone up so that it was how it was when she had it.

Leave no evidence behind

My motto since I was 16 years old and stealing cars.

I put her phone under my pillow. I contemplated on if I should give her the cold shoulder atau just suck it up and confront her about it. I came to the conclusion to just say fuck it and surprise her with it at the most unexpected time. Drop a few hints...

I brushed myself off, once again sighing and laid on my bed, feet crossed and my arms also behind my head, and watched TV, waiting for her to soon enough return to my room in cari of the last place she had her phone.. my room.

"Hey, has anyone seen my phone!" I heard her call out. Damn her voice was annoying when she shrieked. Nails on a chalkboard.

"No mommy." I smiled hearing Daniel's voice.

I rose up from the bed, scurrying to place her phone under my dresser, where she was standing to make it seem like she dropped it accidentally. csi really helped me cover up "murders". I laughed to myself.

Her footsteps and annoying calls asking did anyone see her phone were getting closer until she eventually barged into my room.

"Seen my phone?" She asked me.

"Nope, when's the last time anda had it?" I asked innocently, still laying with my legs crossed and my arms behind my head.

"Here. atau so I believe." She said, scratching her head.

"Check the floor. I haven't seen it though." I said, averting my eyes from her worried glance back to my television. I watched her pace around my room, allowing my peripheral vision to catch sight of her when she dropped to her knees on my side of the bed, looking under it. I snapped my neck over to her quickly, checking out her butt bent over. I almost got a chubby when my inappropriate thoughts were interrupted oleh the thought of Darryl behind behind that. I sighed out loud, trying to control the anger that I felt rising in me again.

"Found it!" She berkata happily, as she reached under my dresser, struggling to get a hold of her phone.

She finally got it and brushed herself off.

"Lunch will be ready in a few." She berkata before leaving. I nodded nonchalantly before smiling devilishly as she left the room.

I walked downstairs, smelling the delicious aromas of Courtney's cooking. That girl could cook her pantat, keledai off. Definitely got it from Mama Cat - Courtney's mother, well at least that's what I call her. Her real name was Catherine atau Cathy for short. They were splitting images. Both had that creamy tan skin. Her mother being half Dominican earned her the last name Besbarino, which she never changed after marriage and gave to Courtney once she was born. Her mother instead of Court however had badam, almond colored eyes. Mama Cat always wore her hair up, the length being about Courtney's back when we were about 17. Everything at their house was in tip puncak, atas shape. Between her and Courtney's dad, George, I didn't know who had OCD the worst. Every spill, speck of dust, crack, peel... they had to repair atau clean it up as soon as possible. anda weren't even allowed to wear shoes in their home. No wonder Courtney was so uptight; her dad had a bigger pole up his pantat, keledai than hers. His hair was always clean kept and combed to the side like some snobby rich kid raised in Beverly Hills. His pants were always higher than his waist was, and he never wore a kemeja untucked and pants without a belt. He looked like one of those famous, rich, golfers. He had creamy white skin, always lotioned and spritzed with the finest colognes. I used to pick jokes at him all the time that Courtney would scold me for and get upset about.

"Stop talking about my dad." She'd always yell at me, hitting me in the shoulder.

Other than that though, Courtney's parents were cool. Her dad took way lebih time to adjust and get used to than her mom. Mama Cat was a piece of cake. She didn't approve of me the first 3 dinners, but after realizing I wasn't going anywhere, she got used to me.

I walked into the dapur where I saw Courtney slaving over the stove. She always turned into a puncak, atas chef when cooking, no matter what it was that she was preparing.

"Working hard, huh Princess?" I asked her teasingly, watching her pay no attention to me nor my comment.

"Busy?" I asked again, craving a response from her.

She turned around looked at me, then the food, then me again, as if to say "Obviously."

"Well okay then." I berkata as I took a kursi at the table, and turned my body so that it was facing her.

I peeped out every aspect of her body. She once again had on those sweat capris she loved so much. I was beginning to cinta em too. They hugged her in all the right places. Courtney was half-white but her pantat, keledai sure wasn't. Those hips and her butt stuck out like a sore thumb in them. Most girls would hate that, but Courtney... she embraced it. I wondered how many pairs she must've had oleh now. I remember when we were together years yang lalu she'd torture me and make me buy her about 10 pairs of them from Victoria's Secret everytime we went to the mall. And of course I'd be the one leaving the store carrying the piles of bags even though everything in them belonged to her. I was beginning to wonder if she actually just loved them atau she was wearing them so often for the simple fact that she knew they'd tampil off every curve and I was there.

I watched as she began to slow her pace on cooking, I guess because the food was nearly ready. "Hey Court." I said.

"Yes Duncan?" She answered. I was surprised she spoke, she was so caught up in her cooking.

"I see you're still obsessed with those sweat pants." I said.

I watched a small smile wash over her face. "Yeah, I guess. Funny anda remember." She said, glancing at me for a few detik before she looked back at to what she was cooking.

"How could I forget?" I said, smiling back at her.

"I see anda still cinta your Converses." She berkata back at me.

"Damn straight. Would wear em everyday all hari if I could." I berkata to her. I smiled to myself, realizing that she remembered the small things about me too.

"Duncan!" She snapped, blushing and staring at me with this look.

"What!" I snapped back, totally confused.

"You keep staring at my butt! It's embarrassing!" She said.

Damn, I had really been staring...

"I'm sorry, it's just that Darryl's really been doing his job." I berkata nonchalantly.

I watched her body freeze up and her hand stop moving from stirring the contents in the pot. She looked down, Frozen in whatever emotion she was feeling.

I died to know what her face looked like, but she didn't turn to me. atau at least not yet.

I waited for a reaction for about 5 minutes, just sitting there staring at her.

She turned around at me wide eyed.

"What do anda mean? What do anda mean Darryl? How do anda know about him?" She rushed out but berkata all too calmly, walking over to me as she spoke and sticking her finger out to me accusingly.

"Don't play dumb with me Court. anda can't hide anything from me. anda should know that oleh now!" I berkata back at her.

She gave me to look of the devil.

"How do anda know! anda had my phone didn't you!? anda just don't know things like that!" She yelled, overly upset.

I was pissed when I thought about the whole thing, but I couldn't help but laugh at her face. It was priceless. This just pissed her off even more.

"You find this funny do you? I don't find it funny! You've invaded my personal business!" She shrieked in that oh so annoying voice.

I lifted myself up back into my normal posture in the chair and continued to listen to her rant.

"Well what's the big problem princess? anda must've really been fucking this guy with anda being this upset!" I said.

He face beet red and she looked like she was about to explode.

"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" She yelled, power walking back over to the stove.

"You're way to upset princess, take a chill pill." I told her.

She huffed and puffed, and maybe would've even blown the house down she did it any harder. I laughed at my humor, snickering once again and seeing her grab the cooking utensil even harder than she was before.

"Court, it's really not that serious. I just want to know why anda lied. anda told me that anda didn't have anything to tell me when we talked." I said, getting a tad bit serious.

She took a deep breath then sighed, calming herself down.

"It wasn't that important. He's not that important." She emphasized.

"Well obviously he is if he even knows our children's fucking names." I said, starting to get angry just thinking about the text messages I read.

"What do anda mean Duncan?" She asked me, rolling her eyes and gazing over to me.

"I read the text messages. I've seen everything. Why?" I asked.

She sighed again, "Duncan, we're not together. And when me and Darryl first met and started dealing with each other anda were long gone out of the picture. He's just a friend... that's all."

"Yeah, friend with benefits." I stopped as I saw the embarrassment flood her face, then I continued. "It's funny how all of your phone calls are no longer than 5 minutes, and anda text each other wink faces and communicate only to find out if you're halaman awal atau not." I said.

Courtney's eyebrows knitted, "Why do anda know so much? Why did anda have to snoop? anda could've just asked Duncan!" She berkata to me. "And he does not know our children. He knows who they are of course, but I have never introduced him!" She defended.

"Well if I would've asked, anda would've lied. I sat there and asked anda did anda have a special someone in your life and anda told me no. Directly. To my face." I said.

"Well, well...m-maybe I did it so anda wouldn't get upset. I know how anda are." She berkata to me.

"Well anda should also know that anda can't hide anything from me either. I would have, and did find out eventually." I told her.

"Duncan, I really can't say anything. Like I said, he's just a friend. I don't feel as though I need to explain myself to you. We're friends and strictly friends. The sex doesn't matter and relatively isn't any of your business. He hasn't met our kids, and we aren't on that type of level relationship wise. Believe me." She berkata in one last breath, turning the burners of the stove off.

I stood up and walked behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"One question." I berkata smoothly in her ear.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Does he do it like me?" I asked, smirking.

She didn't respond, just blushed and let a small smile pry across her lips.

Good enough an answer for me.
WOO HOO my detik series! all the kids's are 16
Lauren's P.O.V
It suck's being the only "bad girl" in my group of friends. But whatev's they are missin out on all the fun I have! Tonight's the sleepover! And I'm gonna make sure every kid in this house breaks a rule....
at the sleepover.

"Guy's I have an Idea!" "WHAT is it this time!" my goody goody two shoes, uptight sister Dani asked. "Ok who want to watch some film from Mom and Dad's cabinet?" "NO" Dani started. "Mom and Dad keep...
continue reading...

"I cant believe it! We actually got them to go on a date!" I hugged LuLu excitedly.

"I know right?! I cant wait for Dan and Cody to come with us!" LuLu replied, returning the hug.

"Cody's upstairs if anda wanna find him, LuLu" I smiled.

"Ok, I'll go ask him" she ran upstairs.


"Does anyone know where Stephen is?" I asked, looking from face-to-face.

"I think he's in his room" Sarah giggled as Dan kissed her, mumbling something in her ear which made her blush.

"Yeah, he's in his room" Kayla said, following me upstairs.

"But... why won't anda come out with me... just this once?" LuLu was...
continue reading...
posted by dxcfan
Was it true, atau was I just seeing things. All this time a vampire was living among us, and we didn't know. atau it could be vampires, she could have lebih atau even a whole colony!

I quickly ran into the kitchen, where my parents were cooking."Dad, I saw a..."I stopped and remembered what she had told me, but she would know.....would she. In my years of studying vampires, I've learned vampire are unpredictable, and should never underestimate them.

I also remember her ciuman me on my cheek."What anda see son."I snapped back at my dad. He than frowned and came closer and turning my cheek."Is that...
continue reading...
 Courtney's whole outfit
Courtney's whole outfit
"Okay, all I need to do is just fill out these applications, and than maybe I get the job."I was trying to explain to myself, that I need a job. Four hari had already past, I'm usually lebih civilized than this. I continued to write down my employment information, as I sat down on the tip of my bed. I woke up extra early to finish the packet, and than this after noon-when their services were open-I would go and drop it off.

I was applying for a lawyer, and I already finished law school, and I was ready to become the real deal.

After I was finished I sat the packet on my night-stand, and I went...
continue reading...
Duncan P.O.V.

Duncan starts the car and drives
The girlz in the back ,yell "WOOOHOOOOOO!"


Bridgett ,sticks the finger at the first car who siad they look hot .And courtney kicks the other guys window who siad wanna have some fun time and after she kicks the window it breaks so Duncan
speeds up and flicks the finger at both cars and yells "Dont mess with my girl she kicks ass!"

courtney 'yells to them too "Ya,i realy do!"

continue reading...
Duncan then took her her hands and pulled her oleh the pool causing her to fall in and he jumped in just missing her head.

Courtney yelled, "DUNCAN!!"


"Let's just get plotting." He tried to get out but she grabbed his arm and said, "In the pool."

He shrugged then nodded.

"So, what's the main idea other than making Herold suffer?" Courtney pondered.

"Well, something that can permenently injure him.

"Hmm, I like that but what can what can we do that- no we can't rig that...."


"I was thinking we could push him down the elevator shaft but no we can't, I GOT IT!"

"What this time?"

"We could make...
continue reading...
Courtney looked out the window to see who it was.It wasn't uncle Bruce.It was Duncan.She opened the door.
"Hey babe,"he said,with devil-like smile on his face.
"What do anda want?"she asked.
"I just wanted to stop by.Whats up with you?"
"Not so great.My uncle is coming over for 2 weeks while my parents are gone."
"What,you mean that Bruce guy?"
"Does he still hate me?"
"Yeah,and they was before we were dating. If he found out that e were,he'd go bonkers."
"Well,he's not gonna find out.And,hes also not going to find out that I'm staying here for a while."
"Well,i got arrested...
continue reading...
I know it's the finale! Why? because i got a KILLER idea for a new story, but i have to end this one to do the selanjutnya one...SO ENJOY THE FINALE OF WHO IS THAT???

Courtney's POV:
7o'clock rolled around on Saturday, like the detik it turned 7 the doorbell rang.

So smartie i told anda he would come on time.

Yeah? I bet it's not...it's him.


You're still EMO!





"Wow! You-you look great." He had on a lebih dressy outfit than his way too casual skull t and jeans. He looked good.

"Thanks anda do too."

"What? No snazzy remarks?"


"A change, for the better."...
continue reading...
(at the hospital)
i cant beleive that i had a baby-gwen
oh im so happy i cinta anda gwen-trent
i cinta anda too trent-gwen
*everyone comes in the hospital room*
whats his name-courtney
his name is nathan-gwen
thats great-bridgete
look at my hand-trent
omg anda really messed trent up gwen-courtney
im sorry trent-gwen
its okay as long as i have a baby-trent
so how does it feel to have a kid-courtney
its great and i know im gonna cinta it-trent
ok but we gotta go bye-duncan
(outside the hospital)
*duncan starts making out with courtney*
(20 menit later)
ok i gotta get halaman awal now bye



sorry 4 not having much for this episode
(where ever heather is)
give back the presents-duncan
no way me and noah want presents and so does the baby-heather
what baby?-duncan
my baby-heather
wait ur preggo-duncan
with noah hahahahaha ah ahahhahaha-duncan
oh man it hurts alot hahaha-duncan
well give back the presents atau i'll-duncan
you will what anda cant hit me im preggo-heather
i'll get courtney to kick your pantat, keledai afer anda have your deman-duncan
no way!!!-heather
omg look a mall-duncan
*duncan grabs the presents and runs*
sh*t i lost the dam presents-heather
(gets back to the party)
my hero-courtney
*they kiss*
i cinta you-courtney...
continue reading...
*duncan and courtney laporan to the office plz*-intercome
oh sh**-duncan
i bet were in trouble-courteny
one of your friends is in the principals room she wants to talk to you-office lady
(*gwen,geoff,and bridgete r sitting in chares in principals room*)
*whispers to duncan* good were not in trouble-courtney
jerami, hay guys-duncan
omg gwen whats wronge-courtney
im im im-gwen
your wat-courtney
im pregnant-gwen
omg r u sure-courtney
yes *pulls up her kemeja a little*-gwen
and i took a preggo test-gwen
whos is it-duncan
well dah duncan your somtimes so stupid-courtney
hey im still your delinquent-duncan
i just dont know how to tell trent-gwen
anda just have to let him know he'l understand-bridgete
ok i'll try *cry's on courtney's sholder*-gwen
its ok *pats gwens back*-courtney

added by i_love_music
Source: hielorei
added by tdigirl3496
added by sugarsweet076
Source: DoodlezQueen
Duncney I don't own anything
added by xoRebelxLoveox
Courtney (CITPrincess) is back! With Heather (AnimentalCosplayer)! (They've both won a Total Drama halloween contest for their Courtney and Heather cosplays.) This is a duo video they made together, which is AWESOME. :)
added by fly210
Source: ~CITPrincess
added by iDxG101
Source: charmazingme
added by iDxG101
Source: NOT MINE!!!srry don't know name
added by princess-purple