alpha and omega Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 8: Red Flag

While Kate and Garth were out speaking with Humphrey and forming a plan, Lilly was hanging out with her parents. She had nowhere else to be at the moment so she just stayed in their sarang, den and talked to them while helping out with anything they needed. So far it had been a usual day, Winston only had to assign this evenings patrol group before his hari as leader was done. He enjoyed seeing his and Tony's pack working together with few issues, they didn't need to control everything as much as they used too. The alphas understood what they needed to do each hari and stayed on schedule, while the omegas brought an end to any fights and helped fix problems. It was nice that he and the other leaders could sit back and focus on their lives instead of always thinking about the pack first.

Lilly began to wonder what kind of ideas Kate, Garth, and Humphrey were coming up with out there, honestly she couldn't see an easy way to tell everyone. But she hoped that they would able to come up with an idea that she can along to go along with. All she wanted was to be able to stay here in Jasper and not be forced to run away, she couldn't beruang to part with this place she's called halaman awal all her life. All of her family and friends were here, but if it's what her and her sister needed to do then she would go along with it. Things may be hard to deal with having to find a new place to live that was aman, brankas and provided what they needed to survive, but diberikan time she would learn to accept it and focus on living her life with Garth to the fullest. It was starting to get into the late afternoon hours as Lilly continued to visit with her parents, they talked mostly about life and what she had been up to in the pack. However their conversation was interrupted when Hutch entered the sarang, den saying that he wanted to speak with Winston.

"Yes, what is it Hutch?" Winston replied

"Our afternoon patrol found the scents of Kate and Garth leaving the west side of the territory, it seems they haven't returned yet either." Hutch berkata standing in front of him.

He eyes widened at the news, why would his daughter and son-in-law leave the territory without telling him? "Are anda sure it's their scents?" He asked not believing it.


"Why would they leave the territory?" Eve asked to no one in particular, just as confused as her husband was.

He just shook his head trying to think for a minute, trying to figure out where and why they would need to leave the territory, and without permission at that.

"Sir, would anda like me to go out and cari for them?" Hutch offered.

"Yes, take another alpha with anda and follow their scents to see where it leads, when anda find them please bring them to me so that I can speak with them." Winston answered

"Yes sir" He replied before turning and exiting the den.

As soon as Lilly heard what had happened she began to fear what might happen when Hutch finds them, the hiding would be over as soon as they got back here. However that was the least of her worries because now she had to come up with an excuse that would make her parents think that she knew nothing about this. She just hoped that they would be prepared for what was about to happen once they arrived back home.

"Winston do anda have any ideas as to why they would leave?" Eve asked sounding worried

"I don't know why Eve, they never berkata anything to me" He replied

Lilly just sat and listened, debating on whether atau not she should tell them the truth already but the empty feeling in her stomach told her not to. She couldn't deal with being the one to face their initial reaction, and she didn't even know how she would tell them, so instead she berkata nothing and waited for them to ask her, which came in no time.

"Well this is nothing like her atau Garth, what of something happened to them, like a rouge attack atau worse?" Eve said

Winston shook his head "I wouldn't jump to such conclusions honey, I'm sure they are fine wherever they are. Besides the patrol would have smelled the scents of other serigala if that was the case, just stay on the bright side."

"If anda say so, I just don't want anything to hurt our daughter."

"She will be fine, Garth is there protector her." He berkata before looking at Lilly who sat silently looking down at her paws. "Lilly do anda know where they are?"

She looked up at her father "No dad, I talked to her before her hunt early this morning oleh the stream but she never berkata that she would be leaving the territory atau anything."

He sighed "Okay, I guess we'll have to wait and ask them ourselves, until then how about we go out and get some dinner?"

"Alright" Eve agreed with Lilly nodding

They all got up and exited the sarang, den before heading down to the feeding grounds where a few other serigala had gathered to feast what there was to eat. They all forgot about the news they had received and focused on eating and continuing their conversation from earlier, which had been about whether atau not she had been seeing any guys. Of course she berkata no, saying that she wasn't ready for cinta yet, her parents understood and replied saying that she had plenty of time in her life to find someone special. Deep down she didn't like having to lie about that, having to lie to her parents in general was hard enough. She was always truthful and up front with them, telling them about any problems she was having, but having to hide her secret relationship from them has been a challenge. At least they continued to buy it and never pushed asking pertanyaan about where she was atau what she's been up too.

As they ran out of things to talk about Eve's mind eventually went back to thinking about what her daughter and Garth might be up too. Her husband had ruled out the idea of being attacked so what else could be the reason? Yeah they might have just left to walk alone atau explore something but she knew Kate would have told them about it before leaving. However she remembered the fact that she tended to disappear from time to time and her reason for it was always around the same thing. She had noticed that Kate liked to go out and be on her own ever since she returned from being captured oleh humans, it wasn't a bad thing but she always wondered why there was a sudden change in her.

Then things began to click in her mind, what if this wasn't the first time she and Garth had left the territory and that she had been hiding something from them. As far as she knew Garth hadn't been doing anything suspicious so her mind focused on Kate rather than him. There was no way Kate would hide something from them, her relationship with her daughters was strong since they always talked to each other about any problems they had. What could be so bad that would cause Kate to hide it from them, but she probably was digging too far into it. Perhaps this was the first time they left the territory and didn't feel the need to tell anyone because it wouldn't be for that long. Hutch never berkata how old the scent trail was so they may have just planned to be gone for a couple of hours then come back thinking no one would notice atau mind.

Winston noticed Eve was kind of zoned out as she starred off into the distance so he matched her gaze and found that she wasn't staring at anything of interest, he decided to check and see if she was okay. "You alright honey?"

She shook her head and came out of her thoughts to see Winston and Lilly looking at her." Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just thinking is all"

He nodded and went back to finishing his dinner.

"Winston do anda think Kate's hiding something from us?" She suddenly asked a few moments later.

He looked at her confused "What do anda mean?"

"Well anda know how she tends to disappear from time to time ever since she returned home?"

"Yeah I have noticed that, but she usually says she was just out on her own." He replied, not knowing what she meant oleh it.

"I've been thinking that maybe there's a connection between her leaving the territory today and all those times she's out alone."

"I don't think so, if that was the case then why would Garth be with her? Like I berkata before they are fine and probably just wanted a change of scenery."

"Yeah mom you're just thinking too much, besides why would she hide anything from us?" Lilly agreed

"I know, but to me it feels like we're missing something" Eve continued

Lilly became nervous, it seemed that it was only a matter of time until her mother would be able to put the pieces together. It didn't take a lot of thought to notice that there was a connection between Humphrey leaving the pack and Kate suddenly spending time oleh herself out in the woods. Then again Lilly and Garth never noticed it until Kate told them, but at the same time they were never suspicious of it like her mother was right now. Like before she just watched to see how this was all going to play out, if she didn't have to say anything then she wasn't going to.

"Well then anda can talk to her about it when they get back, but for now let's just focus on other things, please." Winston stated.

"Oh alright"

He believed that his mate was just thinking too much and jumping to conclusions. He wasn't worried at all, but the end of the hari he knew this will all be resolved and figured out, at least this has lightened up his hari and kept it from being just the same old stuff. Lilly relaxed and decided I change the subject to help her father keep mother from jumping to even lebih crazy conclusions. Things went back to normal as they headed back to their sarang, den to wait for Hutch to return with her sister and Garth.

Meanwhile Hutch had picked Vik to go out on the cari with him mostly because he was the first alpha he saw when he left Winston's den. Hutch thought nothing of all of this and figured that it wouldn't even be worth going out to cari for Kate and Garth since they probably were just out for a walk, but orders were orders and he had to laporan any scent trails crossing the packs borders. Vik felt the same way but tagged along since he had nothing better to do and he usually enjoyed talking with Kate so it would give him someone to talk to on the way back. As the two alphas left the territory and followed the scent trail they found that it just continued to go farther and farther west and never turned.

One mile went by, and then two, Hutch and Vik couldn't figure out why they would go so far away and not just loop back around. The unclaimed forest was not the safest place for pack serigala to be in afterall, lone serigala and predators could be anywhere looking for a fight. However they no longer needed to continue walking west because up on the selanjutnya bukit, hill were the two serigala they were looking for, and they were walking right towards both of them. They sat down and waited for Kate and Garth to notice them as they began climb the slope below. Kate happened to look up at the right moment to immediately notice the two serigala sat ahead of them, upon closer examination she recognized them as Hutch and Vik, but the feeling she had was far from welcoming.

"Oh no..." She suddenly said, interrupting what Garth had been telling her.

Garth looked ahead as well and noticed what she berkata oh no about, it caused his jantung to sink because there was only one reason to alphas from their pack would be out here. "Oh boy, I guess our time is up..."

"Don't worry, we'll just say we were out enjoying the views, they'll believe it for sure." Kate berkata confidently, but deep down she began to get nervous.

"Hey anda two, so what brings anda all the way out here?" Hutch berkata casually as they stopped in front of him and Vik.

"We were just out enjoying the forest and talking about things, why is something wrong?" She replied.

"Well other than the fact we found your scent trails leaving the territory, no" He answered.

Kate was surprised that they were able to follow their scent trails considering they were walking through unfamiliar forest which could mask the scent. "I'm glad that anda guys cared enough to cari to us, but we were going to be back oleh sundown anyway." She said.

"Yeah, nothing major" Garth agreed

"I figured as much, but your father ordered that we should come cari for anda two, so anda can tell him all about it when we get back." Hutch berkata before turning around and starting to walk away along with Vik.

Kate's eyes widened at hearing that her father knew she was gone, she quickly looked at Garth who looked just as worried. "What are we going to do?" She whispered before they both followed behind the two alphas.

"I don't know just tell your parents what anda told these two, but if that fails then stick to what we all planned and I'll follow along." He replied lightly.

She nodded her head, if there was a good time to be caught it was now because she, Garth, and Humphrey had already planned on what they should do. However as they headed back halaman awal she hoped that they would be able to keep it under wraps until the actually time came to tell the pack.

A/N: Oh no it looks like I'm going to leave anda hanging! That's alright I'm sure we all know what's coming next, but I won't say for sure until the selanjutnya chapter, so it looks like anda will have to wait and see. Also I uploaded a new short story the other hari for Valentine's hari called 'Couples Retreat' so if anda want to take the time to check it out that will be fantastic! atau if anda want to be a rebel then don't do it, haha, cya in the selanjutnya chapter.
Humphrey had to confess to Johnny about what was going on between him and Kate. It wasn’t hard to confess that they were fight, but that he did Lilly. He eventually arrived at Johnny’s den.
“Hey, dad.”
“Johnny, I gotta talk to anda about something.”
“Sure, dad, what?”
Humphrey and Johnny sat down at the couch, “Johnny, your mother and I are fighting right now.”
“About what?”
Humphrey tilted his head forward, “Johnny, please don’t hate me for this, it’s hard to tell you.”
“I’m not going to hate my own dad.”
“Yes, make sure mom doesn’t...
continue reading...
posted by yoj123
When Kate and humphrey joined in on the hunt the battle had already begun and it was a thrashing of claws and fur. It was all confusion Kate and Humphrey already took down 1 caribou each, and then Humphrey saw Kate get get kicked in the stomach oleh a raging caribou he saw her drop to the ground instantly and he ran to try and save her.

When humphrey got to Kate she was unconsis, for she had hit a rock when she fell to the ground, so he picked Kate up and slung her over his shoulders as he ran her all the way back to the sarang, den where he would doctor kates wounds and help her get better. They thankfully...
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posted by wolfiey
That fat cat
There was an old cat
Who was very fat
He had a nice… pelangi hat
With two little holes for his ears to go through
He picked a nice pohon to take a snooze
He dreamed of other fat kucing who had very nice pelangi hats
There was small kucing fat kucing big cat black cats
Who all had very nice pelangi hats
Except for one who was fattest of all
Who had a big yarn ball
The end
By.wolfiey dont judge me i was bored and im only menulis this becuse it was to short so now i will write acak letters hiphopapotomis i sepatu luncur, skate dont hate hugs are drugs
posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 3

Richard takes a deep breath and a sigh of relief. "Holy shit that
could have ended badly!!!" Richard looked at the forest floor and
sees the beast laying right in front of him. She was knocked out cold.
"Thank god I had the tranquilizer pistol on hand!" He then realizes
that he forgot all about poor Dale. Richard went over to Dale and
again slapped him on the face but this time with lebih slap! "Dale
you pansy wake up!!!" "Hmmmm Richard is that you?? Dale asks.
"LOL yea its me, how anda feel there???" "Gee I don't know Richard
it feels like I just got hit oleh a freaking...
continue reading...
The 12 that went on the luar angkasa trip goes on this fighter jet expedition along with A7X and Metallica.

Humphrey was playing Halo Reach when he got a phone call from an old friend, Dutch.
“Hey, Humphrey, we need anda your friends and Avenged Sevenfold to meet up with us ODST’s, Metallica, and bintang and his group.”
Humphrey went to Garth’s house to have him to do the shitty howl.
“Thanks, I’ll go get Avenged Sevenfold.”
Humphrey got to the warehouse of Avenged Sevenfold. They were playing Beast and the Harlot.
“Matt, Mike, John, Zach, Brian, we need anda to come with us to...
continue reading...
added by willemert
Name: AlphaKate100 (Kate)

animal: Wolf

Mate: me (OmegaHumphery)

Pups: Ikuto, Star, Katie, Dex, and Owen

rank: Alpha

bulu color : light tan

Eye color: light brown

likes: Me, hunting, playing with the pups, howling, her friends and family, mating with me, music, cuddling, and log hal naik eretan, tobogganing

Dislikes: A&O haters, hunters and anyone who might be a threat to me and her pups

favorit sport to watch: hockey

favorit movies: Alpha and Omega, Dark of the Moon, Avatar, Lord of the Ring series, Bolt, Balto, Dragonheart, and Dragonheart : a new beginning

favorit tv shows: Fact atau Faked, Law and Order SVU, spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy

favorit music: Rock, R&B, pop, Dance/club, Techno

Best friends on fanpop : me(OmegaHumphrey), SweetsOmega, metallica 1147, Kate_Alpha, KateAlphaWolf,AlphaKate21,Omega854

Nicknames (all oleh me):my angel, Baby, sweetheart, my alpha

Personality: a sweet Alpha with a loving jantung for life,family and friends
(June 6, 2011)

click clack The keys of the keyboard. click clack This clacking had been going on for an hour, devoted as I was to menulis the novel I had started a bulan ago. It was called The Network and it was about this guy that creates a super fungus, lets himself become infected oleh it, and starts to take over the world using the land and sea as his media. The humans controlled the air, just to make it fair.

Engrossed as I was in in the adventures of Dan Cooper, known as "Mini" due to his immense height, I didn't hear Scar call my name the first time. It was when she berkata it the third time...
continue reading...
posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 4

"Ok Humphrey give me a sec to catch up!!" "So anda and Kate
where on your way to the MOON LIGHT HOWL and anda both hear
a loud noise out in the forest??" "Then anda both decide to go
investigate on what made that noise." "You both go into the forest
and find two hunters"? "You end up getting chased oleh the hunters
and then Kate gets caught in a trap...."? (NOT GOOD!!) "Anyway
you go back to save her and she tells anda to run and anda do!!!"
"Why is that??" "Why didn't anda stay to help her is my BIG
question???" "Now Lilly I already told you!!" "The way she berkata to
it to...
continue reading...
added by Hawkears
Source: Drawn oleh Kimi-Celine, background and coloring oleh me
added by SentinelPrime89
posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 2

Kate opens her eyes and takes a deep breath... "Finally, I'm free
after all these years of being trapped in this prison. Kate turns around
and sees' the claw trap holding her down. With both paws she grabs
the steel trap and opens the jaws breaking it in two. "HEE childs
play, she snarls. In the distance she can hear the two hunters getting
closer. HEE HEE, I think its time to tampil these wanna be hunters a
little lesson! Kate turns around and runs into the blackness of the
forest getting ready to give these hunters a little surprise that they
will never forget.

continue reading...
added by JennaStone22
added by JennaStone22
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by katealphawolf