Nikky with a 'Y' ;)

fanpopping sejak November 2009

mosaic daftar

Klub Saya

Dedicated Fan in 4 clubs Dedicated (4) Die-Hard Fan in 12 clubs Die-Hard (12)

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energizerbunny berkata tentang Leyton Family<3
The last time I dropped oleh was 5 years ago! I didn't know it had been that long! I logged on to relive some good memories. Anyway I don't know who is active anymore, but I will always be grateful to have been apart of such a close and loving group and will cherish it forever! <3 diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
mooshka komentar…
hey Nikky! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Elbelle23 komentar…
NIKKY<33333 miss ya lebih dari setahun yang lalu
xoheartinohioxo komentar…
Awww hey girl!! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
energizerbunny berkata tentang Leyton Family<3
Heyy! Just wanted to drop in and say hi! I miss anda guys so much!! cinta anda all<333 diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Jessica4695 komentar…
OMG <3 hey hun! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Nicolas97 komentar…
hey nikky <3 lebih dari setahun yang lalu
xoheartinohioxo komentar…
Snickers!! Miss yah babe <3 lebih dari setahun yang lalu
big smile
callianloverfan beri saya props untuk my links
A bintang has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A segi tiga, segitiga has 3 ends A line has 2 ends. But the lingkaran of our friendship has no end. ........................♥♥............................ .......... .Send this to all your best friends including me , if ...............I am one! if anda get 5 back , anda are a good friend If anda get 10 , anda are popular. If anda get 15 back, damn I'm jealous diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu