melati oldham

fanpopping sejak October 2010

  • Female, 36 years old
  • Amerika Serikat
  • Favorite TV Show: smallville, psych, castle, how i met your mother, working class, mike &molly,btvs, friends, ugly betty, chaos, the big bang theory
    Favorite Movie: superhero movies, a walk to remember, mrs.winterbourne, dance with me, just wright
    Favorite Musician: onerepublic, fray, trading yesterday, train, dashboard confessinonal, script, adele, rascal flatts, kelly clarkson, katy perry, pink, snow patrol
    Favorite Book or Author: notebook, sarah's key
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smvgirl1988 berkata tentang Spuffy
hey spuffy fan go to people's choice and vote spuffy. Last hari keep voting!!! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
smvgirl1988 berkata tentang Spike
hey spike fan if your fan go to people's choice and vote spike one lebih day!!! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
x-missmckena-x berkata …
Hiya I am trying to collect research for my dissertation on why people do atau dont watch shows on The CW and The WB and I would cinta your input, if anda have a spare few detik Ive created a forum on the televisi spot for responses:


Thanks x diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu