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Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
Damon: "So if anda and Ric and little Gilbert are all flesh-like and real-seeming, that means something went horribly wrong when Bonnie tried to put that veil up... Now, care to hazard any guesses on what the hell went wrong." Damon, Stefan, Jeremy and Elena were all there when Bonnie told them she was going to put the veil back up. But only Damon was worried about her. Only him. So I don't know what the writers intend to do with Bonnie's ghost storyline but Bamon is far from being over. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
kindhiya3 komentar…
♥♥♡♡ TRUE ♡♡♥♥ lebih dari setahun yang lalu
kindhiya3 komentar…
i cinta your spirit my friend :) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
ftlovex komentar…
i know i think this is were all this foreshadowing stuff is heading ;) and with Elena away at college well we shall see ;) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Wahinetoa komentar…
Preach Kaddy! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
Guys, I am curious to know how anda all reacted to theBamon hug. anda know, when I was about to watch that episode, I expected to cry seeing Elena crying over her brother, atau Bonnie crying over Jeremy atau even Jeremy's death.But what I didn't at all expect was to cry over the first Bamon hug. It was so beautiful and well set up. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
NakedBarbie komentar…
My reaction was...Idk. I was kinda shocked but happy of course. When they hugged, I think I whispered omg in shock then I had a bif smile on my face & I rewinded it like 5 times in a row on my DVR before watching the rest of the episode. I also rewinded the part when Elena berkata Damon kinda loves Bonnie. I couldn't believe Elena berkata that! I had to rewind it to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I enjoyed that part about as much as I did the Bamon hug & all the other foreshadowing moments on the island. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
The last episode "STAND oleh ME" (love the judul btw) just screamed BAMON and STELENA. It's amazing. Stefan was worried about Elena lebih than anything else whereas Damon was worried about Bonnie lebih than anything else. What I think, and what the episode tries to tampil IMO, is that Stefan will be the one to help Elena find her humanity back while Damon will be the one to help Bonnie from killing 12 innocent people and help her find her mind back. I wanna see that so badly. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
Also considreing that Damon had killed 12 innocent humans in the past so that the witch could tap into expression, it would be the most emotionally satisfying to see Damon prevent it from happening again, oleh helping Bonnie. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
So we have Damon pretending that he doesn't care about Bonnie and Elena who claims that Bonnie hates Damon in the same episode that we learn Bonnie is in danger of dying because of her magic. IMO, this can only be forshadowing. I believe that soon we'll have an episode where we see Damon and Bonnie caring about each other. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Wahinetoa komentar…
I know right? He keeps spewing the same carelessness he had in s1, and Elena.. argh.. she knows how Bonnie feels all of a sudden.. lol. Since when, exactly? Predictions; Bonnie gives her life to save everyone, and Damon finally does something to pay his debt to those that saved him, and save her back. Actually that goes for dopple too.. she just does nothing but get herself in danger and everyone sacrifices themselves to get her out of it. From human to vampire, and this girl is still useless. From girl to witch to young heroine, and Bonnie IS the bonniefied lead of this show. imho. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Viky11 komentar…
I think it is foreshadowing. it should be. agreed with both of anda lovely ladies. <3 lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Viky11 komentar…
lol Wahinetoa, Elena is still useless even when she's a vampire. nothing changed lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
It looks like oleh the end of the season Bonnie will go dark and Damon will be her savior. The way Damon is involved in Bonnie's storyline can only point to that conclusion. Here's why: 1. Damon is the one who asks for Bonnie's help she is not around and who pushes her to use her magic back. 2.Damon was there with Bonnie when she met Shane for the first time. 3. From the start, Damon has been mistrusted Shane while Bonnie has been trusting Shane blindly. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
4. Damon threatened Shane several times to discover his motivations. 5. Damon is the one who was told about Expression, the dark magic Shane is teaching Bonnie without her knowing its danger. 6. Damon knows what it's like to be in the dark side and how to escape it. 7. Damon has been discreetly protecting Bonnie from the start. 8. Bonnie trusts and relies on Damon when it comes to magic, even if he still doubts it. 9. Damon helped, unwillingly, Val the witch, to access Expression. Will Damon help this time to get out of that Dark magic? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
10. Damon was the one who was told oleh Shane that they are going to need Bonnie to unseal the cure. 11. Shane telling Damon that Bonnie will trust him lebih than Damon. Did I miss something, guys? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Wahinetoa komentar…
i like your thinking kaddy. goodness knows he among most owes her the most when it comes to paying back the save. She has yet to go dark, and i worry that jp will again make this about every1 else but bonnie.this tampil will continue 2 lose ratings if done so. Stefan would save her but damon, we wouldnt expect it - hes still selfish with stefsgirl. the measure of who he is-is with bon. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Wahinetoa komentar…
the time at the dance was bc she was loving selfless, loyal & fearless where she ynspired him to choose her life too. At the tomb, with Rick - again he could of left her, no one would have known, but in that moment with her he could be different than scoring points with his brothers gf. This was for him. Him going into darkness Expression to save her, will bethe measure of theman once again. <3 Thanks Kaddy! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
"I want to throw anda back in my tempat tidur and never let yo leave" is not romantic and certainly not true love. Here's another hint that Elena is not Damon's true love. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
NakedBarbie komentar…
I agree. I actually thought the " never let anda leave" line was creepy & so not romantic. Sounds lebih like unhealthy obsession than love. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Viky11 komentar…
oh my sweet God it's sexual abuse. :O Damon berkata this? so NOT romantic. where's the chains?who needs a sexSLAVE?? Jeeeez Julie please!! what kind of message is this? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
A few things about Bamon that caught my attention from the last episode:

- Damon saying to Stefan "Gotta go. Bonnie enlisted Dr. Evil in her plan and I have to thwart him" - Just another hint that Damon cares for Bonnie.
- Damon still distrusting Shane even after Shane's quite convincing explanations. - You're right, Damon. Don't trust him. anda know anda have to protect your Bonnie.
- Damon standing close behind Bonnie, Damon watching Bonnie's reaction when Jer tells her about his feelings diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
- Damon not keeping his eyes off Bonnie when she was stepping aside and saying to Elena not to pindah to let Jer hug her lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
- The way Bonnie breaths out, as if she had her breath taken away, the detik Damon leaves - Is it because Jer confirmed he has feelings for her atau because of Damon standing close to her? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lacage0 komentar…
Bonnie'[s loyalty and cinta for others is what Damon longs for and he sees the depth of that in the bonnie jerm . I think the fact damon witness these scenes is to tampil the audience damon is taken notice of bonnie outside of her being the witch atau friend which is why i found it interesting he chose her to be the detour. I feel damon may still sibconsciously has those types of feelings for bonnie and that is why he examines himself when she make comments. He wants to be someone she can care about and be loyal to. The interesting part is that she does trust damon to a point and does care but he hasn't really realized that yet. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
So Damon told Elena that he would have saved her first when she was drowning with Matt. I'm sure he would have. Then again, In 4x08, he tells Stefan that, to break the sire bond, he would have killed 12 innocent humans for Elena. Here, I don't know if it's just words atau if he indeed would have done it. It remains to be seen. It's not a life-or-death situation. Knowing that Damon would do anything for Elena because he wrongly believes she is his happiness, I wouldn't be surprised. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
What is really amazing is that when Damon had the opportunity to save Elena, in a heartbeat, as he likes to say, he didn't because to save her it meant killing Bonnie. But he didn't do it. He made sure that Bonnie was aman, brankas and waited the last menit to save Elena. Guys,do anda know what it means? It means that what he feels for Bonnie (even if he works so hard to hide it) is so much stronger than the cinta he has for Elena. Bonnie is the only person Damon wouldn't kill to save Elena's life because deep down inside, he knows Bonnie is the one who can save him. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
When Damon attacked Bonnie out of anger with Emily, he stops before killing Bonnie and he stays until he was sure that Stefan saved Bonnie. It was in 1x09. When Katherine and Elena rejected Damon, he killed Jeremy to hurt Elena and left. It was in 2x1 and at that time he wanted Elena for himself. I believe that from the start, Damon has always felt something deep for Bonnie but has always ignored it. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 komentar…
Wahinetoa, you're absolutely right! Bonnie is the jantung of the gang. They all always trust her and rely on her, especially Damon. She always finds a solution to get out of trouble and get things done. They all need her for not only her magic but for who she is. In 4x05, Damon asked for Bonnie because he needed her but he doesn't realize yet that he needs her for himself. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
Elena doesn't truly need Damon. Bonnie does. Elena is just attracted to him. If Bonnie had never met Damon, she wouldn't have become this badass witch. Bonnie needs Damon to fulfill her destiny. On the contrary, Elena's life hasn't profoundly changed in a good way thanks to Damon. BONNIE BELONGS TO DAMON. Not Elena. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Kaddy9 berkata tentang Damon & Bonnie
The sire bond is just another obstacle to Stelena's true love. I would cinta to see Elena fight against the sire bond to go back to Stefan. But I would also cinta to see Bonnie convince Damon to let Elena go. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Wahinetoa komentar…
Agreed! In the end, it was always about Stefan and Elena. I hope that Bonnie not only convinces him to let himself not be his brothers exes seconds. As he discovers it, let him convince Bonnie that she should let Elena go too. Because she deserves to be first as well. <3 cinta ya Kaddy! lebih dari setahun yang lalu