Stefan & Elena Club
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added by CrazyFruittt
added by klausyxcarebear
added by vanszerelem
added by stelenaobsessed
Source: Cw Ksitetv
oleh Stelena JHutch
added by Any_SJ
added by dacastinson
Source: tumblr
Here’s an email my friend received from L.J. Smith.
“Hi Emily—

Thank anda for your beautiful email. I completely understand why some fan get overeager—and especially if they think there is bad news for them. I hope that anda will enjoy Midnight, as it is truly the story of Damon finding his deepest feelings for both Elena and Bonnie—and his feelings are definitely not platonic. In fact, to be blunt, without Bonnie and something that Bonnie does at the end, Damon would be permanently dead.

But right now I have to tell anda something that makes me so sad and devastated—as bad, in fact,...
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added by OLE
added by erikadamon
the vampire diaries
stefan salvatore
elena gilbert
added by MomoiroxChan
added by vanszerelem
added by mada7b0mb0
posted by KatieSalvatore
Stefan and Elena have a true cinta story, they have a buildup. From the beginning of the tampil they had passion and epic written all over them.

Delena fan say that they are "boring" because "all they do is ciuman and make out" oh well at least Elena can be true to herself around Stefan and tell him that she loves him, unlike with Damon when she's always scared.

This is what I cinta about SE, that they are always there for each other, they feel comfortable with each other, and look like they're two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

If anda take Damon and Elena for example, they're two totally...
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I have many solid reasons as to why I have chosen to throw my support behind The Vampire Diaries Power Couple, Stefan/Elena. To me, when I envision what an “ideal” romantic relationship would be, I can honestly say with complete conviction that Stefan/Elena’s relationship fits that mould 100%. Stefan/Elena have all of the essential qualities and ingredients which are required for a long-term, stable and healthy love/romantic relationship. The idea that people cannot seem to appreciate Stefan/Elena’s relationship and having any kind of respect for their relationship whatsoever just doesn’t...
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added by Gretulee
added by el0508
Source: tumblr