My Wall

LowriLorenza89 beri saya props untuk my polls
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x-missmckena-x berkata …
Hiya I am trying to collect research for my dissertation on why people do atau dont watch shows on The CW and The WB and I would cinta your input, if anda have a spare few detik Ive created a forum on the televisi spot for responses:


Thanks x diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
RoseElizabeth beri saya props untuk my images
Just had to say, cinta the icon! I'll miss the good old golden years... ;) diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Evanescent komentar…
thank you! i know, the ponds' era has something magnificent in itself <3 :) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 beri saya props untuk my pop quiz questions
Yeah, I heard about them not tampilkan Hoster's death too. But I wonder if he'll still be in it, but with an off-screen death.
I don't like Cersie, but of the POVs that I have read of hers, I've really enjoyed. I've actually stopped membaca it for the moment, because I thought that AFFC will be S5, so I have plenty time to read it. I didn't get that far in it. Only about 100 pages. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
I know, episode 9! So soon. I think it would've been good to have that as a last episode of S3, but then the non-book readers would be left not knowing what will happen. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
I think Margaery and Joffrey's wedding should be in S4, maybe episode 4 atau 5. I really don't want them to have two weddings back to back. Plus there is also Sansa and Tyrion's wedding. I really don't think they would have three weddings in one season. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen berkata …
Thank anda so much, the assignments went quite well and I did manage to get a little rest ;) Oh, I’m sorry you’re feeling tired. I know the feeling where it feels like anda just don’t have the time for buku atau films atau TV-shows, even though anda really want to read atau watch something!
Aha, I guess that’s a clear sign of the winter getting closer! Not that I’m personally complaining (I cinta winter), but it's annoying when the snow becomes sleet and anda walk around in this muddy water... diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen berkata …
It sounds like a very nice trip especially the science-thingy! I hadn’t heard about To Rome with cinta before, what did anda think of it? I’m currently at the end of my Autumn break. It’s lasted a week and on Monday I will be back to school... I’ve had a lot of assignments and papers and I’ve got even lebih selanjutnya week so I’m trying to enjoy the holiday. Though I’ve been quite busy during the holiday, I came halaman awal yesterday evening, so form Friday ‘til Thursday I hadn’t been home- diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen komentar…
because of all the people I had to catch up with during the holiday and then I saw a film in the cinema and an amazing theater play. How are anda and how is school treating you? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen komentar…
I will definitely write to anda on tumblr when I’ve finished the Hobbit/begun Got :D And yes, tumblr is probably the place I will be lebih likely to be too :) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 beri saya props untuk my polls
i'm hoping the season 3 trailer will be up soon, i need oleh game of thrones fix now. though they are replaying season 2 over here : )
also wondering how cat's brother and uncle will be introduced. i think that will probably happen with the reeds.
so i've read about 145 pages, and i'm actually liking cersei's perspectives, even though i don't like her. i'm glad brienne gets some too. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
do anda think they will tampil that? with the bodies after the red weeding? oh my god, most shocking ending of a book ever! it is my favourite so far. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
i wonder if the red wedding will be season 3 atau 4? i'm thinking 3, so there will be definitely some tears. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
do anda think book 4 and 5 will be spilt into two season as well? time wise, not character wise, if anda know what i mean? i don't think they would have one season with certain characters and then the other season with the other ones. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
reneemonique beri saya props untuk my links
Icon.. <3 diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Evanescent komentar…
thank anda (: lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 beri saya props untuk my images
I've finished the third book. OMG it was fantastic! oleh far oleh favourite. I'm really excited for season 3/4. SO glad they decided to membagi, split it into two seasons. Now instead of 10 episodes, we get 20. I've started the fourth, not that far into it though.
I'm curious to see how the Reeds will get introduced considering they are in the detik book. And what about Theon? Will he be in those seasons? diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
I think the most shocking thing is what the Frey's did to their bodies afterwards. I'm not sure if they will tampil that. Were anda disappointed that the Tickler died in S2? Arya killing him in the third book was brutal, with all the stabbing. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
I'm looking meneruskan, ke depan to the Red Wedding, Joffrey and Margery's wedding and the Battle of the Wall. They will be epic episodes I reckon. Also looking meneruskan, ke depan to Arya/Sandor scenes. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Slayerfest93 komentar…
The Starks will always be my favourite House. It is so sad that not a lot of them are left. :( Hopefully the remaining ones don't die. But anda never know. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen berkata …
Yeah, it seems like it, you’ve just got extra summer holiday while mine is lebih spread out :)
I’m glad you’re liking high school and that your classmates/teachers are nice! Where did anda go on the school trip? :D
I will definitely check Band of Brothers out then – when I’ve got that time – there’s always so much to do in contrary to what I want to do -.-´
anda haven’t asked yet, so that’s why anda can’t remember asking ;D But unfortunately I have to say no diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen komentar…
– I’ve “only” listened to the first chapter, ‘cause I’m still membaca The Hobbit and wants to finish it before I listen to GoT. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
LEH-Pjevsen komentar…
But of what I’ve heard already, I think I will really like that story, it’s sounds great! :D lebih dari setahun yang lalu