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posted by MafiaYJ
"Now! Lon, take him out." It hate just been over a tahun since my last assignment, but a tahun was enough to change me. At one point in life, killing was easy, not enjoyable but I didn't have much guilt. Now that was all different. Now I had friends, family, people I cared about. And its that, that madr it that much harder to pull the trigger.
I had a gun as I ran down the steps and kicked open the door to the lobby. My target was in my line of fire. I could take him out. He made himself so obvious. But we were in a hotel lobby. Around me, people were in a panic at the sight pf my gun. Who was I? They'd wonder. Am I friend atau foe? But to be honest, not even I was very sure anymore.
I decided to give chase. There was no way I'd take the risk of shooting an innocent bystander.
I wasnt Mafia.
I wasn't Cheshire.
I wasnt Shiva.
I am no assassin, yet there I was. With a gun in hand and a target that I was supposed to kill. How in God's name do I get myself into these things?
What was worse, I didn't know who I was after at this point. This man was not the original target. Perhaps if I shot him in the leg Id be able to arrest him without killing him.
Then the fool cornered himself. He made things seem like a cliche horror movie, I wanted to memukul him across the head. It seemed that apparently the man didn't know the city to well and ended up here.
He had his back to me as I approached, but he wasn't trembling, in fact the turned, slowly. And then he smiled. A low, evil, rotting thing of a smile. "Ive got anda now pretty lady." He squawked. Wonders, I mumbled to myself rolling him eyes, I was cornering a complete Hatter. I was the one with the gun after all. But then I saw, I recognized him.
The grip on my gun tighten.
The city paper had dubbed this man the Finger Keeper. He had kidnapped and mutilated 7 women in the past bulan and would dump their bodies in public squares with all their digits messily missing.
I felt the rage hit me like a wave upon a steadfast rock. I knew exactly what it was like to get my own body mutilated. To see someone remove my hands with a pisau and poke extra holes into my chest and thighs. I was not new to torture. But no one, no innocent woman who have to ever experience such a pain. No one should ever have to feel what I felt during those dark days. Not ever.
And now I was face to face with a man like those of the past. I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't - not yet.
I lowered my gun with my own eerie smile. I felt my eyes revert back to their natural demoness red. And just for this moments, I relished reverting to my natural form. I felt my black wings rip at my skin and extended out of my spine. I felt my teeth shimmer in the dim light as I grinned ferociously with demons' pointed fangs. A painful growl emitted from my throat as my body contorted to its indescribable form. It ripped a scream from his throat into the alley and loud enough I was sure Lucifer could hear, that he was smiling up at me.
I held that lump of hit over my shoulder, blood trailing behind us. In my hand I tossed an eye, his eye, like a ball. It felt slimy and squishy between my gloved fingers. He was unconscious as I stepped into my house and headed down to one of my many basements. I had a lab down there that I had recreated to look like an exact replica of the one I had worked in in 1945. I used my lab pretty often but never for what I was about to do now.

"NO, PLEASE! I BEG YOU. HAVE MERCY!" the man's face was streaked with tears as I wiped my pisau and hands on the already bloody wash cloth I had tied at my belt.
"My, my, aren't anda afraid. How the tables have turned haven't they?" I purred as I glanced over the silver tray to my right. It held 8 fingers, 8 bloody perfectly sliced fingers. "You know, I rarely ever get to use fresh pieces for my work."
The cries of panic and fear echoed in my ears, and it was beginning to annoy me. I was still in my form and I decided to ignore his pathetic wails. I was fighting the urge to remove his tongue. But according to my schedule tacked up on one side of the lad, I needed human tongue! And now I had the perfect specimen.
"Goodness, anda sure are a loud one aren't you, dear? Did anda often talk to the women anda killed? anda sir, are not man that deserves to live, let alone talk and make as much noise are you. So-" I pulled a scalpel from the silver medical tray and an old fashioned metal cheek retractor. It looked like a torturing device.
I moved his position so he was laid back onto the lab meja as he screamed on.
"Perhaps if anda hadn't been screaming so much I may never have remembered. anda really brought this on yourself. And anda really deserve it too if anda really think about it."
lebih screams.
I sighed and placed in the metal cheek rectractor, and carefully made sure that it held open his mouth before grabbing hold tightly of his berwarna merah muda, merah muda wet muscle. I slowly entered with the scapulae and sliced; blood choked the man and his cries. Once the procedure was done i set the tongue in a prepped jar, and once he was dead, I'd behead him and polish his skull till it shone to place it with the other 271 I owned.
As I washed the scapulae and the knives, I caught my reflection in the mirror. I had reverted to my human form but my eyes still matched the blood that I wore. And as I stared into my eyes, my actions dawned on me.
I just killed a man.
I just tortured a man to death.
I had mutilated him and then planned on beheading and lobotomizing him.
My pisau clattered to the ground as I sobbed into my hands. I even tried to justify why I did what I did and I was okay with it for even but a moment. This was the difference from when I had no guilt. Back then I foolishly believed that I was not a monster.

Extended Ending:
Adrian sipped teh as he looked around Babylon's study. His golden green eyes suddenly caught sight of an object he hadn't noticed before. A skull sat on the bookshelf eerily in the direction of Babylon's desk. He wandered over and picked it up, he noticed two marks that looked like burned fingerprints on the cranium. "Adding new knickknacks, My Sweet City?" Adrian purred as he turned, facing Babylon, who stared expressionlessly at him from the door way. Adrian grinned at her.
"Lovely to see anda admiring my things." Babylon stated.
"Did anda forget your gloves while anda were packing this one? Adrian asked as he held up the skull. Babylon blinked, "I didn't forget them. I took them off."
"To grab an old skull?"
"It deserved it."
"But it's nothing but an old skull, my dearest."
"There is no such thing as just an old skull. I have skulls of soldiers, enemies, mutants, and binatang all holding a unique history. Dont forget that.Besides, that one there." She pointed at the skull, "is just like me."
"Another demon?"
"No," Babylon berkata as she took it from him, "A monster."
posted by SilverWings13
Maddex backflipped, avoiding two blunt projectiles.
"Ha! Missed- oof!" He stumbled back as a boots collided with his chest. He dodged another kick, then knocked it aside as it swung at him a third time. SilverWings fell back, her balance thrown. Maddex pounced on his opponent. She leapt out of the way at the last moment and he had to screech to a stop to keep from face planting into the wall.
Coaxoch and Harmonian walked in and face-palmed in unison. "They're still going?" Ceil said, astounded.
"Not for long," Mel got the sneaky smile on her face that made her friend nervous.
Silver swung a...
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posted by HarmonianYJ
This started out in IM... Enjoy!

Eclipse sat in her corner. Being the little emo she is, rocking back and forth. She sneezed, and she had wet herself. She continued to rock. Ciel felt for her, walked into his room, and searched his drawers. Meanwhile, Eclipse had crawled into her box. Ciel's walked out of his room, holding a pair of jeans, and a shirt. Eclipse crawled out of the box.
"Help?" She whispered. Ciel crouched down, holding his arms out.
"Come here..." He said, and she slid over, and her eyes had turned pink. He held his arms out, and she hugged him. He stood up, holding her.
"Lets go...
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The city was dark and cold. Even in summer, especially this summer, the nights were still cold. They were about to get colder. Moscow provided many shadows and alleyways to hide in. One was about to be used against the city itself. 

The man pulled out a cellphone and called. His silhouette was spotted three streets over oleh a professional sniper. The sniper had no interest in killing the man, however. He was the backup. 

"Are we all clear?" the deep, strong voice came over the phone as soon as the sniper picked it up.

"Affirmative." the russian accent came. "Good luck,  comrade!"

The bearded...
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posted by InfinityYJ
My mind wanted this.. and I completely hate my mind right now.. But I wrote it anyways... So... *goes and hides in corner*
It's kinda... creepy/weird. Forgive me.

“I missed you.”
The halls were completely bare, the rug was clean to perfection, but the house had an eerie air to it. The lights didn’t work well and the doors seemed to whistle creepily. Shadows bounced off the slightly dirty windows. He walked slowly, his bloodshot hollow eyes darting to and fro among the halls, jumping at even the slightest of noises. His mouth would open to scream when a sudden shadow came out at him, but...
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Eric stormed into the cave. “She’s gone.”
Delta looked up. “Who’s gone?”
“Your sister! She’s gone!”
Eric threw his hands in the air. “You’re all hopeless. Yes, Phoenix!”
“How do anda know that?” Red berkata from the other side of the cave, beginning to stride closer. Ariel looked up from her spot on the couch, and Tanner came out of the hall, obviously just finishing a shower.
Eric sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing his forehead. “I went to meet up with her at her place. We talked a little, and both fell asleep, and when I woke up, she just wasn’t there.”...
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Cassie took a large bite out of her hamburger, swallowing a gulp of her cokelat shake. "I'm ravished. That business in Moscow made me hungry."

All that food?" Tim asked, looking at the nice, neat, perfect salad before him.

Cassie shrugged. "Teen's gotta eat. I don't have to worry about the tighty-tights." Cassie stopped mid-chew. "Not that anda don't look good in them."

Tim smirked. He was dressed in a tight T-Shirt and jeans. Cassie was wearing her usual civvies: Red spandex, white and red T-shirt, and baseball cap.

"You realize you've only mentioned the tights eight times in the last three dates,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
 Just chillin'
Just chillin'
This is my new OC, appearing in Ebony, and then I swear to god I'm never making another OC again. If anda want me to RP as him, tell me, but I won't do it if anda don't want me too. So... don't hate me? *sheepish grin* I deleted all my other ones, basically!!!

Name: Nikita Andreevich
Age: 15 (17 in Ebony)
Hero name: ((You guys can help with this!))
Appearance: light karamel colored hair, light yellow/green eyes, 5'11", strongly built upper body
Civvies: brown long sleeved shirt, slightly worn navy jeans, old black high tops
Costume: he basically just throws a grey hoodie on (see picture)
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Just one lebih wouldn't hurt...would it? *Flees from angry mob*

Name: pakis Elizabeth Ameer.

Alias: Delirious.

Appearance: Pale. Blood red hair. Sapphire eyes. Scar that runs from her eyebrow to cheek. Golden Wings.

Civvies: Green hoodie, black t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

'Stume: Picture.

Powers: Flight(wings)*You didn't see that coming, did ya?*Wink**.

Skills: Hunting. Extremely advanced senses.

Past: Escapee from the School, took shelter at a circus. Hid her wings from others, started accidentally killing everyone. Fled to Germany, hiding her wings for a year, came back to USA.


~Fear of heights, despite her birdy-nature.
~Can make her wings blend into her skin, but only for a short period of time, due to it getting extremely uncomfortable.
~Finds interest in rain.

I just had to! And if anda request, I will hapus her...
 'Stume. Ignore the awkward blonde hair...
'Stume. Ignore the awkward blonde hair...
 What her Wings look like.
What her Wings look like.
“Epsilon, are anda sure this is where she was?”
Delta sat on the edge of the roof, watching out over the dimmed lights of Trinity for any signs of trouble, atau even just a flame. Eric was pacing on the roof as well, glancing over the edge. “Yes, yes, I’m very sure..”
“I don’t know, man...”
“It’s a possibility.”
Both Delta and Eric whirled around at the new voice. Red Revenge stood there, glancing over the city himself, arms crossed. “I saw the news as well.”
“Were anda invited?” Eric questioned, glancing to Delta out of the corner of his eye. The teen made an innocent...
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posted by RichiYJ
*Insert grinning face here* *Turns around* *Sees angry mob* ~flee~ Ahhhh! I'm sorry!

Name: Hibi Rain

Age: 12

Skin Color: Light

Eye color: Green-ish blue

Hair: Short and occasionally messy, blonde

Civvies: Green jacket, emas T-shirt, black cargo pants

Costume: (See picture)

Weapons: Two small pistols which api an infinite amount of small thorns that slow down response time; a slingshot with toxic bombs

Powers: Earth-based powers. Hibi can instantly grow any plant anywhere with soil, manipulate all plants, travel through the roots of plants and soil from location to another quickly, and morph himself...
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posted by Robin_Love
The metal pierced her skin gently, drawing a small amount of blood. The darkened room matched her mood. She picked up the mask, the souvenir from last night's fun. She held it over her face and grimaced.
“How did Bane see in this?”
She tossed it aside, retracting the long claws back into their hidden place in her arm. The line of blood on her arm started to heal slowly. Ever since she had watched her boyfriend die because of Bane's goons, she had kept a tight control on all other emotions beside her rage. Now that she'd properly disposed of the villain and his lackeys, she wanted to sob....
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posted by CoaxochYJ
*Giggle* I have weird dreams...

"MEL! Get down here!" Fang shouted for me downstairs. I groaned, slipping on my sweats.
"I'm coming!" I walked out of my room, jumped onto the rail, and slid down. I'm too good to walk down the stairs, what I saw seemed normal. Until... uh... Fang spit a mouthful of cereal into Lexi's mouth. Am I the only one that finds that disgusting?
"AK! GOD! DADDY!" I almost puked.
"What? Its good for you!" Fang said.
"That. Is. Disgusting." I stared at him.
"Were birds! Its what we do!" Fang looked at me oddly.
"We're two percent bird." I said. "NOT ACTUAL BIRDS! Plus, its the...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Ciel POV.

Mel has been akting strange lately... Its odd, she's been, too clingy. She hasn't let go of me for two days. I'm starting to think she's permanently attached. This is where other people come handy, to pry Mel off of you. She had her legs wrapped around my waist, and she started crying whenever I managed to pry her off. And I can't stand to see her cry! Mel sneezed, still sick. She rubbed her nose, then wrapped her arms back around my neck. I don't have a problem holding Mel, but when she's stuck to anda everywhere anda go, its kinda annoying. I stood up, and walked out the front door....
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posted by Robin_Love
 K.C. Resistance leader
K.C. Resistance leader
Name: Discarded
Alias: K.C.
Age: 17-19
Occupation: Leader of the Resistance
Powers: Super-soldier, able to conduct master plans, gets information just oleh touching a non-living object, able to temporarily silence someone
History: There is nothing known about K.C.'s past. He formed the Resistance for a reason no one is sure of. But he leads the team with great efficiency. Only those inside the Resistance know that it exists. The Resistance is so far off the charts not even the world's greatest detective(s) can find them atau how they came to be. K.C., being the leader, is in charge of anything that...
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posted by The_Writer
Interrogation Scene

Stalin yelled as electricity arched through his body. He shook, his body rattled, smoke rose from his weak shell. Revenge walked up to him, control in hand.

"How did anda get control of my bridges? My weapons? The launch codes for the American missiles? How?!"

Stalin was breathing heavily, his tongue was lead in his mouth. He took a full sixty detik to start speaking.

"I will never reveal my secrets."

"But in Soviet Russia," Revenge replied in an excellent Russian accent, "Secrets will reveal you."

Stalin glared. 

"There was a man named Joseph in Russia." Revenge said, walking...
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I'm Just a little bit
Caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and cinta is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone, I've tried
and I don't know why

Zeth walked down an alley way and kicked an old soda can, the sun disscided to sink behind the clouds today which is what he wished he could do. Everything seemed to have gone wrong, getting him into trouble with everyone.

His hari hadn't gone well.

Slow it down make it stop,
Or my jantung is going to pop!
'Cuz it's too much
yeah, it's alot
to be something I'm not

Inches away from the floor Ariel twisted around another corner, panting hard.

"Atleast I'm...
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Sam sipped a cup of limun from his shady seat, watching the men sweat in front of him, rushing to get everything prepared for his 4th of July party. Sam almost felt bad for it, but he enjoyed watching the men work. He enjoyed knowing their lives were in his hands. He felt like a god.

One man stumbled, dropping some items and frantically picking them up. Sam pretended not to see. He heard something and turned to see Tim itik jantan, drake walk up beside him.

"Tim." Sam said.

"Grant." the boy replied in a less hospitable tone."

"How'd anda get past security? No Gothamites allowed near me."

"You need better security."...
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Sorry for the long wait! Heres the 4th part, enjoy! :) :D

Part 4:
“Mockingbird, atau should I say Felice?”
“I don’t mind either.”
“WelI, this is your room, hope this isn’t too much, I know you’re new and all but, I-we, hope anda settle in well.”
A very over-helpful Ms Martian was taking Mockingbird a tour of the whole Mountain. Ever since Ms Martian had been doing this every time a newbie came into the team, it seemed like tradition.
Now M’gann was tampilkan Mockingbird her new room, which she would be staying.
Felice though was insecure.
“Um, Ms M?”
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New series, takes place two years into the future. link. Enjoy!

Hope anda enjoy!
Jacob was a drug dealer. He worked late nights in Trinity, out in the open. No one stopped him; the police force was corrupted, and the heroes of the League were always too busy to pay any attention to this city. So he went about his business .
Tonight, however, something seemed different. He could feel someone watching him as he walked home. But whenever he turned, there was no one, no one at all. Shaking his head, he continued on. If anda studied him, anda could see how managed to pindah a little lebih quickly this time....
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Jacob Powell
Alias: Naliak
Age: 16
Powers/skills: -controls shadows
Past: Jacob grew up in less wealthy family than Dariyn, Hikaru and Kaoru. He only got accepted into the academy oleh his academic scholarship. He followed around the three most talkative people he knew. They eventually rubbed off him, and Jacob now talks....rarely.
Others:-Sees better in the dark than the light.
-Wears mostly dark clothing
-The Hitachiin Twins and Dariyn refer to Jacob as "scary"
-Escapes from the world through his headphones.
-Carries around pistols