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posted by windwakerguy430
Man: Come on, girl. Don’t be like that
*A skinny man with ratty hair were standing in front of a woman at a bar. She had been doing her best to ignore them, but they had decided to sit at the table, doing what they could to get her attention*
Woman: I told anda to go away
Man: Aw, come on. Why don’t we go and have some fun. Who knows, anda may just like what I got for you, babe
*The woman struck the man across the face with a slap. The man only chuckled as he punched the woman across the face, sending her to the floor*
Man: I tried to be a nice guy, but anda just had to be a stupid bitch!
*As he got up to grab her, a man stepped in between him and the woman. The man wore a striped black and white kemeja underneath an open black leather jaket and black trousers. His black hair was shiny with hair gel. He kept his hands in his pocket as he looked at the man*
Greaser: We got a problem here?
Man: Why don’t anda fuck off before anda get hurt
Greaser: It don’t work that way, buddy. I suggest anda step on out of here
*The man didn’t hesitate to throw a fist at the greaser. It came fast, but the greaser grabbed hold of it with ease, before twisting his arm and sending him crashing to the floor. He picked him up and dragged him outside of the bar.*
Man: G-get the fuck off me, anda goddamn punk piece of shit!
*As the greaser led him outside, at least two other greasers walked outside, following the two to an alleyway. Once he was thrown at the back of the alley, the three greasers started to beat him violently, kicking him, punching him, and even cutting him. As the man was thrown against the wall, he coughed before looking up at the greasers, his face a combination of red and blue before he spoke up*
Man: Who… Who the fuck are anda people?
Greaser: We’re the Jailhousers. Don’t forget, asshole
*The greaser lifted his foot and kicked the man in the face, knocking him unconscious before they returned to the bar*

*Mikey was pouring a glass for himself. He was far too stressed, and needed another drink. As he was pouring one for himself, he heard a familiar female voice*
Female: anda don’t always drink on the job, do you?
*Mikey turned to see Sally again, sitting at the counter of the bar*
Mikey: Hey, didn’t expect to see anda again so soon
Sally: Well, what can I say. I just need a place to spend my time
Mikey: The usual?
Sally: Yes, please.
*She gave Mikey a glowing smile before he turned to prepare her drink*

*Johnny sat in the meeting room with a few of his men. His hands were covering his mouth and his legs were shaking in anticipation for any word on what was going on. His eyes turned from one person to another, hoping they had something*
Johnny: What do any of anda got? Tom?
*Tom Dooley looked up, scratching the back of his head as he was asked, before he responded* W-Well, I’ve been bribing the police like anda said, but they told me they had no leads on the matter
Johnny: Fucking useless cops. Can’t count on them for nothing. What about ol’ Nate Cole?
*At the mention of Nate, another man walked into the room. He gave a smile through his closed eyes, one of them with a scar on it*
Johnny: You’re late again, Mambo
Mambo: My bad, Johnny. I just had some last menit business. As anda know, spying isn’t an easy job
Johnny: I guess not. What can anda tell us?

*Mambo and Mikey were sitting in the corner of Fat Boy Frankie’s Dinner, a populer fast food chain in the area. As Mambo took a bite from his burger, Mikey looked at the ground nervously. Mambo knew he would regret asking, but he gave a sigh and spoke up*
Mikey: What’s wrong, Mike? anda haven’t touched your Fat Boy Burger. And I’ll be damned if I let a perfectly good burger go to waste
Mikey: It’s nothing. It’s just… Why do I have to be here, Mambo? Why do I have to be apart of the gang life?
Mambo: Cole saw some good in you, and anda need to pay him back. It isn’t a matter of anda wanting to join. anda had no choice in the matter.
*Mikey gave a sigh as he looked up at Mambo*
Mikey: Why are anda working for Cole?
Mambo: That’s a pretty serious pertanyaan to be asking someone anda only met a bulan ago, ain’t it? I joined because I needed money. And I found my talent in killing people. Simple as that
Mikey: Why are anda so calm about this, Mambo?! You’re a killer
Mambo: Hey, shut the hell up, will you? The last thing we need are people looking at us. Yeah, I kill, okay? It’s just how it is. I’m calm because I’m used to it now. It’s what I do.
*Mikey’s hands were clenched into fists at Mambo’s answer. He looked at the ground, giving a heavy sigh*
Mambo: Hey, Mikey, it’s not anda who’s a killer. Do anda remember killing anyone?
Mikey: No, I guess not
Mambo: Exactly. anda ain’t a killer. You’re just the guy who mans the bar, does deliveries, and all that shit. Okay?
Mikey: Y-Yeah… I guess so
Mambo: Good. Now stop sniffling and eat your burger, will ya?

*Tom and two other men were driving back to the Baddoni office, Tom in the backseat as the others kept talking. Tom wasn’t much of a talker, and he mostly just slept in the back, doing what he could to ignore the conversations of his co-workers. His lack of responsibilities and consideration for others made the rest of the crew hate his guts. The driver looked behind him and at Tom, giving a disgusted expression*
Passenger: Why do we have to deal with this piece of shit
Driver: Maybe we can just kill him and put the blame on Cole
Passenger: Ha! Yeah, maybe we should…. Wait, you’re fucking serious, ain’t you?
Driver: Never been lebih serious in my life. Tom Dooley’s a stupid, lazy degenerate piece of shit. I heard he came to work here because he killed his wife and just needed a place to work
Passenger: I don’t doubt it. I think maybe tossing this asshole into the river wouldn’t be so bad
Driver: Yeah, I think anda may be ri-
*The car came to an abrupt stop when the car in front of them had made a sudden stop. The driver, already in a bad mood, honked the horn. The doors of the car in front of them swung open. Two men stepped out, one of them being Mack, his face hidden with a hockey mask as he wore a Jailhouser uniform. Another stepped out of the car, also dressed in a Jailhouser uniform and a hockey mask. The driver stepped out of the car, walking towards them*
Driver: What is this, some stupid halloween shit? I berkata get the fuck outta the wa-
*Mack had already grabbed hold of the machete in his car door and swung it, slicing through the driver’s throat before he fell onto his hands and knees, using his hand to try and stop the intense bleeding. As he was on the ground, Mack lifted the black machete into the hair and swung it into the driver’s skull, killing him instantly before he walked toward the passenger. The passenger reached for the sarung tangan compartment to grab the gun, only for the car window to be smashed and he was grabbed oleh Mack. He looked the passenger in the eyes, before his eyes darted over to Tom, who was already waking up*
Tom: W-What? What was that sound? Did we hit someth-
*He stopped when he saw Mack holding the passenger*
Passenger: Tom, what the fuck are anda doing. Shoot him
Mack: So there is another one.
*That was all Mack berkata before he took his hands and jammed his thumbs into the passengers eyes. He screamed in pain as his eyes were gouged out, a stream of blood running down his fat. His feet were sliding viciously across the floor of the car as Mack continued to selai his thumbs into his eyes, before he twisted his arms to the left, snapping his neck and killing him. Mack threw the passenger aside before he turned to Tom. Tom was trying to unlock the car door in an attempt to escape, but stopped once he saw that the other man was at the opposite side. Mack looked at him and spoke*
Mack: anda get to live for now. Tell Johnny that we’re coming for him
*Tom gripped the car kursi as he looked at Mack in the eyes. He was terrified. He didn’t dare reach for his gun and try to kill them. He didn’t want to end up like the rest. He just watched as Mack and the other one walked back to their car and drive away. Now free of their eyes, Tom threw the car door open and ran out, running from the scene as fast as he could*

*As Mack drove down the road, looking expressionless, the other man took the mask off, giving a chuckle, revealing himself to be Mambo*
Mambo: Damn good work, Mack. Now we just leave the rest to the war

*Earlier that day, during the meeting with Johnny and Mambo*
Mambo: Well, I can konfirmasi that Nate Cole had nothing to do with the death of Mr. Baddoni
Johnny: Is that so?
Mambo: That’s right. But I have a feeling that I know who it could be. I think it may be the Jailhousers
Johnny: The Jailhousers? But they’re small time. They only take out a few criminals and degenerates, not crime families
Mambo: Well, it’s just a theory, but maybe they have just decided to start killing Baddoni members. Maybe they saw it as the only way to take down Mr. Baddoni. I could be wrong, of course, but we should at least look into this
*Johnny was tempted to place the blame on them. He shook his head, Tom giving a response before he could answer*
Tom: Johnny, I know anda want to find your dad’s killer, but we can’t jump to placing the blame on the Jailhousers. It will only start a gang war.
Johnny: anda think I don’t know that? I know that we can’t… Mambo, can anda look into this matter more, please? I can’t risk a war
Mambo: Of course, boss. anda can count on me
*Mambo gave a smile before he turned and walked out, his arms behind his back as he made his way back to the Blue Moon Casino*

*Once Mambo returned to the Blue Moon Casino after the assassination job with Mack, he gave a heavy sigh, wiping his forehead as Cole wheeled his way over to him*
Cole: So what’s the news, Mambo?
Mambo: The Baddoni’s are no doubt going to start trouble with the Jailhousers, Nate. If all goes well, a gang war should start soon. The last thing that Mr. Baddoni would ever want is a war. But his son is an egotistical little fucker. He’ll jump at the chance for to find his dad’s killer, even if that means driving the family business into the ground. It all depends on how much of his men are willing to stick around. If we’re lucky, only a few loyal ones will remain
Cole: Nothing Mack can’t handle, right?
Mambo: Yeah. That’s right.

Domino: Yesus Christ
*The sight of the man with missing eyes and a broken neck was enough to make him turn away in disgust. An officer was already getting sick a few feet away, vomiting from the sight. Domino turned away, lighting a cigarette as he leaned against the wall. He looked over at a young man with mousy hair. He looked about nineteen, a young and impressionable kid*
Kid: Mr. Hall!
Domino: Dean, for the last time, I told anda to call me Domino. Mr. Hall makes me sound like an old man. Would anda want me to call anda Mr. Lover?
Dean: Well, if you’d prefer to call me Mr. Lover-
Domino: Okay, shut it now, Dean. Listen, what can anda make of this crime scene?
Dean: Well, the killer is a real sadist. He seems to take pleasure in murdering people as graphically as possible
Domino: Yeah. But why? What’s the motive, assuming there is one?
Dean: I don’t know, Mr. Ha- Domino. I think we may just be dealing with a real sicko
Domino: Perhaps… But I think this is all the start of something else
Dean: Something else?
Domino: Yeah. I think we should expect something huge soon. New York used to be such a nice place. What the hell happened, Dean? How did we get to this?
Dean: Things just change, I guess
Domino: Perhaps
*Domino gave a long drag on his cigarette, giving a tired sigh as he exhaled smoke from his mouth*

*Johnny was looking through the newspapers, clenching it hard in his fists as he read the headline*
Johnny: Two Gangsters Found Viciously Murdered on Penny Lane! What the fuck is going on!? *As he threw the paper onto the desk, Tom ran into the door, startling the other men inside as he panted heavily. His face was pale, and he was sweating hard as he looked at Johnny*
Johnny: Tom, what’s wrong?
Tom: I-I saw the killer. Snake-Eyes Sammy and Benny the Beast. I was there when they were killed. They were murdered oleh some sort of monster
Johnny: Tom! Calm down and tell us what happened, okay?
Tom: I-It was a Jailhouser
Johnny: … A Jailhouser?
Tom: Yeah. And he said... That we’re coming for Johnny
*Johnny’s eyes widened at the response. His hands tightly gripped the arms of his chair. He stood up, grabbing hold of his bat and striking his desk, before he looked at his men*
Johnny: Mambo!
*Despite everyone’s horror at the revelation, Mambo remained calm during the whole thing*
Mambo: Yes, Johnny?
Johnny: Go and find me a Jailhouser, will you? It’s time we get some interrogation
Mambo: anda got it, boss
*Mambo stepped out of the meeting room, closing the doors behind him. He couldn’t help but grin. The plan was going perfectly. As he grinned, a voice spoke up behind him*
???: Hey, Mambo. Can I ask anda something?
*Mambo turned to see the figure of a woman, her arms crossed as she looked at him. Mambo gave a sigh as he turned to see who it was*
Mambo: What do anda want, Sally? I’m very busy
Sally: Why are anda working at Blue Moon Casino?
Mambo: Same reason anda go there. I’m looking into what Nate Cole is doing. I’ve been working there for years, making sure he isn’t up to something stupid.
Sally: anda were always playing both sides, weren’t you, Mambo
Mambo: Don’t be stupid, Sally. I’m loyal to the Baddoni family. I’ve been working for them for years. I’m not about to become some damn turncoat because of Nate Cole. I’m just telling anda what it is. Nate Cole had no reason to kill the Baddonis. We run arms dealing, he runs casinos. Besides, the only ones who work for Nate are me and everyone else working in the casino, Sally. Do any of them look like contract killers
Sally: I know you’re a killer though, Mambo. You’ve killed so many for the Baddonis. You’re nothing but a killer
Mambo: And if it’s for the Baddoni Family, the people who have been there for me for years, I’ll kill again and again. anda better believe that! Listen, King Cole is not the one who killed Mr. Baddoni. So there is no longer a reason to keep spying on them, okay? Now, if we’re done here, I need to go fetch someone for the boss
*Mambo turned and walked down the hall, leaving Sally in thought. She never trusted Mambo. He was always someone who did things his own way and oleh himself. She had no reason to believe him. One thing was for sure for her, there was lebih to this than just the Jailhousers being responsible.*
added by windwakerguy430
added by Seanthehedgehog
Frozen is just as shitty as the Vietnam War.
So, after re-reading my Attack on Titan Abridged review from a tahun ago, I noticed something… My reviewing skills back then were fucking awful. Oh, and I also promised to review lebih abridged series. Well shit, looks like I got no other choice. So, let’s pick one. I could go with the obvious and say Dragonball Z Abridged, but, come on. Do anda really need me to tell anda that this is worth watching? No…. Wait. It’s October 1st… And in a bulan comes…. I got it. Hellsing Ultimate Abridged… Because why not.
So, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is an abridged series oleh TeamFourStar, the same...
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added by Seanthehedgehog

Before Platinum games became Platinum games, they started out as Clover Studios, a part of Capcom. They made some interesting games, like Okami and the weird jank fest that is Godhand. But there is one game that I really want to talk about, and I think that, anda read the title, so anda can already tell what the game is. That’s right, it’s the Gamecube classic, Viewtiful Joe.
Viewtiful Joe follows the protagonist, Joe, a huge movie nerd who is getting lebih than I am right now as his girlfriend Sylvia is kidnapped oleh the villain in a movie before pulling Joe in along with him. Within...
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added by -Universe_COLA-
added by DisneyPrince88
“I want to help starving families in Africa, feed the poor, and help out in animal hospitals” berkata literally no Social Justice Warrior ever. I gotta say, what would happen if Westboro was on the internet? Well, you’d get these stupid fucking cunts. These…. THINGS! These things known as Social Justice Warriors, atau SJWs for short, are the prime example of why John Lennon's Imagine can never be a real thing. Because with idiots like them running around, we don’t want any rights for them, because they clearly don’t deserve any, ESPECIALLY freedom of speech.
So, let me tell anda what a...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: 3weru
added by Seanthehedgehog
Knowing how much anda hate school, I know you'll cinta this.
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by windwakerguy430