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We all know Grand Theft Auto for being one of the best selling games out there, and for good reason. It has massive worlds to explore, and many characters to meet. For those who haven’t played GTA… Which is probably none of you, GTA is a game series where anda explore a massive overworld and get involved with all sorts of crimes. From being a gang member in San Andreas to joining multiple mob families in GTA IV. But what really sells this game is the exploration. There is just so much to do in each game and so much places to explore. And for those who are truly adventurous, there are tons of things to find… But then there are some creepy things that can be found. And trust me, for a game that is about crime, there sure is a lot of creepy things in it. So, lets not waste any lebih time.

#10: Ghost Cars from San Andreas

Now, this one really shouldn’t count as being creepy, since the Ghost Cars are nothing lebih than a glitch and less of an event that the creators intentionally put into the game, but the sheer terror they brought San Andreas players is what makes it worthy of being put on the list. For those who don’t know, Ghost Cars are glitched cars that pindah on their own, with no driver, making it seem like the car is haunted and has a ghost driving it. People over the years have believed that all of this was intentionally put into the game, but really, these cars were just an error in programming, which lead to the cars moving on their own. But, the Ghost Cars have become a legend in the GTA games, which is why they are on the list

#9: Baby Stroller from GTA IV

The Ghost Cars may have just been a glitch, but the Baby Stroller…. May also be a glitch, but is a little bit lebih creepy. Underneath Dukes Expressway is a baby stroller that moves on it’s own. Now, of course, this could be a glitch, where the game thinks that the stroller is on a hill, so it should be sliding down. However, what makes the Baby Stroller creepier than the Ghost Cars is the fact that… this is a baby stroller. Now, what goes in a baby stroller? Babies, obviously. Now, the creepy thing about this is that there are no kids in any of the GTA games. Now, why would there be a baby stroller in a game that completely lacks children? That pertanyaan alone is what makes the Baby Stroller lebih creepy than the Ghost Cars… But, some will still say the Ghost Cars are scarier. Oh well, that’s their opinion.

#8: Wheelchair from San Andreas

Don’t worry, this isn’t another glitched object on wheels that moves around on it’s own, giving the illusion that it is cursed. This is lebih of an easter egg then a glitched item. Near Fisher’s Lagoon, you’ll be able to find this wheelchair just lying there. What makes it so creepy is that this wheelchair is actually a reference to the slasher classic Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yes, the movie about a psychotic family with a murderous habit that kills people that come near their halaman awal actually has an easter egg based off of it in this game. That is honestly pretty creepy… Also, it has the same textures as dumpsters in the game… Just felt like pointing that out.

#7: Apartment 3C from Vice City

Here is another easter egg from the GTA series, this one being a bit lebih well known then the wheelchair. In an apartment near Ocean Beach, it would seem impossible to walk into the building, as it would seem like anda can’t get in. However, anda are able to walk through the door and enter the apartment. Inside, anda will find an apartment room that looks nice at first glance, but once anda walk into the bathroom, it doesn’t seem so nice. Inside the bathroom is a whole bunch of blood stains, as well as a chainsaw that anda are able to collect and use. As it turns out, this is actually another easter egg that references a movie. This time, it references Scarface, which this game seems to reference a lot. But trust me, as awesome as the movie was, it doesn’t keep this GTA easter egg from being any less creepy.

#6: Kingdom Come from GTA III

Now, with a game series like GTA, anda were bound to get to a game that has something to do with drugs eventually. SPANK is a drug in GTA III that is a lot like crystal meth, that affects people physically and mentally in numerous ways. And nowhere in the game is that shown better than in the mission Kingdom Come. After helping the Uptown Yardies enough times, anda will then be told to get the leader a car left in a parking lot. However, it turns out that it was a trap laid oleh Catalina, and anda are then attacked oleh SPANK-ed pushers, who are now running at anda with bombs strapped to their chests. In other words, anda are being attacked oleh drug pushing suicide bombers. And they are always shouting and laughing in creepy ways that make this mission so much lebih creepy. It’s amazing how we went from glitched cars to druggies with a murderous lust. And it only gets worse from here.

#5: The Infinite 8 Killer from GTA V

Here it is, one of the most populer easter eggs in GTA V. What makes this easter egg so creepy is how Rockstar made it so popular. The Infinite 8 Killer is known as Merle Abrahams, who lived in Sunny Shores, where he began to have an obsession with the number eight, calling it an infinity sign turned sideways. After a while, he then murdered eight male joggers. After a while, he was arrested, and was placed in jail, where he died before his trial. After a while, his halaman awal was burned down, which can still be found in Sunny Shores. And if that wasn’t creepy enough, anda can even find his victims in body bags all around the game. And if that wasn’t bad enough, this is only the first thing on the daftar to come from the fifth game. I won’t blame anda if anda leave now.

#4: The jantung of Liberty City from GTA IV

This has to be one of the most populer easter eggs in any GTA game. On Happiness Island, there is a large statue that resembles the Statue of Liberty, called the Statue of Happiness. There is a door that anda can enter oleh jumping out of a helicopter. selanjutnya to the door is a sign that says No Hidden Content This Way, so naturally, anda ignore the sign and walk through the door. Inside, anda will see a long ladder. Once anda climb up it, anda will then be greeted oleh a giant beating jantung that is hanging oleh chains. This sort of thing is just so out of place in a GTA game. Granted, all the other stuff before was pretty out of place, but… Seriously, at least some of the stuff were just glitches. This… Is a giant jantung that beats and hangs oleh chains. This looks like something from a Silent bukit, hill game rather than a GTA game. But still, it’s an easter egg. It had to be something creepy eventually

#3: Eddie Low from GTA IV

What’s worse than hearing about a serial killer that was in the city as you. How about having a serial killer be right selanjutnya to you. That is the best way to describe Eddie Low. Eddie has all the traits of a psychotic killer. He mutilates people, preforms necrophilia, had a bad childhood, and enjoys all sorts of sexual acts that most people would be disgusted of. The first time anda meet him, anda have to drive him to the docks so he can dispose of a body, where he tells anda about his life. He also wants to pindah his murder spree to a different location to hear the different accents from the screams his victims make. Also, the detik time anda meet him, he tries to kill Niko, who kills Eddie in self defense. I’m not one for killing people, but I think it’s for the best of the entirety of Liberty City that Eddie died…. Just saying.

#2: Ghost of Mt. Gordo from GTA V

Now, this is easily the scariest easter egg in GTA V. Around 23:00 to 0:00 at the peak of Mount Gordo, anda will see the ghost of a woman that anda can only see with your sniper rifle, as getting closer to her will result in her disappearing. However, selanjutnya to the ghost is the name Jock written on the rock. Now, normally, a ghost girl is scary enough, but what makes it scarier is how it came to be. As it turns out, the ghost is actually Jolene Cranley-Evans, the wife of Jock Cranley, a character in the game who is known as a famous actor. Before he was famous, he lived Blaine County, away from the city of Los Santos. However, he soon wanted to become a stuntman, to which Jolene rejected, so during a hike around Mount Gordo, he pushed Jolene off a cliff, killing her. This alone is what makes this the creepiest easter egg in GTA V… But is it the creepiest thing ever in GTA V… Well…

#1: oleh the Book from GTA V

Okay, some of anda may argue that this is not that creepy. I mean, this is a mission that is straight out in the open. How is it creepy… Because of what anda have to do. In this mission, Michael has to assassinate a terrorist for the FIB while Trevor gets information out of one of them. It is Trevor’s side of the mission alone that makes this the creepiest thing in any GTA game. While anda are getting information, anda have all sorts of options to torture the guy with. And what’s worse is that anda HAVE to do it. anda have to torture this guy in order to continue the game. And it is just disturbing. From hitting him with a wrench, to pulling his teeth out, to electrocuting him, to goddamn waterboarding the guy. And throughout the torture scene, Trevor is enjoying every detik of it. It’s just disturbing. And this is also how most interrogations go in some ways today, so it is very close to reality with this. And I don’t think I need to mention that this was so disturbing that controversy broke out and Target even stopped selling the game for those reasons. Yeah, it’s no doubt that this is one of the creepiest, if not the creepiest thing in the entire GTA series.

Well, there anda have it. Did anda enjoy the list? Tell me what anda thought of it below. With that, I will see anda all selanjutnya time.
added by windwakerguy430
Well, here we are again. Hello, everyone, and no, this isn’t a dream. A nightmare, maybe, but not a dream. Yes, a new Corner of Horror artikel after many, many moons have passed. The world was just way too happy and way too kind for me not to come back. I mean, after all, there isn’t anything going on right now to instill fear in people, right? Well, there were a lot of film I watched over my time trapped in my house, not that that’s much different from what I usually do. And with wanting to get back into the horror discussion phase for a bit while I wait to play lebih weird PS2 games,...
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added by AquaMarine6663
posted by windwakerguy430
Oh boy, how will I ever be able to talk about this game? I guess, at the least, I should give this artikel a lebih 18+ rating, and that everyone should be advised of the game we are going to be talking about today. But the game is so old with graphics, that the violence almost doesn’t matter. Well, today, everyone, we have a very special horror game to talk about. Created oleh Rockstar, the people behind Grand Theft Auto, comes their first survival horror game, and easily one of their most controversial games out there. Rockstar is known for having controversy in their games from murder to bullying...
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Anime. A wonderful example of just how amazing media nowadays can be. There's dozens upon hundreds of great anime out there and I think it's time we acknowledge that oleh rewarding that topic with an artikel ON THINGS I WISH THAT THEY'D STOP FU***NG DOING.

Like pretty much everything that exists, anime has it's flaws. And I understand that! I know that writers can screw up oleh accident, and it's alright because we ALL do.


But then there's when anda menyeberang, salib the line in terms of sheer stupidity and decide to do something that will downright DAMAGE your tampil and piss everyone off who's...
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added by AquaMarine6663
added by -Universe_COLA-
added by Seanthehedgehog
Is that anda John Wayne? Is this me?
legend of zelda
nintendo switch
added by windwakerguy430
Now, what is a glitch in a video game. Well, whenever developers screw up (Which they seem to do a lot), games will always have some sort of issue occur that wasn’t supposed to be there due to something not being programed in correctly atau at all. Some famous examples include infamous 4th hari glitch from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, the crazy swingset from Grand Theft Auto IV, atau my personal favorite, watching your characters have a midair seizure because the peluru, cartridge is tilted from Goldeneye 007. But, there are times when glitches get so bad, that they can either halt your time in a...
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If there is any game that is batshit insanely fun and stupid at the same time, completely screwing up all logic in the process, it is no doubt Saints Row IV. I mean, what other game has anda start off the game with killing terrorists and climbing on a misil, rudal while Aerosmith plays and blowing it up over Washington D.C. and instantly become the president of the United States with Keith David as vice president…. No game does that. And then… there’s the DLC. OH BOY, THE DLC.
Now, I just want to state that I NEVER buy DLC. Believe me, I once bought Majora’s Mask clothing for Super Smash Bros...
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Well. Another Christmas, another tahun of stress, later leading to total bankruptcy because of the expensive PS4 anda bought for your children, and you’ll be forced to starve while your parents work multiple jobs just to get by. What a magical time of year. So, naturally, whenever this time of tahun comes up, I play every video game I can find and look over at all of the natal themed levels in it. Weather it is a huge mound of natal with lights and ribbons, atau if it’s a small mound of snow, natal is always a nice thing to see in video games. So, today, I want to share with you...
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