manusia serigala Club
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added by Home-Run15
Source: Home-Run15
added by blackrose294
posted by Sonicfan67
if u dont know me then u should.
everytime when the moon comes up in the fanpop chat menu,i turn into a werewolf.this is the bio of me as a werewolf:
and has sharp claws and fangs.
i bite someone when someone makes me angry atau will not stop fighting atau say something rude.
lalalallalalalallalalalalallalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalalalalllllllllllllllllllllllalalalalalalallalalalalallalalalalalallalalalalallalalalalalallalalalallalalalalallalalalalallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllalalallalalallalalalallalalallalalalallalalallalalalallalalalallalalalalallalalalallalaallaallalaal(ignore this)
posted by princessofmagic
Thanks to precious211 for helping me come up with the judul and Luna's name!!!!! anda helped a ton!!!

Chapter one

I was in a large hall that looked like it could be in a midevil-King-Artur-type-movie. It was made of beige stone, had red banners with a emas lingkaran and black serigala print on them hanging on thick pillars, torches lit on either side of them, casting a dark shadow behind the pillars,and a simple golden takhta with a red jubah tossed over in sitting on the center of a platform near the back of the hall. I reconised the image imeadeadly. It's like going to collage then seeing a picture...
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added by ShadowChaos
This is the perfect theme song for werewolves.
added by thegangster
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: losthavenmine @ tumblr
added by Psychoslasher
Source: Universal Pictures
added by breebree446
added by angryghost
Source: fan of were serigala
Full moons just got scarier. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the coolest, scariest, and wildest werewolf metamorphoses in film.
puncak, atas 10
iconic transformations
shocked audiences
manusia serigala