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posted by SweetHoneyBunny
The first rays of sun beat down on the scarred land, baking and scorching the already dry soil. Small clumps of crops grew here and there where there was enough to hold onto. From the small village, a scrawny rooster could be heard announcing the morning as people left the shelter of their huts, thanking whoever had let them survive another night.

Talow was like any other fifteen tahun old that was still alive and not recruited. He worked on the farm, if anda could call it that, picking the weeds and making sure the village would have food. Shoving himself off the thin blankets, Talow got ready to face another day.
“Good morning, papa.” He stepped outdoors to see his father hooking up the bagal to the old wagon. “Where are anda going? The crops are not ready to harvest and we have nothing else to bring to market.” Talow helped his father buckle the straps around the animal’s thin chest.
“We need supplies.” His father berkata as he picked up his sack. “Your sisters are growing and will soon find husbands of their own, we can’t rely on them forever.” He wrapped the lead around his wrist and turned to lead the bagal towards the neighbouring village of Maylan.
“I will come with you.” Talow followed his father.
“You need to finish your work first.” His father continued to walk on. “Besides, Maylan is no place for kids. Talow stopped in his tracks. He hadn’t been called a kid since his mother had seen him trying to help his sister bring in the crops.

He had been only five at the time, trying to drag one of the carts through the fields as his sisters, both at least three years older then he was, had loaded it with whatever had managed to grow that year. Talia, the oldest oleh six months had placed an armful of lumpy potatoes in the gerobak, keranjang when the whole thing tipped over spilling the mornings labour across the dusty ground. Their mother had struck him across the ear, scolding him for creating lebih work. She had berkata the fields were no place for a kid running around and getting in the way. Talow had spent the rest of the morning sulking under the elongated roof of the neighbours, shading himself from the bright sun and the harsh words of his mother.

She had passed two years yang lalu during the drought that had left everyone desperate for any water they could find. The barrels that usually collected rainwater were dry and the jungle, which had moved in as the climate had warmed, provided dangers beyond imagination. Talow watched his father walk down the winding trail to the edge of berkata jungle, disappearing between the large leaves as he followed the path to Maylan.

He turned to look out at the village. The occasional neighbour could be seen weaving between the huts, feeding chickens, milking goats, atau getting ready to head out to the plains. Out here, away from the cities, people worked to survive. If anda were lucky anda produced enough for the family and maybe a few spare coins. Talow picked his way to a small hut on the edge of the village. The yard had a short fence made from mismatched materials like wooden beams, and rusting steel running around it keeping a few skinny chickens from running off and getting eaten oleh something. Stepping over the barrier Talow made his way to the front door of the slightly lopsided house. It was made from baked clay bricks and had stood here for years; the roof was an extension of the bukit, hill behind it creating a green roof that allowed for a garden on top. The door shook on its hinges as he knocked on the thin board.
“It’s open.” A faint voice could be heard from inside the house. Talow pushed the door open revealing a circular room that was the only one in the house. The walls were washed in the dim light of a sputtering candle placed on a wobbling stack of old books. Beside these was a wooden meja with two chairs, one occupied oleh the owner. She was no lebih then four and a half feet with a tuff of white hair at the crown. Grandma Ninovan was the oldest woman to still live in the village. Both of her sons had been taken into the army when they were kids so she lived alone in her little hut. She had no grandkids so she wasn’t really anyone’s grandmother but she acted like one. Talow had grown up with Grandma Ninovan checking up on the family, for the past three years he had been doing odd jobs for her to repay for the countless times she had saved them from starving throughout the year. Everything from feeding the chickens, to repairing the fence with bits he could find discarded oleh others. Today she sat, looking out the round window at the jungle beyond.
“Grandma Ninovan? Is something wrong?” Talow was usually off with his assignment oleh now, happy to help in any way he could but today he wasn’t. Grandma Ninovan hadn’t even moved as he came in, she just continued to look out the window, hands clasped around the wooden cane she used, lips moving as if speaking. Talow leaned in to hear what the old woman was saying when the sound of shouting and gunfire caused him to stop. Talow looked to Grandma Ninovan, she was crying and trying to say something to him.
“Go, they are here.” Her faint whisper reached his ears just as a soldier, no older then Talow broke the door down with the butt of his gun. He stepped through the space, regarding Talow and Grandma Ninovan and as he checked the gauge on his flame-gun. Grandma Ninovan sat quietly, eyes closed as the boy let loose a jet of flame onto the furniture; the room was blazing within minutes. Talow reached for Grandma Ninovan but she pulled out of his grasp, gesturing to the door. Hesitating, he ducked out the door as the soldier boy went from house to house, lighting them up the same way.

Talow was disoriented from the fumes but he managed to make his way back to his home, grateful that no one was home. He charged through the open door, grabbing anything that may be helpful. He threw a few things in a bag, shoving a balled up blanket in when he heard the screaming of woman and men alike. Talow took the bag and ran for the jungle; no one would follow him in there. He merpati between the leafy branches, watching from the corner of his eye as his village, his halaman awal went up in flames.
posted by alicia386
Horror: Ghost Story

Chapter Eleven


      I won't even describe how traveling through realms made me feel. I felt queasy and disoriented. I am pretty sure they had to knock me out to keep me from screaming because after a while all I saw where pelangi colored stars and complete blackness. I hated it. The only thing that kept me from killing them both was the thought of Zoe. If it was tue that thy had her here then I couldn't wait to see her. We may fight but I still cinta her. 
      We landed in what seemed like a penthouse. The manila...
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added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
added by hgfan5602
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 22
    Dead end atau a breakthrough?
    “What?” Cadence asked for the umpteenth time, and I gave him an exasperated look.
    “Again?    Seriously Cadence, your supposed to be the one actually paying attention?” I say, frustrated.
    Cadence flashed me a wicked smile. “Age is a number cupcake, I’m not that boring.”
    I surpressed my smile as I told him and Jess everything that happened again.
    “So,” Jess berkata after I was finished...
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posted by hgfan5602
Look through the one-way glass,
The other side's covered in dust
anda can only see ahead
But not back again...

There's no time for disappointment
No time to look back and cry
We gotta go ahead and see to the future
Cuz there's so much lebih to be done then

Look to the future
We will see ahead
Nobody's gonna wipe up the other side
anda can't look back now, just see to the future

The future's so much lebih important than the past
So why weep over the memories?
Just plan ahead for the future
And anda will find it's worth it

The one-way glass
Is a wonderful thing to have
And it helps anda to stop worrying over your troubles,
To go ahead and shoot for the future

We will not look back to the past
Cuz it's covered in dust, no one can see through
Just go ahead and look to the future
The clear future that everyone sees
posted by alicia386
Chapter 3: anda Just Couldn't Resist

      Faye, Marco, and Trina, Faye's mom, were all situated on the couch. Faye had arrived 30 menit yang lalu to find her mom and Marco making out in the kitchen. They didn't even acknowledged that Faye had strolled in until she said, "Hey, I'm home!" When they finally noticed her, Trina berkata for her to sit on the couch. They had something big to tell her. 
      Faye sat in between Trina and Marco. "Okay, here goes. Marco is your father." Trina berkata as she shifted uncomfortably. She was a petite woman and didn't take up much luar angkasa but Faye felt suffocated...
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added by h3rmioneg
added by h3rmioneg
posted by Problematic129
Chapter 21
    The opposite of her
    I remember how it used to feel when I didn’t seem to matter. It was always Dorothy this, atau Dorothy that, and I was always left out atau ignored. I remember having to shout to get people to look at me, and then they’d be all like ‘oh, I’m so sorry, didn’t see you’.
    I remember what it was like when I didn’t like my sister, atau at least, not much as I did when we grew closer. I adored her in the few years before she died, but there was a time that I didn’t want to be just like her....
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added by alicia386
posted by alicia386
I guess I never realized
What we had until it was gone
Then fun we had together
And the laughs we shared

It is funny how we acted
We would pretend to hate each other
Even though that want the case
I cared for anda deeply

I didn't know until the end
That anda felt the same way
After everything we have been through
The separation was the most difficult

When we were young
We laughed and shared secrets
You the loved me
While I then loved someone else

It was only when we were older
That I realized my true feelings
But it was much too late
To express them to you

You have a girlfriend now
One who anda might marry
She is very...
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