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pahit and Blue- 1462 words

Tony had been akting strange for the whole day.

It was almost like he didn’t want to work.

Not that that was weird for Tony, as normally he spent his hours lounging back on his meja tulis, meja chair and shooting spitballs at McGee. But this time…it was different. It was almost like he was late for something. He was trying to use any excuse he could think of to get out of the office. Ziva’s mind worked in overdrive.

At midday

The sun beat down on their backs as Ziva clicked the camera around the crime scene.

    “DiNozzo,” barked Gibbs, “Go to your house and get some latex gloves. We ran out,” he said. Tony’s face lit up.

    “Then can I stay home?” he asked, wide-eyed in hope. The whole team turned and stared at him incredulously. His grin retracted.

    “I, uh…they’re tampilkan Eastenders at one. Didn’t wanna miss it. I’ll just…go get the gloves now.”

Ziva had noticed that he was behaving a little oddly then, as no one in their right mind would ever ask Gibbs to go halaman awal in the middle of a case.


Tony was working furiously on his paperwork. Ziva watched the bead of sweat that trickled down the side of his face, creased in concentration.

    “Wow,” berkata McGee, “Do anda reckon they finally gave him his Ritalin?” Ziva chuckled, but Tony didn’t even budge, not responding to the joke. That was weird in itself. Suddenly, he slammed his hands down on the meja tulis, meja in relief.

    “Yes!” he exclaimed. “Boss, paperwork finished, can I go now?” he asked. Gibbs looked at him.

    “Eager, DiNozzo?”

Tony shrugged.

    “Just wanna get home.” Gibbs watched him for a moment, but nodded his head towards the elevator. Tony practically danced through the doors.

That was when Ziva had decided to follow him.

It was a stupid idea, she knew, but some part of her ached to find out what her partner was so keen on getting to. She hoped against all hope that it wasn’t another mystery woman.

    “Gibbs, I have finished as well. I will see anda tomorrow,” she said. Gibbs nodded in response. Ziva quickly caught the selanjutnya elevator down and into the building’s foyer. Looking around quickly, she spotted Tony’s cloaked figure exiting the automatic glass doors, and turning left. She followed.

Ziva drew her kap, hood up over her head, both because the night was cold, and because it offered her some form of identity protection. Keeping her head lebih atau less down to the pavement, Ziva tucked her dark curls inside her hoodie, her breath leaving wisps of fog in the air.

Tony had retreated to his car. Ziva quickly noted that getting into it would involve him turning around. Instantly, she snapped her body behind a thick telegraph pole, her jantung pounding, hoping he hadn’t spotted her. She heard his car door open and close, and peeked round the corner.

He was not in his car.

Instead, he had continued walking, this time clutching a large, black, oddly shapen bag. The night made it impossible to see exactly what it was. So she continued following, her hands shoved
in her pockets.

At last Tony seemed to have stopped. He had paused in front of a building before walking inside. Ziva noted the neon sign. It berkata “The Blue Room.” Ziva knew of this place. It was a club, mainly for jazz but open for other styles too. Pulling her kap, hood down further over her eyes, she entered the place.

The lights were dim and jeruk, orange tinted, and the stench of smoke hung in the air. Ziva could even see the awan of it around her, and everyone else. A large man stood at an archway with relief etched on his face.

    “Tony! Finally, we thought we was gonna have to replace ya!” he exclaimed, clapping Tony on the back. He grinned.

    “Ah, don’t sweat it Marty. Did ya miss me?” he joked.

    “Naww, never!” Marty beamed, tampilkan yellowed teeth. “Come on, you’re up next!” he beckoned. Tony took a deep breath and continued into the quiet club. It was lined with lounges and tables around corners, and a bar stretched across the back. The place was shabby, but…cozy.

Marty allowed Ziva inside and she took a kursi at one of the very back tables. He had berkata “You’re up next.” Up selanjutnya for what, exactly?

Her pertanyaan was soon answered.

The near-collapsing stage at the front had a sudden spotlight thrown at it, and Marty ambled onto the stage. He tapped the microphone.

    “Hey everyone. Shut up for a second. Well he’s here, everybody’s favourite regular, Tony DiNozzo!” he said, welcoming Tony onto the stage. Scattered applause rang through the audience. Tony stepped into the spotlight clutching…a guitar?

He never told me he could play guitar! This is so strange… Ziva thought.

“Um, hey guys,” berkata Tony, scratching the back of his head as the microphone made feedback sounds. The whole room was intensely focused on him. anda could tell that he was pretty famous around the place.

“Well, this is a new song I wrote. It’s about…a friend of mine. They went missi— away. For a long time. I didn’t think I’d ever see them again. But we got her back, and that’s all that matters.”

“Her?” called someone in the audience. Tony ignored them.

This all felt surreal to Ziva. Tony seemed to be talking…about her. Tony had written a song about her? It was too good to be true.

    “It’s just about, how I kinda felt during the time she wasn’t there. I feel like, I can sorta tell anda guys about it.” An encouraging cheer rose from the audience, and Tony smiled. He sat down on a bangku in the centre of the stage and heaved his gitar to his lap. And then, he began to play.

Ziva’s mouth nearly fell open when she heard his voice.

It was low, guttural, sexy…and incredibly, incredibly good. She didn’t know he could sing!

She took note of a few of the verses.

“Oh the beholder
So steadfast and true
Observing the wreckage
From his point of view
In revolt of long lost hope
Oh, yeah,”
he sung.

Not only were the lyrics creative and poetic…they were heartfelt.

“I’m thoughtful and
Gloomy and
pahit and blue,”
were the words of the chorus.

Ziva’s jantung throbbed painfully in her chest as she smiled. It was amazing to hear what really went through his mind while she was gone.

“So give me an answer
A place and a time
A way to advance
A cosmic sign
And I’ll tampil you
My point of view
Oh, yeah
Yeah, I’ll tampil you.”

So he was looking for answers. He was confused, looking for a way to pindah forward.

“I haven’t been happy
In such a long time
Cloudy and grey skies
Instead of sunshine
I guess that’s how
I’m looking now
So pale
Like I’m in disguise,”
he crooned softly. Tears came to her eyes. If only he knew she was here…
Tony finished the song and the audience clapped as he left the stage.

    “Open mic now,” berkata Marty.
As Tony went to leave, a figure caught his eye, shaking her hair out of her hood. He snapped to attention. Only one woman had hair like that.

    “Ziva?!” he questioned. She approached him. Tony gulped. She had heard his song. Honestly…he didn’t know how she would react.
“Ziva, what are anda doing here?” he asked.

    “I’m observing you, Tony,” she replied, her brown eyes softly questioning. He was silent, unsure of what to say.

    “I…I should probably go,” he said, making an excuse to get away from those eyes he wished he could just fall into. As he turned to leave, her small hand locked onto his wrist. He turned painfully and faced her again.

    “That was beautiful, Tony,” she said, her face full of honesty. He smiled wryly.

    “Glad anda liked it,” he replied.

    “I did not realize you…felt, so strongly about me,” berkata Ziva, still honest. He chuckled lightly.

    “I already told anda I couldn’t live without you,” Tony told her. Ziva bit her lip as her face flushed.

    “And I already kissed you,” she said, leaning in to press her lips to his cheek like she had in the men’s bathroom. At the last minute, he turned his head and caught her lips with his own, soft, and light. When his eyes opened, she was smiling. They berkata nothing for a moment, his chin resting on the puncak, atas of her head.

    “I happen to know that anda sing too, Zee-vah,” Tony smiled. “It’s open mic night, anda should give it a go.” Ziva smirked and looked up at him.

    “Do anda know a song called…“Temptation?


Hope anda liked it, just a couple of notes. Firstly, I know that is nothing of what the song is actually about, but I manipulated it a bit. And plus, it seems to be about a wrecked relationship…and theirs sort of was, wasn’t it? Secondly, this idea is based on something that Michael Weatherly himself came up with, answering this question.
“Will Michael Weatherly’s song ‘Bitter & Blue’ be used in Season 8 of ‘NCIS’? It’d be nice to actually have Michael bernyanyi with the guitar. – Kylie”
He replied: “I can’t say if it will ever happen atau never happen, but I’m not against it, in the right scenario.” He also berkata his proposed set up was ‘Ziva following Tony to a smoky little jazz club where he’s playing his heartfelt music, expressing himself.’ SQUEE! I guess I just sorta Tiva-fied it a little :) Info can be found here: