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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Soda’s Point of View

“My mother once told me when I go to heaven, I’ll hear all the malaikat bernyanyi Amazing Grace to welcome me home…”
Bullets were whizzing by. The api from machine guns was still going on. I knew I needed to get back to my unit. It was just the pertanyaan of how.

I had gotten out of the war zone and was making my way through the dense jungle, clearing my head and trying to get a good feel for where I was and how I could get back to my unit.

I heard a crunch behind me. I whirled around, gun aimed at the person. I smile and relax. It was only Rick. My buddy from my unit.

“Man, am I glad to see you.” He says.

“Yeah, I know.” I grin. “You know where they were headed?”

“Said something about the camp south of Saigon. I think that’s our best bet.” Rick says, starting to walk forward.

I follow behind him, keeping an eye on whats going on behind us.

We walked and talked for a couple hours, making our way through the jungle, battling towards Saigon.

“Heard from your family?” Rick asked from ahead of me.

I smile. My family was the only thing that kept me sane. My saving grace.

“I got a letter from (Y/N) a couple days ago. Grace wrote me a note and drew me a picture, it’s real cute.” I grin. “Logan sent me a picture of something, but I’m not to sure what it is. Maybe a football. atau a car.” I chuckle, turning around, keeping watch. “And,” I grin, “I got a sonogram of the little guy. atau little girl, rather. Faith Elizabeth.”

“Aw, man, congrats.” Rick turns and smiles at me. “So you’ll have a 6 tahun old, 3 tahun old, and a 3 bulan old when anda get home?

“That’s the idea. Unless they discharge me early. How’s the girlfriend?” I say. Rick was a tahun older than me, but wasn’t married yet.

“Hanging in there,” he says tiredly.

“Aren’t we all,” I say quietly. “Aren’t we all.”

My thoughts are interrupted oleh the sudden sound of a gunshot. I see Rick collapse to the ground, blood spraying out from him.

I stand my ground, a look for where the bullet came from. I knew it wasn’t an ambush; if it was, I’d be dead already.

I see the one Vietnamese solider, aiming to shoot me, but I pull the trigger first. I hit him square in the chest, and he falls to the ground. The sixteenth man I had killed.

There’s another one behind him who aims at me.

We pull the trigger at the same time.

My bullet is faster and I see him hit the ground just as his bullet hits me in the leg.

And I crumple to the ground.

I fall in slow motion almost, not even realizing the pain. Everything is seen and heard in this haze. Rick’s moans pull me out of this trance.

I try to stand up to go help him, but my leg turns to jelly, and the sharp pain runs up my body. The bullet must have tore through the muscle and broke part of my leg. I need to go help Rick.

So I drag myself over to Rick. His chest is covered in the sticky, sweet, red blood. He’s starting to breath heavily now.

“Hey buddy,” I say, trying my best not to sound completely lost. “You’re doing fine. I’m gonna get anda outta here. Right?” I say. I’m reassuring myself lebih than him. I rip off the part of my pants that had been shot through, and apply pressure to his wound. I want to vomit. His chest is all ripped up muscle.

“Make… Sure… You… Get this…to… Lynn.” He manages to say. Each word pains him as he reaches into his pocket and hands me a letter.

“Yeah, buddy. I’ll get it to her.” I say, applying lebih pressure to the wound.

I know it’s no use when he starts coughing up blood. He starts convulsing, then goes still, eyes rolled into the back of his head. I turn away, but still I am applying pressure to the wound. He can’t be gone. I press harder. He. Can’t.Be. Gone.

I take my hands away from him and lean back. I clasp my hands over my mouth as the silent tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I reach down and close his eyes. I can’t stand to look at them.

I just start screaming. Hell I’m loosing it.

I’ve been screaming and crying for a long time. It could only be a minute, but it feels like hours. Days even.

I try to stand up again, but fail and crumple to the ground in a heap. I get my canteen, open it up to my mouth, to find nothing in it. Damn it. I had forgotten to fill it at the stream. I was dehydrating fast, and needed to get some water. The nearest stream I remember seeing was almost two miles away. I couldn’t drag myself that far.

And then I remember Rick. My eyes go to his canteen. I reach hungrily towards it, and grab it off him. Before I open it, I stop to think how sick it is, drinking your dead friend’s water to save yourself, and I shake my head, clearing the thought.

I open the canteen, hold it up to my mouth, take a sip, and immediately spit it out.

His canteen had filled with blood from his gunshot wound.

I just laid on the ground. There was no use fighting anymore. I was going to die here, either from the wound, the dehydration, atau going crazy.

And then the fog came, along with the hallucinations.

I couldn’t tell what was real atau not. I saw (Y/N) smiling at me. I saw Grace
playing Barbies out here. I saw Logan laughing and playing with his race cars. Faith’s sonogram flashed into my head, over and over. I was never going to meet her.

Thousands of pertanyaan went through my head. Why were in this stupid war anyways? I don’t know. Why was I in this war? I did it for a job… It would feed my family.

My family.

All of a sudden I saw (Y/N) smiling at me again. I saw Grace playing Barbies, and Logan with his race cars. Faith’s sonogram. I had to meet her.

I started army crawling. I was going to get somewhere. Either to my unit atau another camp site, even water, I didn’t care. I needed to get back. I needed to feed my family. I would get somewhere.

But then I stop. The searing pain in my leg just gets worse. I wince and keep going. I’ve made it a couple yards, I’ll be fine if I just keep going.

My vision starts to fade. No. Not yet. I can’t go.

“Amazing grace…” I hear a voice sing. No, no. I can’t go yet. My mother once told me when I go to heaven, I’d hear all the malaikat signing Amazing Grace to welcome me home.

My daughter Grace really was amazing. And so was (Y/N). And Logan. And Faith. The baby I’d never meet but was in cinta with anyways. My family was my amazing, saving grace. God, take care of them.

“…how sweet, the sound. Was blind, but now, I see.”

My feels.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Ok, Joey, this is what anda gotta do. anda pindah the gear into drive right? Because that’s what anda gotta do; drive. And anda lightly put your feet on the gas. Lightly. Unless you’re racing but anda shouldn’t do that… But if anda do I won’t tell your mother. Anyways , feet lightly on the gas, and anda see, anda pindah forward. I’m not even touching the wheel. anda don’t want to have a death grip on the wheel, that’s bad. So when anda want to turn, anda gotta line up your mirrors with the corner you’re turning at, like this. And then anda turn the wheel, and straighten it back out…...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by deedeeflower
Source: unknown
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: tumblr
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“So,” (sister #1’s name) “have anda and Y/N done the deed?” She smirks at Dally.

”(#1)!” (Sister #2 name) scolds. She turns to Dally. “I’m sorry, she has a habit of being a little nosy.”

“A little?” Dally smirks. He turns to (#1). “And that’s none of your business.”

“Well I think it is, she’s our sister and all.” (#1) replies.

“And she’s my girlfriend.” Dally says back, just as snotty.

“You guys seem good together.” (#2) smiles.

“Yeah, I really cinta her.” Dally smiles.

“Translation: wants to get in her pants.” (#1) snickers.

”(#1)! I don’t think...
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“What if she says no?” I ask, pacing back and forth on the floor.

“She’s not gonna say no.” Soda reassures me.

“But what if she does? Some cute, Prince Charming type of guy comes and sweeps her off her feet? Then what do I do?” I say, nervous.

“That’s not going to happen. There are no Prince Charmings in Tulsa. Besides maybe anda and Soda.” Darry smiles, offering help.

“One could pindah here.” I argue.

“Your over analyzing things. Just ask Y/N to prom and be done with it.” Soda says.

“It’s not that easy.” I shake my head.

“Yes it is. Seven words, little buddy....
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007

“Johnny.” anda shake him. “Johnny.

He mumbles, half asleep. “What? It’s 2 in the morning.”

“I want some tacos. With bacon. And maybe some cokelat sauce.”

“What the hell.” He laughs. “What does this baby like to eat?”

“Apparently tacos with daging babi asap, bacon and cokelat sauce.” anda say.

“Well, I’ll go make the baby some tacos.” He says, getting out of the tempat tidur in his boxers.

“Don’t forget the cokelat sauce!” anda yell after him as anda rub your belly.
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
“Cathy… Come on,”
anda complain to your best friend as she literally drags anda towards the Dingo.

“C’mon (Y/N), it’ll be fun! Two-Bit’s got a friend for you!” Cathy raises her eyebrows.

“Maybe I don’t want a friend,” anda mutter, then stop.

Standing selanjutnya to Two-Bit was the hottest guy anda had ever seen.

Maybe anda did want a friend.

Cathy goes over and hugs Two-Bit, where anda just stare at the boy and he stares back at you.

“I’m Dally,” he says, sticking out his hand.

anda take it. “(Y/N).” anda smile.

“It’s pretty,” he smiles. But then he erases the expression off his face. “I mean, it’s tuff babe.”

“You don’t need to act all tough around me, I know your cool.” anda grin.

“You really think so?” He asks.

“Yeah… You’re pretty cute too.” anda smile.

“Well, I know that.” He smiles. “But you’re cuter.”

“Maybe we should ditch this movie.”
posted by cherry7878
I waited it seemed like forever everytime the phone rang atau I heard something outside I would jump and scream.I fell asleep on the dipan, sofa of I dont know how long.Before I knew it the door opened and my boys came in bruised up and tried.I got up and went for the first aid kit in the kitcken,I went back in there and begaine to fix my boys up not saying anything to them about what could happen.
After everything was done and they were fixed up as good as I could get them they told me that they won agine and now everyone was free they were very happy about it so I didnt tell them I kept...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007