the beatles Club
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posted by Rubyrings
"Should we take one of them taxis?"
"They're here so's people like us can get around England, aren't they?"
"We'll put it back when we're done with it."
The Beatles were standing outside of a taxi stand, where several taxi cabs were parked with keys inside, all ready to go. The stand itself was deserted, just like the train station back in london had been. The boys weren't worried about the consequences of borrowing one of the taxis to use - after all, wasn't that what they were there for? - and quickly made up their minds. The pertanyaan that kept them standing around for the selanjutnya few menit was something else entirely.
"All right, then, I'm driving."
"No, why should anda be driving? I'm driving!"
"You drove last time. I'm driving!"
"Why should anda drive? I haven't even had a turn. I'm driving!"
It was the only subject that could delay them so long. Paul, George, Ringo, and John each tried to get around his friends to the driver's side while arguing his case, all unwilling to back down. And so it went until the Beatles heard footsteps coming, sounding very loud in the deserted street, and suddenly remembered that if it was a police officer atau somebody without a soul, they didn't want to be there when they came. John jumped into the driver's seat, settling the issue. Ringo and George couldn't really protest, because they'd both had their turns on this adventure; Paul started to protest, but as the footsteps came nearer, decided against it. He jumped into the backseat with George and Ringo, and John took off.
That was when Paul, George, and Ringo remembered another reason they hadn't wanted John to drive - his eyesight was never very good, they knew he hadn't brought his glasses and probably wouldn't put them on if he had, and he was driving at puncak, atas speed down Oxford's streets. At least there was very little traffic on the road, because John's mates were sure there would have been an accident otherwise.
Despite his haphazard steering, John made it accident-free as far as the freeway, when suddenly George called to him. "John, there's police over there."
Sure enough, there were several police cars stationed at the entrance to the freeway, lying in wait, it seemed, for somebody who might be trying to leave the city - and considering how few people were out on the streets committing crimes right now, the Beatles were sure they knew who the police were waiting for.
"Why do they have to bother us?" cried Paul. "Isn't the Beast bad enough?!"
"Can the Beast corrupt the police?" Ringo wondered nervously.
He, Paul, and George exchanged uncertain looks in the backseat. John didn't seem worried, though.
"The police don't need a Beast to corrupt them," he berkata calmly. And with that, he turned the steering wheel, driving up onto the sidewalk, his mates hanging on for dear life.
The police saw John, but couldn't stop him unless they wanted to drive where they weren't supposed to atau try to chase a car on foot. Instead, they got in their cars and started down the freeway, sure that eventually the Beatles would have to get on.
But John was too smart for them. He knew what they were thinking, and he was fine staying off the road for as long as he had to, especially as there was nobody out on the streets he might hurt. He made his way onto the grass, weaving around trees and fences, steadily making his way away from the freeway.
"They're still coming after us," George observed. He kept his voice remarkably calm considering the situation, but John understood. After a moment's thought, he turned the steering wheel sharply, heading on a diagonal, so that he was following the path of the freeway but heading in the opposite direction.
Paul, Ringo, and George hung on as their cab bounced across the uneven ground, heading for the cover of some trees. They knew John was going to try and go through those, and they knew it was probably a good idea. Just so long as he didn't crash into any of them in the process.
At first, everything was fine, the trees standing far enough apart that John was able to weave around them, his eyesight good enough to see something as prominent as a pohon right in front of him. But as he went deeper, and the trees got thicker, and the grove turned into a forest, and subsequently got darker too, Paul, George, and Ringo realized there was no way John could keep going this way without crashing into a tree.
"John, stop," Ringo told him, after they'd all exchanged glances to see who should be the one to tell John this (Ringo, because he was wearing the Jewelled Crown). "We can walk from here."
John agreed to slow down and stop the car, and the four friends got out to continue on foot. "We can't walk all the way to Nottingham, though."
"No, we'll just walk until we've lost the police, and then we'll go back to the freeway."
Satisfied with this plan, confident that they could make up anything else as they went along, the four Beatles went on. Each one carried his instrument, unwilling to leave those behind after they'd taken them so far. Their instruments made them feel aman, brankas in almost the same way that the Objects did. It was as though they were armed against the Beast, and without a single weapon!
"If King Richard had used musik instead of weapons, he might've defeated this Beast already," was John's opinion.
The forest got thicker and darker as the Beatles walked along. Soon it was so thick that the foursome could not pass through the gaps in the trees all together, and so dark that they had trouble seeing each other. Ringo was also slowed down oleh his drum kit, which, although he'd brought a small one, was still heavier and lebih awkward than a gitar atau a bass.
Ringo squeezed himself and his drums through a narrow gap between two large, towering trees. The Jewelled Crown was looped around his wrist for safekeeping, because he didn't want to risk it catching on branches and getting broken atau lost. The whole setup was giving him a nervous feeling. He looked up after finally getting himself and his instruments through - and found that he couldn't see his mates.
"John! Paul! George!" he called. "Wait for me!"

Some paces away, Paul stopped. "Did anda hear Ringo?"
"Yeah, he's coming from over there," George said, pointing.
Paul frowned. "No, no, I heard him from over that way..."
John shook his head. "I didn't hear him at all."
Paul looked around. "I'm sure I heard him...."
And he wandered off towards the right, where he'd heard Ringo's voice coming from.
George hesitated. Should he go after Ringo atau Paul?
"Ringo'll be along in a minute," John tried to reassure him. "I'll go after Paul."
As George watched John disappear into the trees, he hesitated for one detik more, before turning and heading to the left, where he was sure he'd heard Ringo's voice coming from.

Paul rushed through the trees. "Ringo! Ringo!"
Funny - he could have sworn he'd heard Ringo coming this way. Why didn't he see any sign of him? He had to be here...

John pushed branches out of his way as he hurried along. "Paul! Come back; he'll be here in a minute! Paul!"
A branch snapped back as he pushed it forward, nearly catching him in the face. Frowning, John ducked around it and tried to see something in the darkness. He hadn't gotten any answer from Paul. Shouldn't he have caught up to him oleh now? Where was he?
"Paul! Stop messing about, son! Paul!"

George made his way through the forest, also calling Ringo's name. He was sure he'd heard Ringo's voice come from this way, and he just hoped John and Paul wouldn't go too far before he got back with him.
Further into the trees he went. He would find Ringo soon, he was sure of that. He couldn't have gone that far... "Ringo!"

Ringo looked around him. He couldn't see his mates, atau any sign of where they'd gone. It was so dark in here that it was even hard to see the trees. He had no idea which way he was supposed to be going anymore.
"John! Paul! George! Where are you?"
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added by 80smusiclover1
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Source: pinterest
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Source: pinterest
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added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Tumblr
added by Rubyrings
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added by 80smusiclover1
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added by 80smusiclover1
posted by Rubyrings
The first thing the boys needed was a place to stay while they were in New York. Luckily, one of their members - Ringo - had actually planned to come here and had a hotel room all ready to stay in. It was only a single room, though, so there was going to be a little difficulty finding a place for everyone to sleep, but the boys weren't going to worry about that yet. The foursome chatted happily all the way to the hotel, and once they'd put their things away, Winston said, "Haven't anda got a guitar, Geo?"
Geo looked unhappy. "Yeah - back in Liverpool."
Winston did not look worried. "We'll just...
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added by 80smusiclover1
posted by Rubyrings
At the airport in New York City, a large family was making their way through the heavy crowds towards their plane. This family's last name was Harrison. They had been on a visit to the States for the past month, partly on vacation and partly because Louise, their eldest child and only daughter, was thinking of moving there. She and her brother Harry, named for their parents, were both young adults already; their other two sons were sixteen and thirteen.
Mrs Louise Harrison, the mother, was trying to keep track of her four children in the crowd. It was difficult with people pressing in on every...
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added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Tumblr