TDI's Noah and Cody Club
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Explore Fanpop's the selanjutnya part! X3 I'm so happy this story is making all of anda commentator' other words.....comment. .3. Yeah; I'm gonna start this already! XD


*Cody's POV*

I slept surprisingly well that night – last night – but all to soon the alarms blare woke me up. I groaned only slightly, and swiftly turned off the alarm. I then sat up, and stretched out before happily going to take a shower. Thanks to the full night of sleep; I felt lebih calm and rested than I had in a while. After I took my shower, I went to the dapur and started making coffee. As I did; a pair of tanned arms wrapped themselves around my waist and put their head on my shoulder. I smiled; thinking it was Noah for some odd reason, but, when I turned to look at the person, I found it to be Sierra.

"Good morning honey bear." Sierra says warmly before giving me a quick peck on the lips. My smile faded, but I managed to keep a good portion of it.

"Hey babe." I replied. "Did anda sleep well last night?"

"I slept very well sweetie!" Sierra says bubbly. "Now, go sit down and let me make anda a nice breakfast." I was momentarily stunned, but I didn't object. I sat down at the dapur table, and, soon, Sierra put a bowl of cereal in front of me. "Sorry it's nothing fancy, but I'll go grocery shopping later this week."

"Sierra, this is fine.....really it is." I reassured her. "But...there is one thing I don't really get."

"What is it funny bunny?" Sierra asked – using yet another nickname for me.

" see....if your mad at me – which I thought anda were – then why did anda go through the trouble of making me breakfast? I mean....shouldn't I be making my own breakfast?" Sierra laughed lightly at this, and pulled me int a tight hug.

"Because I cinta anda is why silly!" Sierra squealed. I let out a gaps for air, and, thankfully, Sierra released me. "Besides...I just wanted to remind anda of my love." there was something about Sierra's words – not exactly the ones she used, but the manner and tone she used them in – that didn't feel right. Of stomach growled lightly, and all I could think about was food.

"Oh....okay then." I replied. Sierra then sat across form me, and I started to vacuum down the susu covered flasks. Of course, as I was eating, Sierra was busy talking. We actually had a few minuted of decent conversation, didn't last. Inevitably, she started to talk about my least favorit subject at the moment – marriage. And it wasn't just any marriage, no! It was.....our own marriage she was talking about....

"Oh Cody, it's gonna be so perfect!" Sierra cooed happily. "I almost have all the details planned out, and I spared no expense! I have the place – a church right oleh the beach, the dress – that one from the bridal toko downtown, and a special surprise location for the honeymoon!" she winked, and I felt my face grow red hot I had to look away.

"Sounds great Sierra." I mumbled. "But...if anda spared no expense; how on earth are we gonna pay for it? I mean....I can't even pay for those engagement rings we have held at the jewelery shop."

"Don't worry cutie," Sierra says warmly. "I have enough money saved up for the dress, the honeymoon, and half for the church. Besides, anda berkata whatever anda couldn't pay with your bonus from the bank atau your parents." Sierra's words caused a heavy lump to settle in my throat. anda see, after Total Drama Action ended, I decided to phone my parents so I could catch up with them. I told them all about my relationship with Noah – since he had told his parents when TDI ended - and....well...they didn't exactly approve. Or, at least my father didn't. I never knew what my mothers opinion was, because my fathers yelling drowned out all other noise. He berkata I was cut off, and that he never wanted to see atau hear from me again. And, true to his word, that very selanjutnya hari my bank account – which was linked to my parents – was at zero. Ever since then, I hadn't seen atau heard from my parents – which was a total of about...4 years. But....I didn't really care. Sierra and I were getting along seemingly well, and needed mo financial help from them. That is....until this exact moment.

"Yeah...hehe, once I get bonus, the first thing I'm gonna do is go downtown and buy our rings so it can be official." I replied; praying Sierra didn't notice my nervousness. Luck must have been on my side, because Sierra was so happy she didn't notice my nervous behavior. She then happily pulled me into another hug, and squealed happily.

"Oh Cody; our wedding is gonna be so perfect!" Sierra exclaimed in pure joy.

" is." I reply; going over the budget I my head. Sierra then released me, and gave me a ciuman on the cheek.

"Your so freaking cute Cody!" Sierra giggles happily. She then looks up as the clock, and stands up. "Well it's that time again. I'll have makan malam on the meja when anda come halaman awal from work!" with that, Sierra heads for the door. I suddenly remembered the plans I made with Noah, and a certain guilt filled my being.

"But....Sierra...I was gonna catch up with Noah later today." I speak up. "I'm probably gonna be halaman awal late, so anda can just eat whatever anda want." Sierra stopped dead in her tracks, and turned back to me.

"What?!" Sierra gasped out in a confused and hurt tone.

"Don't anda remember Sierra?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I told anda last night I ran into Noah and that we were gonna meet up at the cafe he works at so we can catch up." Sierra's eyes filled with tears, and she got a beyond sad look.

"Oh...okay then." Sierra balasa sadly. "I guess catching up with your friend is lebih important than having a makan malam with your soon to be fiance." she then turns around, and starts to sulk to the door. I felt a certain guilt overcome me, and...I just wanted to make sure Sierra was happy.

"Sierra...please don't go yet." I spoke up, causing Sierra to stop. She then turned around with teary eyes, and I took a deep breath. "Look, Sierra...if your really that upset over me catching up with Noah...I can batal with him so we can have a nice makan malam here." Sierra's eyes lite up, and she wiped the running tears from her cheeks.

"Y-You'd really do that for me?" Sierra asks hopefully.

"Of course." I reply warmly. "I mean, your my fiance. There's nothing lebih important to me than your happiness." Sierra then runs over to me, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh Cody, your just the sweetest!" Sierra gushes. "Thanks a billion for canceling on Noah for me! I'm gonna make sure I make your favorit for makan malam tonight!" Sierra then gives me a passionate kiss, and scampers out the door. I just sit there for a few minutes, and....I finally realize what I had done. I had promised to blow off Noah, and.....for some reason.....I felt really guilty. I was really looking meneruskan, ke depan to my time with Noah, was all gone.....just for Sierra. I then slumped in my seat, and started at the ceiling.

"How on earth did that happen?" I asked myself. Don't get me wrong, I cinta Sierra, but...I see her everyday. Now Noah....I didn't even know he was in this city until I went to that coffee shop. I really want to catch up with him some more, but....I guess Sierra comes first. "How am I gonna break it to him?" I asked myself. I didn't have time to decide how I should tell him, because I saw the clock, and I realized I needed to get going. I quickly put the cereal bowl in the sink, and headed out the door. Of course....I had only one thing running through my mind.

How will Noah react when I batal on him?

*Noah's POV*

As the alarms blare awoke me; I felt as though I could sleep another twelve hours.

'Ugh...why'd I set the alarm so early?' I thought as I slowly started to open my eyes. Once I had fully opened my eyes; I could feel my cheeks grow red. I had my head in Alejandro's neck, and he had his arms around my waist. Last night suddenly flashed in my mind, and...I couldn't believe we were like this. I always thought anda had to have 'special' relationships with a person to end up in this position, but....we didn't. Alejandro just sucked on my neck for about an hour, and then berkata he was to tired to go all the way. I was disappointed, and, even though he berkata he was sorry, I could tell he was secretly happy. So, after awhile of wandering thinking, I just lay there – feeling the warmth and safety Alejandro's embrace brought me. Of course, the calm and quiet didn't last long. Soon Alejandro awoke, and smile at me.

"Good morning mi amour." Alejandro says before ciuman me lightly on the forehead. "How did anda sleep?"

"I slept fine." I reply. We both share a moment of silence bliss, but, of course, the alarms blare soon became lebih and lebih noticeable. We both finally got up, and I promptly shut off the alarm. I then head for the shower, but Alejandro leaned against the doorway to the bathroom. "Uh....I kinda need to take a shower." I say awkwardly. Alejandro smirks, and pulls me closer oleh my waist.

"You know...we can always take one together." Alejandro whispers huskily. I blushed deeply, and I feel a huge lump form in my throat.

"Uh....I...I'd rather take mine alone." I reply feeling very protective of my personal body.

"That's fine my little rose." Alejandro says smirking. "I understand if your shy. I don't hold it against you, because, soon, I'll see your body soon enough." Alejandro gives me a quick ciuman on the lips, and I hurry into the shower. I don't know why, but....ever since last night...the idea of Alejandro seeing me naked just....just makes me sick to my stomach.

"Why do I feel like this?" I ask myself as I adjust the water temperature to my liking. "I mean...he's my boyfriend for crying out loud! Him seeing me naked should be my goal! Ugh...I have to sort this out later." with that, I got in the shower, and took a quick one. As soon as I was done, I dried off, got dressed, and went out of the bathroom to find Alejandro waiting for me.

"Hello Noah." Alejandro purrs, coming closer, and putting his arms around my waist. "So....I was thinking, can we spend some time....together tonight." Alejandro asks winking slightly. I blush, and....I suddenly remember that I had plans with Cody tonight.

"Uh well...I sorta had plans with a friend tonight..." I say blushing like crazy.

"Oh really?" Alejandro asks while raising an eyebrow in probably fake curiosity. "But I thought that we could....oh, I don't know...spend some time 'alone' tonight. Can't anda please cancel?" Alejandro then wraps his arms around my waist, and pulls me closer to him. "Please say you'll batal and stay with me tonight." I felt my cheeks grow hot, and...I knew the only way I was getting out of here was with a yes.

"Okay...I'll cancel." I whisper, causing Alejandro to smile happily. He then pulls me into a passionate kiss, and I couldn't help but melt into it. After awhile, we finally separate.

"I'm afraid I must get ready." Alejandro says sadly. "You go on ahead to work. I'll just see anda tonight." I nod, and Alejandro kisses me once lebih before going into the bathroom. I then go out the door, and start off for the metro. As I walked down the street....I couldn't help but curse myself for giving into Alejandro's will so easily. I had the perfect opportunity to really re-connect with Cody, and, as like many other things, I let Alejandro prevent me from it. I really hated the fact I didn't put up lebih of a fight, but....Alejandro always wins.

"He always gets his way." I mumble as I enter the metro building. I then quickly go to the terminals, and find the train that I always take in my morning commutes. As I stepped onto the car...something kept tugging at the back of my brain.

Who am I ever gonna batal on Cody?

*Cody's POV*

As soon as I got to the office; I immediately had to start working on endless seeming files. After I had gotten half of them done; it was time for lunch.

"I'm going to the cafe." Jake announced. "Wanna come Cody?"

"Sorry, but I really have to stay here today." I reply rather coldly. Jake got a confused expression, but shook his head and left. I then turned back to my desk, and started working again. After awhile of working; all my files were done. I looked at the clock, and saw it was another 3 hours till I got to go home. 'What am I going to do?' I thought. I then looked at the phone, and, instantly, a image of Noah flashed in my mind. "Well....I guess I better get it lout of the way." I sigh sadly. I reach for the phone, but...I didn't pick it up. I just stared at it; wondering if it was the right thing to do. Before, it seemed like such a simple choice, but, was easier berkata then done. I debated, and, after one whole hour, picked up the phone and dialed Noah's cell. After three tidak terjawab rings; I had the thought he could be away from the phone. 'Please just let him be away from the phone so I can just leave him a message, and be done with it.' I prayed in my head. Of course...I had no such luck. On the fourth ring; the phone was answered.

"Hello?" Noah's voice asked through the phone.

"Hey Noah." I say a little awkwardly. "It's me, and....I...I wanted to talk to anda about tonight." there was a momentary silence, but Noah finally broke it.

"Yeah, tonight,well....I really looking meneruskan, ke depan to it." Noah replies. I felt a lump form in my throat. I don't know why, but....there was something about Noah's voice that made me wanna hug him as tight as I could. I silently sighed, realizing I couldn't break out plans, and smiled slightly.

"Yeah....I am to." I reply. "I just called to make sure I was meeting anda at the cafe."

"Yep, your right." Noah replies, laughing slightly. "So....I guess I'll see anda then?"

"Of course." I say, actually smiling wider. We both berkata goodbye, and hung up. As soon as I did; I mentally slapped myself for doing what I just did. "Why did I do that?!" I asked myself in a hissing tone. "Sure, I'm doing what I wanted to do, Sierra's gonna know I blew her off! And it's not like I can just say I had to work over when I'm really going to see Noah!" I sat there for a second, but I then realized...I gave myself a plan. "Well...might as well try." I mumble as I pick up the phone again. I then dial Sierra's cell, and, in a matter of one ring, she answered.

"Hello sugar lump!" Sierra squealed happily. I took in a deep breath, and frowned.

"Hey Sierra." I reply; sounding very upset. "I just called to tell anda I have a bit of bad news about tonight..." I hear a gasp on the other line, and, for a moment, I thought I could actually get away with this.

"What, whats the bad news?!" Sierra gasped out. "Didn't anda tell Noah anda were canceling?"

"Yeah...I did." I reply sadly.

"Then whats the matter?!" Sierra demanded – sounding very concerned. I forced myself to not chuckle, and continued to frown.

" see, my boss just swamped me with a bunch of work, and I can't possibly leave till it is done." I explain in the most hurt, broken up voice I can muster. There is a bit of a silence, and, for a second. I thought Sierra already figured me out.

"There really no way to get out of it?" Sierra asks sadly. I sigh silently in relief, and continue.

"I'm afraid so." I sigh sadly. "So it looks like anda have a night free. I'm really sorry, but...look at the bright side! anda can hang out with the other waitresses after work now!"

"Hm...Jasmin and Stephanie have been asking me to do a girls night out with them." Sierra says; sounding a bit happier. I mentally praised Jasmin and Stephanie, and smiled at how well this was coming together. "You sure anda okay with me doing this?"

"Of course I am!" I exclaim happily.

"Well then...okay!" Sierra says proudly. "I'm gonna go make the arrangements now! See anda later honey!" with that, Sierra hung up. I smiles, and sighed loudly in relief. Everything had fallen so neatly into place it was scary, and, for a moment, I debated if this was all just a dream. But...thankfully it was not. I was really going to hang out with Noah, and Sierra didn't have a clue about it. I felt a little guilt about lying to Sierra, but...hey, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. I then look at the clock, and saw it was now only a mere two hours till I got to see Noah. I smile, and go back to work in an attempt to keep myself occupied for two lebih hours.

*Noah's POV*

Once I got to the cafe; I busied myself with mindless tasks so I wouldn't have to think about what I was gonna do. anda see, on my way to the cafe, I decided that I'd tell Cody I'm canceling what – and if – he came with Jake for lunch. So, for long while, I did the most time consuming, useless jobs around the cafe possible. I cleaned the oven, made the coffee, and mopped the floors. oleh the time all that was finished; it was lunch time. Right at twelve; Jake walked into the cafe. He only bad thing was...Cody wasn't with him.

"Hey...wheres Cody?" I asked. Jake gave me a questioning look, and shrugged his shoulders.

"The guy's still at work." Jake explained. "I guess he had a lot of work to do. Man...I do not wanna be him right now! I mean; I can barley spend the morning away from Crystal! I can't imagine a lunch with out her!" Crystal – who had hugged him when he came in – awed, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh Jake, your the sweetest guy I know!" Crystal then kissed Jake on the lips, and, in seconds, they were making out. I sighed, and sulked my way to the register. After an hour, Jake left, and everything went kinda quiet. If anda don't know; coffee places usually never get business after the breakfast rush. Maybe a drifter here and there, but, other than that, no one came in here. The quiet gave me a little lebih time to think about canceling on Cody. Since the lunch thing didn't work; I had to think of a different approach. What seems like just after I started thinking; my cell rang. I quickly got it out of my back pocket, and saw it was....Cody's number.

"Why would he be calling me?" I thought out loud. I just stared at the phone – in a trance of some sorts. Of course, on the fourth ring, I snapped out of it, and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Noah." Cody's voice says over the phone; sounding....embarrassed for some reason. "It's me, and....I...I wanted to talk to anda about tonight." my eyes widen slightly, and...I had a bad feeling about what he wanted to talk about. Of course, I could be wrong....

"Yeah...tonight." I say after a little pause. "Yeah, tonight,well....I really looking meneruskan, ke depan to it." I reply; sounding a bit needy. There was another pause, but then Cody broke it.

"Yeah....I am to." Cody says – sounding some what happier. "I just called to make sure I was meeting anda at the cafe." I felt relief wash over me, and I felt silly for thinking what I had only moments ago.

"Yep, your right." I reply, laughing slightly. "So....I guess I'll see anda then?"

"Of course." Cody replied. We both say goodbye, and, as soon as I hung up, I remember my sebelumnya little chat with Alejandro.

"Well, this is just great!" I grumble sarcastically – felling aman, brankas enough to use it. "How could I forget to break our plans tonight!? Now it's gonna be even harder to do so! And I can't ever lie to my Alejandro! I mean, sure I wanna hang out with Cody , but...Alejandro berkata I couldn't. And, it's not like I can say Cody already called and broke the plans, which is partly the truth, and then say Crystal's making me stay for employee training right?" I then realized I had diberikan myself a plan. "'s stupid, but....hey, it's worth a try." I then quickly got my cell phone back out, and dialed Alejandro's cell number, and, after two rings, he answered.

"Hello?" Alejandro's voice says though the line. A rush of fear comes over me, but I quickly shake it off, and continue.

"Hey Alejandro." I say a bit sadly. "I'm just calling to tell anda some bad news about tonight."

"Oh really?" Alejandro asked; sounding very suspicious. "What is it? Didn't anda already tell Cody anda had other plans?" another wave of fear washed through me, but I still stood strong.

"; actually he called and canceled on me." I explain sadly.

"Oh!" Alejandro says; sounding very shocked. "Well then; I'm very sorry that happened mi amour. Is that why anda sound upset?" I smiled at how well this was working, but quickly turned it back into a frown for effect.

"Yeah, and, if that wasn't bad enough, Crystal's making me stay over to teach me how to use this new appliance." I explain – remembering we we're getting new coffee makers in about a month. "Believe me; there's nothing I wanna do lebih than come halaman awal and be with you, hands are kinda tied up here." I held my breath, and waited for his response. There was a bit of a silence, but, finally, Alejandro broke it.

"I see." Alejandro sighs. "Well; things like this do happen. Besides, I just got a reservation for three tonight, and I have to wait on them. I guess were both busy then." Alejandro then laughed heartily, and I joined in with lebih of a nervous chuckle.

"'ll see anda later?" I asked; wanting the acak laughter to stop.

"Of course." Alejandro says happily. We both quickly say goodbye, and hang up. After I do; I sigh in huge relief. My idiotic plan looked like it might actually work! I then put my phone back in my pocket, and, when I look back up, I see Crystal right in my face. "Uh...can I help you?" Crystal stares at me a moment, but then smiles.

"No....I'm good." she then hops of the counter, and starts to walk away, but then turns back around. "Oh, and Noah, your a very convincing liar." my eyes widen, and Crystal smirks. "Don't worry, your secrets aman, brankas with me." she then turns around, and walks away humming Americano oleh Lady Gaga. I watched her walk away, and...somehow...I knew I could take Crystal's word. I then turned my attention back to the door, and was basically waiting for Cody to tampil up.

*Cody's POV*

After the phone thing; the hari seem to zoom by. Soon, it was time for me to go and meet Noah. Of course....there was only one way I knew how to get there.

"Hey Jake, wait up man!" I called out as I ran to catch up with berkata tanned male. Thankfully he stopped, and I quickly caught up to him. "Thanks! So....mind if I tag along with anda to the cafe? I kinda forgot which metro to take..." I explained while laughing my signature nervous laugh.

"Um...sure." Jake says awkwardly. We then head for the metro, and, once there, hop on a train. It soon leaves the station, and we start racing along the tracks.

"Hey...thanks for letting me come with you." I say after a long silence.

"No problem." Jake replies. We then fell back into a silence. Thankfully the ride didn't last much longer, because....the silence was driving me insane. Once the metro doors opened; me and Jake promptly got off. We then walk down a few blocks, and, before I knew it, we were in front of Creative Cafe. I suddenly felt a nervous knot in my stomach, but....I was already here now. I then walked into the cafe, and there at the cashier was Noah – membaca a magazine of some kind.

"Hey Noah." I greeted happily. Noah looked up, and got a wide smile.

"Hello Cody!" Noah exclaimed. "I'm so glad anda could make it! Uh....just take a seat, and I'll be right there!" I nodded, and went to a nearby booth and sat. In a few minutes, Noah handed me a cup of coffee, and slid into the other side of the booth. "I got anda decaf, but if anda prefer regular, I can get anda some." I smile, and shake my head.

"No, this is just fine" I reassure him. "Thank you." Noah smiles at me, and we both take a drink from our coffee. (Noah had also brought a mug for himself) We then spent the selanjutnya jam chatting. We talked about our jobs, a bit about the latest buku and movies, and, finally, we talked about the upcoming holidays.

"So, what are anda plans for Thanksgiving?" Noah asks. I then got a sad look, but settle it to the floor so Noah wouldn't see. I didn't want to tell him that I didn't see my family anymore, because....he didn't need to worry about me....

" know....the usual." I manege to get out. "Dinner with my family, Sierra's family...the whole bit." I then put on a small smile, and look up at Noah. "So, do anda have any plans with your family?" Noah get a surprised look, and smiles weakly – looking into the dark liquid in his mug.

"I haven't seen my family since when I was dating you." Noah explains. My jaw drops, and...I realize that was a whole seven years – much longer than my separation from the family.

"Wait...your serious?" I ask in a little shock..

"Yep." Noah balasa before taking a drink from his coffee. "It's been a whole seven years. Ever since I came halaman awal from TDI, and told them I was gay; I haven't seen atau heard from my family – including grandparents, and my eight siblings. Then again; my fathers yelling at me made it pretty clear I wasn't welcome there." I then realized his story sounded familiar, and...I knew it was the exact same thing that happened to me.

" father was pretty steamed when I told him." I say with a nervous chuckle. We both then fall into a silence, and I realized the cafe was fairly packed. "Wow...whats with the people?"

"Eh, it's just the usual study-rush." Noah explains. "You see; we're right down the road from a collage. When students need a little pick me up for something – be it a date, atau test – the come here, and buy some coffee beans so they could make coffee at anytime. This is a fairly large crowd; a mid-term atau something must be coming up." I smiled; liking the fact we had fallen back into normal conversation so easily. We then talked about the collages we went to, the roommates we had, and even some of the people we went out with.

"I went out a lot with Sierra." I explained. "In fact, she was the only one I really went out with. I took her to prom, homecoming, and stuff like that. The only time we didn't tanggal was when I went to collage, and even then we still saw each other after my classes."

" two seem like the perfect pair." Noah says in all honesty. "Are anda two still together?" I smiled at his question.

"I'm proud to say we are." I reply. "In fact, once I scrap enough cash together, I'm gonna buy engagement rings to make the whole thing official!" Noah gave me a wide smile, and nodded in congratulations. (he was taking a drink of coffee – so he couldn't really talk) "So, enough about my relationship! So, tell me, is there a special someone in your life?" Noah got a surprised look, and smiled lightly.

"Yeah...Alejandro and I started dating a tahun after we broke up." my jaw dropped slightly, and...I couldn't believe my ears.

"Alejandro?" I asked. "The Alejandro? The Alejandro one who manipulated all those girls in TDWT?"

"That's the one." Noah jawaban proudly. "We've been together for three whole three years, and I couldn't ask for anything better." I was still shocked oleh what Noah was telling me. To me; Alejandro always seemed like the typical muscled womanizer. I never expected him to be gay; let alone with Noah the know-it-all. Of a lot of people say...weirder things have happened.

"Well...congratulations!" I say in an effort to be supportive of my friend. Noah smiles, and looks back into his coffee mug.

"Yeah....Alejandro heck of a guy." Noah mumbles so low I can barley hear him. "I'm just lucky to be with him." I then see something from Noah's face roll of his cheek, and into his coffee cup. A few lebih things rolled off Noah's cheeks, and into his coffee cup, but...I didn't know what. It took me a menit to realize what it was, but, when I did, I could hardly believe it. Noah, the sarcastic know it all I used to love, was crying.

"Noah...are anda okay?" I asked. Noah then looked at me with teary eyes, and wide the tears from his cheeks, and smiles.

"Yeah....I just...think this coffee has a little bit of cinnamon." Noah explains. "I've sorta developed a small allergy to it. Nothing serious; it just makes me to get all teary eyed. anda mind if we go take a walk outside? I just need some air."

"Sure." I reply, getting up from the booth. Noah got up to, and we both made our way through the crowd of teens, and into the night air. It had already got dark, and had cooled greatly.

"Thanks." Noah says. "It was getting a little crowded in there..." I nod, and we both start walking down the street. As we walked; I looked over at Noah. I could tell oleh his expression that he had something on his mind. Of course....I was gonna let it go for now.

If he wants to tell me something...I want him to do it when he feels comfortable.

*Noah's POV*

'Thank god we got out of there...' I sighed in my mind. The real reason I wanted to leave the cafe was because, if I broke down, I didn't want bunch of other people to see me break down.

anda see...I pretended to be happy for Cody. I mean, how could he fall for a stalker like Sierra?! I just didn't make scene to me, but....I guess I shouldn't be talking about relationships. And, I guess in reality, that was the real reason I almost broke down. I could pretend to be happy for Cody all hari and not be affected, but...talking about Alejandro is a tender subject. I guess deep down; I know that...that I....don't....really cinta him....

"Hey, anda okay Noah?" Cody asked while waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked, and I realized I had zoned out for a moment.

"Yeah, and sorry for zoning there." I say apologetically. I then look around, and I realize we had walked all the was to a park – which was about a block away. I smile, and take Cody's hand lightly. "Come on; I have something anda need to see." Cody blushed faintly, and smiled. I then lead him into the very back of the park, and showed him to a slanted hill.

"Noah, why are we hear?" Cody asked laughing slightly. I smiled and walked him down the side of the hill.

"You'll see." I say smiling. I then sit him down, and then sit down as well. I then laid back, and put my hands on the back of my head. "Come on; lay down and look up." Cody gave me a small smile, and laid back as I instructed. Once he did, I heard him gasp in wonderment. "Pretty cool huh?" I ask – looking over to see Cody staring at the sky in wonderment.

"Noah...this is incredible!" Cody gasped out. "I often can anda see this many stars in the city!" I smiled at Cody's wonderment. He had always loved looking at the stars, and I though, hey, why not take him where anda can see the most of them.

"It is pretty cool if anda think about it." I say, looking back at the sky.

" can there be this many stars out in the city?!" Cody asked. "Plus, how did anda find out about them?"

"Well, it's all very simple really." I explain. "You see; this part of the park I back just enough to where the city lights don't touch it. As for your detik question; I spend a lot of time here. I was bound to find it sometime." of course, what I wasn't telling him was that the reason I spend so much time here is because I was getting away from Alejandro.

I mean, it's only a quick metro ride away, and, as far as I know, Alejandro has no knowledge of this place. Truthfully...I wanted to keep it like that; I wanted this place to stay hidden so that I have a quiet place to come and think things out. If Alejandro ever found this place....I'd....I'd....

"Noah," Cody spoke up – snapping me out of my thoughts. "This might sound stupid, but...this has to be one of the nicest thing anyone has done for me." I smile, and turn my body so I'm facing Cody.

"Boy, of anda think think that, people must do things for anda all the time." I tease sarcastically – once again feeling aman, brankas to use it. Cody chuckled, and turned his body so that he was facing me just as I was facing him.

"Man Noah, anda haven't changed a bit." Cody chuckled.

"Oh, and like you've had a complete over haul." I say as I playfully shove him. Cody smiles, and shoves me back. We both then burst out laughing for some odd reason. This goes on for a couple of minutes, and, when we finally got calmed down, we stared into each others eyes. Now that I look at him; Cody really hadn't changed a bit. He still had those beautiful teal eyes....pale white skin, and.....and those pink, thin lips that looked feather soft to the touch. Suddenly, I found myself moving closer to Cody. Before I knew what was happening; I was ciuman Cody. It wasn't long, it didn't have tongue, was just...nice. I pulled away, and..I suddenly realized what I had done. "Cody..I..I'm really sorry." berkata geek smiled at me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine Noah." Cody reassured me. "'s only a ciuman – a short one at that." I felt a mixture of relief and sadness wash over me, but, over all, I was glad Cody wasn't mad at me.

" was only a kiss." I repeat – smiling. I then looked back up at the stars, and me and Cody talked for a while longer. Of wasn't natural like our sebelumnya conversations were before. No. This last one was strained – as if we were both scared to speak. Of course, it all ended soon anyway. We both stood up, and we both went to the metro station. "There's the train that will take anda back to anda metro station." I inform Cody as I point to the correct train.

"Thanks Noah." Cody thanked; a minor blush on his face. "I had a wonderful time, and....please, don't worry about that kiss. It didn't mean a thing."

"Your welcome, I did to, and meaning what so ever." I answered his pertanyaan in the order he asked them. Cody smiles, and pulls me into a quick hug. I felt a blush come across my face, and I wanted to hug back, but I didn't. I just stand there...letting Cody hug me. He soon pulls away, and smiles at me.

"Well, I'm gonna go home, and catch a few Z's." Cody informs me while yawning loudly. "Night buddy." Cody then goes to his train – which had just pulled into the station – and quickly gets on. As soon as he does; the trains door shut tight, and it speeds down the tracks. I watch his train leave for awhile – this huge smile on my face.

"God night Cody....I cinta you." I whisper before leaving from the spot, and going onto my train.

*No ones POV*

As Noah boarded his train; Cody was looking out the window in his. No one was on the train; so Cody got to sit anywhere he wanted. His evening with Noah kept replaying in his mind, and...he really had a good time. And, of course, the ciuman kept coming up. Now, don't get Cody wrong, he knew it meant nothing. Of course...a little voice in the back of his head told him it meant lebih than nothing.

"Why would I thin it'd mean something more?" Cody asked himself. Of course....there was an answer, couldn't possibly be the right one. "No....I can't...I can't still cinta Noah...right?" Cody waited for an answer, but...none come to him. The confused tech geek rode the rest of the way in silence – deep in thought. Once the doors opened at his stop; Cody promptly got off. He then walked back to his apartment - which was empty due to Sierra's GNO. (A/N: Girls Night Out) As he headed to the couch; he happened to notice something on the calender. On the week before Thanksgiving – he saw the hari he got bonus circled. "Did I mark that day?" Cody asked. He didn't think he did, but he was too tired to do anything about it. He then went over to the couch, and, once he laid out on it, he instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Across town; Sierra and two other girls were around a meja gossiping and chatting it up. Even though they had only just got there; they were already demanding a waiter and getting inpatient. They soon got a waiter, ordered, got their food, and began eating it while gossiping simultaneously. Soon; a familiar tall, tanned Hispanic came to their tables.

"Hello chica's; I trust all is to your liking?" asked Alejandro. Sierra then looked up, and got wide eyed.

"Alejandro?" Sierra asked; very surprised to see him here and know. "What are anda doing here?" Alejandro also go wide eyed, but soon recovered, and smirked.

"Ah, Sierra, it's so good to see you." Alejandro says truthfully. "I'm actually the co-owner of the restaurant, and, soon, I'm going to be the owner. Of course, I an still in training. So, is ever thing to your liking girls?"

"Yeah....I have no complaints." Sierra balasa before turning to the two across from her. "How about anda guys?" of course, neither girl heard their friend. They were both caught up in staring at Alejandro – both drooling ever so slightly.

"Yeah...I'm awesome." Jasmin – a girl in Heather-like clothes and with Lindsey blond hair which was tied in a tight pony tail – sighed out.

"I agree." Stephanie – a girl with Beth-like clothing, and with long black hair – sighs as well.

"Well, if that's the case, I shall leave anda to your meals." Alejandro says charmingly. "If anda need anything, please, feel free to give me a call." Alejandro then starts to walk off, but a certain purple haired fan girl grabbing his arm stopped him.

"Please, Alejandro, sit with is." Sierra coos. "Just for a minute?" Alejandro get a confused look, but nods and sits oleh Sierra. berkata stalker then pulls the Hispanic in for a tight hug. "I'm giving anda your end of the deal for keeping Noah away from my Cody tonight. anda have earned it Alejandro." Alejandro smiles, and hugs Sierra back. The two then separate, and the evening continues. All throughout the night; Alejandro sat with the girls. Him and Sierra shared many hugs and kisses – after all, it was the least Sierra could do for him. After all was berkata and done; it was 11:30. Everyone – including Alejandro – was ready to leave for the night.

"Until we meet again, mi amour." Alejandro says to Sierra before lightly ciuman her hands. Jasmin and Stephanie sigh, and Sierra blushes faintly. Alejandro then releases Sierra, winks at the to other girls – which gets a good response – and walks in the opposite direction of the three girls.

"I must say Sierra; anda surly have made an improvement on your spouse." Jasmin komentar as the three walk into the metro.

"Huh?" Sierra asks in general confusion.

"She means she likes your new boyfriend." Stephanie speaks up. The realization finally hits Sierra, and she laughs nervously.

"Oh, thank you, but he isn't my BF." Sierra explains. "I already have a fiance."

"Oh really?" Jasmin asks. "Well, in that case, I might just try for him. But, if I were you, and I and that guy ciuman me" Jasmin then gets right selanjutnya to Sierra's ear, and whispers; "I'd lock him in a closet, and throw away the key." Jasmin then gets away from Sierra's ear, and walks toward a train with Stephanie oleh her side. "We must have a GNO soon Sierra! Hugs and kisses darling!" Jasmin and Stephanie then hop on the train, and it quickly speeds off.

"Yeah...hugs and kisses." Sierra repeats. She couldn't believe the honestly thought Alejandro was better than Cody. "I mean; sure Alejandro's lebih toned....has nice abs....beautiful skin....perfect teeth that sparkle like stars..." Sierra then slapped herself, and cussed herself out for saying those things. Sierra then quickly runs onto her train, and it quickly speeds off. Although, what Sierra didn't know was, that at the same time, Alejandro was also getting on his train. They has the same amount of travel time, and even got off at the same time. The two then went back to their homes to find their loves asleep. Of course; they did totally different things.

Sierra, who saw Cody asleep on the dipan, sofa smiles. She then goes over, kissed his forehead, and puts Jerry – who was currently on a nearby shelf – in Cody's arms. Cody hugged the stuffed bird, and sighed in contentment. Sierra then smiles again, and goes to the bedroom, and goes to sleep. Alejandro, on the other hand, found Noah asleep in the bed. He smirks at the sleeping bookworm, and crosses over to him. He then gets right to his ear, and starts to whisper in his ear.

"That's right my little puppet, sleep peacefully." Alejandro hisses evilly into Noah's ear. "Sleep peacefully, for soon, anda will be having many sleepless nights." Alejandro then got up, went to the other side of the bed, got in, and fell right to sleep.


OH SNAP! XD anda better watch out Noah!

Anyway, on another subject; good for Noah! He FINALLY kissed Cody! Anyway.....sorry it took me so long to write this part! D: I just wanted it to be perfect.....and I think, to a point, it is. :3 Also....did anyway, at first, think of the song "My Lulaby" from the LK2 when Alejandro first started speaking? I kinda did....

added by rockzsanders
Source: Me
posted by neonwalflower
~after the season ended at Noah's apartment~

-Noah and Cody are watching BrokeBack Mountain-
tv:"..Jack...I Swear..." ~sad music~

Cody: Oh Noah that was sooo sad!!!!
-gets teary eyed and lies body over Noah's lap-

-Noah holds jagung meletus, popcorn bowl over Cody so it won't spill-
Noah: Hold yourself together. It's not even over yet.

Cody: But Noah the cinta of his life is dead and he's crying! Isn't that sad a little bit to you?

Noah: Mmmm... no. Now can we atleast finish a movie for once without your whining?

~a couple menit later~

Noah: Finally that movie is over....

Cody: Aww come on dude anda didn't like it at...
continue reading...
posted by Raven9087
Codys Prov:

I was so glad I was off that island and Im glad Noah lived right down the jalan, street from me cuz we were really close and all and we gaved each other our addresses and cell numbers. Now tht school was starting I could call him to ask him wat classes he got
Cody:Hey Noah its Cody did u get ur classes yet??
Noah:Yah My homeroom teacher is Mr.Martenez
Cody:Me to
Noah:So tht must mean were in the same classes then huh
Cody:Yepp I g2g cloths shopping txt u l8er
Noah:K bye

Noah Prov:

Im so glad me and Cody are in the same classes cuz I like him but I couldnt tell him tht atau else he will...
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added by sexybaby9087
posted by Animetama
I opened my eyes as they chased across the pitch black room. But of course, I knew exactally where I was~ ♥

Holding my cinta tightly to my chest as he slept like a baby in my arms~!

But he wasn't there, we had won the last challenge back in Japan, but I....I began to freak out!

Oh my only true love! My litte adorable Cody! Where did anda go?! Why aren't anda here?!

I was chocking on the air around me, my throat tightend and a tear droplet escaped my right eye. But then I stopped at thought to myself, that maybe he was somewhere else wondering around the airplane? It's not like he got kiddnaped!...
continue reading...
posted by nocofangirl218
Part 8!! OMG, we're so close to the.......well, I can't exactly tell you. That'd spoil the suprise! ;D Anyway, this may be a dull part, but....I tried. :P Also, I decided to just start with Noah's P.O.V. instead of Cody's. Anyway....hope ya'll enjoy!


*Noahs P.O.V.*

After Trent and Owen finally finished their almost endless talking fest, all the Gopher boys went to bed. Everyone, it seemed, went to sleep fairly quickly. I - of course - was still awake, but this time, out of pure glee.

'I can't believe I actually did...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, this is part 4! Man, I really need to stop letting the time fly oleh like this. .3.' Anyway, I know I usually give pujian in this part of the story, but....I kinda just wanna jump right into the it.

Hope you'll like it! x3


*Codys P.O.V.*

I was sleeping peacefully until Chris announce through the speaker that we all needed to get up, and laporan in the mess hall. I sat up, streached a bit, and hopped out of bed. Despite my late night last night, I felt suprisingly awake.

"Hey dude." Trent greeted, just getting out of...
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posted by xxXsk8trXxx
Noah: *getting on the perahu of losers* NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cinta anda CODY AND I ALWAYS HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *boat floating away* I LOOOOOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cody: ...
Chris: Today we're doing Total Drama Rent! The couples will be Gwen and Heather, Trent and Courtney, Duncan and Sadie, and Noah and Cody!
Noah: Does this mean I get to be with Cody for the movie cover?
Chris: Yes!
Noah: Okay
Noah (on the inside): WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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added by luz-anwar-light
i don´t make this video but i really hope anda like it.
posted by nocofangirl218
So, since part one did so well, I've decided to go alond and do part two! I hope anda all enjoy! :3 Also, this was inspired oleh a DxG series, so please check out the awesome story oleh starburst-rock, and blah, blah, blah! Again, hope anda like part two!
So, on with the story!_________________________________________________________________________________

*Noah's P.O.V.*

"Okay, todays challenge is three-fold." Chris announced as almost everone crowded around the edge of the cliff. Yeah, crowding around the edge of a huge cliff is always a good idea guys. "Your first task is to jump off this one-thousand...
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Not mine but its so cute.
posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, so this is something I decided to randomly do one day. This is basically how Total Drama Island would've happened if NoCo was one of the canon couples. Also: there is no TxG, atau DxC in this story, so please don't read it if anda don't like the couple. One last thing: this was inspired oleh a DxG series titled: “Secrets”. If anda like DxG, please go check out the awesome story oleh starburst-rock. :3

Also, I don't own the TD series, so please don't think I do.

*Noah's P.O.V*

As the perahu slowly approached an island...
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After Izzy had berkata the immature thing she berkata and after Noah and Cody blushed and all that
Izzy said: “Anyway’s! anda guy’s need to come see this! I caught a squirrle! “
Noah was pissed now: “Get out Izzy!!!”
Izzy: “Bu-“
Noah and Cody yelled: “Get out!!!”
Izzy: “Fine! You’re loss!” Izzy then closed the door and ran out.
Noah sighed and kept looking at the ground: “Well…you want some music?”
Cody: “Noah. Answer my question, who was the person that anda were in cinta with?”
Noah paused: “…Like anda care…” He stood up but Cody grabbed his wrist making Noah look...
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posted by Dramatic-Teller
Noah finally woke up from A LOT of hours of sleep, he looked at the clock: 3:04 P.M.
He looked to his left…Cody was still sleeping…Noah thought: “I should wake him up…neh. I’m gonna take a shower.”
Noah got up and passed Cody’s tempat tidur then walked into the bathroom which was attached to his room.
About 24 menit later Cody was rested enough to hear the mandi, shower running, Cody yawned and sat up on his tempat tidur then stretched. Then the mandi, shower shut off. Cody stood up from his tempat tidur in his ice-blue pajamas and walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and gargled. After he was done he looked...
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posted by nocolover4evr
“Then, we’re all gonna party,” Geoff told all of the ex-contestants, and Sierra.
“I’ll go with anda Geoff,” Justin berkata to him.
“Are anda going to go?” Cody asked his best friend (and boyfriend) Noah, but everyone was focused on Katie, Sadie, and Geoff asking Bridgette to come with him, so they didn’t hear Cody’s question, and better, Noah’s response.
“No, are you?”
“I was thinking about it-,” but he was cut off oleh Noah grabbing his arm, as if he was afraid that Cody would leave him.
“Don’t go Cody. Don’t leave,” Noah stared Cody right in the eyes, and anda could...
continue reading...
added by dustfinger
Not mine. i just thought it would be cool to have video
posted by koalagirl9
Written in Noah Pov
I sit in central park alone on a cool spring day.When i here a voice.
Hi Noah. The voice says.
Cody looked so good..I really liked him but i couldn't let him know.He's no homo. I stare at him hes not even wearing shirt.I go over to the wishing well grab some spare change and hope my wish comes true as it falls.

I threw a wish in the well.Don't ask me i'll never tell i looked to anda as it fell and now your in my way.I'll trade my soul for a wish pennys and dimes for a ciuman i was'nt looking for this but know your in my way.
Your stare was holding ripped jeans skin was tampilkan hot...
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added by rockzsanders
Source: deviantART
The selanjutnya morning I woke up to noah in my face just staring at me."uh how long have anda been here"I berkata in a moning voice."Right when everyone feel asleep"noah berkata in a stalkerish kind of voice."Ok bye"I berkata in fear.Well that was the scariest morning ever!All he ever did was stare and talk and finally it happened we had to stay up for ever and ever. When I fell asleep of course Owen farts on me and I wake up confused and stinky why not just put a hefty bag over me! I wake up again in fear.

THIS TIME IT WAS NOAH ciuman ME but wait I sort of enjoyed it "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we both screamed. TO BE CONTINUED................
3rd person

Noah cried in his room.Tears steamed down his face.
Come on,get a hold of yourself Noah. berkata part of him. He stopped crying and looked up.
"Maybe I need to talk him,"he berkata quietly to himself.He got up from his bed,and went down-stairs to talk t him.Only to find a note on the floor.Noah picked it up and read it:

I don't know why anda are crying,but I thought anda needed some alone time.I took the camera with me to help upload it on the TDI website.Thanks for letting me use it.Ill give it back either this evening your tomorrow morning.

Thanks again,

Noah felt like he was gonna cry again.He had a chance to tell him his feelings,he missed it.But,hell be back,either tomorrow morning atau tonight.That's when he'll tell him.

Sorry this one's short,the selanjutnya one will be longer.