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She could hear Craiger calling her name from the balcony, echoing briefly in the air. It would be less than ten detik before she made contact with the pavement. As she was falling however a glowing red cylinder passed her by, crashing into the ground. When it hit, an explosion of red energy shook the ground, causing a shockwave which knocked Grace back a foot into the air. It was painful, but her fall would be much less deadly.

At her height, Grace collected herself and was able to bend her knees to brace the impact. Her feet roughly collided with the ground, and the rest of her body collapsed into a turbulent roll. Remaining air was nearly knocked out when her back met the dinding in a loving contact. Naturally, the rubah betina didn't raise back up on her feet. An ache rippled through her body, though bruised but unbroken, she believed. Her bent knees had taken most of the pressure from her vital parts. With a thumping in her head, she remembered the image of red. Grace attempted to control her wavering vision and looked up.

The blur in front of her was a dark brown, wearing a long jaket with a wide-open neck-hole. It was red, with a long left bottom side, almost like a dress. Lighter red fire-like designs were at the base of the hoodie. What seemed to be grey and black pants were underneath, half-covered oleh the hoodie’s length. These hooked around the base of the creature’s heels, which had no toes. She had no fingers it seemed either, except for her thumbs. Her face was that of a lynx’s structure, though the only stripes she had were on her ears, black, and at the half-way-points, in a similar desain to the base of her hoodie. Her hair was black and long, with coal-red ends. She had no nose, but her eyes were a pale-glowing yellow, with what seemed to be the center and pupils robotic circles with lines at the ends, colored red. They were hollow in the center and surrounded oleh half-circles of a pale purple color.

The lynx, atau whatever she was, looked down to Grace emotionless. The circles in her eyes widened and narrowed and turned, as if analyzing the vixen.

Aware of being closely observed, Grace cowered beneath her stare, but teeth clenched in warning. She shifted back, her body wobbling and pressing against the dinding with shaken arms supporting her. Eyes scanned up and down the stranger for a moment as she struggled to speak. This newcomer had a bad vibe radiating off her, and Grace wanted to avoid a closer confrontation. In attempt to ignore the feeling of having her comfort zone crossed, Grace looked up at the balcony instead for Craiger. Possibly for an answer.

Craiger was currently sliding down the ladder towards her, landing behind her after a few seconds. “Are anda okay!?” He nervously shot out, offering a hand.

“Another girl, Craiger?” The woman asked on a cold tone, turning her attention back to the Male.

Grace was glancing between the two as she took his hand, weakly standing up. "...You know each other?"

“Yeah… Grace-Kaiya, Kaiya-Grace.” The lynx-like woman berkata nothing to either of them. “She might be able to help us find Rynk.”

"Really?" Her mood shifted to that of interest, and Grace regarded Kaiya once more. "Will anda actually help?"

“I don’t know, will I, Craiger?” Kaiya mocked, narrowed her eyes at the Ausey fox. “… Who is Rynk?”

The rubah betina felt uncomfortable standing in the tension. She attempted to stick with the topic, hoping the details would be understood. "A friend. She's been wandering around after a...malfunction with her DNA's."

Kaiya turned her attention back to Grace. “… Plural?”

"Yeah," Grace muttered with a nod, remembering the DNA files. "I think there was...six? Around that number."

Kaiya stepped aside. Perhaps she was pondering over her options. Regardless she stopped after noticing what building they were all in front of. “You brought me to a Melcro building.” She berkata darkly. “Do anda want all of us to have six DNA’s?”

“Kaiya-… I can explain all of this but we should pindah first.” Craiger replied. The hoodie-wearing person walked past both foxes briefly saying “Fine” as she made her way from the building’s shadow.

Not far behind, the two picked up their pace, as well. Grace appeared as if she had a set of pertanyaan herself, but was waiting for the proper moment to take the opportunity to ask. For now, she was just paying attention to the grudge Kaiya seemed to have on Craiger.

Not half a building’s length later a buzzing could be heard behind them. Upon turning the three noticed that ten of the detection drones were following them, with snake-like ones directly behind.

Their appearance wasn't as surprising, since a sort of attack was anticipated. However, Grace took a step back, knowing she had nothing to arm herself with - unqualified for defense. She wasn't sure about the other two, and quickly turned directly to them. "Run?"

“Obviously.” Kaiya replied as she redirected her course towards the drones.

"To them?!" Grace yelled, completely dumbfounded on what this woman was capable of. It appeared it was too late to just get away from the situation, but the rubah betina had no abilities to help out. Straining with decisions, she shot Craiger a puzzled glance, expecting him to say atau do something.

“Away from them.” The lynx-like-creature shot back before raising her right arm at the drones. Craiger seemed rather torn on what to do himself, but he was still moving away from the drones regardless. Grace watched whatever Kaiya was planning, picking up her speed.

Kaiya’s arm began to extend in length, transforming itself into a glowing red blade. Her left hand increased in size, materializing a multiple-barrel energy cannon. The drones fired a blue energy in the shape of a dome, most-likely to trap the group. Kaiya launched herself up to the dome, spinning around it before launching it back at the drones, along with herself. Mere inches after launching she leapt meneruskan, ke depan into the drones, whipping her bladed arm in a cyclone-twirl while airborne. At the same time she fired an jeruk, orange spread of energy, which began wrapping around the main drones, shaping around them. Upon completion the energy turned to a red color and obliterated the circular drones, leaving the snake-shaped ones to be diced oleh the blade.

Breathless oleh the extravaganza of combat, Grace had unknowingly slowed down. It had been some time since she witnessed an example of uncertain power. Kaiya being a stranger was no lebih relieving. "What is she?" Grace's voice quavered as her chest ached.

Craiger, who had now all but halted himself, replied “An Identity, like the red-haired one that appeared a while back.”

"Rin?" Grace mused. She had remembered that shortly after the fight, Rynk had mentioned being saved oleh the Identity in the past. Now she was glancing over her shoulder at Kaiya, attempting to compare the two. "How'd anda meet her?"

“Four years ago.” The identity answered, landing after successfully disposing of the drones. She turned her back to the building and walked back over to them. “In Gei Si Heir.”

Even if the details were plucked off a larger picture, Grace was interested. Pushing a bit lebih out was an idea in consideration, but a topic that veered off the original path. She would have to suppress her curiosity. "Is this a story anda want to continue?" Grace asked to no one in particular of the two, just awaiting an answer before moving on.

“… L-later… after this is all over.” Craiger stammered. Kaiya remained stiff.

"...If we're aman, brankas now, do anda want lebih privacy to pindah to atau is this a good time for questions?"

“Melcro isn’t done with us while we are on this Mobius.” Kaiya noted, created a dome around them. “Where was your prior location before here?”

Grace's eyes wandered a bit. "Uh, Mobius Academy. School with it's own zone if anda haven't heard of it."

“…Alright.” The world around them began to rapidly vanish, reappearing in at least ten worlds in the last five seconds. Eleven detik later and it stopped, selanjutnya to a pohon at the rear of Mobius Academy. The dome opened.

"Welcome," Grace beamed with artificial happiness, only able to express a sense of relief with the method of travel. And her fascination with abilities of Identities seemed evident. Her brain emphasized how pointless it was to unlock the semi-existent lively side of Kaiya, but her nerves only wanted to relish the temporary calmness. Frankly, the rubah betina wanted to drop on her knees while chanting "home sweet home" under her breath. Being only on the borderline of egomania, however, she believed she didn't deserve such happiness yet, not without Rynk safely beside her. "How are we going to do this here?"

“If your friend has my Nanites inside of her I can track them to any dimension, though a familiar one would be preferable.” Kaiya replied. “After that I can activate them remotely and have the chaos energy inside them teleport her to us.”

“She’s in Mobocan.” Craiger informed.

“… Ah.” Glowing red strips of light appeared around the identity and spread around her a moment before charging outward

Grace loosely crossed her arms in thought. "How long does it usually take?"

“Without distraction, thirty detik at the latest.”

"I guess someone interrupting would be reasonable, or...would Rynk be sort of freaked out oleh some sudden transportation?"

“I’m assuming anyone would be.” A 3-Dimensional oval-shaped white energy began to appear in front of them.

A few precaution steps back were taken oleh the vixen. Was her jantung beating a bit too fast for her liking? Maybe. Eyes were on the materializing energy. Eventually the oval turned a deep red just as Kaiya announced “Got it”. A brief flicker followed, and in front of them stood a glowing red Rynk, wearing her regular purple and blue attire, and looking about frantically.

Grace noted the different appearance from before, but confronted the surprised reaction instead. "Um...Rynk?" A calm tone was being attempted.

Rynk jerked her head over to face Grace, still extremely confused and startled oleh what was happening. No one was looking over to Kaiya at the moment, but she had just de-spawned her teleporting-system (or whatever it was that was causing Rynk to appear), which in turn reverted Rynk to her normal form.

"I know things are a cluster right now, but we got worried, even looking for you, and - are anda alright?" The rubah betina was steady as she took a small forward.

“I-I-I…” The hybrid staggered back before leaning against a pohon to keep from falling. “How did any of you…” And then she noticed Kaiya. Almost as if allergic, Rynk bashed against the tree, halfway through saying “You’re the-“ before her head hit a branch.

Immediately, Grace had moved closer but stopped herself from touching. "Woah, okay, try not hurt yourself. I don't-" She briefly paused to glance at Kaiya, then focused on Rynk again. "Listen, I don't know whatever connections any of anda have, but she was brought here to find you. I know, it's vague, I promise to clue anda in later...there's a lot to cover, but in short we just wanted to help you."

“It’s best I not act as a distraction any longer.” Kaiya added. “Also, CRAIGER, I need to talk to you.” With a deep sigh the Ausey rubah, fox followed the identity away from Grace and Rynk.

Grace watched for a moment in confusion, then turned her attention. "Is...your head okay?"

“Yeah…” Rynk replied. “You want to know why I left, right?”

The rubah betina nodded, maybe with lebih zeal than intended. The lynx crossed her arms, looking down from Grace’s gaze. “Acids aren’t immune to their own acid. They have to take medication atau they go feral, brains get infected with the stuff. I couldn’t change back to normal for a while and I needed to find out where some of the meds were before the same thing happened to me… again”

"...Did anda find any?"

“… No… but I ended up changing back at one point anyway… for now.”

Somewhat tense, Grace breathed heavily and waited for the emotions to subside. "If it's going to happen again, the only option shouldn't be a trip back to that place. It's mad." She appeared to strain herself with thinking before her shoulders fell in discouragement. "There's not a chance the school would supply anda with meds, is there? If they're that hard to find..."

“The school’s run oleh Zone Cops, and the Zone Cops don’t let anyone into Mobocan. They berkata that they’d get a cure as soon as possible but I didn’t really have the time.”

"The best we could is to estimate the selanjutnya occurrence just to avoid the same situation. Leaving the school has already happened, so we can't do anything about that. We have to wait for the consequences, depending on whether they're understanding atau not."

“How are we supposed to do that; estimate it?”

"...No idea. I'm just throwing stuff right now. Although there's a chance it'll happen automatically now, what did anda do last time that sparked it?"

“Climb a rope?” Rynk shrugged. “It’s not just Acids though.”

"Are anda talking about lebih species?"

She nodded. “I actually kind of remember it now… getting fused with all of those. And then it just vanishes, then it comes back again.”

Illuminated gambar of tubes and appendages flash in-between blinks. Grace looks down at her entwined fingers. "Do anda like remembering?"

“No.” The hybrid replied swiftly. “And since I can’t control whatever this is, and the Zone Cops can’t ‘help’ I can’t… stay here too long… unless someone else here has a suggestion.”

Slowly, the rubah betina glanced up. "If there's not a way to control the DNA's, do anda think it's possible to remove them instead? Maybe Kaiya can try."

Rynk’s ears perked up a bit as she looked back over to Grace. “R-really? How? A-and how is she here?”

"Answering the first question: I don't know, but I think she can figure something out if we ask. I know I just met her but she has the potential. As for the detik question, I think Craiger summoned her somehow. It was a blur for me."

“I didn’t know that it would actually… She-she’s actually going to help us- where has she-“ Rynk groaned. “This doesn’t make sense, does it?”

"This is kind of going over my head." Grace casually shrugged. "I'm trying my best with picking up a few things, but I've sort of been lost in all this since the beginning."

“About Kaiya, atau in general?”

"Mostly Kaiya. Totally didn't expect that."

“Oh… anda want me to try to explain?”

"If it's no hassle."

Rynk nodded, distracted for a short while from their predicament. “There was something about… forty years yang lalu called ‘The Refine’; a Genocide against ‘Hellborns’, which were the Banshees and Nictrela—acid monsters. All the countries just attacked Supreta, going after them all. Before then Supreta was protecting… Hellborns, but they were convinced that Banshees especially were overly dangerous. So they wiped the planet clean as best they could. The only one that stood up for the Hellborns was Kaiya. No one apparently knew much about her before the Refine, except for that she used to be part of the Supretan Military. She couldn’t save all the Hellborns but she got a lot of them to safety. After that she vanished. She’s kind of a legend in Mobocan to be honest.”

Grace stood quietly, contemplating over the word "genocide." It was a topic surpassing anything she could aptly put into words. She moved onto "legend" for her commentary, "I can see why it's a big deal for her to be here, then. She even has connections with anda guys already."

Rynk nodded again. “Maybe she CAN get rid of all … this…”

"We should ask her and see what she thinks." The rubah betina looked over her shoulder again. "Whenever Craiger and her are done, I guess."

Kaiya and Craiger both walked back to them immediately after, as if hearing that last sentence. “What do anda want me to do?” The identity asked.

Grace cleared her throat. "Well, if possible, can anda remove Rynk's DNA's?"

“How many does she have, and which do anda want removed?”

“I don’t want to have Nictrela anymore…” Rynk grumbled.

"Is that all?" Grace inquired. "Since this is your body, it'll be best for anda to answer and decide."

“I don’t know, I mean… I don’t think getting rid of the Banshee part’s a good idea but everything else is… just get rid of everything else.”

"Is that safe?" The pertanyaan was lebih so directed to Kaiya.

The identity remained in her statue-like posture. “I have no idea how she was fused with the DNA’s to begin with but after some analyzing I should be able to get them out. I have to wonder though why I was needed specifically for this.”

"Rynk is having trouble controlling the DNA's, and options to fix that are limited here. Currently, you're the only one who could help."

Kaiya sighed. Multiple lights began to form around Rynk, one red, one green, and one a light blue. They passed up and down, eventually causing Rynk’s bulu to pindah up and down with them. Rynk herself seemed uncomfortable in the process but she expressed no signs of pain.

At a aman, brankas distance, Grace watched with observant eyes and a heavy chest. Her fingers were crossed.

The analyzing ended. “Which DNA do anda want taken away first?” Kaiya asked.

“The Acid one.” Rynk replied quickly.

“… anda know this is going to-“

“Pain, yeah, not my favorit flavor but we take what we can get, and I want to get this out of me.”

The identity gave a somewhat concerned stare but continued regardless. A red energy field began to form around Rynk, forming around her body specifically. The hybrid was lifted into the air oleh the energy as the energy began to pindah into her through her arms. Rynk cringed, biting her lip, but kept silent aside from that.

Quick glances were shot back and forth, focusing on the two to konfirmasi that each detik of the procedure was on path. As if it were a gear, a single thought revolved within the vixen's head, an attempt to calm the nerves: It's normal, it's normal...

The hybrid began vibrating with the energy, but Kaiya remained still and calm so it must have been alright… right? Regardless Craiger walked over to Grace whispering “Do anda want to wait until it’s over?”

Grace nodded. "I want to be completely sure she'll be fine 'till the end. Why? Is it going to take a while?"

“Well I don’t know, but-“

A hot wind blew past them both. Turning briefly back to the operation/exorcism they could see Rynk burning back into her acid monster form.

The display caused balanced emotions to stagger. Hands juggled assumptions of whether this was a factor atau not. Although Grace wanted to avoid jumping to conclusions, a nervousness was gripping her. "...Kaiya?"

“She’s not hurt, all I did was activate the form.” The identity replied.

A sigh of relief, and a slight glance towards Craiger. "Alright."

The Ausey rubah, fox kept his eyes fixed on Rynk, tensed. Kaiya seemed to be the only fully calm person in the area, but then again she needed to be if this was going to be successful. Rynk continued to vibrate from the energy until a jerking started up, yanking a sort of transparent form of Rynk outward. Obviously the hybrid was not prepared for this, causing her to give a short squeal—almost a squeak even—from the process.

"Just a little more, Rynk..." Grace whispered under her breath, her hands clenching and unclenching. Whatever the consequences, she couldn't easily interfere just yet.

Continuing spasms followed the squealing, and after that even acid began to leak from Rynk’s fur, hands, and feet. She seemed to be gasping for air; she could not breathe. Still though Kaiya continued the operation. What seemed like bubbles seemed to bulge from Rynk’s stomach, and her arms. Her metallic bones were heating to a deep red. It was then that Kaiya actually seemed to widen her eyes a crack, just the slightest amount of a sense of worry.

With attention at high on Rynk, the shift in her expression wasn't noted at first. It was a warning that didn't snap concentration. Grace's frame shook as she counted the details on her friend's appearance. "Is...Is it suppose to look like this?" The entire scene was abnormal to begin in, at least to her, but now it was taking a turn that was exceeding what was expected.

“The DNA isn’t disconnecting.” Kaiya replied in an irritated tone, though it seemed lebih stressed and directed at the predicament then at Grace. “And now it’s triggering all the others.”

The rubah betina quickly turned her head to her, almost at her wits, but controlling her emotions for Kaiya's sake. "The others? What's going to happen to Rynk when it does that?"

“From what I can tell her body can’t handle that right now and it will explode—can I please concentrate?” Grace immediately backed off in silence.

Multiple spasms of the many forms began to appear as a scream began to emit, becoming higher and higher in pitch. The pohon itself began to burn as did the ground as an orange-tinted light formed around the hybrid. With clenched teeth Kaiya whipped her head around to Grace and Craiger “Move back, now!”

In detik flat Grace reacted with a jump and started to retreat in a quickened pace, not sure if she had taken him with her. She was almost stumbling over her on feet oleh the abrupt command, and eyes were still on the upcoming chaos. Even so, covering a wide distance in a few detik was attempted. How far back was safe?

A spherical capsule slammed around Kaiya and Rynk, charging up with energy. Arm-ended tubes grabbed hold of the hybrid, seeming to draw the energy from her as best they could. This seemed pointless as the light got brighter and brighter. Finally it became so vast that the identity had to act immediately. Kaiya and Rynk vanished with the light.

Grace, whose hands were shielding her eyes, was a breath away from screaming their names. Maybe it was the last resort, even if they disappeared from their sight, engulfed oleh light. The rubah betina displayed no visible emotion nor uttered a sound for several seconds. Words clawed her throat and air buried itself in her lungs. The realization that their circumstances were unknown...

"What...just...." Her trembling was the first reaction. It was a refusal to believe the events could unfold just like that. Suddenly, Grace squinted and started to stagger forward, an attempt to break into a run.

Craiger started after her to make certain she was not going to inflict harm upon herself. Eventually they neared the area, and Grace cast a look of the deepest anguish in all directions. Each gesture and twitch of expression lacked her usual distinction, a tinge of melancholy which bore so clearly. She was incapable of giving attention to the broken record of "we were so close" under hoarse breath. A sentiment was chocking her up, purging her aligned thoughts, threatening to knock her down to knees. To be cloaked with accumulating pertanyaan and semi-guilt, the rubah betina painfully poured out the impression that an old wound was being yanked open.

She had blocked other senses. Her blue eyes roved here and there with unconcealed distress while mumbling. Fingers absentmindedly clung and twisted hair. A clue, a sign, was all that was asked for.

A hand rested upon Grace’s shoulder for the moment. Craiger did not know how she would react to any gesture at the moment. He hoped she would not be menyeberang, salib but was prepared for a backlash.

Under the sudden touch Grace had abruptly turned towards him, an expected reaction. Mental functions were at bizarre levels oleh this time, evident in her tense posture and stare. However, upon realizing Craiger's intention, her behavior dissolved to that of a subdued manner. The brief agitation took the initiative to drain her energy now that they were face to face. She stood motionless for a moment, then pushed back her bangs to reveal a expression of anxiety. It took several deep breaths for Grace to find her voice. "S-Sorry, I just...Where..."

“… They’ll be back.” He stated in the calmest tone he could. His eyes were straight and still. “It might take a little bit but they’ll be back.”

"How do anda know that?"

“A friend of mine taught me to believe that the best of situations were the most likely if they had faith in it. They’re both strong. I can’t imagine it’ll just end this way.”

She considered the reassurance of the advice, and Grace had forget her uncertainty. It was a hesitation between a thankful smile and nervous laugh at her doubts. There was a measure of weariness in her voice, but her reply was of mutual agreement, "...You're right. Of course. I- We'll be waiting for them here, then?"

Craiger nodded. “Do anda want me to get anda some water?”

"I think I'll be alright," she replied after a gulp. "Thanks."


Moments, then minutes, passed. Doubt was a hard thing to not feel at the time. Fortunately, atau unfortunately, Kaiya returned, teleporting in front of them, alone. At her appearance it was almost instinct to start asking how the past few menit have treated her. The first, brief reaction was even a sign of relief. Then the details were noticed. Alone? Grace's eyes widened, half unwell and half detached. "...Where's Rynk?"

“She’s alive but I can’t bring her here…” The identity seemed less straight-shouldered and direct. “You won’t want to hear this but your friend might not be who anda think.”

The statement was regarded as if it struck a chord. The meaning certainly stirred Grace, just as Kaiya predicted. Until now, every detail the rubah betina collected from Rynk couldn't be false...she found that hard to believe. To be fair, she knew very little about her friend now that baru saja events had altered things. The unknown was swept under the rug even before the downward spiral began. Other possibilities of deeper secrets were now acknowledged. Did she have an accurate view of anyone in the academy?

With Rynk still being a close friend of hers, Grace would have defended her somehow, but a rebuttal wouldn't make a strong enough note. It was, however, threatening enough to put Grace in a slight defensive mood. She needed Kaiya to elaborate. "Is there something I should know about?"

“Normally,” The Identity began, “this would be confidential but I highly doubt further damage can be done. Did anda ever hear about something called ‘DarkShade’?”

Grace nodded slowly. "I saw a picture of a type a suit titled with that but that's pretty much all I know."

“Months back, on Mobocan, Gei Si Heir to be precise, there was an attack. The government had turned on an anti-terrorist group—my team—and some team members,” her gaze turned to Grace’s left, near Craiger, then back to Grace herself, “decided to desert us. The invasion, the attack, came from Supreta, and they had brought with them their own DarkShade to eliminate the original; myself. The agent had vanished after the battle, dead we hoped. All that we knew was that the detik DarkShade worked for Melcro.”

At the mention of detik DarkShade and Melcro, Grace was able to merge the information with the "DarkShade #2" file they found at the labs before. It was a small portion under Rynk's name, yet it started to fill in missing pieces. "This is connected to Rynk?" Grace seemed to struggle with believing the relations. "But...she wouldn't...."

“What is her condition right now?” Craiger asked.

“She’s still unstable but I have her contained back on Mobocan.” Kaiya stepped meneruskan, ke depan a bit. “This isn’t solid if that helps. Once she is stable enough I may be able to scan through any memories she might have to confirm.”

“…Coordinates?” The ausey rubah, fox asked further.

The identity berkata something in a different language. It didn’t sound Persian but who knew what Supertans spoke like, except Craiger was from Gei Si Heir… and he knew Supret- the lebih it was thought over the lebih it became irritating. Craiger nodded and told Kaiya that she could get back to it. Kaiya nodded back and left.

Grace wasn't all that happy with the departure and being left confused. She quickly turned her attention to Craiger. "What just happened?"

“She’s going to tell us when it’s okay for Rynk to come back.”

"We have to wait to see her again?" she asked in a low voice, not really expecting an answer in return. "I guess this is the only choice."

“I need to check with the Principal to see if anything happened to the school.”

"Alright. I'll find something to do."

Hours passed, but even with those two hours it was only three in the afternoon. It felt as if the hari was over and a new one had begun with how many events had transpired. Even if the situation was at a lull, the weight it held hadn't changed. Grace had seated herself at the front steps of the academy, out in the open but still secluded enough to clear her mind. Compared to earlier, she was only in a half-daze under the pressure, a headache whirring.

Craiger called from behind her, “How are anda holding up?”

Two wide eyes noted his sudden appearance, then they quickly lowered. "Uh - a bit better, I guess."

Craiger had no response to this at first. He began to sit, then went back to standing. He didn’t really know what position he should take in this situation. “Something… happened.”

The hesitation bothered Grace, and her voice quivered in a way that urged him to continue, "What...?"

He took a deep breath. “I… I went to the area Kaiya mentioned and… she’s… she… l-lost…”

"...No, no, no." Grace breathed over and over again as she stumbled to her feet. She realized why it had taken so long. While attempting to take it all in, her words were breaking similar to his. "D-Don't tell me that...Rynk..."

“She berkata that she’d keep looking but… at the same time she d-doesn’t… she’s not sure if Rynk was taken atau left.” He turned away, “Forget that last part… that doesn’t matter…”

"No, it does matter! We need any details so we could...we could-" The rubah betina was trembling, but she managed to control her voice. "Is there a way for us to help? Anything we can do?"

“I… don’t… I’m sorry, Grace…”

Grace didn't reply - hadn't even raised her eyes from the ground. Accepting the solution as nothing was unreasonable for her. But, it was realized that she was a desperate malfunction worn down until "useless" spelt itself out in her veins.

Was this a situation where it was reasonable to get teary eyed over? This struck and spun her own artificial, inner compass that she created to avoid...showing. Emotions had its own boundaries, tears being limited to frustration and despair. Maybe having the inability to find a friend was in between that.

After a moment of silence, she started to shake her head. "I it alright if we-" Breathing was starting to hurt her chest. luar angkasa was becoming necessary. "...just some time to think this over for a while, please."

“Of course.” Craiger stepped back, and out of sight.

It took a few menit before vision started to blur, and Grace tried to count out excuses while wiping her eyes. It was silent and short, a tendency she had forced on herself, whether alone atau not.

Several detik later Grace was able to focus on the original issue. Where could Rynk be? Why and how? If no one else had a guess, there was no likely chance she could think of anything herself. However, it became an unwritten goal to solve something, atau at least attempt to help. In other words, the rubah betina refused to sit and wait for a miracle.

Although her head was thumping, the silence was becoming comfortable, and Grace finally stood up after a sore formed at her slumped shoulders. Naturally she was still upset, and it be some time before the calamity within would ease, but it wouldn't bring her to her all time low. At least, that's what she told herself. The problem wasn't just affecting just her, after all. And finding jawaban wasn't exclusive to specific people.

Ultimately, her legs acted on their own accord, and Grace found herself in Rynk's room. The door had been unlocked from earlier, much to her relief. If her only option was picking the lock, a certain recollection from the beginning of the tahun would bruise her.

Once Grace crossed the threshold, she quickly noted the acid and coiling steam still clinging to the regenerating interior. The neon-green wash looked all wrong for an endless string of reasons. The place had no other visitors, considering it was left unfixed. Even the gaping hole on the dinding was still displaying a vista. The world was going about its normal self, remaining beautiful and sacred and unaffected, and this angered Grace. She quickly turned away and observed any other damaged unnoticed from before. As an attempt to find untouched survivors, she maneuvered and walked through the room of trashed remains.

It wasn't incredibly messy as she thought. Whatever Rynk had done to escape, she was brief and quick out of the room. A few things had fallen off the dinding atau a surface of some sort, making it seem like a disaster. There was, however, enough on the floor to create a few piles with the her foot. If this was an example of tampering with evidence, Grace paid no heed to it.

Her demeanor suddenly changed when the vixen's keen eyes caught an all too familiar glint of gold. Under the tempat tidur was a piece of the Talent Show, seeming to have fallen in the calamity: the first place plaque. Grace knelt down oleh the prize, ran her hand over the engraved lettering, fingers collecting some dust. She repeated the words under her breath, and it tasted unreal, like a daze taking over.

For a moment her world was a sea of red, blue and purple ribbons.

The vision dissolved into an engraved image of a spherical glow and red hot metallic bones.

Grace twitched, her breathing shuttering as an headache settled. Every shattered bit of memory was helplessly swept away in the wake of that acid-ridden room. Now, she held remains that were carelessly sewed together with promises and hopes and apologies. The acidic fumes were starting to sting her eyes, atau it could have been another tinge of emotion. This room, this luar angkasa that should have had purpose held few items to remember Rynk by.

With the plaque pressed against her thumping chest, Grace decided that it needed its proper place, along with every other memory. Somewhere temporary and safe, because Rynk had to come back and find the pieces in their best shape waiting for her. She had to return someday, right?

Grace's shoulders shook and her stomach spiraled inward - sentimental stuff made her nauseous, but this was an extreme level. To put it mildly, she was a miserable sight even before the triggers, atau whatever they could be viewed as. Fixing herself was also on the daftar of things to do. The problem was being treated like the acid in the room was burning her hollow, which was a ridiculous notion. Then again, fate wouldn't have led her here for no-

In the corner of her eyes, she noticed it from a few heartbeats away.

It struck like lightning in her spine, and her expression became a vivid twist of grief. As if mimicking the walls, she felt like melting right then and there. The pair had a silent, unconditional loyalty within their numbered days, but Grace never believed that Rynk - who was supposedly different from the friend she knew - was devoted at the very beginning.

Leaning against the wall, spun in burnished colors, was an indistinguishable picture of painted noodles.

" If anda don’t want it, can I have it?"


Mobius Academy Chapter Ten Ending

Craiger stepped into the streets of Semretches. On his waist a silver sabuk clang to him, and attached to it a long rectangular pole, somewhat gun-like in shape, but with no trigger. He quickly made notice of his surroundings.

It was the remains of an abandoned hotel, mostly destroyed, and in the outskirts of the city. The room he stood in was standing firmly for the time-being. It was pasty and aged, it was the lobby.

The rubah, fox was confused to find that someone was no longer there. “Kaiya?” He walked about, searching behind the counter, the stairs, and any standing rooms. Not a trace was left. “Where did she go…?”

Craiger yanked up the cylinder, holding it upward at eye-level. He moved it about as if scanning the area. One would simply assume he was mentally ill oleh holding a metal block around like a wand but this was not a metal block.

He neared a wall. It was cleaner than the others… new. Craiger reached over to the tip of his block and yanked off a piece. A hologram vanished revealing a long-barrel shotgun, atau what seemed like one. A wheel-like gear was at its middle-base, with four separate thin triggers between it and the barrel itself. The end of the barrel was a sort of bendable plastic shape. It was a red and grey weapon and the dinding realized this.

This dinding of course was not a dinding at all. It beamed with a white light, releasing a blast of energy at the ausey fox. The blast was absorbed into the nozzle of the shotgun and shot back out, short-circuiting the device and causing it to collapse backward.

As it fell the support on the building began to crumble as well. Craiger made a dash meneruskan, ke depan and grabbed hold of the device, a tall metal rectangle, before yanking it out of the way of the falling rubble. He knew it would fall on him if he did not keep going but a detik long building blocked his path.

Craiger blasted a hole in the selanjutnya dinding in front of him and continued on, exiting his new house as quickly as possible. Once out he slammed the machine into the ground, tapping it at its top. “You hear in there, Doc?” He spoke in a somewhat humorous tone… atau at least one that ended up sounding like one. Craiger’s expression berkata otherwise, a deep glare and almost a snarl. “Where is she? Where are THEY?” He demanded in a tone becoming notably aggressive.

The machine did nothing but stand there. “Where are they!?” He screamed in a fury. The machine retaliated oleh reactivating its defenses, and charged a detik shot to obliterate the fox. Craiger easily noticed this, skipping aside as it fired, and tearing from the ground before chucking it into the high air away from him.

He was not going to let it end there however, and began continuously firing at the device until it imploded into ashes. Upon completion of this Craiger’s deep anger subsided, relaxing into a tired and depressed look. He fell to his knees, bracing himself with the gun he held, his head starring at the ground. No tears were shed, he had not fallen to that point yet, but he did manage to mutter out “You couldn’t just leave it be…”

A pile of floating sand was carried into a large storage-holding cell oleh a floating robot. It was placed in a green-tinted field of energy and placed onto two polar-locks at the base and ceiling of the room. The sand began to spark and grow until it formed into a body. This body continued forming into Kaiya.

The identity was notably upset with her surroundings, starring about for any means of escape. As she turned she noticed at the end of the room another cage. Rynk lay unconscious in the opposite-cage.

Upon recognizing the hybrid Kaiya instantly felt conflict in her future actions. This girl was responsible for her capture, and for all Kaiya knew Rynk had led the identity into a trap. Kaiya knew not how she came to this place, but she knew that it would not have happened had Rynk not been captured, atau left.

But this young teen was still a Banshee, part Banshee at least, and part acid monster, and part identity. She had Kaiya’s own Nanites inside of her. In a sense that meant she could be saved. Kaiya had no proof that this girl was responsible, but her suspicion was too high to throw away her caution. Regardless, she needed to escape.

The identity slammed her hand against the cage, transforming it into a multiple-appendage device as she attempted to release herself. All that she received for her troubles as a disintegrated arm oleh the wall.

She was a captive, and so was the person she was meant to protect. The identity did not admit defeat, not yet, but she was very flustered oleh this predicament. She continued to cari for ways of escape to no avail. Eventually the front doors opened, with loud steps being heard growing closer to her.

The sound of keys being pressed went off and in almost less than a second, Kaiya’s entire form began crumbling to the ground as another pile of sand. Before she lost consciousness she heard a deep voice mention to her “You should have stayed in hiding. Now both of anda are once again, mine.”


Mobius Academy was a forum that started over two years ago. It was a very small forum at first, but it brought out many people into it. This forum ended after a short time of roleplaying and only a short while later “Mobius Academy (restart)” began, our longest forum on this club.

Mobius Academy (Restart), atau just Mobius Academy, played a gigantic role in the future of my own, and many other people’s Fan-Universe. It is the origin-story that created Rynk, spawned a spotlight for Grace (the character), and held many people together when the rest of the club was on edge most of the time. Unfortunately that forum was ended abruptly oleh yours truly (something I deeply regret) but before it was, we went past 700 pages of comments, each one spanning a different story.

Now unfortunately at one point all the komentar made oleh GraceTheFox (Creator of Grace the character and my extremely talented co-writer-partner) were erased when she created a new account, not knowing that deleting her own would cause that to happen. To say the least it was a very depressing moment. Many memories were in those komentar and if it could be done we would see them return. Until then we can only hope to mimic, better, the events in that roleplay, with the series we have started here.

Mobius Academy is a story that involves Fan-Characters from DOZENS of users, such as Spyro (owned oleh Sonicgmance), Sleak (Owned oleh Dargox, the creator of the forums), Thunder and Sara (owned oleh Light-Of-Days, atau SaraTheDog as I know her personally), Shade (owned oleh TriTrithehedgehog), our own characters such as Grace’s Dante, atau my own Craiger, and many lebih we hope to include in the future.

We plan to focus on each and every one of those characters whenever we can, giving them ups, downs, and spotlight. Every book, atau season, of Mobius Academy will focus on a specific group of characters and their adventures. All the characters will interact in one large narrative and plot-universe, and each will have time to shine. And we want you, our audience, our Sonic-Fan-Character-Club Members, to support this story, to give us feedback, and strengthen it with berkata support. A read, a like, a comment, that’s all anda need to give.

We hope that this story will inspire lebih people in the club to continue menulis their own tales, team up with each other for co-op stories, and support everyone else’s adventures of literature. Over time this club can become larger and much lebih active than it is now, with lebih dedicated users, and lebih reasons to stick around. I’d like to hope that one hari what we create will go beyond simple “Fan-literature” and be accepted as publishable art of words, drawings, television, and games. If anda tampil us that anda care then we have a reason to keep writing, and I myself am looking meneruskan, ke depan to reliving every single possible page of that forum in this story.

As a brief update our selanjutnya set of chapters will mainly focus on Dante, Shade, Dave, and Spyro. Grace, Craiger, and others, will still be around though, so don’t worry. In addition to that I will be personally menulis a sub-story mini-series that will take place in Mobius Academy, telling the origin-events of the “Origins Unmade 2 (Sequel)” roleplay. I will ALSO be creating a side-story telling what Rynk and Kaiya will be up to on the side.

Until then I hope anda all enjoy membaca all stories that Grace has planned to share with this club (give her support here guys, she did a lot of hard work with this, and amazingly so), as well as upcoming chapters of my own stories

~The Conflicts Arcane (reboot): Origin-story for the Identity “Rin”
~In Another World: Mob Suez: An else-world story where everyone is a human
~Lab Rat: A First-person style min-series mystery, which will be followed up oleh the continuation series of
~The Cemetery Tradition: A horror/mystery series set years after the initial short-story I diposting last Halloween.

For hints and info about the events of Lab tikus and The Cemetery Tradition series anda can find out lebih in the “SEQUEL” roleplay (Origins Unmade 2).

And as a little shout-out, PLEASE be sure to check out Mephiles97’s “Rasoul Saga”, another great read with a story that improves with each new chapter, “Colored Betrayal” a new series just started oleh Mephiles97 in a Militia-style setting, and get ready for another IAW (In Another World) series being created oleh Mephiles97 as well.

Keep reading, writing, drawing, programming, smiling, praying, loving, and living.

God Bless,

Eat Pie and Prosper
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Source: Me!
added by NanoRim
Source: NanoRim (Me)
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added by Dynofox15
Source: Dynofox15
added by Dynofox15
Source: Dynofox15
added by Dynofox15
Source: Dynofox15
added by Dynofox15
Source: Dynofox15
added by kidgotex
Source: me and Chris belong to its rightful owner
added by SavoniaNight
Source: SavoniaNight
added by ameliarose2002
added by ameliarose2002
added by dragongirlkatie
Source: Meh
added by sonicmegamix
Source: me!
added by Light-Of-Days
Source: Me
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by FGthehedg3
added by dragongirlkatie
Source: I drew it.
added by sonicmegamix
Source: enjoy plz komentar
added by sonicmegamix
Source: blake is just one of my fan characters