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posted by NoctusLynx
It was a dangerous business indeed. Whitman knew this. He knew this well. This kind of tourism would be dangerous, but if all the protocols were followed correctly, then there shouldn’t be a problem. At least this much he could say, but when dealing with something this large scale, safety precautions had to be taken to prevent the worst case scenario. The machine built oleh a worker called Sonia Rainsford, and she would be the one to test her own machine, be it to see it grow prosperous, atau to see their own world wiped out.

“Ms. Rainsford,” berkata Whitman as he stood in front of her. In Sonia’s eyes, Whitman looked old, but young in a kind of sense. His hair was grayed, and refused to bald. He bore sideburns which carried down to his chin where he had a chiseled beard. His stance was imposing, and the smile on his face didn’t help, especially considering his sadistic reputation.

“Yes, sir?” Sonia answered. Sonia had long black hair which was braided into two strands which she placed over her shoulders and wore glasses. Her eyes were brown, and had freckles on her face. She seemed much younger than Whitman. The age gap could easily be berkata to be a generation’s width.

“Make me proud. anda have done well oleh creating this time machine, but we can’t exactly be sure if this machine is for the better atau for the worse if we change it. Don’t let me down, Rainsford,” he advised, if not warned.

“I won’t, sir,” she promised with a bow. “I’ll make sure that the machine is useable. When do anda want me to make the jump, sir?”

“Whenever anda feel that anda are good and ready to do so. Be mindful of how long anda make me wait, though.”

“Y-yes, sir. I will begin preparations immediately,” she said. What else could she say? She was going back in time. Was it possible to cause the cursed time paradox? If the past were to be changed, then what would become of the future? Was it even possible to jump back into time? Too many variables were in this jump. Was she even willing to make the jump? Had she the heart?

“Good. I await good word of your success,” Whitman replied with a smirk, and rustled Sonia’s hair. Sonia let him rustle her hair. Once he left, she did her best to put her hair back the way it was before he tinkered with it.

She made her way to where the prototype suit was. The suit almost looked like an astronaut’s suit. This suit was equipped with en extremely clean exterior, as it was meant to be, and carried a tank of oxygen, just in case if the place where she was sent to wasn’t exactly survivable without oxygen. Te suit was insulated, and extremely tough. Almost nothing could penetrate its thick covering, but still bore plates of armor just in case, because Whitman demanded it, and because whoever created the suit had a kind of a fashion sense. After all, everything the Malumtis wore was not without armor.

As Sonia was putting on the armor, one of the major scientists who were behind the jump read to Sonia what she should do everything in her power to avoid:

“Ms. Rainsford, remember that anda cannot interfere with anything of the past. The reason why is because if anda do so, anda will disrupt the food chain, and all evolutionary changes. We can’t be sure where anda are going to go back to, but what we can speculate is that if anda do, the amount of change is proportional to how far back anda were sent. There would be lebih change if anda were sent back a tahun instead of an hour.

“And remember that anda cannot take anything contaminant into the past, atau bring anything back from the past. That will disrupt the space-time continuum, and cause the Earth to quickly relive its life until it has come to our time, but in a new future. Please, don’t do anything stupid. Dying while in the past will have the same effect. This is tricky business, so don’t screw anything up.” Soni’as had stepped inside the suit, and was beginning to zip up all its parts together.

“You’re saying it as if it’s easy to jump back in time, and not mess with anything,” Sonia scolded.

“I never berkata it was easy. I’m simply trying to emphasize that anda need to be careful,” the scientist corrected.

“I’ll look both ways before I menyeberang, salib the street,” she berkata with a smile.

“This is no laughing matter!” snapped the scientist.

“I-I just tried to make things less tense. It seems as though everyone is telling me what to not do, but they aren’t telling me what TO do,” Sonia argued.

“Go in, and wait until we pull anda out,” the scientist ordered.

“And how long will that take?”

Silence took over the conversation, which sent a chill down Sonia’s spine. She had finished zipping up her suit, and grabbed her helmet, which looked similar to a ikan bowl.

“Come on, you’re killing me. anda mean anda don’t know?!” she demanded.

“You’re saying that as if it’s easy,” the scientist defended, shooting Sonia’s words right back at her.

Frustrated, she donned her helmet, locked it in place, and walked towards her own creation. The door opened slowly with a blaring alarm. Once the door opened completely, Sonia was cleared to enter. She almost felt as if her own creation, the time machine, was calling to her. Was she really going mad with all this stress and responsibility?

She stepped inside, and placed herself in a harness, which locked her in tight. This had to be done so that the accelerated particle hit, it hit at the right spot so that all of Sonia’s atoms came together correctly whenever the jump was made, assuming the jump would be made.

“Do me proud,” called Whitman from outside the contraption. At least that’s what she could tell he berkata though the movement of his lips; her ketopong, helm was soundproof.

The door closed behind he, and she was alone, locked in the room of her own creation. She couldn’t be sure if this was going to work, if she would life, if she would still be herself, atau anything else of the like. What would be the worst case scenario? The possibilities and probability was endless. What was the best case scenario? A quick death. Not likely.

Several pipe lines shot out a decontaminant towards Sonia. The pipe was a complete oval, and circled and spun around Sonia as to get every nook and cranny in her suit to make sure nothing was taken from the future into the past. Then, the chamber was lit with a bright light. The light wouldn’t let up. It was almost blinding, even with her eyes closed, and the psychological harm of not being able to pindah atau run away made this experience even worse. What could she do? What was happening? Was she dead? Could anybody hear her screaming through the soundproof helm?

Then came the explosion. It was painful for the briefness of a nanosecond atau possibly even shorter. As she traveled through time, she was technically dead, traveling in a single file line as one long string of atoms that could have very well equaled the distance from Earth to the Sun. They all came together at one spot where she was sent. First her feet, then her legs, all the way until her whole body was slowly reconstructed. The pain was unbearable. Enlistment Qualification Examination was heaven compared to this excruciating amount of pain.

She laid there for possibly an hour, complaining to herself, though no one but herself could hear her. Then, she took in her surroundings. She still felt the pain of being atomically reconstructed, but the worst of it had already past.

Large plants, the size of Sonia herself, decorated where ever it was she was sent. The air seemed thick, disgusting, and humid. Thank God she had this kind of helmet, since she didn’t have to deal with whatever the air probably smelled like.

“Where am I?” she asked herself, and then scolded herself for thinking someone was going to answer her question.

Then, the floor gave a small shake. Sonia was startled, but didn’t think it was much. But it shook again, demanding attention. Each time the ground vibrated, it did so lebih violently than the last, until she could see what it was. Inaudible to her ears, a stegosaurus, atau at least that was what it looked like, was knocked onto its side, easily come upon oleh a stampede of velociraptors, which swarmed the stegosaurus. When the beast came down, Sonia tried her best to get out of the way, but was to slow. As she jumped out of the way, both her legs were caught under the stegosaurus’ elongated neck. Thankfully for Sonia, her suit refused to let her legs get crushed. She was thankful for that.

The velociraptors, on the other hand, began surveying their catch for the day: the same stegosaurus which had pinned Sonia to the ground with its long neck. It was only a matter of time before she was found.

Desperately, she tried to pull her legs out from under the dinosaur which denied her movement. She tugged and pulled, but felt that the lebih she tried, the harder it was to get out, considering the energy she was wasting. She still had to find a way out.

That was when a velociraptor came around the side of the neck to make sure the stegosaurus was dead. While doing this, the velociraptor saw Sonia, and called to the others in the rest of his pack. The one in front of her drew closer, and one appeared on puncak, atas of the neck where she was trapped. Two other came in beside the one that found her. Curious, they tried to smell her, but couldn’t identify the smell with anything.

Out of the blur, the stegosaurus gave one final burst of strength, whipping it neck around to whack away the raptors. Its neck passed over Sonia, pushing her into the ground, but allowing her to get off of the ground and away, since the neck was no longer on her. She got to her feet, but was kicked oleh one of the stegosauruas’ legs as it was making a dying attempt to get away, which it had to get onto its feet in order to do.

Sonia landed, and saw a black lines appear at the peripherals of her helmet. She tried her best to get up, but it required a tremendous amount of effort. She eventually managed to get to her feet.

“What was that black stuff coming up my helmet?” she asked herself, catching her breath after pulling herself out of its grasp.

Her time to ponder was cut short oleh a charging velociraptor charging straight at her. Out running it was out of the question. And what we the odds of her dodging to the side being successful? The other three were taking down the stegosaurus again, and would soon after turn their attention to her, ruling out dodging. She just had to braceherself. Her instinct, however, told her to jump to the side, and she did so.

Too late. She was rammed oleh the raptor, and she was sent through the air, impacting something hard. The velociraptor seemed to not be chasing her any longer, considering she wasn’t screaming in pain, and pleading for mercy. Her head was spinning due to the impact, but when she regained her vision, she saw that what the raptor was stuck in was a tar pit. Awkwardly, Sonia noticed she was seeing this from a considerably high vantage point. She then remembered when she had to muster tremendous power to lift her head out of something that was beginning to cover her helmet. When she put two and two together, she deduced that her ketopong, helm was sinking into a tar pit. Lucky for her, she got out. Unluckily, some of the tar was still on the back of her helmet, explaining why she was so high: she was probably stuck to pohon due to the tar.

She tried to cry for help, but then remembered: no sound came in, and no sound came out. She was helpless and would soon be a piñata to those raptors once they were finished with the stegosaurus. What could she do? A nineteen-year-old inventor stuck in the past about sixty-five million years ago, plastered to a pohon because of tar, while she witnessed the brutalization of a stegosaurus in front of her very eyes, and the final moments of a velociraptor as it downed in a tar pit. Worst of all, she saw no way she could get out of this. If she managed a way down, there was no way to escape the raptors. If she didn’t, she would eventually starve. Either way, her imminent death was soon to alter the past, and destroy her future…
So the character “Rynk Hellborn” (For those not knowing about the last-name part, “Hellborn” has nothing to do with demonic anything. It’s simply a name which I can explain later if you’re wondering.) is probably my most populer Sonic fan Character, and probably only surpassed oleh Rin, atau possibly Slender. (OYO)

The character has made her debut on the Mobius Academy series, being written oleh myself, and Gracethefox (To read the first part go here ~ link )
She’s appeared as a cameo character in The Rasoul Saga, written oleh Mephiles97 (To read go here~ link )
And she actually DID get...
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Zone: Black Garden Zone
Countdown: 295 Days Until Darkness
POV: Gamma the Hedgehog 3rd

Time: 7:59:99 AM (7:59 EST)
Day: 2/27/14

Not gonna look back...just gonna keep on running...not stopping...not turning back towards my past...only looking on towards my future...not allowing anything atau anyone to slow me down, just moving on...

Dashing meneruskan, ke depan through the area, Gamma needs to stop and take a breather, so he does so beside the Black Garden Statue. Why...why do I have to have these powers...WHY?! Gamma collapses to his knees and buries his face in his hands, as a memory of the past comes...
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The first few years of my life went oleh without much trouble. Dad and I lived together, peacefully and almost bored-like, in the Mystic Cave Zone until that day... that dreadful day...
It was pretty peaceful until about 10:00 am that morning...that was when we saw him...a blue streak, almost impossibly fast, ran right past us. Shortly after, HE showed up...with his army of robots, he chased me and Dad out of the cave. Being a 3 tahun old, and having lebih Echidna than Cat, I couldn't exactly stay on my feet very long, but that's when Dad set me on my under-developed paws, kissed my forehead,...
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Okay, to start, there were only about 1,200 fan in this club when I started up, but almost every single one of them was active, minus the club owner. My fan base took off quickly, rising to 45 in the first month, making me think I'd have a lot of fun with this site. And I did. Up until a short while ago, this club was the only club I'd ever play on. That was when I figured out how to make my own club, and the drama began...
Let me tell you, I'm not a big guy on fighting, verbally atau physically, but once my ADHD sets off, you'd better run the other way FAST. The first person to learn this...
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posted by TakTheFox
So a lot of the time I find myself rping with more female characters than male character.
First off though I’d like to point out that I am not…
~ A brony
~ homo/bi-sexual
~ An anime/and/or/hentai fan (EW)
~ in need of a girlfr-… okay maybe, but that doesn’t count X{D

Aside from that the first reason why I rp with girl characters so often is…
1.    Popularity
Of my many characters the only popular guy characters I have (Note: Not using Mobius Academy: Evolution characters because that deals more with who is around than popularity) are...
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Ok, so don't take any of this the wrong way guys, it's what makes me mad and pissed of.

1: Continuesess Role-playing.
I know some people cinta to Role play, I do to. It's just...Isn't it annoying when your sitting there chatting, then someone contacts anda over meebo. anda click on it and they jump STRAIGHT into role playing without even saying "Hi". I certainly HATE it, no offense friends, I'm not naming them.

2: A busy/away sign means no contacting.
When I have a busy sign saying something like, "Busy right now, menulis a essay" atau "eating dinner", that doesn't mean 'I MUST CONTACT HER TO ANNOY...
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posted by FrizTHedgehog
Who is this masked man? The Golden Man?
If anda listen to his theme, you'll get a good idea....
Other than that he has luar angkasa control similar to the the TomTom Gang in Blinx2, thus meaning he can open mini Black Holes, Worm Holes, and basically do anything that has to do with space. But where did he get that technology?
A few years back El Dorado broke into Friz's lab late at night and mencuri experimental equipment, this was before he was El Dorado.
He become El Dorado when he was traveling through Universes and Planets, he found A Planet with entire Cities, Towns, And Villages made of gold, Then...
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posted by RawrMonster123
This club is having serious problems. Do anda know what that is? It's ORIGINALITY!!! So that BlazeCat girl made a Truth atau Dare RP. selanjutnya thing anda know that Kittiez girl made one. 1st I thought that was fine, but then I thought about it, and that's plain copying. SilverAnime122 made a RP on her FC Dominique transforming into her Toxic form. Then before anda know it that BlazeCat girl makes one that her FC "Sharmaine" transform into a monster from some damn brownies. Like, give me a Dorito and I'll turn into Barney. -.-" That girl that "owns" that FC Diane apparently doesn't. Like really? anda know that's art theft, right? And it wouldn't of, I think, if anda asked for permission and gave credit. Plus, anda can't draw if anda don't try. -.-" I know I suck but I keep trying. RECOLORS COUNT!! And I don't even need to add the other copiers. anda guys know who I'm talking about. So people, please, BE. ORIGINAL!!!
posted by silveranime122
 Marth Stegtion
Marth Stegtion
This all the information about Marth.

Name:Marth Stegtion/Project-M
Birth Date:April 17,1995
Power:Speed and change of body hight
Abilties:Understand all lanagues,see at night clearly,far distance hearing,running as fast as Sonic,unlimited hight change
Bio:Was born in the middle of the forest oleh his parents.Raised until his parents were murderd one night when he was 12.Had to raise himself ever scence.
Job:Has to be a F.B.I. agent in order to be free.
Relationships:He is Dominique's boyfriend.
Likes:Being known as good,with his friends,knowing his friends are honest to...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part Four

Rynk had arrived in a different city now. It was less populated then her own, but it was not the population that she interested. She walked across the city’s outskirts, until she had found a still-occupied military base.

“This had better be it.” She berkata to herself. The lynx-girl then walked up to the gates of the base, and asked if she could meet with someone who she could pertanyaan about certain files.

“Are anda serious?” The man at the gate asked in his booth.

“Well… I was… now I’m slightly less serious, but-“

“You can’t just be handed files like that, Miss…”...
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posted by TakTheFox

The scenario: Creation, and containment of a new stable species.

“Is he controlled?”


The Location: Base-X. X for unknown. In the Metro-city of Mobotropolis Mark 21. On the planet Mobius Zone 12, atau as called oleh the natives “Iblicis.”

“Is he complete?”


The date: The fourth after-apocalypse-world, atau lebih commonly called “Fourth From-Ashes”. tahun 5500. January 1st, Saturday.

“Is he… contained???”

“… Completely.”

Chapter one: Happy New Year

Five hours prior…

A almost glowing-red male cat lay unconscious on the floor of what appeared to be a hotel living-room....
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posted by smartone123
name: Moshi

age: 17

Nickname: panda boy,shy guy, and freak

Stereotype:friendly but shy with passion for alot of things

Race: American and chinese

Hometown: forests,china

Birthday: June 4

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Species: great white panda

Gender: male


Allergies:talcum powder

Sexual preference:both

Occupation: highschool

Way of speaking:no way at all,but would be smooth and soft if could

Theme Song(s):
Pierce The Veil - Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides

Tonight Alive-"wasting away"

Personal Quote:"it doesn't matter what the outside shows,the inside shows the real story"...
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[Warning: minor spoilers sort of...]

I remember how we were born. A stern father who hated us. A beautiful mother who found us disgusting. A pair of parents who abandoned us. Left us out on the jalan, street in a unstable town. To die. We were punished for something we did not ask for. For our supposed digesting deform we have.

Conjoined twins. That is what me and my brother, Amore were. Connected at the skull and shared a brain. We didn't ask for this. I cinta to be close with my brother, but not this close.

For years, we lived in alley ways and on the streets. Making money for tampilkan people our gross...
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Rynk’s profile

Character's Full Name: Relmiss Nyra Avi
Reason atau meaning of name: Unknown.
Nickname: Rynk
Reason for nickname: It’s the only name she knows, and the one she made up for herself for no reason.

Birthdate: She’s fifteen, but no one knows her exact tanggal of birth. Somewhere in April possibly
Astrological Sign: uh… the moon?

Age: 15
How old does s/he appear?: 16 atau 17
Eye Color: Mint, with faded blue pupils
Glasses atau contacts? No
Hair color: Black
Distinguishable hair feature: Sometimes it looks as if it has stripes on it, but no one knows why
Type of hair (coarse,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Rynk story

Note: This is not planned to be a permanent series, but basically guide-lines to Rynk’s past.

Part one

I had the same dream again. The dream of a giant black tower, with spikes all around it. It used to scare me so much when I saw that, but now it just confuses me. Unfortunately it’s not the dream that becomes the least of my problems. I don’t know why but for some reason every time I have that dream, I wake up as a captive of someone. Here we go again.

In a large darkened room, a female lynx is tied to a chair, with a large black bag over her head, and armed mobians surrounding...
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AGE!!!!!!!!: IMMORTAL LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!




BIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ALEJANDRO WAS BRN IN MEXICO (OLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) N THN HE RRLZED DAT HES DA CHOSEN 1 2 SVE DA WURLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEH N HES A PLAYA N STUFF N HE HAS A MUSTASHE N STBBLE SO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NJOY DIS PIC!!!!!!!!! I MDE IT SO YAH!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by zougethebat1
Zouge and Videnez was on they way to the park, Mysee and her "friend" were up to something no good."He he he...finally I will finally get red of Zouge the bat and rule the world ha ha ha."Mysee laughed " how are we going to go that."Dead asked "Were going to kill her anda dumbbell."She yelled "Umm ok jeez."He berkata "Now as I was saying lets go over the plans."She berkata "First we kill Zouge then we kill all her cinta ones then we take over the world ha ha ha!!!" "Umm yeah little plobem were did she go I mean we cant kill her if we dont know were her is?"Sourah asked "O yeah your right."Mysee...
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Sorry that this is a few days late, I was a slacker. Anyways, enjoy! 8D
Today was Christmas. I had been waiting for this hari for a long time now. I was inside my home, waiting for Chris to come with a gift, I got him one too. I had invited him the sebelumnya day.
When he came we were supposed to exchange gifts, play some games, and whatever we could think of. He was to come at 5:00 P.M.
At 7:30, he wasn't there yet. I was worried, so I went outside and started looking.
"Chris? Chris?!" I repeatedly shouted. About a halk jam later a heard a series of growls...
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posted by zougethebat1
"Why?"Zouge asked." Because u have to."Her mom told her." But I hate Mysee she evil. "O just like you."She giggle. "Well yeah...but she lebih evil than me!" Look I don't care your going and thats thats." "Fine but I'm not going to like it."She yelled. Her mother sighed then walked away. Zouge and Mysee hated each other. They always did for many resons but one of the main resons was because that Zouge was a princess and well Mysee wasn't. "Why why do I have to go?"That all Zouge trought as her and her famliy fue to Mysee house...or to her death.
There, Bluebell was waiting, for her current boyfriend, Yang the rabbit. They were both in high school, in the same class. And when Yang first saw Bluebell as a new girl, he knew it was cinta at first sight. A few days after Bluebell was getting use to the school . . . That was when he asked her to go the the school dance with her. She was happy, but nervous at the same time. Now here she is, in her lovely bright blue dress, with a few bells down the side, waiting for Yang. She was always the earliest at anything . . . Now she was 15 menit early for the prom to begin.

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