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Rin profil (Base Identity Wars version of Time-line)


Name: Rin Elder Identity
Nickname: None
If character has one, REAL name: Anti-Nicole
Reason for Name: Her original name was diberikan to her oleh the Iron queen after taking the place of Nicole-Prime briefly

Birthdate: Sometime in the Iron Dominion Era
Age currently: Three-million and seventy-four
Age at beginning of story: Three-million and seventy-two


Species: Identity

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Black
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Black

Eye-color: Pale blue
Other Eye-details: Changes to red depending on mood.

Does character have hair?: No

Height: 2.5
Weight: 40

Scars/Markings (Tattoos, ect.): None

Distinguishing marks: Red at ends of feet, glowing eyes

Body type (Fat, skinny, healthy, fair, ect.) Skinny, healthy, scrawny-looking

Tail?: None

Accent: American
Nationality: Identity

Body part that character considers best part: Her mouth
Why: It’s fun to make faces with

Body part the character considers worst part: Everything else
Why: It’s all the same


Head: Grey hood
Neck: None
Top: Grey hoodie-jacket
Waist: None
Bottom: Dark blue jeans
Hands: None
Feet: None
Does character have variations of outfits?: Rarely
If so, what?: A form that looks similar to Rynk
Is there anything special about the character’s clothing (boots, gloves, scarf, ect.)?: It is the main attire of most identities
Is there a special backstory behind the Clothing?: No

Jewelry?: None


Weapons?: None. Unless anda count her morphing abilities

Other items: None

Does character have a mode of transportation?: Herself

Any pets?: No


Likes: Running, stealing hats, poking people, hugging people, fighting, bubbles, cake, embarrassing people, akting like a complete nut-job
Dislikes: Boredom, quiet, being alone, being disliked, betrayal, blame

Querks: Making small twitching sounds
Tendencies: Quoting movie-lines

Does character have an addiction?: No

Is character friendly?: Yes
Is character Depressed?: Yes

Is character violent?: Yes

Does character enjoy membaca a book, playing a physical game, playing a video game, atau watching TV?: Playing a physical game

Was character’s personality different before the story began?: Yes
If so, how?: She was lebih serious before, and lebih creepy


How would character react to a large-mass conflict (Giant robots, super-form evil people)?: She would welcome it, and take it as a game, atau something fun to do.
How would character react to a small-mass conflict (Quarrels, arguments)?: She’d dunk the arguing people with water

If character was offered a large amount of money to kill someone, would they do it?: It would depend on the person

How does character first approach people?: “ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! *waves hands like a maniac*
How does character react to being approached?: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! *waves hands like a maniac*

How would character react to someone complimenting in a flirtatious way?: She would giggle, atau insult them wittily.
How would character react to being teased in a flirtatious way?: She’d play along

If a complete stranger asked character out, how would they react?: She’d either get bored quickly and run off, atau say yes
If a friend asked character out, how would they react?: “O_O… uh… oh look a butterfly! *chases it*”

What would character do if they found a large amount of money on the ground?: Eat it
How would character react to someone trying to steal from them?: She’d try to kill them

How would character react to the death of a friend/family member: She’d go into her third-mood and avenge them.

Greatest sumber of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such atau not): Her loyalty
Greatest sumber of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such atau not): Her immaturity

Character's soft spot: Her friends
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yes

Biggest vulnerability: unknown

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly atau not)?: Pride
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride)

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?: Diligence
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility)

Optimist atau pessimist? Optimistic
Introvert atau extrovert? Extrovert
Drives and motivations? The amount of fun

Talents (hidden atau not): Unknown

Extremely skilled at: Hunting, fighting, searching
Extremely unskilled at: subtlety, self-control

One word character would use to describe self: Mixed-up

One paragraph keterangan of how character would describe self: “I’m a dangerous person, who everyone fears and hates. I deserve it too”

What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 detik most important, etc.)



A.    – Chaos Energy
1.    – Outward
2.    – Inward
B.    – Nanites
1.    – Regeneration
2.    – Manipulation
3.    – Absorption
C.    – Elder
1.    – Control of other Identities
2.    – Increased Chaos Energy
3.    – Third-mood

Elemental powers?: None

Physical skils

Flexibility: 7
Strength: 9
Speed: 9
Endurance: 10

Mental Skills

Memory: 4
Text-book knowledge: 3
jalan, street knowledge: 5
Computer knowledge: 8
Other Knowledge: 2

Most recognized Skills (one being the most noticed, and six being the least)
1. Her persistence
2. Her Strength
3. Her Quickness
4. Her vigilance
5. Her ability to be easily entertained
6. Her loyalty


Color: She can’t decide
Music: Anything
Art (Gory, nature, romantic, ect.): None
Food: Spaghetti
Book: Photo-albums
Quote(s): “You killed my Father. Prepare to die.”
Actor: Whoever
Historical character: NICOLE
Present character: Unknown
Fictional character: Unknown
Type of transportation: Herself
Physical game (Tag, Hide-and-seek, ect.): Tag
Video-Game: Assassin’s Creed
televisi show: Whatever
Movie: None


Hometown: Mobius-zone-8
Did character always live there?: No
If not, where else?: Mobus-Prime-Zone

Basic summary of character’s life before story began: Her origin-Mobius was first the Prime-zone-6, but she was later sent through the cosmos to a different Mobius called Mobius-Zone-8. She befriended a team of Hybrids named Jesse, Nick (or Talon), and Kal. They went on many adventures until her allies were killed oleh an Identity called “Device”. Device then summoned the leader of the Anti-Identities; Virus. Rin, Virus, and others battled until finally Rin was victorious. She spread out the Identities throughout the dimensions once again, (not oleh choice but lebih from instability) then set off with her new ally, Dimension 4, to unite them, and defeat the escaped Identity; Virus. And now, after almost ten years, all the identities are found and have chosen sides. The War has begun. (Note that this is for when the Identity War series begins, and not now)


Does character have parents?: Somewhat

Father’s name: No Father

Mother’s name: (supposed mother in the sense that Rin was an offspring of Nicole’s programming) NICOLE
Relationship with Mother: Allied
Is Mother still alive?: Yes

Was either parent a large impact in character’s life?: Yes

Does character have siblings?: Yes
If so, who?: The Identities
how many?: Over nine-million… no really
Relationship with Siblings?: Either hostile, terrifying, atau friendly.
Are Siblings still alive?: Yes, no, and maybe

Were siblings a large impact in character’s life?: Very much so

Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nephews, Nieces: Yes; Holly
Relationship with: Friendly, kind
Other information: holly is Rin’s niece, and Virus’s daughter

Is there a specific special family member, atau members, that character is close to, atau is an important part in character’s life?: Yes
If so, who?: Virus
Why: They’ve known each other for over three-million years, and even once shared a body


Does character have children?: In a way


Job?: Defeating Virus
Does character enjoy job?: No
Has character had other jobs before this one?: Yes
If so, what?: Defeating Device, Uniting the Identities

Current-home: None

Is character wealthy?: In a sense, though she does not need money


Who are Character’s friends (If they have any)?: Kenfi, Kaiya, Dimension 4, Holly, Yxari Sadaris, Paris, Blide, Talon, Jesse, Kal, Rynk, Grace, Craiger, Talia, so on

What would character consider a friend to be?: Someone who anda care about enough to protect them to the death

Which people have influenced character the most?: Dimension 4, Kaiya, Virus, Yxari, Talon

Who does character openly admire?: Paris, Yxari, Talon, Dimension 4
Who does character secretly admire?: She can’t decide anymore

Who are character’s enemies?: Virus and the Anti-Identities, Acid-Monster-Anti-Allies, Melcro, Karps, so on
Have they always been enemies?: Yes

Is there a story behind the character and their enemies?: Yes
If so, what?: They are all intertwined with one thing; the Identities. This lead them all into a large amount of battles for power, knowledge, and resources

Is character married?: No

Does character have a crush on someone?: Yes, but she doesn’t like that she does
Does the person like character the same way?: No, but this doesn’t upset her… mostly

Other Friendship information

Who would character consider to be their best friend: Yxari
Why: She’s been like a fangirlish-sister to Yxari ever since they’ve met, and loves everything about her

When did character and best friend first meet: In a prison, when Yxari was sentenced to death
Most treasured memory between character and best friend: Meeting her, promising to be her friend forever

Have they always been best friends: No
If not, what happened before they were best friends: Well Rin considers Yxari to be her best friend, but she doesn’t know if Yxari feels the same way, but that doesn’t bother her. She was a self-appointed friend to Yxari, then she became a good friend.

Were they at one point enemies: No

What is the relationship between character and best friend: Sister-like. Yxari is protective of Rin, Rin is protective of Yxari.


How others perceive character
Friend: Energetic, troubled, fun, friendly, protective
Enemy: Dangerous, crazy, immature, powerful
Stranger: Scary
Parent: Good
Sibling: Depends on the sibling
Offspring: No offspring

First impression character makes is: “HI! I’m Rin *hug* *says something random*”
What happens to change this perception?: The person being hostile, atau the person being her enemy, atau in trouble

What do family/friends like most about character? :Her valiance and drive to do what’s right
What do family/friends like least about character?: Her extreme amount of immaturity


Immediate goal(s): Stop Virus

Long range goal(s): Save everyone

How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)?: She has no idea

How will other people around character be affected?: Probably in a very bad deadly way


How does character face problems?: “YAY! NEW STUFF!” atau “But… I WAS DOIN THIS!!!!”
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Killer robots, evil warlords, acid-monsters, identities, ect.

How does character react to NEW problems?: Fighting fighting fighting

How does character react to change?: It depends


Past loves: Talon
Current loves: Unknown

Is relationship complicated atau simple?: Complicated
Why?: She had to leave him, and doesn’t know if he still loves her

Reason for relationship: Love… duh

Has character cheated on cinta before?: No

Does character love?: Yes

Does cinta know about character?: Yes


Where can character story be found (Title and URL)?: link
Is character a main character, side, atau background?: Main

Where can picture of character be found?: link

Sonic- franchise-Information

Does character have contact/relationships with Cannon-characters?: Yes

Can character achieve a super-form?: Yes
If so, from what, and what type(s)?: Chaos Energy-based

Does character live on Mobius?: Yes

If so, is it on SEGA atau ARCHIE Mobius?: Archie

Is it in future, past, atau present tense?: Future

Does character have blood-relations with cannon-characters?: Yes
If so, who?: NICOLE


She is half of the Chaos Soul, and one of the two Identity Elders.
posted by Fidus-Achates
Questions To Club Members: Writing

For the community feel. In no particular order. You're not required to answer them all.

Favorite pro­tag­o­nist you've created?
Favorite antag­o­nist you've created?
Your favorit relationship to write? (couple/friends/family members)
Do anda write roman­tic rela­tion­ships? Are anda good with those?
What topic do anda often write about?
Which POV do anda prefer in menulis and reading?
Which is your favorit genre? Do anda often write in this genre?
What are your favorit char­ac­ter inter­ac­tions/scenarios to write?
What do anda have trouble menulis about?
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posted by scougesgirl
Tiber walked in with Ashton laughing. They went shopping at the mall. Ashton bought mostly black stuff. Tiber got a couple new swords. When Ashton pushed open the door the apartment maws a wreck and Ferrari was passed out on the couch. Three hour. Three jam that all in took for him to jack up the apartment.
"You better call an ambulance, Tiber." Ashton's brown hair turned red.
"Why?" She pulled out her phone and dialed 911.
"I'm going to fry a hedgehog." Ashton's blue bulu turned purple.
Ferrari woke up and looked dark moon right in the face. Tiber was trying, and failing to hold the once blue...
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posted by AceRider
Dreichie Lee Bonsachei (maiden name Hashune) is a 41 tahun old dragoness from Central Dragon Raw. Drei and her husband, Almaldo, has 4 genetic offspring. Drei is a teacher for new dragon maidens that do not know their place, and is a master at tai chi.

Drei's mother, Lumina, thought her everything she needed to know about what she knows today. She didn't get to spend a lot of time with her father , Drahon, because he was always busy training young warriors for battle. Due to her mother's teachings, and research of her ancestors, Drei is tampil to be very intelligent and well rounded. She even...
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When I first created Rynk, and the country Supreta, they originated from TWO Nationalities. Persian, and Scottish. I decided that I would focus on the Persian part lebih when designing Rynk later on, but over time I began to notice a bit lebih the attire, accent, and economy, of India, and found that it matched what I was looking for much better.

I was interested in the Persian culture at the time, but aside from India’s clothing and lifestyle seeming lebih like Rynk, I always had trouble with getting the right structure and research for the Persian side of the country, namely because I was focusing...
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The selanjutnya Day…

Dante looked tired and drowsy that morning, since he had lacked hours of sleep. This was possibly because he drowned his sorrows with energy-drinks the night before. The whole deal seemed overreacting, but the bat from yesterday was just one of the reasons. The main reason is because he wanted to cure his headache, which was caused oleh slamming his head on the dinding too many times.

Now that he wasn‘t feeling much pain, he went back to being upset with the situation from yesterday. It was his first encounter with a girl that he didn’t even know, and he managed to mess it up....
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter five
(Sept 25 Thursday)

Classes were over quicker than usual for Grace, and apparently for some others as well. This was due to a school-inspection oleh the Zone Police Corp. It was still warm on many Mobiuses, and many students were deciding to take advantage of that. Sadly only certain students could do this; fifteen percent to be exact. Another fifteen percent were playing hooky, twenty-seven percent were in detention after class, thirty percent were doing extra work for credits, and thirteen percent simply did not want to leave.

Grace was asked oleh a student named Sleak, who was the male...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Jonathan Grey King
Reason atau meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: 3/3/1970
Powers: Lazor
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 43
How old does he/she appear: 33
Weight: 57 pounds
Height: 5ft
Body build: slim
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: Green
Glasses atau contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan
Predominant features: IDK
Type of hair: Thik
Hairstyle: Like Shock, but with extra spikes hanging down on each side of his face
Voice: Kinda deep, with a Doggerian accent (American)
Overall attractiveness: Average
Physical disabilities: None
continue reading...
posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Akiyo Kayako
Reason atau meaning of name: none
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: 8/5/1941
Powers: Shadow power
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 72
How old does he/she appear: About 37
Weight: 51 pounds
Height: 4ft 9in
Body build: slim
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: Red
Glasses atau contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan
Predominant features: IDK
Type of hair: Thik
Hairstyle: 3 spikes in the back with some bulu hanging over each side of his head
Voice: Medium. Deep
Overall attractiveness: Old
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress:A Red Samurai-looking...
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posted by CosmoLuvsTails
I, personally, think I have too many fcs to use. There's too many even to remember. So, I've decided to either give them away atau to get rid of them completely.
Ones I'm definitely keeping include:
Amber Prower
Kyoko Otonashi
River Spark
and their evil forms and families (but not all of Amber's family is staying. She's got 12, mainly dead, siblings I don't do anything with, and Victoria's only gonna be referenced, as she's possibly getting cut.)
So, I'd like to know...
Are there any other characters you'd prefer me keeping? atau is anyone interested in adopting characters?
For adoptions, anda need to send me a picture you've done of the charrie anda want, and I'll choose if there's lebih than one person that wants them.
Thanks for your time :3
A grave mistake was made...very grave...Ⓧ

MTL was running from the tall figure at this point,but suddenly he found himself at a cliff,with the tall figure closing in,it left MTL with two options:A,take a rotted,old vine to the other side atau B,Jump.MTL with his keen instincts jumped.the figure vanished.MTL land pretty hard two the point where his legs shattered into nanites,he quickly restored his legs.he ran to a old well,there was something shiny at the bottom,but the rope and bucket were rusted...and it started to rain,but to MTL's luck,a vine slid down,it had a old rusty hook attached to...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Blood's Past
Chapter three
A Strange Event
(I guess I now have to call Miles, Blood)
Three years later...
"Dad I don't know if anda can hear me but yesterday was Zoey's and my birthday we're both thirteen come on Dad anda can fight this..." Blood said, "Im sorry visiting hours are done anda will have to leave" berkata one of the nurses "give me a second, Dad I cinta anda please just wake up, okay Im leaving" Blood walks out the hospital, Zoey walks up to Blood "Visiting Dad?" she berkata "yeah still nothing" Blood's left hand electrifys then stops "okay what was that?" he looks at his hand "Weird"
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: I drew this, however this belongs to Lillycat on DeviantArt
added by Jordan-TheFox
Source: My awsome friend Kynnewolf on DA
After Casey had left, Kyle had gone back to sitting around in his house. His family had gathered in the living room, which meant that they all began talking amongst themselves in sharing stories and talking about what had been going on lately in their lives. They all enjoyed the family time and the family bonding; with everyone being busy lately, it had been impossible for them to all sit down and enjoy seeing and talking to each other like a close family should. They all continued spending time together and talking until the time for makan malam rolled around, which meant that Jacob and Kushina...
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added by AshelyxSonic26
Source: Me (c) Ashelyxsonic26
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 15

The male was a murky green hedgehog. He wore a grey Tee kemeja and long grey pants, along with black sunglasses. He paced back and forth in front of a bench in the middle of a city. It was not in a park, but lebih a small garden of a sort. There was a small mound of rumput with a pohon upon a concrete surface behind the bench, with a few others near.

He was limping as he walked, allowing him to notice many things due to how slow this made him. He noticed as he paced that one time, upon turning around, a girl appeared on the opposite side of the bench, leaning on its backside,...
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Name (full): Rynk “Hellborn”

Age: Erm… traditionally she’s 15, so… fifteen.

Gender: Male… FEMALE X{D

Species: Erm… oh boy
~Acid Monster 30 %
~Banshee Mobian 30 %
~Identity 10 %
~Mobian Core 10 %
~Xorda Mobian 10 %
~ Lynx 10 %

Abilities: … I’ll daftar abilities and weaknesses to avoid stu-ness
Acid Monster abilities
~Acid… yeah
~Water increases bulu and hair, as over-exposure is damaging
~ Not too sure but I think Acid monsters might be a bit fragile

Banshee Mobian Abilities
~Metal bones (the metal bone abilities transfers to all DNA’s)
~Flight (via a web-like substance...
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posted by mephiles97
Chapter 2: Early Morning Search
Location: Waktini family residence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Saturday, January 3rd
Time: 7:02 A.M.

Kyle's eyes slowly began to open slowly, clouded over due to just waking up. He turned over slightly, staring up at the ceiling as early morning sunlight shined in through his window blind, casting a warm glow all around the room. He slowly pulled his blankets off of himself, sitting up in his bed. He yawned loudly before standing up and shuffling out of the bedroom.

Kyle stood outside his bedroom door, listening for any sounds. He didn't hear anything,...
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Sorry about the delay on chapter two.... Well anyways, here is the link to chapter one if anda missed it.
Where we left off....
"Hey, what are anda doing?!" A prisoner shouted. lebih heads of prisoners turned to him. They ran to him, but it was too late. He placed the bottle in the middle of the pentagram and started murmuring strange sounds under his breath. The bottle started glowing and shaking. Finally, the deep scarlet turned into a deep green. He picked up the bottle and started drinking.
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