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So I talk about quite a few things on here, most of them with varying levels of popularity. So what better way to grab people’s attention then with good old 2000s nostalgia. So I wanna talk about Ed, Edd, n Eddy, a favoite tampil of mine from my childhoo- wait, Ed, Edd n Eddy came out in the 90s, fuck!

Ed, Edd n Eddy is one of the greatest kartun in, probably of all time. I know for a fact that it’s my favorit show. Where other famous shows tried and failed, Ed, Edd n Eddy succeeded. Spongebob is good, but it had some rough years. The Simpsons is alright, but it is in desperate need of euthanization right now. Hell, limiting it to the network Ed, Edd, n Eddy aired on, other Cartoon Network properties like Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack weren’t even aman, brankas from going bad. Everyone hates Powerpuff Girls 2016 and Samurai Jack had a disappointing finale (Season 5 was shit. Sorry, not sorry). But Ed, Edd, n Eddy was different. It was pure. Okay, in all honesty, Ed, Edd n Eddy is not a perfect tampil oleh any means. It has a weird look to it and pretty cynical level of humor that would really only appeal to a specific category of people. Those looking for… morals. Ugh. But Ed, Edd n Eddy never seemed to go down the path of having bad continuations, bad seasons, and a satisfying conclusion. And yet it wasn’t a grand tale atau a generation defying show. It was just a really well made tampil that people remember fondly, created oleh a Canadian on a dare because his friends thought he couldn’t make a kids show. And it’s only about some asshole kids in a cul-de-sac trying to get some Jawbreakers. What made this stand out from the rest in my eyes? Well, to focus on that, let us focus on the judul characters. Let us talk about the so called Ed, Edd n Eddy.

Part 1: Edd, The Brains

Edd with Two D’s, better known oleh his nickname Double D, is the brains of the group and the voice of reason for the other two Eds. Whenever a plan needs to be worked out atau a crazy invention needs to be made, Double D is the one who usually comes up with the creations and quickly. There’s just something I found amazing about the idea of taking acak stuff around your house atau in the trash and making items out of it, and this tampil delivers in full. Creating bikes out of trash cans atau giant gumball machines out of rongsokan, sampah atau an entire city out of boxes. Double D is the lebih reasonable of the group, not having the jantung to do any of the ill will stuff that Eddy atau Ed would take part in, but is lebih than enticed oleh the sweet treats that are Jawbreakers. Just seeing Double D’s scientific and cleanliness, almost bordering on OCD, personality clash with Eddy’s ruthless desire to fuck with the kids atau Ed’s imbecilic mishaps really adds a character between the group. It helps having a sort of straight man among the Eds to help go along with the crazy shenanigans they get roped into.

Part 2: Ed, The Muscle

Ed is the muscle of the team and the bonafide bone headed idiot. Look up any clip of Ed, Edd, n Eddy and the first character anda will always come across is Ed doing something so bizarre that it bounces back and becomes hilarious. Seeing the reactions of everyone around Ed as he does something insane like eating his mattress hole atau slamming his head into dirt for fun just adds to the humor. But Ed is also there to add slapstick to the show. People have compared this to the Three Stooges and Ed very much resembles that ideology. Always doing something to physically hurt the two oleh accident like smashing an entire house on Eddy. There are so many amazing gags with Ed that go to the absolute absurd that it’s impossible not to laugh at. I was not expecting to laugh as hard as I did when I went back to this show, but I was so happy that it was not only as funny as I remember, but even funnier. Even the overly told jokes like sliding on the soap and all that stuff. Of course, all the jokes don’t just come from Ed’s antics, but we’ll get to those later.

Part 3: Eddy, the Manipulator

Debatably the main character of the show, Eddy is the leader of the team and is the mischievous, manipulative scam artist that comes up with all the plans for the Eds in get rich quick schemes. The fact that Eddy can gain the ire of the kids in the cul-de-sac in one episode but completely persuade them in the selanjutnya episode just shows that he isn’t doing this with just a dumb idea in mind. He’s lebih than capable of tricking them when he can. He’s kind of the perfect salesman. And just as crooked as one too. No matter how poorly made atau humanly unethical the scams are, Eddy is never quick to judge atau try it out because all he wants is that sweet sweet twenty five cents. Of course, not all the episodes are about scamming the kids. Some times, Eddy tries to gain their attention oleh being the best like besting Rolf in a contest atau being lebih injured than Jimmy just because if he’s not the center of attention, then that’s no good. This may stem from some sort of childhood trauma, but… I’m getting ahead of myself. So we got our three protagonists. And with that, we get the premise of our show. Make a plan to scam kids, execute plan, plan goes horribly wrong either due to mishaps atau doings of other characters and the Eds fail once again. Most episodes go like that but never once get tiring, because of the other cast of characters. But before we talk about the characters of the kids, let’s talk about the character of the cul-de-sac. And yes, I’m really calling this thing a character.

Part 4: The Cul-De-Sac

The setting of the tampil itself is just as important as the characters that live within it. There are very few settings in this show. anda got the cul-de-sac, a construction zone building lebih houses, the trailer park just on the other side of the nearby woods, a park, and a picket fence. These are places anda could probably find in your childhood home. I know they were around my area growing up as a kid. Hell, I had a few cul-de-sacs in my local town. The setting of Ed, Edd, n Eddy fits well with the theme it’s going for. This small cast of characters just hanging around a town on summer break, doing what they usually do, knowing each of their different personalities around the town, with each one having their own relationships with the other kids. The fact that we don’t see any other characters besides these kids really adds to that small world feel that I’m sure a lot of kids had when they were little. Or, anda know, it’s all purgatory and these kids are really dead, if anda really wanna go down that route. Sheesh, even the binatang are rare in this world aside from the farm binatang and a few acak bugs and anjing here and there. But, the Cul-De-Sac just adds one of the many spices of flavor to this show. Let us talk about the cas- Wait, I forgot to talk about the other stuff!

Part 5: animasi and Sound

The animasi in this tampil is unlike any of the other kartun that were around at the time. Sure, it didn’t have the ugliest style, but something about it was so unique. warna had strange skin warna without looking like something out of Doug, as well as having tongues that were purple, green and blue. It’s berkata that the creator gave them these colored tongues as a creative thing because some people in the studio were eating permen that changed their tongues a different color and he thought it would add to the style. But the most unique thing is the outlines, how they vibrate ever so subtly. They pindah just enough for anda to not get distracted but it gives off an old cartoon vibe to it. I heard they had to trace two lines of animasi over it to get that effect and it’s a really nice effect. It adds to the childlike world of this show. But the real kicker for this show, the real thing that gives Ed, Edd n Eddy it’s comedic edge is the use of sounds. The musik in this tampil is a real banger, having this soft jazz tune. Playing cello, jazzy trumpets and that damn drum playing out the sick rhythm of the characters just walking down the street. It helps add to the show’s visuals when its just tampilkan off a scene with no character voices. But the sound effects itself. If anda know anything about Ed, Edd n Eddy, it’s the damn sound effects. Rarely do anda hear the same two sounds effects in a scene. It will have such a perpustakaan of sound effects and all of them are used at just the right time for the perfect comedic effect. It’s so hard to describe the genius use of sound effects without giving a visual example, so if anda have no idea what I mean, look up some acak Ed, Edd n Eddy clips, listen for the sound and you’ll see what I mean. kartun today still use the style of using sound effects for comedic timing, as recently as the independent cartoon project Hazbin Hotel (May do an artikel on that some day). But I’ve held off on it long enough. Let’s get on with the characters of this show. Let’s talk about the resident of the Cul-De-Sac

Part 6: The Cast

The Ed, Edd n Eddy roster is not massive, but what we have is just enough to create a memorable cast of characters. Some of the fan favorit would be Rolf, a foreign kid who does farm work and always shouts about his strange traditions from his country, stuff as weird as carving a pohon stump with his pants off to finding comfort inside of a giant clam. The insanity of Rolf’s traditions are almost as bizarre and laughable as Ed’s stupidity. Another fan favorit would be Johnny, the socially inept weird kid of the neighborhood who is always carrying around his wooden plank companion, Plank, who may be alive, maybe not, but regardless, Johnny has managed to convince others that Plank is a living entity. Johnny’s sheer carelessness and just doing what he enjoys while messing around with other people’s things comes off as humorous in it’s own way. anda got the other characters in the tampil as well, the pretty girl Nazz, Ed’s loud mouth sister Sarah and her friend, the unlucky wimp Jimmy, the cool kid in town Kevin, and the dreaded Kanker Sisters, the rivals to the Eds that cause the most misfortune for the Eds and pretty much the other kids. Each of these kids are no different than the ones you’d find in your own childhood town. Yeah, it all comes back to what anda saw as a kid. This is the kind of tampil anda can watch and feel nostalgia for despite it not really being based around the tampil but just thinking back to your childhood and going, “Oh yeah, I remember that one kid that talked to a pet rock” atau “Yeah, that one kid on the bike was kind of a dick, wasn’t he?”. But there is one complaint I always here and I think this is what will lead to the true genius that is Ed, Edd n Eddy. When I was a kid, I was always told that characters like Sarah atau Kevin were just unlikable characters. Each character has a different level of tolerance to the Eds. Most of them will humor their crap until push comes to shove, but Kevin and Sarah are far less likely to trust what comes out of their mouths, sometimes ready to throw down. And despite that, I never really found myself disliking any of the characters, but as a kid, I didn’t know why. But as soon as I got older, I realized why it was that I didn’t mind it. And that is because the Eds are not good people. In fact, they are the bad guys in this show.

Part 7: The Morally Grey

Time to put those years of Jr. High English to good use. There is this thing anda are told about called the morally grey in high school. This means that the protagonist may not be a good person. In kartun at the time, stuff like The Powerpuff Girls, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Samurai Jack, we were used to selfless heroes, some lebih brave than others, that were willing to do good because it was the right thing to do. But the morally grey teaches anda that just because anda are the protagonist, that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be the good guy. A lot of crime film or, a modern example, Joker, is proof of it. They are the protagonist, the characters we follow and understand. But they are not good people on a moral level. The Eds are not good people. Sure, one of the Eds are lebih just than another, but regardless, they are scam artists, liars, a danger to the kids in the cul-de-sac, and just greedy. This was the first instant I had as a kid to main characters that weren’t heroes. In fact, this was the first instance of characters that were actually awful people. And despite that, despite them being bad people, I still enjoyed them. I loved their antics and enjoyed the friendship that the Eds had. I came to cinta the acak mishaps that they would get into, and I wasn’t ever too upset when they got their inevitable punishment oleh the episodes end. And yet, a part of me would at least want them to win. I knew they were in the wrong and I knew they had no right to deserve it, but a part of me did want them to win just once. And that dream became a reality.

Part 8: The Movie

Like all good things, they have to come to an end. Ed, Edd n Eddy, after six seasons (Kinda, the six season was just two episodes that weren’t aired originally), the tampil was to end with a movie in 2009. In the movie, the Eds make a scam so horrendous that the whole cul-de-sac is after them. In need of hiding, the Eds go on a cari for Eddy’s older brother, who was mentioned as the coolest guy in the world, who everyone in the cul-de-sac feared and respected. The tampil touched on the relationships of the other characters, including the friendship of the Eds, and we finally get to see a new face. After ten whole years, a new character shows himself, Eddy’s Brother joins the battle and he is an absolute piece of fucking shit! Constantly bullying Eddy in a way that not even the kids of the cul-de-sac would justify. But here, we learn that Eddy has always been living in his brother’s shadow, ever since he was little. This movie has a lot of instances where Eddy and Double D get into serious pertanyaan about their friendship and… man, I just came to talk about a funny movie. I didn’t expect to get hit with these kinds of emotions. But after Eddy admits that this was all a ruse just to get the respect that his brother had, he apologizes for his actions and is finally accepted oleh the kids. After ten years, they were finally able to do it. And the movie and thus the series ends on a happy ending and thus, concludes the show.

This entire artikel was one big nostalgia trip for me. I was not expecting to enjoy going back to this tampil as much as I did. Ed, Edd n Eddy was a beloved show, not just oleh me but oleh many other people. It was Cartoon Network’s longest running tampil and still holds the judul to this day, won any awards and critical praise and had so much recognition. It wasn’t a tampil with a deep story atau a great message. It was nothing but a bunch of kids in a neighborhood just doing what kids do, and that’s all it needed to be. Ed, Edd n Eddy is my favorit cartoon of all time. There are shows that I know are better than this, from a menulis perspective, animasi perspective and even from a humorous perspective. But nothing will ever capture that sense of childlike wonder and nostalgia that this tampil did, even if it was a wacky experience all around… Oh yeah, it also had that one video game that came out, but that’s something completely different subject to another time.
added by Patrick-Star54
added by nmdis
added by PaulInDaHood
added by Heartisalone
added by KateKicksAss
added by Rodz
added by ladolcevita
Source: Hmmm... Um,well, Everglow, Mugglenet, me!, forgot the last
posted by nmdis
"Trust In Me"

How could I see anda when I was so blind
How could I grasp anda when I was far behind
How could I hear anda when I was so deaf
How could I get up when I had been left

But anda said, don't worry
For I've healed the blind man
And I've set the captives free
And anda said, don't worry
For all you've gotta do
Is put your trust in me

How could I be clean when I was so dirty
How could I be made whole when I was torn apart
Make me whole, make me whole
Make me whole again

But anda said, don't worry
For I've healed the blind man
And I've set the captives free
And anda said, don't worry
For all...
continue reading...
posted by nmdis

It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed,
I like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face.
It's a big bad world but I ain't ashamed,
I like the lights in my hand
And the beat in my face.

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

Be-be-beat in my face, be-be-beat in my face,
The lights in my hand, and the beat in my face

I'mma make anda bend your back
Oh my god, this beat is crack
When I do this, anda do that

I feel like dancing when I hear that sound,
Just wanna do it, eh, just wanna do it, eh.
I feel like dancing when I hear that sound,
Just wanna...
continue reading...
posted by nmdis
Dream it Out Loud

How do anda speak in silence?
Why do anda sleep when you're awake?
If we just cut the tie lines, then we can simply sail away.
Pack up your things. Write it all down.
You'll soon be accustomed to the sound.

Dream it out loud.
Dream it out loud.
Dream it out loud.

I want to paint in colors.
Leaving the land of black and white.
And if we do go back there, we'll see it in a different light.
Ready to go. Open the door.
Just like the rain falls from the cloud.

Dream it out loud.
Dream it out loud.
Dream it out loud.

It's a better day.
We're on our way.
If there's anything we can't remember.
Who's to say it's not all just a dream.

Don't have to think about it.
Just like a river it will flow.
We waited to long without it.
If we just get up now and go.
Open your eyes and look around.
You'll be surprised what anda have found.

Dream it out loud. (x 10)
(I'm dreaming. Keep on dreaming.) (x10)
Behind where I looked back (Who's in the front?)
I raised my claws at the darkness (and ripped the night apart)

Amadare wa chi no shizuku to natte hoho wo
Mou doko ni mo kaeru basho ga nai nara

Raindrops turn into droplets of blood
and run down my cheeks
If there isn't a place for me to return anywhere anymore

Kono yubi tomare watashi no yubi ni
Sono yubi goto tsuretette ageru
Higurashi ga naku akazu no mori e
Ato modori wa mou dekinai

Take these fingers, my fingers
I'll take all your fingers away
To the unopenable forest where cicadas cry
There's no turning back anymore

continue reading...
1. mostly the people on here are jerks. I diposting a perfectly nice post and everyone just blew up at me. I mean, like, seriously guys? Probably at least 3 people with get mad about this article.

2. People think anda can say whatever they want. I mean, like, just because it's the acak fan club doesn't mean anda won't get reported.

3. The pertanyaan aren't even questions. there just some thing like OMG! /THID IS SO TERABL! then anda click on it and they're like: O QK FUROMH TOHJY MPE!

4. If anda post something nobody sees it because then someone posts something like: CDAVKIBFRE HGTFES GHKHGY7DA and everyones like lol.
posted by ShadowFan100
I decided to make a daftar a crap I hate (IDk if some of this will be offensive atau not, but I just need to get a few of these things off my chest)

-Abusers/Racism (kinda in one)

I hate animal/human abusers who feel like "tough" just for hurting others different atau smaller than they are.

-Sexism (of both sides)

The part I really hate about this is when they act like guys NEVER get abused. Abuse happens in both genders, yet it seems like the world only pays attention to the girl side and not BOTH. Not fair. Just cuz I'm not a girl don't mean I've never been abused atau hated on ect.


I'm nice person,...
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Alright basically the judul says it all so I'm just ganna jump into it.

1. Princess- it's a cute name for a girl who likes feeling really important and special

2. Beautiful/Gorgeous- basically it's one that every girl will cinta and anda don't have to worry about them not liking it

3. Sweetie Pie- okay this one is a good one if your girl is lebih on the country side

4. Sweet Heart- another one that a lot of girls like

5. Babe/Baby- good most of the time

6. Kitten- this is a good one for girls who are either animal pasangan atau sweet, cute and playful

Look use these if anda want but in my opinion make up...
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posted by Bluekait
Your butt is wide, well mine is too
Just watch your mouth atau I'll sit on you
The word is out, better treat me right
'Cause I'm the king of cellulite
Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right

My zippers bust, my buckles break
I'm too much man for anda to take
The pavement cracks when I fall down
I've got lebih chins than Chinatown

Well, I've never used a phone booth
And I've never seen my toes
When I'm goin' to the movies
I take up seven rows

Because I'm fat, I'm fat, come on
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, anda know it
(Fat, fat, really, really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat, come...
continue reading...
At least a dozen times a hari anda hear "I hate society" and "society sucks," and people complaining and complaining about it, but here's the thing thing:

You say anda hate society, anda say anda can’t stand it. anda say anda hate your generation and the kids at your school and the people anda see on the streets around you, but you’re one of them.

You’re one of them, you’re a member of society, anda all are. anda were born this way, anda will die this way. anda are society, and society is you. anda are the constitute parts of each other, inseparable and indistinguishable. Your connection is binding...
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