random role playing Equilibrium

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Sep 29, 2014 at 09:27PM
((This will take place in the main city))

They watch you. They watch you live. They take away from you. They robbed you of your emotions. Your thoughts. You are obedient to them.......The Equilibrium

[Back Story]

First it only started with one small law being implied. The No Sensibility Law. A law that restricted feeling. Emotions. No one thought much of it. Until it grew. It all started in 2022, in the midst of World War 3.5, the most devastating and bloodiest war ever recorded. Politicians began to grow. Criticism towards the United States began to rise and become harsher. But that was only on the edges and outside of the country. On the inside however, chaos was tapping its foot. Rampages occurred every single day, and ruthless killings started. It took 12 entire years for everything to calm down.

In the year of 2034, that law had become the last hope and had weighed heavily on the country. Thats when the governments of the world finally decided to come together and form the Ultimate Super Powered Government (USPG) , the Equilibrium. The No Sensibility Law spread like wild fire to the rest of the world. The Equilibrium began to become more strict as opposing resistance groups began to question their authority. That's when things were taken further. The Equilibrium began to realize that as long as "lower" world people had the ability to think, they would continue to retaliate. In fear of being miraculously over thrown, they put down a law that allowed them to strip citizens of the ability to create thought patterns that would lead to ideas and structure higher ways of thinking. And they did it all with just one dose to numb the pain, and a painful insert. An insert that was known as a Bionic Invert Spine. This allowed them to insert a visible and highly mechanical visible spine onto the backs of the citizens. Along with that insert, there was a second insertion that was called a Subatomic Memory Chip, which would allow them to save data of history and educations instead of thinking at all.

By year 2052, they found that it was not enough, for there were many who refused the newly created dose that allowed a firmer restriction on emotion. Many who found love and friendship. Many who still had feelings and emotions. The Equilibrium became disgusted and enraged. They were fumed and edged to the point that they ensured themselves that they were going to create a solution. A that, they did. The Thought Police, or TP came into action. The TP's duty and task was to enforce the law upon citizens with force if need be. And from there, they began to branch out and more duties were created.
Year 2072:
A world without emotion. Where obedience and loyalty are highly encouraged. Everything regarding emotion, or that stimulates emotion has been banned. Books, paintings, drawings, music players, everything of that matter is burned away when found. There are no such thing as cartoons for children in this style of totalitarian government. Instead, they watch obedience and law videos. It wouldn't matter what you would thought about it, because according to the Equalizers, you're not allowed to think at all. Just do. Out of instinct, and sub-consciousness. You are dosed/injected daily with a substance called Prozillium Entocide, which suppresses any and all emotions. Even the thought of feeling. Anyone caught not taking their doses daily will be given two options. Return to the scheduled doses, or die. Child or Adult. Simple as that. What would you feel for them? Pity? Anger? Sadness? Sorrow? No. None of that. You dont feel anything. You've been restricted from yourself. This is the future. Or is it? There are secretly pending organizations that hide within the twisted society of the Equilibrium, and encourage the exact opposite. They call themselves, The Variance. They touch. They can feel. They can express. They can.......think. There are many secrets that need to be uncovered and an entire nation to be cured. What will you do in the world of the Equilibrium?

Ok so, here's some things we're going to have to know.
[The Equilibrium]
The Equilibrium is every nation and country put together into an ultimate power of authority. Minus Europe, France, Germany, and Russia. They were the only nations that did not allow the No Sensibility Law. And for that, they were punished with constant war from the Equilibrium's combined forces. In the year of 2032, the Equilibrium was originally created to bring peace among nations and end War War 3.5, but in the end, it transformed into something that the governments of all the other states in the entire world found more.......suitable for world. Meaning them. Their first intentions of restricting emotion felt because of the simple fact that they had to many revolts against them. It took them a year and a half to fully enforce the No Sensibility Law. Yet, it still wasnt enough for them. They became frantic and uneasy at the thought of them being over thrown, and that's when they decided to add more force to their doings, and the Thought Police was created
[The Thought and Police]
Created in 2052, the Thought Police raided and expanded across the world to enforce the policies of the Equilibrium. They are authorized and have the full right to use force to enforce their rule of the public. They stand guards in the Pharmancea, to make sure that citizens are getting their doses Prozillium Entocide and taking them as scheduled. In 2054 however, a raid by a resistance group that called themselves Retalliation killed over 3000 of them. This happened because though the Thought Police were large in numbers, their dispatching forces and ways of working were disorganized and rather sloppy. Which led to separate branches being created.

[Prozillium Entocide]
After the first few created doses (Equillium Ozine, Prollium Codine, Ixeriel Adime), were in the form of a pill and easily threw away, this stronger injection version under surveillance was created. This particular dose pertains all of the other doses combined, along with a small drop of liquid helium. Every person under the eyes of the Equilibrium are under this prescription 24-7 until there next dose. These doses can either be taken at home or at the Prozillium Pharmancea, where they can also be replenished if need be.This was created to stop any thought of emotion or thoughts at all, which added the non-benefactor of the citizens lacking the ability to sleep. Instead this leaves them laying on a plain colorless bed staring at the ceiling when the time that people would usually sleep came. On top that, the injection of this substance prevents anything that lack of sleep might cause, though it has the side effect of turning the color of eyes into a dull grey. It numbs nerves and all. Some people dont even know what warm or cold is because of these doses.

[Bionic Invert Spines and Subatomic Memory Chips]
The Bionic Invert Spines were created by Equilibrium Technician/Professor Ronald Ferdinand. This technology is surgically latched to the spines on the outside of the body and had a structure more than sturdy to prevent any damage possible. These spines have very small slots at the beginning of them which allows the insertion of the Subatomic Memory Chip, or SMC. The SMC creates artificial but real, information and data that allows citizens to have and gain "proper" intelligence through electronic memory. Children do not have these until they are atleast 13, however, the ways that they are taught and raised are extremely strict and they still are injected with doses of Prozillium Entocide, even as infants.

[Education of Obedience]
The Education of Obedience and loyalty among all citizens and human beings towards the Equilibrium is for most, essential. It is a standard of living. This is one of the few educations that are not provided with the SMC, and is especially used for children since they dont have the BIS or SMC. In the process of the Education of Obedience, a television like screen will be provided. It is set to where it can neither be turned on or off by anyone by the Equilibrium workers that are in charge of that position. A video will be played where they will learn the laws and restrictions first. Then those same laws and restrictions will be repeated numerous times until it is driven into the viewers mind as a very minuscule part of conscious. Then everything will be taken step by step, and repeated the exact same way, numerous times. This video is authorized to be watched three times a day.

[The Double Think Policy]

The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Branch of Peace spoken words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

[Housing Standards and the Equilibrium Department of Urban Living]
The Equilibrium Department of Urban Living (EDUL) contributes to building and preserving healthy neighborhoods and communities by maintaining and expanding homeownership and rental housing opportunities and stabilizing credit markets in times of economic disruption. They make sure that everything is plain. Plain white, from floors to walls to ceilings and beds. While you're away, they come by and check that there are no influential and or emotion stimulating materials or objects of any sort in your home. And they do check daily.

Paper money is no longer in existence. Now finances are ran through credits, which can be scanned through the eyes alone. Amazing isnt it? Credits are gained at the end of occupations every week or so. Like $ is the sign for cash, § is the sign for credits.


[Gun Kata]
Gun Kata is a gun-wielding martial art discipline. It is based on the premise that, given the positions of the participants in a gun battle, all trajectories of fire are statistically predictable. By memorizing the positions, one can fire at the most likely location of an enemy without aiming at him in the traditional sense. By the same token, the trajectories of incoming fire are also statistically predictable, so by assuming the appropriate stance, one can keep clear of the most likely path of enemy bullets.


Branches of the Thought and Sense Police:

Branch of Peace:
Ironically, The Branch of Peace supports the Equilibrium's perpetual war.
The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principles of doublethink) is to use up the products of the other cities without raising the general standard of living. The problem of what to do with the surplus of consumption goods has been latent in industrial society. At present, when few human beings even have enough to eat, this problem is obviously not urgent since the people under the control of the Equilibrium dont feel hunger either. But they still need food.

Branch of Plenty:
The Branch of Plenty rations and controls food, goods, and domestic production; every city and country/continent. Unlike the other branches, this branch is the only one that had speakers for its particular field of work. The Commanding Speaker for this branch announces false claims of having raised the standard of living, when it has, in fact, reduced rations, availability, and production. The 2nd in Speaking substantiates the Commanding Speaker's claims by revising historical records to report numbers supporting the current, "increased rations".

Branch of Truth:
The Ministry of Truth controls information, "rectifying" historical records to concord with current pronouncements, thus everything the Branch of Peace says is true.

Branch of Punishment:
The Branch of Punishment identifies, monitors, arrests, and converts real and imagined dissidents. They find anyone within the walls of their city who are rendered as a "Sense Miscreant." The dissident or miscreant has the option to either convert to, or back to the standards of the Equilibrium. If they choose not to, the dissident or miscreant is beaten and tortured, then, when near-broken, is sent to Room 101 to be injected with the C09, which will cause the hallucinations of their first fears. This hallucinogen is so close to reality goes as far as having actual pain as a part of it. Though it is highly unlikely, if the dissident or miscreant still refuses to convert, then they will be publicly executed.
If the offense deals with the emotion of love, then the lovers will be tortured until they hate each other, then executed.

TSP (The Thought and Sense Police):
There the ones who put names and files and scan the eyes. They also transfer credits. This small branch is usually found in offices or as security guards in the Prozillium Pharmancea.

Novice Elite TP Force:
This Novice force are the everyday forces that find and combat uprising resistance forces and the Variance. They are fairly exceptional at hand to hand combat and have a decent amount of strict training with their firearms. They also have automatic permits to search homes if they find the need to. The keep close eyes on the citizens more often. They are trained to tell if someone has the ability to think or feel. They have a normal cops uniform but with N.E Thought Police on the back of their attire.

Branch of Special Force Clerics:
The Clerics are a special force that combats against the Variance in and outside of the walls. These highly trained and skilled forces use a firearm combating style known as Gat Kata. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically-predictable element. The Gat Kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents, while keeping the defender clear of the statistically-traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increased lethal proficiency makes the master of the Gat Kata an adversary not to be taken lightly. They are sent in when things get to rough for Novice Forces. Some are assigned to a specific force. Their uniforms are a solid black with a solid black trench coat like jacket.

Clerics Among the Wall (CAW):
These Clerics are not a skilled or strictly trained as the Special Force Clerics, but they still arent a force to recon with. They are highly trained in hand to hand combat like the special force clerics, but they do not hold the skill of the Gat Kata. Instead they have the Ha Kata, which is obtained through more than two thousand records of hand to hand combat fighting. These Clerics know every way possible to disable and kill an enemy from close range and mid range distances, and have the agility and speed to dodge bullets for a short amount of time.


The Prozillium Pharmancea:

The Prozillium Pharmancea was being build around the same time that the Prozillium Entocide was being created. This large dome like building sits near the centers of all major cities and downs, some not as big. This building contains the doses of Prozillium Entocide that are distributed out to the people.

The Wall:

Ever Wonder why no one has benable to escape anywhere? Well here's the answer. There is a 67 meter wall that surrounds every inhabited city. The main city's wall is roughly 79 meters. Anyone who leaves these walls to go to neighboring cities are checked to see if they've been taking their doses. IDs will be checked as well. Along with that you will be escorted by the CAW.

Room 101:

Though it is known as "Room" 101, it is actually a small empty building in which whoever is taken there is guaranteed to suffer.

((More will be added momentarily))


no god mod

* no op character powers.

* one-liners are acceptable in certain situations, but please try to avoid them

* Blood, Gore, swearing, are allowed.

*I would advise the makings of 1-3 characters

*Must be willing to have your characters die at some given point.

**And yes, there are regular jobs**

Equilibrium Character Sheet:



Date of Birth:




Artificial Personality (Mostly Dull and well, emotionless):

Personality (Depends on if you're taking your doses *wink wink*):



Hair color:

Eye color (Again, depends on if you're taking your doses):


Resistance Character Sheet:



Date of Birth:



Cover Up Occupation:



Hair Color:

Artificial Eye Color ((Something like contacts)):

Eye Color:


Appearance (picture):

Daniel Davis-19 (Liquidz-Flamez) Cover Up Occupation:Credit Transference
Donna Reels-18 (Liquidz-Flamez) Cover Up Occupation:Credit Transference
Nico Hale-21(Kat-chan) Cover Up Occupation:Mechanic
Yuri Knight-23 (AnimeAvarice) Cover Up Occupation:Branch of Peace Intern

Equilibrium/Thought Police:
Asuka Jackson-19 (heart-of_love) Role:Citizen
Jarred Wilson-26 (Liquidz-Flamez) Role:Novice Elite Thought Police
Emily Bane-19 (Kat-chan) Role:Waitress
Elliot Valentine-24 (Kat-chan) Role:Cleric Among the Wall
Akira Satomi-24 ((xXDreamWriterXx)) Role:Special Force Cleric
last edited on Oct 22, 2014 at 12:56PM

random role playing 373 balasa

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 373

lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira smiled at him. "You are prepare for anything huh? I'm glad I have you with me on this. You are one amazing Cleric. " she giggled slightly.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred blushed slightly. "You arent to bad yourself." he thought to himself for a moment. "And i'm sure you would make an amazing wife...." he thought out loud, not noticing that he did.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira blinked a few times before blushing furiously. Did he just say...wife? "A-An amazing wife? Really?" Her squeaked a bit as she stared at him in shock. Why did he say that suddenly? Is he really thinking about stuff like that?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred blushed a dark red. "D-did I just say that out loud!?" He laughed nervously. "Uh...I..." he gave another nervous laugh. "Uh, t-the car, I uh....parked it somewhere around here!" he said hurriedly. He couldnt believe that he just said that....OUT LOUD!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira's face was redder than an apple. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest as she stare at him. Her gave went down to her hands as she fidgeted with them. "You would....make an amazing husband." She muttered under her breath unconsciously.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred paused and nearly stumbled over himself as he heard her. She actually spoke louder than she thought she did. "M-me? A-an amazing husband?" he gave yet another nervous laugh. He felt himself turn redder. "The car...yes the care--" he said to himself as he pulled out the keys. He pushed the button and he could see the flash of its headlights.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira gasped and covered her mouth. She didn't mean for him to hear that! She saw the flashing headlights and ran pass Jarred, straight to the car, completely embarrassed. Her face just kept getting redder and redder.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred went to the driver's side and fumbled with the keys. He couldnt believe it! He finally was able to get the door unlocked, and hit the unlock button for her door before getting in. He threw his bag onto the back seat as he slipped the key and started the car. He was just as red as she was now.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira opened the door and got in the car, unable to look at him. She buckled up and kept staring at her lap intensely. She could not believe it! He said she would be an amazing wife and she said he would be an amazing husband. So what does this mean for them? That they both possibly might want to get married? To each other? Her heart was pounding so loud, she was worried that he might here it.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred was about to pull out but then stopped. The hammering of his heart in his chest yearned for hers. He reached over and turned her face to his before kissing her passionately. This meant that....there was a chance that they could in fact, get married. And she....she could become his wife....though the thought of it had slipped through when they had first kissed. But he thought it was to early then. But now....now he was starting to feel different.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira moaned into the kiss as she kissed back with the same passion. Does this mean that he...is really thinking about marrying her? She would be his wife and he would be her husband. The thought thrilled her and got her to kiss him a bit deeper. She wondered when they first kissed, what it would be like to marry him and have him to herself forever. She thought it was just in the heat of the moment but now...she didn't think so. Being his wife...sounds like a dream come true.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred pulled the both of them deeper into their kiss and passion began to flood from him. He wanted her to know that no matter what happened, or how things went, he loved her. He would always love her and no one else. She would be his only woman, and his only lover. He would try everything in his power to keep her at his side if they were to be forced apart. Because that...was his meaning of love. That's how he understood the meaning of that feeling.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira wrapped her arms around his neck and let the passion rush through her. She could feel his feelings through the kiss and wanted him to know that she felt the same. That no mater what, she will always love him and only him. He is the only guy that could make her feel this way and she will fight to keep them together like this. No one and nothing can change how she feels. Those were her true feelings of love.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred pulled away from her lips only slightly. "Akira....I want you to know that....words cannot help me explain the feelings that my heart holds for you. What I thought was love....is more than love. Its so much more. I want you to know that you are the only woman that my heart will give love to without a second thought or hesitation. Even so, that still doesnt amount up to how my feelings are for you...." he smiled and kissed her again. "I'll always be with you...."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira smiled as a tear got in her eye. "Oh Jarred...I feel the same way. Just saying I love you doesn't even begin to express my feelings for you. You are the only guy who can make me feel so much and love so much. My heart belongs to you and only you. Forever and ever. I'll always be with you too."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred leaned back in a closed the minuscule space between their lips and pulled her into another passionate kiss. Friends. Comrades. Lovers. They were more than all three. That's how he felt when he was with her. And seeing her smile made him overjoyed. If it were possible to become drunk from love, he would be more than drowsy and probably doing something stupid. Like everyone did when they got drunk. But he wouldnt know the feeling personally. He would only beable to imagine it for now.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira moaned into the kiss as she practically melted against him. They were far more than just friends, comrades and even lovers. They were so much more than that. They were simply made for each other and knowing that he felt the same way as she did made her the most happiest woman on the face of the earth! Love was like a drug to her and she was completely addicted to it. She never wanted to stop feeling the way she did. It was just all too good.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu AnimeAvarice said…
Yuri had it roughly narrowed down to around 10 people. Granted, there were other possibilities, but judging from the sloppiness of their "distress" signal, they probably weren't all that stealthy. Yuri printed out the files and wiped the computer, making it in time to his shift. After thinking it over for quite a while, he wasn't convinced. This person was either sloppy or deceiving. Either way, they wanted to get into the resistance. He started his shift and went through the files and data as per normal.


William had been about to head home when the alarms went off. He logged onto the surveillance cameras and found where the explosion was. A housing district for officers of the Equilibrium. He ordered for a check to find out who it was that had been attacked. Within 5 minutes he knew. Akira Satomi. His eyes narrowed slightly. Satomi? Why was her name popping up all the time now? "Get the fire out and find out what type of bomb was used," he said. Now, it could have easily been a resistance raid. Satomi was a high ranking and distinguished officer. She probably had quite a few enemies. Yet... it was the timing. She would have a new place to stay, naturally. That didn't matter at this point. It would have to be with another officer, most likely. He took off the headset and got out his mobile tracker. He wanted to be there himself. Clicking on his earpiece, he got himself down to the street and headed for the building along with the rest of the Survey and Recon teams.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred pulled from their kiss with a smile. But he couldnt help but kiss her one last time before speaking. "We still have work to do..." he said in a low whisper. "But we WILL continue this the first chance we get..." he added. If his timing was correct, the Surveillance and Recon teams, along with some of the Novice Elite TP teams were already heading out to the area. He stepped on the gas and quickly made way from the alley. He drove in the opposite direction of everything before turning around the block and speeding down the road back towards Akira's former house.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira nodded and relaxed against the seat, getting ready to put on an act. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner she can be back into his arms.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu AnimeAvarice said…
William arrived at the scene later than the first response. He got out of the car, shielding his eyes from the brightness of the fire. A few of the soldiers arrived with a large hose and began to put out the fire while the Thought Police handled civilian traffic. He looked around, seeing Akira nowhere nearby. Hopefully, she hadn't been in the house. Granted, if the rebellion was smart, they would have waited until she was inside before bombing the place. That would have guaranteed her death. Wait... He frowned at his own thought process. Not the time to be thinking of the best way to kill off an officer. He started talking to one of the TP Sargents, trying to get information.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred rushed around the corner in his vehicle and came to a stop in a drifting motion. The car had stopped only inches away from William. He gave a quick glance over at Akira before getting out of the car. His face was solemnly still and lifeless. His eyes drifted and went over to the bright flames of the fire. They had created that fire, he and Akira. And that made him somewhat proud. Which was weird, because he just basically blew up his lovers' house. He stood there for a long moment, tracing over every detail of the flame before looking at William. "What is the meaning of this Lieutenant William?"
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira took a deep breath and got out of the car. She slowly walked over the remains of her house with her usual expressionless face. The fire was going out so she was about to make out a few things she left behind. The rest was in pieces or too dark to make out. "Who did this?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Riku114 said…
(Merry Christmas!)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu AnimeAvarice said…
William turned, facing Jarred and Akira. "It seems that a terrorist attack was launched on Commander Satomi's house. It is lucky that you were not present, Commander. Had you been, the force of the blash would have taken your life. Currently, we are putting the fire out and will then begin to locate the bomb." He watched them both, his expression unchanging. They had been together, yet again. Why? It seemed that the two had become inseparable, which was unusual for people of their rank. "I personally apologize for the inconvenience, Ma'm. You will naturally be compensated by the Equilibrium. We will take inventory of what we can to see if there are things to be salvaged or replaced. If you would both agree to it, a questioning process will take place after the inventory." The flames had begun to die down as the soldiers quickly put it out. The force of the blast had taken out most of the structuring, and the flames seemed to have done the rest. Yet, the house was not completely annihilated.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred watched William unflinching. His expression never changing. He spoke. "A questioning process will be needed Lieutenant William. And you will participate in the questioning process as well. This scenario is unbelievably preposterous, and for you to have already been here as if this was a planned terrorist attack created by yourself. It would only make perfect sense that you being a branch of the Surveillance Corporation would be excused, however, it will not be excepted this time."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu AnimeAvarice said…
William said nothing a moment, trying to fully register what he was saying. Jarred was blaming this on him? "It is better that I arrived now and got the situation under control than letting the fire spread to the point of endangering the citizens. Perhaps you would also like to mention what your reason was for being with Commander Satomi at this hour." He paused, looking Jarred in the eyes. "Your accusation seems rather sudden and illogical, Commander. You may want to think about getting some rest, sir. Forgive my saying so, but you seem rather... off." Ordinarily, Jarred would have never made such a blunt accusation. Had he truly been suspicious of William, he would have kept quiet and never let on. But lately, Jarred was different. He didn't act as he used to in the past. It was unsettling.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Hey! I really miss this rp! Can we start it up again?)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sure, sounds like a good idea!))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
(How and where should we start it up again?)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I guess we could start after what was the current situation and skip to where Jarred and Akira are arriving at Jarred's house after getting everything situated.))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Okay, can you start?)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Sure XP))

The slick black vehicle that belonged to Jarred droce into the parking space at his place of residence beforw coming to a slow stop. Jarred let out a sigh as he rested his head on the steering wheel and spoke to Akira. "Arrangements have been made successfully and the transition from there to here has been noted a an exception." He found himself speaking as if he were still taking the Prozillium. "We're in the clear and off the hook." He said in a tone with a little more life to it and smiled a little.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira stared at him and smiled slightly. "Yes, we are." She said softly and gently put her hand on top of his. It was a close call but they managed to get everything settled and she was officially living with Jarred for the time being.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Things will be a lot more safer with things this way." He said as he lifted his head and took her hand in his. "Now our new focus is to find the Resistance and see if we can work with them undercover. If we can eo so, then we'll have a chance to open eyes to a new world. Ine that was taken from us."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira really liked the way that sound. They were only just beginning to feel. She wondered what else there was out there. What else have they yet to experience? Whatever they were, she wanted to do them all together with Jarred. "But where do we start looking? This place is big and I'm sure the Resistance won't make it easy for us to find them."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
"You're right about that." Jarred agreed. "But now we have the advantage to feel and think of what it feels like to do so...which means we might beable to think a little more like them. Take the same precautions and steps. And that's good business for us."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
"I see. If we do that, there's a chance we can run into them. We have to be careful and we can't approach someone who we think is the resistance unless we are 100% sure that they are. We can't take any chances. One slip and its all over." Akira said.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Yeah....that just about sums it up and narrows everything down. " Unless he was sble to get her out of everything if it came to that. But they were safe now so that was something that didn't bothet him as much. Atleast not yet. "Well, I think its about time we go inside." He dsid as he opened his door. They had to keep an eye out in case they were being watched.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira opened the door and got out as well. She has never been inside his home before so she was looking forward to seeing it. She closed the door behind her and walked towards her new shared home. She made sure her face didn't show a single sign of thought or feeling. You just never know when you are being watched.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred stepped out and closed the door behind him, making sure that he locked it afterwards. He looked straight ahead, showing no sign of life in his face. That's when he realized how much he disliked, no, despised having to act as if he were still brainwashed by the ones that wanted nothing more than a world full of zombies that they could control.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira's eyes scanned the entire area. It was a nice and comfortable home. Already she knew she would enjoy being here even more. She glanced over at Jarred and saw his expression. She knew right away how he was feeling. And she felt the same. She didn't like acting and she was sure the resistance didn't like it either but it was the only to keep themselves from getting killed. So in order to snap him out of it, she stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close to her.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred's mind had drifted off as he was making his way inside and closing the door behind him. If there was a resistance group that they could find, how long would it take for them to bring an end to the tyranny of the entire Equilibrium and start over? How long would they have to pull a mask of emotionless features over their faces in order to survive? It was nerve wrecking. He was anxious. But when she hugged him, his mind began to relax and his tense body loosened up a bit as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. She felt so warm against him. It was comforting.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira smiled slightly when she felt him hug her back and his body relax a bit. "Don't worry about this all on your own. I'm here with you. We can figure this all out together. I promise." She looked at his face and lightly kissed his lips.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
A smile came to his lips and he gave a small nod. "Im happy that I have you with me. And you're right. We'll figure this out together and we'll get through this." He placed a tender kiss on her lips and chuckled a little afterwards. "I love you."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira felt her cheeks heat up and a smile spread across her face. "I love you too. Forever and ever. I'll always love you." She kissed him again, more passionate and deeper, wanting him to know how much her love for him was and how undying it was as well.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
Jarred returned her passion with that of his own, taking in everything about her. Her smooth skin. Her scent. Just her being there with him to began with made him so happy and so....alive. She was his purpose. He didnt understand the Resistance before but now....now was different. Everything was clear to him. They HAD to find them.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, letting his full scent fill her nose. Her hands found their way into his hair and played with the ends. He felt so good against her body. She would do anything to keep them this close. They had to find the Resistance. They just had too! She didn't want to lose this feeling. She didn't want to lose what they had.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Liquidz-Flamez said…
He pulled away for a moment only to stare into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. And that's when he noticed it. They were different. He couldnt tell how, but they were different. There was more color...more life. More....feelings. He could see it there. It was as if they were sparkles of everything wonderful, something so unique. He kissed her with more passion, savoring the taste of her lips as his met with hers.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu xXDreamWriterXx said…
Akira saw in that brief moment when they parted lips, that his eyes looked different than before. They were not dull nor lifeless. They had a strong spark to them and more life. It was so clear in his eyes what he was feeling and she loved it. She kissed him back with the same burning passion, enjoying the feel of his lips on hers. How she would never get tired of it and how it only made her crave more.