random role playing Lives Worth Living:Romance RP continued

Directingchicky posted on Jul 07, 2013 at 11:36PM
Past all of the childhood crushes and drama, done with high school and finally earning that graduation cap, several stories that were linked together in some way are finally at that point where they have broken off and created their own new experiences and lives. But what happens when they are slowly linking back together after a high school reunion? People moving back into town, gorgeous wedding ceremonies are being planned...and of course who wouldn't want to introduce their own little bundles of joy?

The drama! -swoons- The humanity! -swoons- The Romance!!!-swoons-

random role playing 1863 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Ssssh.... Faye baby hush..." He pressed his lips softly to the back of her neck. "Everything is gonna be okay everything is gonna be okay..."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Is it?" She pulled from him and turned around, pressing against the counter so she could look up at him, " What about everything you said earlier? Your doubting my wanting this wedding...and what you said about our baby..." Her lip quivered as her eyes started gleaming with tears again, " It hurt..."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"I was saying what your mother was thinking! Faye I love our baby! I love you and this wedding but your goddamn mother...." He sighed haughtily and moved to touch her.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Is gone..." She muttered quietly, letting him touch her. But small tears slipped out and rolled down her cheeks, " She was never invited to the wedding in the first place because I knew you hated her. I kicked her out just now because I thought....I thought she had ruined us..."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((...where did you all go?))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
(( I'm gonna sucker punch strawberry when she comes back for leaving me with all this Andree shit.))

"no one could ruin us my Faye. Your mine . Always. " He lips gently kissed away a year drop as it rolled down her cheeks.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
((Run strawberry...run!!))

Her hand went up and wiped away the rest, and she looked back up at him. She had never been so unsure up until that point, but as she listened to him, it all came crawling back. With a small cry, her arms wrapped around him and her face buried into his chest. So...this is what its like to be hormonal...
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
He chuckled softly and ever so tenderly pressed his coffee warmed lips to her forehead. "Will you stop crying if I make you some coffee?" Gavin's rough, worn hand smoothed her hair back.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"No...." she groaned against his steely chest, shaking her head, "I just need to rest for a little bit. I wasn't lying about the feeling faint thing, I really am nauseous."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu kaboomgirl said…
Kyle nodded, uttering not another word but simply contemplating things. The thing he most desired was a family with her, in all honesty. Getting married and having kids was near the top of his priority list. It concerned him that it may not be at the top of hers, however...
flabaloobalah commented…
kyle ❤❤❤ lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Hmm? How am I amazing? Its just lasagna." She said with a chuckle and turned back to him, setting her oven mittson the counter.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Then it's bedtime for you my little minx." He hauled her up into his arms and carried her dutifully up the stairs to their bedroom. He set her gently on the bed before removing a few boxes and removing her shirt then padded over to the set of drawers that were hers and pulled out her pajama pants and his tshirt that she wore almost every night to bed.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Gavin...." she was too tired to bother fighting him for her shirt, or her ability to walk, but..." Baby I can do that." She groaned and got up, slipping off the bed and out of her basketball shorts she had thrown on after her shower and went to take her pajamas and the stolen shirt from him, "Are you going to be up for a while longer?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
Carter swallowed soflty, thinking maybe that wasn't what Kyle wanted to hear. Sure, settling down with some kids in the near future would be wonderful, and they were almost ready to pick a date for the wedding, but she wanted to make sure they could afford everything and were happy. She regretted ever saying any of that crap.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Not if your sick. Ill stay with you until you sleep then finish the kitchen okay?" He said with a softness in his voice that he only spoke to his fiancé with as he sat on the edge of their bed.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her smile grew as she tossed the pants back into the drawer, it was way too hot for those, and pulled on the shirt, "I'm not sick. Just stressed and...pregnant." the more she said it, the more familiar it became and the realization hit her hard. She went over to him and sat on his lap, straddling his legs as she kissed him softly, "I'm fine."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Your sure?" He inquired, grinning, as he settled his lips on hers softly. "You can take as many days off fr the shop as you want...." He had moved up the latter over the years and now owned three of the tire and repair shops across the state.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She nodded, brushing her lips across his cheek, "I'm sure. I can't stop working because of the baby. Besides, we'll both be off for almost two weeks because of the honeymoon, that will be plenty of time for both of us to relax." Her arms wound around his shoulders as she smiled. It was nice, not having to work two jobs at the same time, she still liked to work. She often ran over to Brad's office to help out over there, because lord knows that man can't keep a damn thing straight.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
((Hahaha he's gay.... He can't keep a damn thing straight ..... Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha I can't stop laughing at that I'm dyin hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha))

He sighed inwardly and brushed her hair behind her ear."you can take time off as much as you want still. I want you to be healthy and strong all the time. I can support our bills and what not just fine. I need you to support my new family, and if that means tying you down and having brad guard the door I will."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
((Badum tss!! I was hoping one of you would catch that!!))

Her smile grew to a grin,mischievous and all, "You do realize that if you have Brad in this house without supervision, then your clothes will be replaced with some fancy designers. Our living room will be completely flipped arouund, and the entire house smelling like oranges right?" She said back, leaning back in his arms so rested just on the tips of his knees.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
He pursed his lips and narrowed his bright hazel eyes,"alright your dad would gladly sit around the house though and cook for you. Yeah maybe ill call him..."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her eyebrow cocked up in a challenge, "You want my dad snooping around our house while you're gone? We will never be able to find anything in the kitchen or bathroom again once he gets his OCD paws on them."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu kaboomgirl said…
((i just spat out my water and chok ed
"can't keep a damn thing straight"))
Kyle turned around on his side, looking at Carter softly.
"What about April, for the wedding?" He asked.
Directingchicky commented…
I diposting as Abbie lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Better than having my tshirts replaced with pink silk button up shit and frebreeze in the bathroom. And with Daddy dearest around you can't hurt yourself over working." He poked her stomach lightly.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She squeaked and squirmed, reaching down to grab his finger, "Yes, but don't you remember what he did after you proposed?" Once more she cocked an eyebrow. Her daddy dearest, in a moment of sputtering rage, had wanted to make sure that Gavin understood his point and has stuffed tons of condoms into Gavin's glove compartment in the truck...that was interesting to explain to the guys at the shop. "Do you reallly want him here after he finds out I'm pregnant already?"
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Well eventually I ran out of condoms and dexter stole about two handfuls of them and those nasty little shop rats blew the rest up cause they thought it'd be a great idea to put balloons out for Karen's retirement! This was bound to happen sometime!"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Faye couldn't help but throw her head back in laughter, "There is this thing called going to the convenience store and buying another box or two." She teased, "And besides, that was just from the engagement. Now imagine his goft to us at the wedding now that its a little too late for ten boxes hon."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
Carter smiled softly. "April it is." she answered, already thrilled. Only nine months away, and she could barely wait.
flabaloobalah commented…
nine months *wonk* lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
He laughed and pecked her nose softly,"we'll tell him after the honey moon."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her eyes narrowed at him playfully, she was deliberately making this hard on him, "Then I suppose those extra ten boxes will be put to waste." She sung out, rocking back and forth on his legs, "Speaking of the devil...what has Dexter been up to? Is he coming to the wedding?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
" Of course he's coming to the wedding he wouldn't miss out on a chance to have sex with every single one of your bridesmaids and their sisters." He rolled his eyes at the thought of his man whore of a brother.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her eyes rolled back as well, "Well its a good thing all of them are married huh?" Thank goodness for that...the only single bridesmaid was a 'brides-man' and she was quite sure that Dexter didn't roll that way. "What ever happened to 'mystery woman' we weren't allowed to meet?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"He doesn't speak much about her anymore." He shrugged and pursed his lips.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Hmm...too bad. I was hoping she had somehow found a way to control his libido. Lord knows I have yet to do that to you." She teased and crawled off his legs and onto the bed.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((*shakes my fist furiously* STRAWBERRYYYY!!!))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
He rolled his bright hazel eyes and moved onto his side as he narrowed his eyes at her."I can control it just fine thank you very much."

((Joins flabaloobalah in fist shaking))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Oh?" She playfully stuck her bum in the air before falling onto her sode and rolling to her back, "Says the soon to be daddy here. I completely blame you." She teased, stretching her legs out. The only part of her body she had ever complained about had been her long legs. She blamed them for her outrageous height. Compared to Gavin, her thankfully still dwarfed her, but compared to her friends she was way too tall, at least in her mind.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"You know darling I can read your thoughts." He smiled and rubbed his hand down her leg,"and your legs are gorgeous. The only reason you think their abnormal is because your always with dee who is a dwarf if I ever saw one." He grinned playfully.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She raised her knee, shaking her head with a chuckle, "That and ever since I met your friend Abbie I've felt like a giant. " she returned his grin, "Though thankfully I'm with you who makes even me feel soooo small."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"You are so small you mouse. I still have to prop you up on the counter to get a proper kiss." He teased mercilessly and stroked her leg.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Oh really? Well then. No kisses for you." She taunted and curled her leg up away from his touch and made a show of purposely pulled the shirt down over them and biting her lip. Thankfully the playful streak was still there, lord knows what she'd be like of it wasn't. "Since there is no counter in the bedroom."
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
((For every hour strawberry doesn't answer a baby kitten dies))

"Your still the same awful woman I met eight years ago." He wrinkled his nose playfully at her.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Damn skippy." She said with a small giggle and twisted until she sat on her knees and kissed his forehead, "I'm not completely awful you know. Who else do you know that can fix a radiator as fast as I can?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
((And a duckling two baby raccoons and a hippo fetus))

"Mmm... No one baby girl can fix a radiator as fast as you can." He smiled up at her an folded his arms behind his head.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…

"That's right." Her grin grew proud as she rested her head on his chest and looked up at him, just listening to his heart beating, "You know...many people would disagree with you about my awfulness." She said with a pout, "They all think I'm amazing."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
He rolled his eyes and bumped her with his hip lightly,"I'm sure they do."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"They do!" She squeaked in argument and sat back up, looking down at him, "But then again, they don't live with me do they?" Her smile softened as she rolled back onto her side of the bed, and gave him her back, "I'm supposed to be resting you cretin." She teased.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
((Strawberry has killed 4 kittens, 4 ducklings, 8 raccoons and 4 hippo fetuses))

"Oh hush up woman." He mumbled into her neck as he moved close to her, his steely chest pressed against her back.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
((Strawberry stop killing animals!!!!!))

"I refuse..." she mumbled back, and wiggled backwards until her smaller body was molded against his. She loved how they seemed to appear so different in appearance, yet together they fit each other like pieces of a puzzle.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
((In ten minutes it will be more))

"Rebellious little minx." He smiled sleepily and blinked his eyes closed as his hands rested protectively over her stomach, a leg draped over both of hers as he envoloped her with his body and the blankets of their bed.