random role playing Lives Worth Living:Romance RP continued

Directingchicky posted on Jul 07, 2013 at 11:36PM
Past all of the childhood crushes and drama, done with high school and finally earning that graduation cap, several stories that were linked together in some way are finally at that point where they have broken off and created their own new experiences and lives. But what happens when they are slowly linking back together after a high school reunion? People moving back into town, gorgeous wedding ceremonies are being planned...and of course who wouldn't want to introduce their own little bundles of joy?

The drama! -swoons- The humanity! -swoons- The Romance!!!-swoons-

random role playing 1863 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
It was like she was trapped. Trapped with her anger, her love, her hurt. All of it was crashing down and weighing her down. She had to pull away, had to breathe. With her hands anchored on his chest, she broke her lips free with a small gasp, her eyes squeezed shut tightly to kee the tears at bay.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Baby I love you." He whispered as soon as his lips were free, now they moved to kiss away every tear from her cheeks, his lips removing the tear stains with a tender love that was shared only with her, not Rochelle, not another woman on earth knew these kisses and touches and heart aching emotions. Only Faye.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her eyes remained shut, and her head fell forward to his chest, hands refusing to let him go. She knew it was ridiculous to get this upset, but there has always been that person in her life that was always moving and leaving everyone behind. Her mother, her previous boss, even her dad had left at one point and put her with some relatives. Not to mention that Gavin's brother is a certified man-whore. Not to mention if she got too worked up over...anything she fainted just like that. "Why? Why do you love me? All I have done is cause you problems?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"My life would have never have been this interesting and fun if you hadn't caused me so many problems." Gavin smiled gently and cupped her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheek,"I love your problems just as much as I love you, I love how messy you are, how you never let go easily, the old bike in the garage is proof. How you'd rather be comfy than break your back to dress up every day, you like transformers more than chick flicks and I love that love me after mom, and dad and Dex.. After how screwed up I got. I could list a thousand more things and it would never cover everything. I love you so so much." Gavin cooed to her gently.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Finally her eyes split open, the green turned dark from all of her emotions being thrown out at once. Dee was right...she was being so pregnant. But it was in that moment she realized that between her and Gavin, there were no deal breakers. Not a single one. "I love you too." She croaked, and the hands clenching his shirt wrapped around him tightly.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"I know baby girl I know." He pressed his lips to her forehead and held her to his chest in close proximity. He did know. He always knew. He knew when she'd walked out of the house, she loved him when he drove up on the curve she loved him and now he knew like always. She loved him and all the baggage that came with it.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She didn't sob into his chest anymore, but just stayed there, wrapping herself into her man as she calmed down before she did faint. Note to self:Ask doc to prescribe more anxiety pills. She reminded herself of that, then slowly pushed away again, trying to revert back to her normal self, "You shouldn't be here....the dresses are here." She muttered, fingers tangled in his shirt.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"So are you." He murmured and kissed her gently, leaning his forehead against hers, "I don't want to go anywhere with out you with me." He didn't mean it litarelly. More in a metaphorical sense that he wanted her to be his always, by his side or loving him still even if he wasnt holding her.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"I'll always be yours...and I'll always be with you Gavin." She promised him, raising a hand and pressing it to him chest, looking at the promise ring from all those years ago, "I couldn't leave even if I wanted to."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"And you thought still that red headed whore was something I'd enjoy?" He smiled sadly and kissed the top of her head.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"I-I don't..." her face buried into his chest, "She is gorgeous..." she mumbled, thinking of what that woman must have looked like, "She has these huge breasts and skinny waist...what man wouldn't enjoy that? Compared to her..." she honestly looked small in comparison. Over the years her body had grown only in height pretty much. She still had that small bust area and in her opinion no behind. Compared to Rochelle she had nothing.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"I was never really much of a boobs kind of guy." He grinned quirkily and cupped her chin In his long, calloused fingers, various dark spots of grease staining his hand. He tilted her chin foreward and up to look at her,"there is no better woman that a mechanic and there is no better mechanic or woman for that matter than you."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She couldn't help her snort, shaking her head at him, "I hate to say it but I don't believe you. Trust me, I know I am a damn good mechanic, wonderful actually, but I know men. Aric and Brad are gay and yet they still can pass their approval on women with a good size bust. You're no exception, you can't say you don't like ot because I know at some point...you do."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Who said you didn't have a good size bust? I'm not complaining." He smiled, this was good, this was the part in all of their fights when she'd get over if they'd crack some jokes, then he'd buy her ice cream and they'd go home a most likely end up with a sizeable hickey or an ache in unmentionable places.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Her pout returned, "I still remember, three months ago, in the shop, every one cracking up when Brad ran into the garage with the greeting of, 'Afternoon tiny tits! Ready to go?' Still fresh." She countered, hating the memory. Brad had found himself flat on his behind later on the day, and she had to gove that credit to Arc, darling man. "And you wonder about my self esteem." She huffed, pouting up at him like a pro.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Me and Larry both agreed later on that day you do not have tiny tits." He chuckled,"and brad wouldn't know he hasn't seen any action from them like I have. Your gorgeous hon." Gavin placed a sweet and playful peck on her nose.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Oh whatever..." she mumbled, and thankfully she popped his chest playfully. "Since when do you and Larry go around talking about my chest size? Should I be concerned?"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Not an a daily basis if that's what you mean... Well not usually." Gavin grinned and combed his hair back with his fingers untangling the few knots that resided there.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She rolled her eyes and swatted him again, leaning into him, "Well I hope Larry is the only one. I don't need to become the fantasy for the younger boys." She teased. The one time when she had tried to surprise Gavin had utterly failed. When they had graduated and started working at the shop full time, she had gone in to work wearing shorts, shorter than usual, and a tank, attempting to create a 'shop' fantasy with a sexy mechanic for a birthday present. And uh..yeah..didn't work out.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"You'd be surprised how much Mickey knows about women." Gavin winked pevertedly and grinned cheekily.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((All y'all better get on the original Rp like now. ^~^))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Ugh...I am not going to even start on that. I'd like to keep him envisioned as the adorable little boy for a little longer okay? " she reached up to pinch his cheek and stepped away from him. "Now get out of here. I am going to steal some of Aric's oce cream and you need to get home. Shoo"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Fine fine but come home soon, ill kick the guys and you will get all this all to yourself..." He grinned and gestured to his tones body cockily.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
She chuckled quietly and pushed on his chest, "I'm nkt coming back baby. Dee, Abbie, and Emry are keeping me here tonight. Says its bad luck for the bride and groom to be together the night before. So unfortunately this will be your...fourth week with no sex honey. Sorry." She teased. She had been purposely denying him, waiting until their honeymoon. But she herself knew all too well what happened once they ended a fght like this and there would be none of that for him.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"There's always Aric's office."Gavin wiggled his eyebrows mischeviously as he teased her playfully. "He wouldn't mind."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Oh yes he would!" She said quickly, pushing him towards the door. "Aric knows everything, so don't even try big guy. Go on and get out of here."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Oh c'mon baby... Just a kiss..." He pouted, his pale lips forming a pro pout complete with the wide hazel eyes greatly resembling a puppy.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Nope." She popped the 'p' and kept pushing him towards the door. "You'll be getting a really good kiss tomorrow so I suggest you go home and get some rest."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
Gavin groaned and let himself out of the building, calling over his shoulder a quick I love you, goodbye, more begging and then a sneaked quick kiss on her cheek. Eventually the sandy haired groom made it to his truck and was back on the grit road to their home.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
((Time skip finally to the morning?))
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"It won't zip!"
"What do you mean it won't zip?"
"Just that! The damn thing won't zip!"
It is very possible to say that the morning of the wedding was already hectic. Having stayed the night at the studio, the women were all running around, trying to pack everything up so they could get themselves and the bride down to the venue. Emry was having issues with her dress bag, and Abbie is now currently trying to help the poor girl with her issues, but the bride no where to be seen. "Faye! Get yo' butt up!"


"Gavin! Up Up Up!" This time, it wasn't Brad calling enthusiastically, it was Aric. He was in charge of getting the men organized and making sure the suits fit before rushing over and checking the girl's dresses as well. So needless to say, he was on tight time and wanted to get this show on the road.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((Yes, finally!! :D))
Libby plopped into the driver's seat of her blue Volkswagen bug, balancing a bowl of Lucky Charms in one hand as she inserted the keys and ignited the engine quietly. The clock read 7:34 A.M. She was doing well timewise; she and another stylist had to drive out and do hair and makeup for a bride and several bridesmaids at a wedding that morning.
Directingchicky commented…
Tally should help....yup, I miss that cooky italian lebih dari setahun yang lalu
flabaloobalah commented…
Okay :) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"FAAAAAAAAAYE GET UP!" Dee shrieked and jogged up the stairs to the lounge area where they'd all made make shift beds from the couch pillows and blankets. "Up! Up!"
"I can't do this. I can't Ill screw up!" Gavin ranted hecticly to Mickey his hands covering his face as he paced his bedroom relentlessly.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Wedding or not, Faye was still not a morning person. At all. So when she heard Dee screaming for her to get up, shegroaned and stuffed her head underneath the mounds of pillows. Since her hair and grown out, it was tangled, puffy, and just all over the place.


"Gavin!" For the first time, Aroc shrieked and ran up the stairs. "Boy, you can't be late for your own wedding so I suggest you get your fine ass downstairs so I can fix your tux!"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((Chicky, can you check the RRP? We need Abbie asap.
I gotta go in a minute but i promise i will be back))
Libby looked in the backseat one last time, double-checking that she stored her kit there, supplying her and Tally with everything they needed and enough extra junk just in case. You never know when a sewing kit mightt come in handy..
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Ms.DeLuca, a.k.a Tally, had grown, not in size of course, but in spirt and business. Part time she worked as a stylist for weddings and special occasions and the other part she now owned the family costume shop. So she stayed busy quite a bit. But even now during a busy time, she was ecstatic to be helping out for a wedding and was on her own there now to help the women get ready.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"You heard him big brother downstairs and in your tux."
Leaning in the doorway was the ever so gorgeous Dexter Morrison, steely, sexy grey eyes alight with misheif, black hair glossy and perfect and flawless just like the black tux he wore.
"Dex? What the hell!" Gavin laughed and clapped his half brother on the back pulled him into a man hug.
"Faye I swear to god if you don't get up...." Dee tossed her blankets away and folded her arms over her small chest.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Aric laughed and clapped Gavin on the back, holding his hand out for Dexter to shake, "Good to see you again Dex. Looks like the suit fits great! Thank goodness at least one of you is dressed." He said and half way glared at Gavin, "Now, groom, downstaors. Now!" Thqnkfully Aric wasn't like Brad and melted at the sight of Dex, though he did occasionally give a few compliments here and there. "Oh, and Dexter. Beware, Brad is downstairs. Cover your ass."


"I'm tired!" She groaned, grabbing and reaching for the blankets again. Up until the point where the ecstatic Emry announced.
"I brought back donuts!"
Faye had never moved that fast before, shoving the pillows away and jumping off the couch, "I'm up!"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
Libby turned her lips upward in a soft smile as she cruised down her street, raising the spoon to her mouth occasionally. She loved her job, and always had and always would. Sure, it wasn't one with a particularly large salary, but she had made some friends in the shop and kept busy with new clients.
She had worked on weddings before, but now Libby was going in with a partner, which excited her.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Pretty soon, Tally arroved at the venue, a large just plain gorgeous chruch downtown. Inside the other crew would be decorating and across town the others would be setting up for the reception. She pulled up and tugged out her small phone, dialing Libby to let her know she arrived a tad early.
Sure , she missed teaching, had actually held a position at the school for two years, but had soon after quot to look after the family business, and eventually took over. She loved pretty much anything she did and was...well..happy!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Yeah yeah I barely made it past him getting in. So where's the gals?" Dexter cocked an eyebrow and snatched the clogne from the bedside table and sprayed some in the air striding through it as he moved gracefully down the stairs.
Dee laughed and followed Faye down the staircase and rubbed her hands through her messy curls.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
As he pushed Gavin down the stairs to get dressed, Aric turned back to him, "Uh..Faye and the others are at my studio, and I think Libby and a friend of hers are already at the church to help them with hair and makeup."


As Faye feated, Abbie came into the room, her curls neatly pulled back from her face as she tugged on her coat, "Alright ladies. We need to hurry and get out of here and get to the church. Come on Faye, grab a donut and your shoes."
"But...I'm eating now.."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
((Psst Demeter
tell me this isnt Andree [minus his tattoos]
Libby felt her dinky flip phone vibrate in her purse. The caller ID read "Tally," and she smiled.
"Tally? Hi. Um, where.. where are you? What's up?" she asked, feeling more awake and perky already.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Hey there sweetie!" She said cheerily, climbing out of her car and bouncing over to the trunk where her supplies were. She was currently barefoot, her boots under her arm as she unlocked the back. "I am at the church now, you will be here soon enough yes? We have a lot of hair to do this morning so I do hope you are ready!"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…

Gavin groaned in frustration and padded through house to the spare bedrooms closet, his suit hung there, pressed and perfect while dexter sat himself on the bed and lounged, effortlessly gorgeous as he stretched out. "Fun fun." He examine his fingernails.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu flabaloobalah said…
"Yeah, I'll be there in ten minutes. Don't worry Tally." she giggled, slowing to a halt at a red light. "Lots of hair and makeup is perfect, hehe."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
"Come on hot ass. Since you are all set, why don't you go down and tell the girls that I'm going to be a little late since the groom is being a pain okay?" He tried shooing him out as well. He had a lotof work to do, and as did everyone else.


"Alrighty! I will be inside in one of the private rooms setting up." She announced and shut the back with a bump of her hip and pranced into the church. "I see you soon sweetie!" She said happily and flipped the old phone shut.
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Demeter13 said…
"Pfffft... Fiiiiiine." Dexter groaned and rolled off the bed and shook his head out, his missed hair falling back into place. ----
Soon enough he reached the church, pulling up his black charger, striped with red. "Laaaaaaaaadies Dexy's home!"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Directingchicky said…
Unfortunately, Faye and the others were still on their way, and the only response he got from the church was a loud crash and rambling and curses between languages as Tally fought to keep the makeup stand in place while foxing decorations that the decorating crew hadn't secured. "Guests aren't supposed to be arriving yet!" She called mindless of who 'Dexy' was.
"Tally its okay!" Called the voices of the women who had finally arrived. Faye ran ahead.of them, smiling at Dexter whom she had to admit had grown on her. "Hey, what are you doing here so early?"