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“The ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba Who Hired Me”

“The Penguins of Madagascar”

Season 4, Episode 6 (4X06)

Production Code: 406

Air date: ?

Previous: “It Happened One Afternoon” Next: “Crazy Old Cat Lady”

*Note: This episode is set in the time between “The Hoboken Surprise”, “The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole”, and ends after the events of “The pinguin, penguin Who Loved Me”

Scene I: The Platypus Habitat

(Three Years Ago) (Night Time)

(Camera zooms in on Parker in his habitat, leaning on one elbow, half in the water, and half out)

Parker: (Sighs dramatically) I hate Seaville! No freedom, no privacy. I’m letting my mercenary skills wither up and die, for Pete’s sake!

(Looks disgustedly at the bowl of food on the concrete island in the center of his habitat)

Parker: And the slop they make us eat is worse! No…performing is worse! Ugh! I need an escape plan! I’ll go crazy if I don’t get the heck out of here!

(Manfredi walks up to the fence of the adjacent habitat)

Manfredi: Sounds to me like you’re already going crazy, Parker! anda know, we’re always here if anda need to vent. I mean, what are friends for? No use in talking to yourself like a nut job.

(Johnson joins Manfredi. They both flip over into Parker’s habitat)

Johnson: (Walks up to Parker) But compared to some of us, anda have it good here.

Parker: (With dry wit) Oh yeah, Johnny-Boy? What could be worse than this? (Waves his paw around, vaguely indication his present situation)

Johnson: Take Doris, for example-

Parker: (Flips up out of the water and over on to the concrete island) Doris? That doey-eyed dame who’s got the hots for me?

Manfredi: Yeah! Her older brother’s coming here in a few days to be a new act for this dump, and let me tell you, buddy; this guy is bad news.

Parker: How can…what’s-his-name –Francis- be a bad guy? I’ve heard a boatload of good things about him, from what little I’ve listened to Doris’ babbling.

Johnson: Trust us, Parker. This guy makes The Red tupai seem like a kitten! He’s hiding something. Something big. Looks can really be deceiving. Like Freddy and me, for instance.

Parker: (Intrigued) Oh? Really, now?

Manfredi: Yup! The eye patches? Fake. Our casts? Fake.

Parker: Your molting?

Manfredi: Those are actually real. But the eye patches make us look dashing! Anyways, we get into these dumb disguises every morning to that management won’t put us in an act. We want out of here as much as anda do. Besides, those overcharged tourists with their screaming, popcorn-throwing kids are demanding lebih and lebih acts, so we’d better get out of dodge while we still can

Johnson: Besides, we have better things to do in the meantime. (He assumes a fighting stance)

Parker: I knew it! anda guys are agents, too! Looks like whoever trained anda guys to fight knew what they were doing. You’re actually very good.

Johnson: We were trained oleh the best. So, now anda know you’re not the only trained agent in this place. But, our leader, Skipper actually thinks we’re dead, so-

Parker: He doesn’t know you’re here? Why haven’t anda contacted him?

Manfredi: The reason why he thinks we’re dead is actually because-

(Flashlight beams shine from the distance)

Johnson: Freddy, we’d better get out of here! Those guards are back!

Manfredi: Sorry, Parker, we gotta split. Good luck going crazy!

(They quickly flip back into their habitat, just as the guards tampil up)

Parker: I have to think of an escape plan, and fast, but I can’t rely on Freddy and Johnny. It’d look too suspicious with three binatang missing. But who could possibly help me?

Manfredi: (Calls out to Parker) Some of us are trying to sleep, Parker! Keep your planning to yourself, selanjutnya time, if you’d be so kind.

(Parker scowls, and attempts to go to sleep)

Scene II: Cargo Hold of an Express Train

(The selanjutnya Morning)

*The following scenes are set hari of, and several days after the events of “The Hoboken Surprise”

(Camera shows the exterior of a peti kayu, peti with air holes drilled into it. It zooms in and passes through the crate, tampilkan its contents; Dr. Blowhole)

Blowhole: Ugh… would it kill these stupid humans to get a larger crate?!

(He rolls over on to his back)

Blowhole: Patience, Francis. You’ll get out of here eventually. And when anda do, anda can…Why am I talking to myself like that? Why am I talking to myself at all?? I suppose I could sneak a chat with Hans. (Snorts in derision) probably, that kooky Dane is sharing his latest pastry recipe with his friends in Hoboken!

(He presses a button on his robotic eye, and a holographic video chat screen appears in front of his face, which flashes “Contacting User: PuffinMuffin1234”)

(Hans’ face appears on the screen. Explosions go off behind him)

Hans: (Is too close to the camera, and we see a close-up of his tongue, fogging up the screen with his breath) hello? Is this thing on? (Backs up) Oh! Hello, Dr. mammal-Fish!

Blowhole: (Barks out) Hans! What did I tell anda about watching action film on the job?!

Hans: (Defensively) I am not watching action movies! I am in Hoboken!

Blowhole: Yes, in Hoboken. Not the rendezvous point we agreed on, in Shanghai. I gave anda that deadline /two weeks ago/! What’s the holdup, anda little puffball??

Hans: It doesn’t matter! The Penguins are here too!

Blowhole: No! Don’t capture them! The timing isn’t right. And what are they doing in Hoboken, anyway?

Hans: We were trapped in a dungeon oleh this crazy zookeeper lady who made robot clones of us, and now we’re fighting them.

Blowhole: (Tried hard not to control his anger) Hans…that is without a doubt the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever told me!

Hans: It’s true! Look!(Angles the camera downward, where the Hoboken Zoo animals, and the Penguins can be seen fighting their biomechanical android clones)

Blowhole: Hm. So it is. Well, get out of there as fast as those stubby little puffin, burung bayan laut legs of yours can carry you, and head to Shanghai immediately. I’m about to be let out of the train soon.

Hans: (Whines petulantly) But how am I going to get there? I can’t fly in Economy Class!

Blowhole: Not my problem. Look, anda little imbecile, the train is stopping! I have to go. Goodbye. (He shuts off the screen just as the train shudders to a stop)

(The peti kayu, peti sways as it is picked up)

(Two guards heft it on to their shoulders)

Guard #1: Why do /we/ gotta carry this thing? Ain’t this the handler’s jobs?

Guard #2: We’re understaffed now. But, jeez! What’s in this thing, rocks?

Guard #1: (Starts walking towards the van) No, our new dolphin. Let’s hope this guy is better than those two crummy penguins that are too sick to perform. Say, what happened to them this time?

Guard # 2: I think they both broke their wings….again.

(The peti kayu, peti is set down in the back of the van)

(Camera shows the interior of the peti kayu, peti again)

Blowhole: (Smiles evilly) So it begins!

Scene III: The Platypus Habitat

(Parker is swimming on his back, and then heads up to the gate when he sees the two Guards struggle to carry the crate)

Parker: Must be the new guy. Ha! (Calls out) Hey, Manfredi! Johnson! anda gotta come see this!

(The Guards open the crate, and release Blowhole into the habitat to the left of Parker’s)

(The Guards then walk past Parker and head towards The pinguin, penguin habitat)

Parker: Guys, what’s going on?

(The Guards pick up Manfredi and Johnson)

Manfredi: (Calls over the Guards shoulder) We broke our wings for real this time! (He laughs hysterically) (winces) Ow!

Parker: (Laughing and shaking his head) Those guys will fall apart one of these days! Hmn. I guess I’d better go say hi to the new guy.

Parker: (Calls to Blowhole) Hey! New guy!

Blowhole: (snaps) What?! (Sees Parker’s eyes narrow in suspicion) (Says cheerfully) Um… I mean, hi new neighbor! My name’s Francis, but anda can call me Flippy! I hope we’re gonna be the best of friends!

Parker: Look, bub. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I can spot an act like that a mile away. It’s obvious that this whole “Flippy” thing anda got going on is a charade. (He flicks a speck of dirt off his tail nonchalantly)

Blowhole: (Throws his flippers up in the air in defeat) Fine! anda caught me! Either you’re very good at sniffing out a lit, atau I’ve grown rusty with my acting.

Parker: Now, Francis- if that’s even your real name- who are anda really?

Blowhole: My name is Doctor Francis Blowhole, PhD. I am an evil scientist bent on flooding the Earth so I can rule over a water-filled domain.

Parker: You’re pulling my leg!

Blowhole: Not even twitching the cuff of your pants. I have the certificate to tampil you-

Parker: I’ll take your word for it. This is a big reveal, not a job interview. I don’t care about your credentials. ( A wheedling tone to his voice) Now…seeing as how you’re a scientist…do anda think anda can help me get out of here?

Blowhole: (Swims up to the fence) If I’m to take anda up on your offer, it is /I/ that must know /your/ credentials.

Parker: Parker the platypus, at your service! I’d bow if I were standing. I’m a trained mercenary, a bit of a gun-for-hire. No pertanyaan asked. I specialize in double-agent jobs, reconnaissance, and Ponzi schemes. I can fight, lie, and cheat my way out nearly anything. Plus my natural good looks, and the poison spurs at the heels of my feet- they can stun anyone who comes in contact with them. Some kind of venom, I think. Anyways, those two things are a failsafe. I also make one darn good quiche!

Blowhole: Very impressive! I think I may have some use for anda after all, Parker.

Parker: Just tell me what anda need done.

Blowhole: Let me tell anda all about my arch foes… (His voice gets lower and lower as the flashback begins)

Scene IV: pinguin, penguin HQ (Inside)

(Kowalski is in his lab, working. His back is facing the camera. Skipper walks in)

Skipper: What does this new doohickey do?

Kowalski: (Jumps, startled) Gah! Good golly, Skipper, anda scared me! (Fumbles around with the device) It’s a new power cell I’m working on.

Skipper: (Examines it) Glowy, shiny… I like the look of it. Is it unstable?

Kowalski: anda bet it is. Highly. It has a few….kinks... that I must work out, but it’s the wave of the future! It’ll power anything except for small devices such as cell phones, and MP3 players.

Skipper: (Considers this) Hm…why MP3 players?

Kowalski: It causes any small device to go into hyper mode and-

Skipper: So long as it doesn’t turn into some kind of giant, flying mind control device, I say keep on keeping on! And speaking of MP3 players, I have to go help Ringtail. He’s all bent out of shape because he lost the charger for his MP3 player.

(Skipper exits, leaving Kowalski alone in the lab)

Kowalski: Giant flying mind controlling MP3 players! (Chuckles) And yet Skipper calls /me/ unstable!

(He steps on a test tube, which rolls, causing him to slip)

Kowalski: (Falls flat on his back) Ok… maybe I /am/ unstable.

Scene V: The ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba Habitat


(Parker leans against the fence while Blowhole paces back and forth on his Segway)

Parker: So, fish-face; brief me. What do anda need me to do?

Blowhole: My /entire/ plan is to take control of the zoo, and turn the remaining peng-yoo-ins evil, so they will do my bidding. I’ll need your help in quelling any resistance in the zoo. From that point, once I have no-one in my way, I’m free to conquer the city, the tri-state area, the nation, and finally the world. /Then/ I shall unleash Project: Bad Tidings, where I will flood the Earth oleh changing the moon’s gravitational pull, to ensure my leadership stays secure.

Parker: Aside from that, is there something…I don’t know…more….interesting that anda need me to do?

Blowhole: (Stops pacing) Of course! To distract the peng-yoo-ins, I’ll need your help. The one current, strong link we have to the peng-yoo-ins is my little sister, Doris. I need anda to do your double agent…thingy that anda do, and woo her.

Parker: (Uncertain) Woo..her?

Blowhole: Yes! She’s absolutely head over fins in cinta with you. It shouldn’t prove too difficult for an agent of your caliber to get to the peng-yoo-ins through her. Their second-in-command is absolutely gaga for her, and will do anything she says, so if you’re there to distract them while I slip into Manhattan undetected, it should work!

Parker: But what about this Skipper guy? Where does he figure into all this?

Blowhole: Hans and I have that covered. Without their leader, the remnants of Team Pang-yoo-in will be defenseless. But -and this is a very important “but”- should anything go wrong, I’ll need anda to improvise. Do whatever anda need to do to ensure Bad Tidings launches without difficulty.

Parker: Sounds simple enough. I’m in! But, I don’t come cheap, anda know.

Blowhole: You’ll get paid. I promise. Now, there’s Doris. Go and woo her, anda Casanova!

(Camera does a close-up of Parker’s face, plastered with an expression of Frozen fear)

Scene VI: pinguin, penguin HQ (Inside)

(One Week Later)

Skipper: Good to finally be back from that filthy horror of a city!

(The Penguins enter from the back door. Kowalski opens it, and a giant pile of letters falls on puncak, atas of them)

(Their heads pop out amidst a sea of mail)

Private: Could we have really missed /this/ much mail in the past week?

Skipper: Status report, Kowalski!

Kowalski: (Glances around) It would appear to be mostly bills, assorted rongsokan, sampah mail, Rico’s “Ms. Perky Digest” (Holds up a magazine with a cover image of a collector holding a Ms. Perky doll) and-

Rico: (Lunges at Kowalski and grabs the magazine) Ooh! Gimme, gimme gimme!

(He jumps down from the pile of mail, causing some envelopes to scatter, and reads the magazine, eagerly, in a corner)

(An envelope flutters on puncak, atas of Skipper’s head)

Skipper: (Annoyed, takes it off, and opens it) (Skipper’s Voice Over. His eyes widen as he reads it) “I have planted a bomb in Dim Sum headed for the Western Market. If anda wish to stop this, be at Pier 34 in Shanghai on September 9th.”

Private: (Notices Skipper’s expression) What’s the matter?

Skipper: Nothing. Just a letter about my aunt in Pittsburgh who caught a rare tropical disease. Now, let’s get this cleaned up!

Kowalski: (Aside, to Private) What was that all about?

Private: He didn’t really say. Something about Pittsburgh and a rare tropical aunt. I’m sure it’s nothing. Let’s get this cleaned up.

(Kowalski faces the camera, with a bewildered look on his face. Shrugs, and picks up envelopes)

Scene VII: Blowhole’s Submarine

*The night before “The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole”

(Parker, Blowhole, and Hans all laugh)

Parker: anda should have seen her! It was almost like I proposed!

Blowhole: She was always like that, even as a baby!

Hans: (Wipes away a tear) And then what happened, Mr. Duck-Beaver?

Parker: (Suddenly grows serious) Look, bub... my name is Parker, not “Mr. Duck-Beaver”. It’s no lebih my name than his is “Dr. Mammal-Fish”! anda got that?

Hans: Ok, Mr. Beaver-Duck. I got it.

Parker: (Aside, to Blowhole) anda sure this puffball is of sound mind and body? He seems a bit…fruity in the loops to me.

Hans: (Offended) Hey! I heard that!

Parker: (Smirks) anda were meant to!

Blowhole: Boys, please! Stop fighting! We’re delayed enough as it is! Now, Parker…Before we begin, Doris is my little sister, and I don’t want to hear any complaints about you, no matter how…dramatic...she gets. Treat her right. And Hans… learn how to say our names properly, atau you’re off the mission!

(Dramatic close-up)

Blowhole: Now let’s go capture us a peng-yoo-in!

Scene VIII: The ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba Habitat

*One hari after “The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole”

Parker: (With fake surprise) (To Doris) He’s been /what/?

Doris: (Sobbing uncontrollably) It was just like I said, sweetie! He..he’s been taken back to Coney Island!! (Sobs on his shoulder. Parker stiffens, as if he doesn’t want to be close to her at all)

Parker: (Gently) Why Coney, though?

Doris: (Still sobs) It was the closest place they could find to house him until the investigation is done. (Sniffles) By…by the way….w-what was he even doing all the way in Manhattan, anyway?

Parker: I wish I knew, sugar. I’ll bet the folks over at Coney think he’s back there for good, atau something. (With growing bitterness) They’ll force him to perform in the meantime, and say “ Welcome the long-awaited return of Flippy” and I won’t get paid ‘til who-knows-when, and-

(Stops when he sees the bewildered look on Doris’ face)

Doris: (Has calmed down) Um…right… but, baby cakes, we have to get him out of this place once he gets back here! I’m sure he hates it here as much as I do. I’m used to open spaces, like New York harbor, where I grew up. Beautiful place, oleh the way. (Flirtatiously) Maybe we should have a romantic picnic there.

Parker: (Stammers) M-maybe. (Regains his composure) I remember him telling me that he loved it here, once. But maybe after this, he’ll have changed. His mind, I mean. N-not lost his memory like one of his lobster henchmen told me, atau anything crazy like that! (He manages a nervous chuckle)
Doris: (Laughs) lobster henchmen! Oh, baby, anda know just how to cheer me up! I’m so glad we’re dating! (She rests her head on his shoulder, lovingly)

Parker: (Flatly) Yeah… me too.

Doris: But how will we get him out of here?

Parker: Now’s the time for me to step up…. Doris, do anda still talk to Kowalski? Maybe he can help.

Scene IX: The pinguin, penguin Habitat (Seaville) (topside)

*Two years after the events of “The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole”

(Manfredi and Johnson are sitting on the concrete ice floe on their habitat, playing “Stomp the Wombat”)

Manfredi: I guess it’s for the best that Blowhole’s lost his memory. (He lays down a card)

Johnson: anda “guess”? It’s great! The world’s been without its most evil villain for two years! (He sets down a card)

Manfredi: Yeah…. But now he’s all cheerful and annoying.

Johnson: It’s pretty bad for Doris, but I’m lebih worried about Parker than anybody. Did anda see him and Blowhole talking back then? Us and him used to be best pals! Thick as thieves! Now it’s like he hates us. And I’m pretty sure he’s up to something!

(Parker walks up behind Johnson, who drops his hand of cards)

Parker: (Hisses in his ear-hole) Darn right I have something planned! Now, keep your beaks shut before I shut them for you! I’m getting out of here, and if it means becoming a bad guy, I’ll do it! (He sighs) it’s nothing personal, guys…. It’s just business. (Crosses over to Manfredi, and looks at the hand of cards he’s holding) oleh the way, Johnson; Manfredi’s cheating.

(Walks off, leaving them arguing)

Scene X: The Wreckage of Blowhole’s Lair

*Set after the events of “The pinguin, penguin Who Loved Me”

(Blowhole and Parker are floating on a chunk of wood, drifting close to the deserted island where Skipper was sent to when he lost his memories)
(Parker is jabbing Blowhole with his poison spurs)

Blowhole: I think we’ve been through this already! Number one, your venom doesn’t affect me; only smaller animals, and Number two, my checkbook was incinerated!

Parker: (Fiercely) I’m not gonna stop, fish-face! I’ve been dating that ugly, clingy sister of yours for two stinkin’ years now while anda were off being Flippy!

Blowhole: My sister is /not/ ugly! If anyone is, it’s you, and your….duck-like…beaverness, anda little freak of nature! (Presses a button on his mechanical eye)

Parker: Wait…what are you-

(Blowhole’s submarine emerges out of the water)

Blowhole: (Smugly) Remote-accessed autopilot. My own design- (Parker clambers off of Blowhole and onto the submarine) hey! What are anda doing?

Parker: (Opens the hatch of the submarine) We both know anda were going to double-cross me and leave me here while anda drive away in your little submarine.

Blowhole: How /dare/ anda do this to me! You’ve got some-

Parker: (Sing-songy) Hello! I’m a villain…or at the very least, a secondary antagonist! Duh! You’ve made me this way, remember? (Climbs in it) I think this bingkah, cowok of tin will lebih than cover my pay, don’t you? (Smirks) Besides….maybe I’ll come back for you…but, maybe not. anda never know! But, I have a few old friends to pick up. Manfredi and Johnson deserve to get out of that nightmarish aquarium lebih than anyone!

Blowhole: anda can’t do this to me! I’m Dr. Blowhole! I’m-

(Parker shuts the hatch, cutting Blowhole off as the submarine begins to dive)

Parker: (Punches the coordinates of Seaville, relaxes, and pilots the sub) (Snickers a bit) Yeah, I’m /totally/ not coming back!

Voice Cast:

Skipper: Tom McGrath
Kowalski: Jeff Glenn Bennett
Rico: John DiMaggio
Private: James Patrick Stuart
Parker: Ty Burrell
Dr. Blowhole: Neil Patrick Harris
Doris: Calista Flockhart
Hans: John DiMaggio
Manfredi: James Patrick Stuart
Johnson: Danny Jacobs
Guard #1: John DiMaggio
Guard #2: Kevin Michael Richardson
posted by Metallica1147
         Chapter 3

    The selanjutnya night Skipper and Marlene finally had their date. They went to a new restaurant that just opened in the zoo. (A/N: Yes I put a restaurant in the zoo so what?) As Skipper and Marlene entered the restaurant they took their set and began to talk.

“Thanks for taking me on this tanggal Skipper.”

“Not a problem at all Marlene and I guess Brandon was right we where meant to go on a date.”

“Yeah I guess he was right.”

Both Skipper and Marlene were having a good time already with their date. A few minutes...
continue reading...
"Where are we suppose to go?" Athena sniffled "We're just kids. We can't just go and save our little sister!"

I thought for a little bit, My answer which was lame "Go and find mom and dad?"

"What?! Are anda crazy?! They're in Florida! way too far from New York!"

"Did someone say crazy?" A voice from who knows where asked.

Athena and I clunged to eachother.
"Who berkata that?" I yelled.
"Shush!" Athena scolded.
We looked around to try and find the noise. and then. We saw it.
Skipper had warned us about this guy. He says he is 'da king of da zoo' and is a complete idiot. and his wife isn't too far behind...
continue reading...
posted by Metallica1147
     Chapter 7: An Idea

    A few hours pasted after Brandon played his song for Marlene, and she still had her idea. Now she just had to tell him, and see what he thinks. Marlene then walks up to Brandon.

“Hey Brandon can I talk to anda for a minute?”

“Sure what’s up?”

“Well I was thinking about how anda wanted the binatang in the zoo to understand your kind of music, and I think I have an idea.”

“Okay what’s your idea?”

“Well I was thinking maybe anda play a song for the zoo.”

“You mean like a performance for the whole zoo?”

continue reading...
posted by thespikedturtle
    "Nice shot Rico!" Private was skating around, watching Rico's target practice on the ninja pins. Rico beamed, and fired another shot, knocking the head clean off the pin. When Private applauded again, Rico smiled, but then frowned and held a flipper to his lips.
    "What is it, Rico? Do anda hear something?" Private whispered. Rico started nodding, and looked around, as to see where the noise was coming from. They started following it, but their cari was immediately interrupted oleh a shout. CRASH!!
    "Rico, what do anda think that...
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posted by JediPenguin16
!!!Ignore the DOTS. They are there to hold the poem together in the shape I wanted. Just look at the words!!!

...............p ...........................f
............e..................................t ...............................Swing
continue reading...
posted by Annacrombie
Hello wonderfuly acak PoM fan i have some good news about A new start-I have come up for a name of the person who is menulis the story, i cant reveal her name but she is one of my OC's along wiv my other OC's:Lily, Twitter and Seattle (Seattle is on fanfic in one of my stories).
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A new start chapter 6

I didnt know why he did this but Skipper decided to make up a squad, one oleh one we joined ~ i joined first! and became detik in charge ~, Skipper berkata we had to do some training, we started doing some basic moves simple stuff, i was quite good...
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CHAPTER 3: Snowcones

A family of ginger squirrels was gazing in shock at a group of penguins, sitting in the middle of the sandbox. They were leaning against something which looked like a plastic box, wriggling, bantering with each other, bursts of loud laughter echoing all over the park. There were lots of empty cokelat bags wallowing around them.
"Private, how come Skipper didn't notice anda sneaking out with a pack of Maggie Smaggie cokelat bars?" asked Kowalski.
"Well, it was just a decoy, Kowalski" explained Private, giggling nervously. "I used to keep those cokelat bars in a Diet Cookies...
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posted by ThatDamnLlama
The moonlight casted shawdows throughout the zoo. Puddles lay still on the concrete, almost wanting to be stepped in. The cool air swept over the exhibits.

The faint sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, and then he was revealed in the light.

Skipper waddled past Marlene's exhibit and towards the gift shop. The door automatically opened for him, and he wondered inside, as if he knew he had to come here.

The door slammed shut behind Skipper, trapping him in the darkness.

He spoke loudly and clearly towards the opposite side of the room.

"Show yourself."


Skipper spoke again with equal...
continue reading...
posted by KowalskiGirl345
( they all went in tempat tidur that night, with Private at home, but the selanjutnya morning he was missing again!)

S: Kowalski, Kowalski get up!
K: Leave me alone, im trying to sleep!
S: Kowalski, its 12:00 in the afternoon!
K: So?!!
S: Firt of all, its past the time when anda normaly get up, and secound Private is missing again!
K: WHAT?!..OW! ( kowalski hitted his head on puncak, atas of his bunck were he sleeps)
S: Hes missing again! Cant anda hear me?!
K: Duh! I can hear you, but how can he be missing again?!
S: How im soppost to know?!
K: I dont know, I was thinking anda would!
R: HUSH!!!
S: Ok, ok! We will, and why anda have...
continue reading...
posted by woowie
It was a nice day, and Kat was running outside of the Zoo, when she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She didn't know what it was, so she kept running. She fell. Suddenly, she was at the animal hospital in a cage. She overheard a doctor saying something, "This one here only has 3 days to live, but we're letting her go so she can see her friends obe last time." Kat was- dying!?

She was back at home. Private noticed something strange about her. "Kat? What's wrong?" He asked. "This might sound crazy, but... I'M DYING IN THREE DAYS!" she answered. Everyone stopped what they were doing- shocked. Why Kat?
“Okay, so now you’d have to pindah this little guy over here. anda see?” Marlene smiled as she repositioned one of the pieces on the chess board.

Rico, who sat on the opposite side of the board that rested on a small boulder, rubbed his head in confusion. He wasn’t quite getting the hang of this new game. He had witnessed Kowalski and Skipper playing it many times before, but never did he make an attempt to participate.

“Okay, so it’s my turn, and…I think I’ll move…” she paused as her hand hovered over the board, searching for the perfect piece to use, “…this one!” Marlene...
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"Are we there yet?" asked Leroy for the hundredth time.

It had been a while since they set off from the harbor. The penguins groaned. Private looked over at Leroy, his eyes pleading. "Can anda pleeease find something else to do?"

Leroy shook his head, grinning. "Nope. It's fun to annoy anda guys –especially Skipper."

Skipper looked ready to blow a fuse. Kowalski mencuri a look at his leader before widening his eyes. "Um, Leroy, it would be the best interest for your health if anda stopped."

"Why?" Leroy caught Kowalski's eye. "Oh."

Kowalski checked their fuel gauge. "We need to make a pit stop soon....
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As I dodged a frantic grab from X, I glanced at the other penguins. We had certainly come far from our starting point. There was no doubt that we would beat X and get out of here. I launched a kick at X, but was batted away. He really was as good as they had berkata he was. As I flipped to break my fall, I skidded around. "Any ideas?"

They all shook their heads. I turned to Skipper. "You berkata that we needed some prayers, right?"

"It was a figure of speech!"

"It's the only thing we have!"

"Oh don't worry; I'm sure we've all berkata lebih than enough prayers to last us for a lifetime."

"So the only things...
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Here's the link for chapter 1: link

Two years later…

Skipper opened his eyes. It was early in the morning and his teammates were still asleep. He sat on the edge of his bunk and looked at the clock. 5 am. He quietly got out of his bunk and decided not to wake the others up yet. He took his coffee mug and climbed up a ladder. The new hari greeted him with bright sunbeams of the rising sun, fresh morning breeze and sough of a pond in Central Park.

Seemed to be a selanjutnya normal day… but it wasn’t so ordinary.

It was hari of the Fallen. The hari created oleh military...
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added by FanOfStuff97
Source: PoM, Penguins of Madagascar new trailer
added by eugb
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Miracle On Ice
added by eugb
Source: buaian, cradle and All