pinguin, penguin of madagascar Club
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hey guys! ^^

This is just a acak idea I had while browsing the Internet. Here is a keterangan of the POM characters.

Hope anda like it! Enjoy! :)


The leader of a Badass Crew of Commando Penguins, voiced oleh DreamWorks animator/TV series co-creator Tom McGrath. He speaks in a crisp, hard-edged tone like a cool spy from a film noir movie. In the TV series, Skipper is somewhat abrasive with the other three penguins, often chastizing them and Dope Slapping them to keep them in line.
Tropes associated with Skipper:• Afraid of Needles: In "Needle Point," he goes well out of his way to avoid getting a shot.
• Anti-Hero: Type III. A lethal Anti-Hero.
• Bad Ass
• Berserk Button: Okay, so he doesn't go berserk, per se, but Skipper really doesn't like it when anda call him fat, atau any of its synonyms. He likes to claim it's muscle.◦ He really doesn't like Hoboken, NJ.

• The Captain
• Dope Slap: Used often on his comrades. Sometimes all three in one swing.
• Fantastic Racism: He occasionally makes less-than-complimentary remarks towards mammals. He especially dislikes humans.
• Four Temperament Ensemble: The Choleric.
• Good Is Not Nice: Technically the penguins are the heroes of the series. Technically.
• The Hero: Occasionally, though, he and the others do come off as jerks, but they almost always save the hari in the end.
• It's All My Fault: Done twice. The first time was when he poked a hole in Julien's bouncy house causing him to lose his crown; the other, when one of the chimps causes him and the penguins to spin out and loss a race to the lemurs. In the latter episode, also he accepts full responsibility despite the fact he did nothing that caused it. He even berkata they would have his resignation in the morning because of his shame and guilt.◦ Never My Fault: The one time it was his fault, he pinned the blame on Private.

• Large Ham: Lots of dramatic closeups and exaggerated gestures accompany his powerful paranoia and give the impression that Skipper has trained at the William Shatner school of acting. His tendency to clutch a flipper to his chest when upset gives one the permanent suspicion that he's suffering from some sort of jantung condition.
• Loves My Alter Ego: He fell for Arlene (Marlene in disguise due to chlorine accident) and became kinda Stalker with a Crush.
• The Nicknamer: He almost always refers to Julien as "Ringtail," Mort as "Sad Eyes" and Max as "moon cat."
• Noodle Incident: The Danes don't like him for some reason.◦ As one episode showed, it apparently had something to do with it ending in a fish-sword fight, among others.

• Officer and a Gentleman: Mostly Officer.
• pinguin, penguin Non Grata: As stated above, he can't set foot in Denmark due to Hans the puffin, burung bayan laut making him Public Enemy Number One.
• Properly Paranoid: Sometimes. Other times, he wears the paranoia topi too long.◦ His tendency to overreact to situations new to him gets subverted in its own right: in one of the specials the tampil had, he and the other penguins get stuck in Hoboken's Zoo, which has all of their former villains reformed. Skipper's thoughts about this? He comes up with a plot about them being taken over oleh robot clones.


The team genius and gadgeteer, voiced oleh Jeff Bennett. Kowalski builds all of the crazy technology that the other penguins use (and quite a lot that they don't use) and helps come up with plans.
Tropes associated with Kowalski:• Bamboo Technology: Kowalski reguarly builds amazing things out of elastic bands, coffee cups, lollipop sticks and duct tape.
• Bi the Way: He dated a female ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba once, but in "Pet Peeved" he shouts out "I cinta you" to Skipper when he is taken away.
• Cannot Tell a Joke:
Private: There's two of you! That's a great trick!

Kowalski: Private, can anda recall a time when I have ever played a trick atau even told a joke?
◦ He has attempted to tell jokes since that episode... but they tend to fall flat.

• Captain Obvious: "Kowalski, report!" Followed oleh Kowalski making a blatantly obvious statement.
• Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments of this.
• Foot Focus: In one episode, he makes particular notice of Marlene's right foot being white… while examining it with a magnifying glass.
• For Science!: He is this trope incarnate.
• Four Temperament Ensemble: The Melancholic.
• Gadgeteer Genius: The team's primary sumber of Homemade Inventions.
• Homemade Inventions: His specialty.
• I Have No Idea What I'm Doing: Practically his Catch Phrase.
• The Lancer
• Mad Scientist: A lebih low-key version, but still as mad as it can get.
Skipper: Kowalski, have anda ever invented anything that doesn't eventually threaten to destroy us all?

Kowalski: Let me think. Uhhhhh... No.

• Magic Versus Science: Is extremely skeptical of anything with a 'supernatural' bent. Can, however, be convinced of its veracity if the problem persists long enough.◦ Once attempted to deny magic when it worked in an episode. He fails miserably.

• Nerds Are Sexy: Arguably, he's the one with the most fans.
• Never Learned To Read
• Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The things he does For Science! sometimes result in this, such as his Kick the Dog moment in "Friend-in-a-Box" (taking the circuit board from Mort's video game) that earns him a What the Hell, Hero? from the others.
• Number Two: With the rank of Lieutenant, when Skipper goes AWOL, Kowalski does his best to take charge.◦ Subverted; he feels terribly lost without Skipper around, and even had to ask once if the remaining wanted to hear his options.

• Phrase Catcher: In early episodes, Skipper would often say "Kowalski, options." atau "Kowalski, report." to him. This catch phrase has cropped up again halfway through season 2.
• Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Rico's red.
• Shorter Means Smarter: Inverted, as he's the tallest of the four.
• The Smart Guy
• Sniff Sniff Nom: His usual method of handling evidence, including chameleon footprints and a strand of King Julien's fur.


The big, dumb guy of the team, voiced oleh John DiMaggio. Usually, he speaks in short grunts, but his speech has become a little lebih coherent in later episodes of the series. Rico's main job is to spit up any sort of device that the other penguins need. Look closely and see that Rico actually has a scar over his beak, possibly from too much hacking up of stuff.
Tropes associated with Rico:• Allergic to Love: In one episode, it's stated that he has "mushy cinta sensitivity."
• Anti-Hero: Type III. Lethal, like Skipper.
• Ax Crazy: Rico really loves Stuff Blowing Up and anything else that's destructive.◦ Taken to the extreme in "Kaboom and Kabust"; the other three penguins have to constantly keep him under control (which is why they almost never let Rico explode things,) otherwise Rico loses it completely and destroys everything he can find.

• The Big Guy: He's a bit sturdier than the other three.
• Bi the Way: Lots of characters suggest this, but as well as having a toy doll girlfriend, Rico probably has the most moments of being attracted to the other penguins.
• Chainsaw Good: As Private berkata in one episode, "Oh, Rico! Chainsaw's Your Answer to Everything!"
• Dumb Muscle: The episode "Friend In A Box" has Kowalski make a mind-reading device. When the other two penguins are disgusted with Kowalski (and he with himself), Rico thinks only "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiish". When the other two penguins are proud of him, Rico still thinks, "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish". There are many other examples of Rico not being too bright...
• Flanderization: In the movies, the only thing Rico ever spits up is a paper clip. Somehow, this got magnified to him being a Stomach of Holding. Not that this is a bad thing - on the contrary it's hilarious.◦ Admittedly in the detik movie Rico does start pulling other things - like a switchblade, for example - out of nowhere, and then putting them away again, and regurgitation is as good a reason as any. But nothing particuarly lol-worthy comes up - it's still majorly flanderised.

• Four Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine.
• Ho Yay: "Kaboom and Kabust" very blatantly ships him with King Julien.
• Intelligible Unintelligible: At times, his speech can be understood fairly easily, especially in later episodes. Either way, if what he's saying is important to the plot, the other penguins will usually provide some sort of translation.
• cinta Makes anda Crazy: atau crazier. See "Hello, Dollface" atau "Kaboom and Kabust".
• Nightmare Fetishist: Rico is perfectly happy with things that give the other penguins nightmares. Like serenely munching away on jagung meletus, popcorn while watching a brutal Nature Documentary with penguins getting gobbled up oleh leopard seals. And when Kowalski and Private are clearly horrified/nauseated at Skipper's broken flipper in "I Was a pinguin, penguin Zombie," Rico looks… a little too interested.◦ In "Roger Dodger", as Roger is being pummeled offscreen oleh the rats, Rico stares at berkata beatdown, a blank smile on his face, his left eye twitching, and licks his beak at the end.

• Overly Long Tongue: Possibly concealed within the Stomach of Holding most of the time.
• Person of Mass Destruction: So very much.
• Red Oni, Blue Oni; The red to Kowalski's blue.
• Stomach of Holding: Exaggerated; he can spit up almost anything he atau the other penguins need. In one episode, Mort requires an elevator to get to the bottom of his stomach to remove a bomb.
• Too Kinky to Torture: In "Needle Point", after Rico gets his shot, he actually doesn't seem to mind the pain too much, scooching his butt around on the floor. atau perhaps he just likes comforting the pain. Either way he looks really kinky.
• Trademark favorit Food: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!


The youngest member of the team. Voiced oleh James Patrick Stuart, he tends to be the most sane and logical — at least in comparison to Skipper's paranoid delusions, Kowalski's mad science, and Rico's cinta for explosions. Sometimes he's also got a little bit of childish naïveté. He has a tendency to get the sucker jobs.
Tropes associated with Private:• Adorkable: There seems to be an in-universe consensus on this, with both Skipper and Kowalski reassuring him of being "Adorable!" on separate occasions. They also use this trait as a tactic once in awhile, and it even features as a plot point in one of the episodes, wherein he becomes jealous that his "title" has been handed over to someone else.
• Badass Adorable: His cuteness is actually weaponized in "Cute-astrophe".
• Beware the Nice Ones: Private can pull off a Moment of Awesome just as easily as any of the other penguins. Betraying his belief that all binatang are basically good also serves as a Berserk Button for him.
• Bishie Sparkle: Parodied, his weaponized cuteness includes a spontanously generated rainbow.
• Closer to Earth
• The Conscience: Though usually holding the moral high ground, he also tends to be rather timid when first voicing his concerns, gradually losing his patience as Hilarity Ensues.
• Cute Shotaro Boy
• Cuteness Proximity: Honed to the point of becoming an incredibly effective weapon in "Cute-astrophe".
• Dark and Troubled Past/The Gunslinger: Parodied when Private's backstory is revealed in "Mr. Tux". He used to be a hardcore miniature golf player in Florida.
• Florence Nightingale Effect: The cause of his crush on student nurse Shawna.
• Four Temperament Ensemble: The Supine.
• The Heart: Spelled out in "Command Crisis."
• cinta Makes anda Crazy: His crush on Hospital Hottie Shawna in "Love Hurts" led him to deliberately injure himself. When the others threaten to come between them, he improvises a Wounded pinguin, penguin Gambit.
• Nice Guy: According to Julien, he's the nicest guy in the zoo.
• Sanity Ball: Most often, it's in his flippers. "Skorca!" inverts the situation oleh having him paranoid about the judul character and the other penguins not believing him.
• Sweet Tooth: See below.
• Trademark favorit Food: kacang mentega winky. Also gula-gula yg terbuat dr gula merah dan mentega, butterscotch lollipops.
• Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's afraid of badgers, and not fond of cockroaches.

King Julien XIII:

A ring-tailed kubung, pukang and (apparently self-proclaimed) king. Egomaniacal and ditzy, he's the closest thing the tampil has to a recurring antagonist. But at the same time, the penguins tolerate him when he's not being that big of a jerk. Julien "rules" over a small empire also comprising Maurice and Mort (see below). Voiced oleh Danny Jacobs.
Tropes associated with King Julien:• Ambiguously Gay/Bi the Way: He likes to dance; he's obsessed with his own booty; he gives bedroom eyes; he's dressed in drag on occasion (though that may be even less significant to his actual sexuality than in Real Life crossdressers, as he normally wears nothing but his crown); despite his attempts at maintaining a ladies' man image, he was unfamiliar enough with females that he didn't know where mammal bayi come from, and was disgusted to find out the truth (though that may just be simple awan Cuckoo Lander status); and one episode blatantly ships him with Rico. Oh yeah, and he even berkata that he has a Girlfriend in Canada. On the other hand, he "courted" Marlene twice and has hit on Rico's Ms Perky doll. Wild Mass Guessing has also pegged him as Ambiguously Transsexual, thanks to the Animal Gender Bender mentioned below.◦ Taken to its limits with Julien in "It's About Time," when he sees Skipper and Private wrestling over the episode's MacGuffin and begins poking Maurice.

Julien: Ah, look at them Maurice. Why can't we play affectionately like that?

• Animal Gender Bender: Real Life kubung, pukang groups are ruled oleh females. Then again, now he's in a zoo with only two other lemurs, both of which are male, and he's probably the nearest thing they've got. Also, when he claims Eggy is his, Kowalski says mammals can't lay eggs and asks if he's part platypus, without mentioning that males don't lay eggs either. (Then again, see above.)
• Anti-Hero: Type IV atau Type V. The closest thing the tampil has to a recurring antagonist - but he also repeatedly helps out the penguins when it benefits him.
• Anything That Moves: Forget Ambiguously Gay atau Bi the Way, it's easier to believe that Julien just loves to be admired, and doesn't care whether that admiration is sexual atau otherwise.
• Attention Whore
• Berserk Button / Hates Being Touched: NO ONE MAY TOUCH THE ROYAL FEET!◦ "Friend-in-a-Box" suggests that a Freudian Excuse may be involved. After Mort becomes obsessed with a portable video game, Julien goes out of his way to try and force Mort upon his feet, claiming that he wants to experience the joy of kicking Mort off. Eventually, he even goes so far as to beg Maurice and the penguins to pay attention to the royal feet.
◦ He freaks out when no one does what he tells them on King Julien Day.

• Buffy Speak: A normal part of his speech pattern, along with Malaproping; he frequently makes komentar like "What is up with the unbig tiny-littleness of my royal estate?"
• The Caligula: Parodied oleh his existence.
• Casting Gag: When the celebrity voice actors were replaced in the transition from the Madagascar films to the series, celebrity voice actor Sacha Baron Cohen (the voice of King Julien) was replaced oleh Danny Jacobs. Jacobs previously played an impersonation of Cohen's borat character in Epic Movie.
• Clingy Jealous King: Thanks to his believing that It's All About Him, he quickly gets jealous when somebody/something else is getting the attention he thinks he deserves.◦ He also doesn't like that Marlene is crushing on fred rather than him. He doesn't give a reason why this makes him so upset, other than that Marlene was "in cinta with Julian" the whole time before... which was another lie.

• Department of Redundancy Department: Part of King Julien's regular speech pattern.
• Distressed Dude
• Evil Laugh: Not as amazing as other Nicktoons, but pretty close. Usually Played for Laughs, much like most of the tropes on this page.
• Fat and Skinny: Skinny Julien is the silly one, and fat Maurice is the Straight Man.
• Flanderization: A bit lebih of a Jerk pantat, keledai than in the movies, but he still has his moments (such as saving Skipper's life in one episode). His dialect is also noticeably stronger.
• Friendly Enemy: To Skipper. The two spend most of their shared screentime arguing and generally being annoyed oleh each other, but Skipper will go out of his way to help Julien, and Julien has gone to Skipper to have his problems fixed. They were actually mistaken as 'BFF's oleh Skipper's Arch-Nemesis Dr. Blowhole... and the other penguins berkata he had a point.
Julien: So I face danger and the adventure of a lifetime and nobody will ever know about it?!

Skipper: Welcome to my world. That makes anda an honorary penguin.

Julien: Does that mean I am your BFF?

Skipper: Eehh... we'll keep that code on the QT.

• Incidental Villain: Being a spoiled ego-maniacal control freak, he's the most common antagonist on the show, with his schemes often being the catalyst for larger plots atau being the main threat of the episode. But, despite being something of a Jerk Ass, he is only casually disliked oleh the rest of the cast. The other characters tolerate him when he's not doing anything antagonistic, since he's not generally a bad guy, just a spoiled jerk who occasionally screws with people to get his own way.
• In-Series Nickname: "Ringtail."
• It's All About Me: He is the King, and so obviously is lebih important than any non-kingly animals, right?
• Jerk with a jantung of Gold: He has his moments of being... less mean to the others.
• Large Ham: With a side of Keet
• Malaproper: He is a bit of a word mangler. Examples include "These stitions are very super!" and "No one will be sucking seed!"
• Man Child: He has a tendency to throw childish tantrums, and on one occasion starts talking to his cuddly toys when he's depressed.
• Narcissist: To the point that he has distinct ho yay with a robot copy of himself.
• Nakama: Among himself, Maurice and Mort. Arguably.
• Nice Hat: His crown. He loves it a lot.
• Sixth Ranger: When the squad is lacking in numbers, Julien often comes in as a substitute.
• The Sociopath: King Julien displays far too many of the typical sociopathic qualities to ignore this trope.
• Token Evil Teammate
• Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
• Upper Class Twit
• What The Hell Is That Accent?: The same general quasi-African accent in the movie, only (as mentioned above) lebih exaggerated.
• Wholesome Crossdresser: He dressed as a cheerleader in the episode "Miracle On Ice" and was jealous of Skipper's "pretty berwarna merah muda, merah muda bow" in "Miss Understanding". The "wholesome" is debateable, but his un-wholesome characteristics are not related directly to the crossdressing.

Maurice: An aye-aye who serves as King Julien's right hand man and advisor, although Julien rarely follows his advice. Although he seems easily annoyed oleh Julien's antics, Maurice isn't above saving his life. Voiced oleh Kevin Michael Richardson.
Tropes associated with Maurice:
• The Big Guy: See Fat and Skinny, above.
• Closer to Earth: He is easily the sanest of the three lemurs.
• Four-Fingered Hands: A strange aversion. Maurice has five fingers/toes, yet Julien and Mort each have four.
• Funny Animal Anatomy: This is what a real aye-aye looks like. Eek.
• Puss in Boots: Has shades of this. At times, it seems that he really doesn't want to be part of Julien's world, but for some reason he stays faithful.
• Servile Snarker


A mouse kubung, pukang who is also part of Julien's nakama. He is pretty much there to be the victim of physical comedy, although Marlene in particular seems to care for him. Voiced oleh Andy Richter.
Tropes associated with Mort:• Badass Adorable: Although small, dumb and pathetic, he's shown to be capable of beating Skipper at arm wrestling. Another episode has him uprooting trees.
• Berserk Button: Not surprisingly, King Julien's feet, as indicated oleh his reaction to being separated from them.
• The Chew Toy: To the point where he's declared too dumb to feel pain. Lampshaded in one episode, where he says, "Yay, I'm expendable!"
• awan Cuckoo Lander
• Disability Superpower: In "Sting Operation", it's revealed that he's literally too stupid to feel pain.
• The Ditz:
"Which of the colours is blue?"

• Fearless Fool: See above.
• Feel No Pain: Also see above.
• Foot Focus: Mort is crazy over King Julien's feet. One could argue that he just likes feet in general; when Julien and Skipper trade places for one episode, Mort glomps Skipper's feet and is fascinated oleh their webbing.
• In-Series Nickname: "Sad Eyes".
• Older than They Look: Word Of God is that he's actually the kubung, pukang equivalent of a thirty-five-year-old. mouse lemurs simply look like bayi their whole lives.
• Paste Eater:
"I'll get the glue."
"To eat?!"

• Ridiculously Cute Critter
• Small Annoying Creature
• Tagalong Kid: Quite often.
• Team Pet: He's either Tagalong Kid, this atau both.
• What The Hell Is That Accent?: A completely unidentifiable one. It usually comes across as heavily warped Baby Talk.
• Yandere: Mort is quite devoted to King Julien, and not just to the royal feet.


A female berang-berang who tolerates the penguins. Playful and kind, she tries to see the best in others and is one of the only characters who cares for Mort's well-being. Voiced oleh Nicole Sullivan.
Tropes associated with Marlene:• The Chick
• Closer to Earth: In comparison to the penguins. Often overlaps with Only Sane Man.
• Expy: Arguably, she's one for Gloria the hippo and/or Alex the lion.
• Hartman Hips: At the very least, she's obviously lebih curvy than your average otter.
• Jekyll and Hyde: If she leaves the zoo grounds, she becomes feral. Dee Bradley Baker voices her feral side.
• Playful Otter: cinta of clams? Check. Playful and cute? Check.
• The Smurfette Principle: She's the only protagonistic female character.

Dr. Blowhole:

A mad scientist and primary antagonist to Skipper. At first, he was only mentioned in passing oleh Skipper, leading to Marlene's belief that he didn't exist. The half-hour "Dr. Blowhole's Revenge" showed him to be real. Voiced oleh Neil Patrick Harris.
Tropes associated with Dr. Blowhole:• Actor Allusion: A villain played oleh Neil Patrick Harris causes the cast to start bernyanyi against their will? Where have we seen that before?◦ He sings "Brand New Plan", which contains several shout outs to another Villain Song Neil Patrick Harris has sung.

• Arch-Enemy: To Skipper.
• Bigger Bad: Is mentioned as Skipper and the Penguins' Arch-Enemy, but rarely appears atau has a large effect on the series.
• Bad pantat, keledai Bookworm: He might be an extremely intelligent scientist who doesn't fight often, but when we actually see him fight, he's able to go toe to toe with Skipper in a prolonged fight.
• Disproportionate Retribution: He tried to flood the world in revenge for being used as a tampil dolphin.
• Friendly, Playful Dolphin: Subverted.
• Eye Beams: Can api a laser from his cybernetic eye.
• Giant Enemy Crab: Has lobster henchmen, and also made Crome Claw, a giant lobster with a metal claw.
• Genre Savvy: He's smart enough to know to NOT leave his enemies in a Death Trap and then leave the room, he stays to watch unless it'd kill him as well.
• Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar over his right eye that's just barely visable under the metal plate covering it.
• Hoist oleh His Own Petard: Ultimately has his memory erased oleh his own machine.
• Large Ham
• Mad Scientist
• Sapient Cetaceans
• Tailfin Walking: He stands on his tailfins on an electric scooter.
• Verbal Tic: He has habit of pronouncing penguins as "peng-you-ens". According to Kowalski, he probably does it just to tick them off. While not exactly verbal, he also has a habit of having his computer dramatically announce the names of his creates.
• Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: He fits it to an E.
• Villain Song: Get's a few in "Doctor Blowhole Strikes Back" (It Makes Sense in Context). It's actually a plot point that he gets the best songs. Most noteable being "Brand New Plan", which is a pretty straight up Villain Song. Helps he's voiced oleh Neil Patrick Harris.
• We Have Reserves
• Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Kowalski complains about bad guys always getting the coolest stuff, but it's never explained where he gets the resources required for them.
• Xanatos Speed Chess: He normally has a plan to begin with, but is far from incapable of improvising on the fly. Refrenced in "Brand New Plan", where he points out that, despite things having not gone as he planned, it'll work out perfectly for him and makes up a new plan on the fly.

For lebih info on lebih POM characters, go here!
penguin of madagascar
Julian at 0:30 XD
added by Tressa-pom
For the fanguins who couldn't watch it on Nick.
penguin of madagascar
Like neither of All are new for who Live in other countries , but anda 'll some new for All of us !!!!!!!!!!
penguin of madagascar
pinguin, penguin
I do not own the video! But it's an awesomeness song! :D
penguin of madagascar
added by DorisTheDolphin
Yup XD
Information in comment.
penguin of madagascar
penguin's lament
added by Icicle1penguin
Whoever hates Julien! Watch it! He shall die! But if anda hate blood and curse words...still watch it! :D (It was epic!...but me no likey blood & words)
penguin of madagascar
added by evviefoxx
Found this on youtube, thought it would amuse a few people.
flying penguins
added by Anchanian
Source: Anchanian
added by skipperahmad
Source: I, spmana123 (Thx for image) and PS
added by Random-Partier
Source: Me!
added by Kowalskina
added by Skiparah
Source: MS paint and Skipper XD
added by Iroto122
added by Iroto122
added by B0XFISH
Source: Me
added by B0XFISH
Source: Me
added by XxSkipperFanxX
Source: Me x)
added by Marlene1503