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Lucy Hale Pertanyaan

1 to 20, how much do anda think lucy is pretty???

 1 to 20, how much do anda think lucy is pretty???
 marcela97 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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Lucy Hale Jawaban

mrsalexrybak said:
20-She's very beautiful !
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 20-She's very beautiful ! xxx Katia
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MusicalLucyHale said:
20!!!! I think she is flawless
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 20!!!! I think she is flawless
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lizgilliesfan12 said:
20!!!!!!!!!!! She is amazing in pretty little liars:) A secret she may not teLL!!
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lucyhaleforever said:

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Nyneve said:
18. I think Lucy is a very attractive young women, definitely one of the most attractive female artis around these days. I think she out does most of the female celeb's that a lot of people hype up how attractive they are when they really are not attractive. She's cute and sweet looking as well, which adds to her being very attractive. Hope to continue seeing her in the future. I would like to see her with less makeup, I have a feeling she doesn't really need it.
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unknown__ said:
i think she has a interesting look about her shes ok looking
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insomniatic78 said:
20. She is really hot :D
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paulboy said:
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Makeupdiva said:
20, Lucy is gorgeous. With her big green eyes and luscious, thick, wavy hair.
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 20, Lucy is gorgeous. With her big green eyes and luscious, thick, wavy hair.
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raqiegie said:
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