house m.d. Club
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posted by ilurvedward
A/N: this chapter was accomplished with the brilliant brain food provided oleh CSINaomi at! pujian for her!!!
A/N: also, there might be one atau two lebih chapters after this, I am not sure yet.
Booth opened the door to the SUV for Brennan. She climbed in and gingerly buckled herself in. as Booth put the keys in the ignition and started out of the PPTH parking lot, all was silent. About 20 menit into the drive, Brennan spoke. “This thing,” she gestured in the general area of her stomach, “will be inside me for seven lebih months. What are we going to tell everyone at the lab?” she wasn’t necessarily panicky, but she dreaded the thought that her baby would take her away from her precious work.
Without taking his eyes off the road, Booth answered, with a trace of a smile, “Well, anda know Angela’s going to think it’s mine,” he paused to admire Brennan’s tinkling laugh before continuing, “so the only way anda are going to avoid that is to tell the truth. Immediately, I should think, as she will probably be able to detect a glow atau some crap like that.”
Brennan smiled, “You’re probably right. But I won’t worry about Zach until the last moment. It would probably distract him. I suppose anda are going to tell Cam.”
Booth finally looked Brennan in the eye. “Only if anda want me too.”
Brennan looked back gratefully. “That would make it so much easier.”
Booth quietly played his free hand over Brennan’s. They both smiled, and then rode the rest of the way back in a comfortable silence.
Cuddy was drifting through the hari on a cloud. House was an ass, as usual, but she thought that there was a subtle sparkle in his eyes that had been absent just the hari before. “A baby girl.” She sighed to herself. Cuddy just couldn’t imagine what had brought the decision on her friend, but it brought her susah dipercaya joy nonetheless. Joy. That was the perfect name for her future baby girl. She was about to pick up the phone and dial Tempe for some immature squealing, but then stopped as House entered the office.
“You picked out a name yet?” this berkata as he perched on the edge of her desk, “shopped for baby clothes, picked out a college, painted the nursery?” Cuddy smacked him on the butt.
“House! It’s only been a hari since I got the news! Of course I haven’t picked out her college. That’s saved for at least the detik week. And I do have a nursery in my house, thought right now it’s just an empty guest bedroom.” Teasingly she perched on House’s lap, careful not to knock him off balance. Putting her lips close to his, but not allowing any contact she continued, “I thought it would be fun to decorate it together.” Without pausing for a reaction, she kissed him, not really caring if anyone saw. It was about time that she had some fun with a man.
After what seemed like forever, House broke away, smiling. “Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. I am a cripple; unlike you, I need air.” He grunted a little as Cuddy jumped off his lap. “As to the little girl’s name, mind enlightening me?”
Cuddy laughed. “Only if anda agree to decorate the nursery with me.”
“Fine. If there’s sex involved.”
“There just might be.” A mischievous look came into Cuddy’s eyes as she saw House’s unbelieving expression. “Ok, so there definitely will be. But not till the paint dries. The baby’s name is…Joy.”
House was about to say something smart-alecky, but stopped. “Cuddy.”
She looked defensive. “What? I think it’s a perfectly appropriate,” House interrupted her.
“I think it’s perfect.” Before she could say anything, he continued. “Tomorrow we decorate the goddamned nursery. It’s a date.” Then he practically flew out the door.
Cuddy thought that hell had Frozen over. House had actually been relatively nice to her, with a on the asinine comments! She smiled as she settled back in her chair, while thinking about her Joy.
Brennan and Booth walked into the lab. Booth went off to talk to Cam while Brennan cornered Angela outside her office. “Ange, can anda come here a sec? I have something I need to talk to anda about.” She grabbed Angela’s arm, firmly, but not hurtfully, and pulled her inside the office.
“Sweetie! Are anda all better? That was a really scary faint! I tried to come along but the paramedics wouldn’t let me! Booth had to flash his badge to come along.” Angela’s eyes were full of concern and worry, which got marginally less as Brennan was quick to reassure her.
“Oh no Ange it’s ok. It was nothing serious. I’m just, well, let’s just say I’m uh- going-to-have-a-baby.” She berkata the last words in a rush, as if saying them faster would make them less of a shock on Angela. That particular endeavor was a complete failure. Angela was incoherently squealing and jumping up and down like a little girl. After about five menit she was calmed down sufficiently enough to stay in her kursi and participate in a normal conversation. She put her hand on Brennan’s stomach and cooed, “hey there little baby.” Then she looked up. “Oh Bren, I have so many questions! Is it a boy, what are anda going to name it? Who’s the dad? Oh its Booth’s isn’t it! I knew it; I just knew it all along! How far along are you?” she took a deep breath and was ready to dive back into it, but Brennan stopped it.
“Angela, stop for a second.” She smiled, “It’s a girl, I’m a little over two months, and no, Booth is not the dad. I promise.” Angela looked crestfallen.
“Then who?”She asked, a little whiney.
“Ange, I am going to need anda to beruang with me for a while. It’s a long story.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and retold the same story to her best friend that she had relayed to Booth. When she got to the part where she was all alone on the dipan, sofa after words, tears started to fall down her cheeks and she couldn’t go on. Angela, who was teary-eyed herself, immediately wrapped her best friend in a hug.
“Oh Bren. Why didn’t anda tell me? I could’ve, I don’t know, comforted anda atau something! Best friends talk to each other.” Angela looked shaken.
Brennan returned the hug with even lebih force. Through her tears she said, “I know Ange, and I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I really didn’t want to worry you. After a while I could forget. I can compartmentalize very well, anda know.” They pulled away. “One lebih thing. After the baby is born, I am not keeping it.”
Angela gasped. “But why? Brennan, anda would be a wonderful mother! And we would all help you, especially Booth.” Angela couldn’t comprehend this turn of events.
“I would cinta to have a baby, but not right now; this is not the right stage in my life. I have no doubt that anda and Booth would provide tremendous help, but I really don’t think that a baby would fit well into my lifestyle. Besides, I have found the perfect mother for her, who I suspect, is floating away on awan eight right now.” At that Angela couldn’t help but agree.
With a smile she said, “It’s awan nine, hon. Ignoring that, who’s the lucky lady that get’s to have your angel?”
Brennan cleared her throat. “You remember the woman who I had coffee with a few months back?”
Angela nodded hesitantly. “Lisa what’s-her-name.”
Brennan smiled. “Lisa Cuddy. She’s a very nice woman. She works at the hospital I was taken to. Her dearest wish is to have a baby. She’s been trying for the longest time, but nothing has worked. She would be the perfect mother, plus she has a very nice pantat, keledai of a boyfriend, who I suspect, is going to secretly cinta this little girl.”
Angela smiled too. “Well, it seems as if anda have put a lot of thought into this, so I won’t object. I will just make sure that no harm comes to this little girl while she’s floating around in your stomach.”
“Angela, anda know bayi don’t ‘float around’ they are attached by,” Angela laughed; interrupting her with,
“I know sweetie. Just a joke.”
They walked out together, only to see a weary looking Booth walking towards them. He surprised everybody with a quick peck on the cheek to Brennan. She turned slightly pink, but he didn’t notice. “I just communicated the news to Cam. She took it well I thought, considering the circumstances.” He sighed. “She sent her best wishes towards the little tyke, but she doesn’t fully understand why anda won’t keep her.”
Brennan tilted her head to the side. “Why doesn’t she tell me this herself?”
Booth laughed at her quizzical expression. “She’s doing a quick autopsy on a floater found in the Potomac.” As Brennan perked up at the thought of a case, Booth went on, “but it’s open and shut. A little boy fell into the river after running away from halaman awal a couple weeks ago. His parents reported him missing, and he was identified oleh a chain around his neck, as well as dental records. They didn’t even need you.”
Angela interjected. “I have to tell Hodgins the news. Bye!” she gave Brennan a hug and hurried off to greet the bug man.
“Booth,” Brennan sighed, “I’m getting a craving for pie.”
Booth grabbed her waste and berkata gratefully, “I was hoping you’d say something like that. I guess pregnancy has its perks after all! Now anda like pie!”
Cuddy was standing in the soon to be nursery, waiting for House. As she knew that he would be late, she was passing the time oleh staring at different colored paint splotches on the walls. There was the standard pink, and several shades of purple, green, and blue. She just couldn’t decide. She was about to give up when she heard the familiar grumble of a motorcycle engine stuttering to a stop outside her house.
Just as she was about to open the front door, a disheveled House barged in. “Hello my dear party pants. How are anda today?” he looked to be in very high spirits, which Cuddy suspected was due to a high intake of vicodin.
“Come in, come in!” Cuddy was in a hurry to get into the nursery, as it had quickly become her favorit luar angkasa in the house.
House grumbled, “Tell me there’s not stairs. I cannot handle stairs right now.”
Cuddy rolled her eyes while guiding him to the back of the house. “There are no stairs anda lazy bum.”
She opened the door to the nursery just wide enough to reveal the paint splotches. “House, I have a dilemma.” They walked inside the room together, and House stared critically at each individual sampling of color. After several menit of silence, he turned to Cuddy and berkata gravely, “Well Lisa, anda know what anda have to do.”
Cuddy stared at him. “Ummmm… I really don’t.”
House replied deadpan, “Eeny-meeny-miney-mo.”
Cuddy groaned good naturedly groaned. “House. I need anda to be serious. I called anda over hear to help me get this room in shape for Joy.”
House leaned over to her. “I am being serious! That’s what I do whenever I need to make a seriously important decision.” Pausing to whisper, “do it.”
Cuddy sighed, “Fine. I’ll just be a child like you.” She then sang to herself, pointing her finger in time with the notes. On the last, “it.” Her finger came to rest above a shade of lavender paint. “I cinta it!”
“See! I’m always right.”
“Now we should get to painting the whole room with a base, so that the lavender will stick.” She started hurrying around dumping base on to a plastic tray and getting out several rollers and paintbrushes. “I’ve already laid down tarp, so anda shouldn’t get any on the carpet. Plus these are my painting clothes so I don’t have to worry about that. How’s your cane?”
“Fine. It’s paint proof.” He answered distractedly. House had just noticed what Cuddy was wearing, and he whistled in appreciation. Being away from the hospital, Cuddy was wearing and old, white, paint splattered tee shirt, paired with low riding dark washed jeans.
Cuddy saw the direction of House’s appraising eyes, and shoved a roller into his hand. “Stop staring at my ass. Paint. Now.”
House laughed, “But mommy!”
“Shut up, house.” Then, they both began to slather the white base mantel on the walls, bernyanyi ‘Dancing Queen’ with lots of gusto on both of their parts. Suddenly, cuddy was splattered with paint. “What the-“
She looked up to see House grinning like a naughty child. “Watch it.” He looked up; made sure he had eye contact, and deliberately splattered her again. With laughing outrage Cuddy yelled, “This means WAR!” she freshly coated her paintbrush with ammo, and started along winded paint war with House. About half an jam passed, full of screaming and groping and paint. Finally, both participants of the battle called a truce and ending up and the floor laughing.
Pausing, House scooted over to an exhausted Cuddy and said, “You look so damn hot. I know the paint’s not dry yet but-“
Cuddy silenced him with a nod and a smile. She helped House up and led him down the hallway to her room. When the door closed, they were both laughing with twinkles in their eyes.
comment!!!! Please and thank you! <3
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A House and Cuddy fanvideo with the song The Reason oleh Hoobastank. They put it back!!!! It was removed from my youtube account some weeks ago. I followed HuddyCrazy saran about complaining and it worked!!! Thanks again HC!!!
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a video made oleh Lisa Edelstein fan :) amazing!
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Redfrost17 @ YT a really good vid!! I cinta it!!
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Great vid oleh sadpie
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