harry potter vs twilight 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

harry potter vs twilight 2632 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu harrypotterxx said…
Wait, I honestly CBA to see how many reasons this has, or to list why it sucks miserably, but how many reasons DO you have?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Hole on, i'll repost the list
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
I'm just reposting this

quit saying there are no reasons here. They're here, they're just not numbered (everything is copy and pasted. i added numbers)

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.
2. they are written so anyone can read and understand without the use of your dictionary
3. Twilight goes more in depth with the emotions. You can feel Bella's pain when Edward leaves her. You can feel her confusion between Edward and Jacob. You can feel her love for Renesmee
4. Because unlike Harry no one thoughts are actually that deep and intellectual
5. Alice is a fun, bubbly character. Not all of them are dull.
6. Who says wanting a bf is a crime? I dont think so. Some people do better with a boy than friends. that person is bella.
7. Also, this is FANTASY! It doesn't have to be "well, the characters are more real." Fantasy books aren't Meant to be real! Books w/ aleins are fantasy. Aleins (probably) aren't real!
8. Rosalie and Emmett. They are the most realistic of all the Cullens.
9. twilight was romantic
10. it was a book/movie tht lead its readers/watchers deeper into it
11. there is a happy ending.
12. there is a battle between good and evil
13. sparklepyres or vampires, call them how you like - they have more nobility, more education, they are more fun, have more attractiveness than lots and lots of ordinary people. Wizards are interesting too but they don't have immortality on their side, nor the eternal beauty or that charming sweet smell ;)
14. it is important to anticipate te ending of a story - this is everyones mind exercise - but the Twilight series is not just "about a sappy love story that could have reached its happy ending in 4 seconds". If the reader gets cought up in the events of the story, the success of that story is sure. The complexity of the Twilight characters is obvious, and furthermore one can see the process of evolution that they go through in the 4 books.
15. she has a normal life, she goes to school and afterwords she hangs out with her boyfriend.
16. you know her emotions and you realise why she does things. you can feel the love true the screen when you watch it. I don't feel any emotions accept feer when I watch HP but thats my view on it.
17. The book puts you in an average place: Forks, Washington. It's a rather normal place with normal people. Therefore, people can relate easier because they don't have to get past the "immaginative"(for lack of a better word) setting that is Harry Potter(big fan though).
18. Bella has separated parents. I personally don't, but I know that some people's parents might have this relationship. People who know about the relationship can relate to Bella's family problems easier.
19. Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. At my high school, we don't study Charms or Tranfiguration but Math and Science. Bella's freinds can be stated as the stereotypes in high schools. I haven't read the series since the first time, which was around a year and a half ago, so I can't go in depth about this.
20. Sparked the want to read in many teenage minds that had never really liked reading before.
21. It's a great fantasy series, like our Harry Potter, that can make you forget the perils of real life, by finding how others deal with more exaggerated problems.
22. For those who say Twilight has but one emotion, love, I argue that and say it also has pain. Bella doesn't want to have to choose between Edward and Jacob but she has to, and it kills her everday that she hurt Jacob.
23. Also, it's not healthy to be that depressed when someone leaves you, but he was get whole world. I know that's not healthy either, but he was her first love. Everyone goes a little crazy thier first time.
24. We say that Twilight is better because it has that Romeo and Juliet aspect. Bella and Edward are also star-crossed lovers and nothing can keep them apart. A good love story can always find it's was into the hearts and minds if people. Have any of you read Wuthering Heights? Another good example of star-crossed lovers. (and it was a superb book).
25. I would also like to add that it is perhaps a good thing that Stephenie Meyer didn't kill off any important characters. I've seen a lot of grief around the web when our favourite characters died in the Harry Potter series (Requiescant in pace Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, Tonks, all four Marauders and the hundreds of good witches and wizards in Europe...). So Twilight is perhaps better in the aspect that none of the fans favourite characters died...
26. Those vamps' powers from all over the world were kind of cool. I especially like Zafrina's.
27. Its creative! Of course, there are cliche's but beyond the obvious, many parts are creative

Like Zafrinas
28. They are addicting books. Once you start reading them you get hooked. That was for me at least I know its not everyone.
29. the plot is good
30. At least they talk about reliegon even 4 a short while
31. Meyer is creative she even made her own type of vampire
32. he movie may not be faithful to the book but at least the cast are good
33. IT has a graphic novel
34. Stephenie Meyer did her research and found a place like Forks so the vampires could be outside. JK just made one up.
35. It's vampires living in a normal world, not vampires living in a vampire world undercover.
36. The sparkles are so unique and creative. They're not stupid.
37. They are immortal and they do have to survive on blood. I do agree that they aren't exactly like traditional vampires, but they still have some of the main traits.
38. twilight has passion,mystery,sadness
39. its interesting
40. its won mtv movie awards for the best movie of the year when new moon came out and the halfblood prince it was twilight who won the best movie of the year.
41. besides the characters being hot, when you read the books you instantly fall inlove with the character edward and the book has no pictures edwards personality in the books and movies is just charming and jacob hes so sweet.
42. twilight is also a little more realistic (even though its still fake) it doesnt say vampires die in the sunlight and they dont sleep in coffins in twilight its a normal person life goin two skool and everyting but in harry potter its the story we here over and over posions wands brooms and witches i like hp but twilight is better and it will always be my favorite
43. Harry Potter only depends in his wand and Edward Cullen can read his mind to know how and when and even how harry'll attack.
44. And alice can know(Harry's only human after all,weak) the future
45. Some could say Twilight is a better book because it has more romance (DISCLAIMER: I am definetly not saying that HP doesn’t have romance- just less). Romance apparently appeals more to teens.
46. Maybe Twi-fans could relate more to the feeling of indecision? Or the feeling of having to choose between two loved ones? I’m not too sure if that happens in HP (maybe when Hermione had to choose between Ron and Harry in DH? But, that was smaller scale).
47. Well, I have to admit it… Meyer does describe Bella’s feelings pretty well. Jo is a WAY better describer on most parts… but on feelings, I personally believe that Meyer does it almost on Jo’s level.

“Just because you like something, and someone doesn't, that DOES NOT make them stupider, dumber or beneath you. “ –A nice quote to toss in the mix

48. Twilight is inspirational, just look at how many great fan fics there are!
49. Twilight was probably more difficult to write because of the location and surroundings of the main characters.

In Harry Potter, sure these people are different, but they spent most of the story among their own kind. They didn't really have to hide who they are . In Twilight, they had to hide who they were from everyone except from theirselves. (excluding from when Bella found out and their interactions with the werewolves)
50. The Twilight books show a higher sense of maturity. (larger words, more adult themes. And by adult, I don't mean sexual)

You can't really say that is because Harry Potter is more kid friendly because HP has a lot more death and adults killing children... Voldemort trying to kill a baby...
51. Stephenie Meyer tried something new and risky. She wasn't afraid to venture away from the path most vampire novelists take. She did something different from what most people consider a "real vampire" to be.

(It's not against any rule to change what a vampire is because first of all, it's a fiction. Second of all, vampires are not real. You can do whatever you want with them, as long as you stay with the main theme, as Meyer did)
52. Stephenie's vampires are original. How did Rowling's wizards differ from original wizards? She just invented a couple more spells, filled in a few blanks, etc., but the basic wizard and HP wizards are the same.
53. Twilight shows a real approuch to situations. Not everyone goes out and persuits someone and fights them in revenge, which is seen in Harry Potter all the time.
54. Real people do not have courage like harry and his trio. (another situation) In twilight, all the characters , as much of their pride were realistic in the fact that they were frightened from their enemie. Like for not one second was Harry ever scared of Voldemort and was strong and brave. Harry Pottter always wins his battles. Victory is sooo cliche, Twilight reconcises defeat(in small doeses), which is always good to read.
55. There is a love triangle in Eclispe between Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Love triangles can happen in real life.
56. Plot line of the first book:
Exposition: Edward reveals himself as a vampire
Rising action: James decides to hunt Bella
Climax: Bella goes to meet James and is captured.
Falling Action: Cullens show up and save the day.
Resolution: Bella is safe (as far as they know at this point) Edward denies her request to make her into a vampire.
57. And there's more to the story than Bella falling in love with a vampire when referring to the whole series. There's the threats it puts on her life and all everyone needs to go through to get her out of it. There's the sacrifice she makes for love. The whole Jacob thing..
58. Bella and Edward - The Average Girl Gets the Hot Guy
Bella Swan, the main character, (played by Kristen Stewart) drives an ugly truck and doesn’t dress with any style. She loves to read and is an introvert, not a cheerleader. Her friends are few and her home life is less than stellar. However, it is she who Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson) is attracted to.

59. Edward loves Bella to the exclusion of all else. He protects her, worries about her and takes care of her. He is devoted to her and considers her needs far above his own. In Twilight, Edward tells Bella, “You are my life.” In New Moon (the second book in the series) he says, “You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world.” And in Eclipse (the third book) Edward declares, “You are my first priority.”
60. The fact that Edward is sincere in what he says to Bella makes the Twilight series especially gratifying to readers. These books are not merely fantasies, but love stories. Girls are swept off their feet by Edward’s maturity and thoughtfulness. They appreciate his compassionate nature and loving concern for Bella.

61. Bella is a True Friend
Although many people in the community of Forks, Washington find Edward scary and dangerous, Bella only sees the good in him. She sticks by him even after learning the secret he harbors; Edward is a vampire. In the same way, she is also fiercely loyal to Jacob (her best friend). Upon discovering that Jacob is a werewolf, Bella is unphased. She asserts that their friendship will prevail.
62. Bella is the type of friend that girls want. She is accepting and trustworthy. Her values are not skewed by society. She remains faithful, reliable and devoted to her friends.
63. Edward is a Gentleman
Edward is Bella’s knight in shining armor. He treats Bella with respect in all situations. He refuses to have sex outside of marriage because he wants everything to be perfect when it comes to her. He drives when they go out, takes care of her every need and is polite and courteous to her father. He even holds her and sings to her.
64. Edward is so popular because girls love the way he treats Bella. Girls want to be treated like a lady, they want the guy to take charge, make plans for dates and be respectful. So what makes Edward so appealing? He isn’t pushy or boorish, but classy and sophisticated. He is smart and well read, mannered and considerate. Edward truly loves Bella and wants whatever is best for her.
65. The slight attempts to add romance to Harry Potter weren't that great.
66. Twilight teaches us that people aren't ugly.
67. it was a love story... And people can relate to love more than magic, which is a totally nonexistent thing
68. The fact that Bella got sad doesn't make her weak.
69. -The villians are much more realistic.
70. I always considered the antagonist in Twilight to be the actual natural vampire instincts, not the instinctual vampires.
The Cullens battled with their instincs constantly. The battled against vampires acting on those instincts. Bella battles against Renesmee's instincts for a bit. There was Edward's natural hatred for Jacob.
71. Teenagers are capable of being in love, as displayed in Harry Potter.
72. I believe everyone is good, in the sense that no physical character is evil.

From what I've observed, the biggest struggles people encounter have little to do with other people as individuals.
The vampiric instincts is the evil. Resistance is the good. The vampires that resist are the ones who can be trusted, and the ones who don't, can't.
73. It's different in Breaking Dawn, though.

In BD, some human killing vampires are on the good side because the struggle changes. The evil is now interpretation (which in real life almost always causes huge problems). All being willing to assist in clearing it up are the good guys. All those not willing or those who misinterpret are the bad guys.

No character actually does anything evil, but they represent evil aspects of life.
74. Stephenie Meyer took ideals and made them into literal situations. i.e. Love is eternal-Vampires are eternal, and for Bella, she needs to be a vampire to love forever,

Good vs. Evil-Resisting temptation is good. Giving in is evil.

Good vs. Evil-Intolerence and Passing judgement without knowing all the facts is evil. Knowledge and understanding is good.
75. Twilight teaches you that you don't have to do or be what everyone expexts you to do or be (human killing vamires)
76. You can do anything you set your mind to. (Defeat villains, become a vampire despite what others want)
77. Good things come to those who wait (Love and happiness for Edward.)
78. Bella got to know Edward over time.. At first, it was infatuation, as it begins with all relationships. Bella jumped the gun by saying she was unconditionally in love, which happens with real people too, but it eventually catches up with her.
Edward knew her well before he said he was in love with her.
79. Similar obscure taste in music and literature. (obscure in the sense that it's not the most popular) That alone can be enough to provide strong, lasting bonds for some people.
They both live without at least one of their parents.
They both feel unworthy of one another. Something that keeps them apart, yet holds them together.

Being with someone exactly like yourself is no fun.
80. Then there's being somewhat shy and being introverted.
81. More, they're both very stubborn, compassionate, polite, determined, they both tend to overreact, overanalytical, the both put the other before themselves. They have a lot more in common personality wise than the do preference wise.
82. There's less cursing in Twilight/ it doesn't get kids into cursing
83. Twilight doesn't encourage setting your teachers on fire
84. Twilight doesn't encourage experimenting on animals.
85. In Twiliught, they didn't let the kids get away with in school violence
86. Twilight doesn't condone violence in the workplace
87. In Twilight, the Teachers don't hit their students

The reasons are scarce becuause there are only a few people listing them.

I don't agree with all of them, but they're there.

I remember some HP quote “We lose our powers when we lose our voices”
The voices aren’t all gone yet."

Someone else also posted this. I haven't read all of them, and I don't like all of them, but they're there too.

1. Because Twilight is about romantic love. Yeah, Harry Potter is about love, but it is so broad.
2. The love of boy-and-girl is easier to read than the fight of a wizard against the wizarding world.
3. Harry Potter is so complicated. Twilight is not.
4. Harry Potter is too long. It has seven books and Twilight Series has only four.
5. Harry Potter has so many characters.
6. Twilight names are readable. I mean don't get me wrong. I used to read Hermione as Her-mi-yown before the movie releases.
7. Unconditional love of Edward to Bella. I know there are so many kind of unconditional love in Harry Potter but in Twilight, it focuses on romantic unconditional love. Of how much a boy loves his girl.
8. Edward can't live without Bella. I mean, the book doesn't encourage suicide (in Edward's part, I go to Bella's suicidal attempt later) it only shows that he can not live without his midnight sun.
9. Edward has no life since he was turned to vampire. He's the perfect example of a living dead but when he met Bella, she becomes Edward's life.
10. That is why he have the right to think to sparkle in Italy in public so the Volturi will have enough reason to sentence his death. At least, he didn't kill himself. Right? :)
11. The description of Bella that Edward is hot despite of his cold, cold, cold, pale skin. It makes me think that you can be hot and cold at the same time. It's somehow cool.
12. Meyer just created the new definition of vampire. That's make her very imaginative.
13. Her vampire sparkle instead of burning in the sun. How many of you thought about that before Twilight? No one.
14. Her vampire can't sleep instead of sleeping in coffin.
15. Her vampire sucks blood of animals instead of humans. They are vampire. That only shows how they fight immorality instead of killing innocent people.
16. If Lord Voldemort wanted immorality why can't he ask Edward to suck his blood? Or Jasper.
17. Lord Voldemort wanted immorality. Edward doesn't. He just don't have a choice.
18. Edward never fall for any girl and remained virgin for over one hundred year. He offered his body to Bella untouched. In our generation, men usually wanted just sex for relationship. That's very sweet of him.
19. Edward struggle a lot on how to stay away or to stay with Bella because he's dangerous. That is something. Indeed, a story.
20. Edward can read minds.
21. He never look for another girl. That is something that girls wanted their man to be.
22. He is very faithful to Bella.
23. Vampires and Shareshifters doesn't need a wand to make themselves powerful.
24. Meyer didn't use magic for entertainment purposes.
25. Meyer just wrote what her heart is saying and that is something teenage girls can really feel.
26. I respect Stephen King for his opinion but he should also understand that the target readers of the series are teenage girls. Not old men.
27. He really can't appreciate Meyer's writing if he writes about horror and Meyer writes about romantic love.
28. There are too many spells/charms/curses in Harry Potter. Vampires don't need any of these.
29. They arm strong and fast by nature.
30. Both Edward and Jacob are hot. Please don't let me spare this reason.
31. Again, Meyer is very creative to think that werewolves can change anytime they want to without the help of full moon.
32. Bella is a weak character just like any other girls. I am not generalizing.
33. If a character is so strong like Hermione I don't think any boy might offer her help because she could intimidate boys.
34. Jacob is a true friend even though he fell in love for Bella.
35. Meyer is smart for creating Renesme for Jacob. At least he didn't let Jacob suffer in a heartbreak.
36. Edward is not pedophile because even he's over one hundred and fell in love with seventeen year old. He didn't want to live and consider himself dead when he was turned. That makes him seventeen forever.
37. So as Jacob. Renesme grew fast.
38. It makes you think why apple is the cover of Twilight instead of twilight.
39. Bella is a classic example of a girl who knows how to cook.
40. Meyer is the American Rowling of America.
41. I feel bad for Meyer because her series is newer than Rowling.
42. If Twilight was created in 1997 and Harry in 2005, I bet Rowling would have been tag as the English Meyer. :)
43. If both Twilight and Harry Potter created 1997 I bet we have the same number of fans.
44. Jacob is a sweet friend.
45. So as Alice.
46. She can also see the future unlike fraud Trelawney who wears wierd stuff and needs a crystal ball.
46. Jasper can control emotions.
47. Jane could kill you with a stare. Could any wizard could do this without the help of wand? No.
48. Our villain, the Volturi is not that bad as Death Eaters. You can talk to them in a friendly way.
49. Violence is not a solution in any situation. That is the theme of Breaking Dawn.
50. Vampires talking in Breaking Dawn instead of fighting is a perfect example of world peace. Yeah. Let there be peace on earth. :)
51. Bella is in love with Edward without any reasons. That what is really love. You love a person without a reason.
52. Before, vampires are evil. Now, they are the boyfriend a teenage girl wanted to have. You could really go with Meyer's world.
53. If Harry and Edward were in a duel, I mean man to man. Without any magic. Who would you think will sparkle.
54. Meyer never uses the word fang in her series yet it talks about vampire. Brilliant!
55. Rowling can never go on with her story if she'll omit the word wand. :)
56. Harry Potter has many stories. Stories about Weasleys. Dark lord. Snape. Lily. And even a rat. I meant scabbers that is so hard to memorize.
57. Meyer focuses only about Bella.
58. Bella is very much in love with Edward that will risk even her own life.
59. How many books have you read that the hero kisses the heroine and the heroine faints? Only Twilight book.
60. That makes Meyer original.
61. Carlisle suffered a lot by stitching some humans even though it was like a very delicious food for him.
62. Instead of killing people, Carlisle saves people. How cool is that?
63. Hermione ditches her father and mother in the last book for her friends to think that she's the only child. Selfish.
64. Yeah, Bella ditches her friends but it's not that she's very close to them. It's not just like that.
65. There's no Rita Skeeter and Umbridge in Twilight.
66. Meyer didn't need to research and stuff. All she needed was to dream. Then poof! One of the best-selling novels.
67. Rowling took a lot of time to finish the first book.
68. What if Meyer took a lot of time for her book, she'll beat Rowling in an instant and will be twice millionaire.
69. Even if the books are full of grammatical errors, it was still understandable.
70. Meyer is creative.
71. Edward can carry a bus with one hand. Can Harry do that?
72. If it wasn't for Hermione and Ron, Harry has been dead since book one.
73. Most interesting prequel: Edward's life before Bella rather than Harry's ten years in cupboard. :)
74. When Harry was asked how was his first kiss with Cho. He answered: wet. Duh! What's wet? His pants? Of course it's obvious that in kissing lips was wet.
75. Harry Potter taught us war. Twilight taught us to be peaceful.
76. Harry Potter taught us bloody vengeance. Twilight taught us to be calm no matter how dangerous you are.
77. Renesme is awesome because she's half mortal and half immortal. Cool!
78. Edward can't read the mind of the woman he only loves. That's a little bit entertaining.
79. There are no pale wizards like pale vampires.
80. Wizarding life were based on their wands. That's all.
81. Bella is unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Edward. That's something.
82. Lord Voldemort would've been kill in the first book if he weren't so stupid.
83. Sirius was killed because of Harry's stupidity.
84. No one died in Twilight. Many of us prefer happily-ever-after.
85. How could you be happy if Fred's died? I mean how about George?
86. And Dobby! The only elf that has actually a brain. Rowling would've killed Kreacher but not Dobby.
87. And Hedwig. I mean how come Hedwig tried to save Harry's life in the movie?
88. There were so many stories in the movies in Harry Potter that weren't written in the book. Epic fail.
89. Not like Twilight series.
90. The movies were rushed because they don't want the fans to wait for so long.
91. We believe that love conquer it all! Without dying.
92. Sorry but we don't want to cry because our hero or heroine died.
93. If Rowling was that strong enough to kill a character, why not Harry?
94. She made a very cheesy ending there.
95. In Breaking Dawn, you're expecting a war. But it didn't happen.
96. In Deathly Hallows, you're expecting a war that will end like Voldemort will die and Harry will live. It happened.
97. Who's the predictable book now?
98. I would've been surprised if Rowling killed Harry. I mean seriously.
99. In Twilight, love is all that matter.
100. In Harry Potter, magic is all that matter."
lebih dari setahun yang lalu whispofflame said…
Sorry, but I can't help myself. I don't like reason's that are not true. Opinions are opinions, true, but come on.

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.
- If you want a simple minded, obsessive character sure. Congratz, twilight, you beat HP is the "my book has less character depth than yours," contest

2. they are written so anyone can read and understand without the use of your dictionary
- I have never used a dictionary to read Harry Potter. However, I did, in fact, use my brain. Moreover, my vocabulary has improved because of this book. Not to say that Stephanie Meyer does use a few good sized words (which I have, in fact, used a dictionary for)

3. Twilight goes more in depth with the emotions. You can feel Bella's pain when Edward leaves her. You can feel her confusion between Edward and Jacob. You can feel her love for Renesmee.
- Simple minded love is not in depth. I have read Twilight multiple times, where as I've read Harry Potter only once, and I have felt so much more when I read Harry Potter. I can go on and on about any single character in Harry Potter from only reading it once more than I ever could for a main character in Twilight, despite all the many times I read the book.
4. Because unlike Harry no one thoughts are actually that deep and intellectual
- I find that Harry Potter's thoughts are much like my own. At times, mine are even more cryptic than his and I'm a sophomore.
5. Alice is a fun, bubbly character. Not all of them are dull.
- There are so many character traits put into each and every character in Harry Potter. Most of Twilight's characters are one sided.

Alice, the bubbly one
Rosalie, the jealous one
Emit, the strong, perverted one
Jasper, the shy and conflicted one
Edward, the corny one
Bella, the obsessed one
Twilight characters are also essentially either good or evil. Hermione is described as smart and brave, but also bossy and annoying. Harry grew increasingly afraid that he would turn into Voldemort. Ron was the obnoxious one, but also showed great bravery and self sacrifice.
6. Who says wanting a bf is a crime? I dont think so. Some people do better with a boy than friends. that person is bella.
- That's not a reason, that is support for a reason not listed.
7. Also, this is FANTASY! It doesn't have to be "well, the characters are more real." Fantasy books aren't Meant to be real!
Books w/ aleins are fantasy. Aleins (probably) aren't real!
- Twilight is based in the "real" world. Edward says that vampires shouldn't exist. Being fantasy doesn't give the excuse to lack realistic qualities, it makes it a crapload of hyperbolies

8. Rosalie and Emmett. They are the most realistic of all the Cullens.
- See number 7. I do, however agree, though they are also the ones who are mentioned the least.
9. twilight was romantic
- Harry and Ginny...Ron and Hermione... Possible Luna/Neville and others (SEVEN YEARS OF ROMANCE)
10. it was a book/movie tht lead its readers/watchers deeper into it
-You can only go so deep into a book that covers the course of about two years. Only so many times you can describe how hopelessly obsessed Bella was with Edward. I don't see the pull in that.
11. there is a happy ending.
- Happy endings aren't always GOOD endings. I was waiting on people to die.
12. there is a battle between good and evil
- They TALKED in Twilight, they BATTLED in Harry Potter.
13. sparklepyres or vampires, call them how you like - they have more nobility, more education, they are more fun, have more attractiveness than lots and lots of ordinary people. Wizards are interesting too but they don't have immortality on their side, nor the eternal beauty or that charming sweet smell ;)
- There are characters in HP that are actually noble. Immortality is in no way normal, and most of the characters in Twilight are immortal, so how can there be lots and lots of "normal" people.
14. it is important to anticipate te ending of a story - this is everyones mind exercise - but the Twilight series is not just "about a sappy love story that could have reached its happy ending in 4 seconds". If the reader gets caught up in the events of the story, the success of that story is sure. The complexity of the Twilight characters is obvious, and furthermore one can see the process of evolution that they go through in the 4 books.
-Uh..WHAT? Anticipation and interpretation are two totally different things. Its great to not be able to wait for an ending, but what isn't great is having to read four books knowing full well just how the book is going to end. Also, the characters in Harry Potter are far more complex and unpredictable. Can't say the same for Twilight.

If Bella is in trouble, we KNOW Edward is going to be there somehow to save her..or Jacob.
If Ron is dangling off a cliff, we can only HOPE he gets saved because we all know JK isn't afraid to kill off her people.
15. she has a normal life, she goes to school and afterwords she hangs out with her boyfriend.
- Obsession on that level is not normal.
Harry Potter goes to a boarding school (very normal in UK and other countries.) He takes classes, actually worries about his grades, and struggles with teachers. He grows, faces REAL problems. Worries about girls, bullies and even his own friends at times. (Has there ever been a moment where you have never doubted someone?) Heck, he even goes through puberty. I'd label that as normal.
16. you know her emotions and you realise why she does things. you can feel the love true the screen when you watch it. I don't feel any emotions accept feer when I watch HP but thats my view on it.
- If you can't feel the love Harry has for his friends that shoes through in his bravery, or his anxiety then you are not paying any attention to the book or movie at all. The reason it's easy to know why Bella does what she does is simple, because there is only one reason.
17. The book puts you in an average place: Forks, Washington. It's a rather normal place with normal people. Therefore, people can relate easier because they don't have to get past the "immaginative"(for lack of a better word) setting that is Harry Potter(big fan though).
- I had a harder time personally getting use to forks just as much to Harry Potter.
18. Bella has separated parents. I personally don't, but I know that some people's parents might have this relationship. People who know about the relationship can relate to Bella's family problems easier.
- Everyone can relate to death. Everyone.
19. Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. At my high school, we don't study Charms or Tranfiguration but Math and Science. Bella's freinds can be stated as the stereotypes in high schools. I haven't read the series since the first time, which was around a year and a half ago, so I can't go in depth about this.
-Uh.. have we forgotten Harry was raised as a muggle and didn't just jump into the world of magic? He reacted, he adjusted, and therefore we did too.
I would also like to say that Edwards whole "family" are vampires. Jacob(bellas BEST friend, stated herself) is a werewolf (sorry, shapeshifter)I would not classify her friends/boyfriend as normal.
20. Sparked the want to read in many teenage minds that had never really liked reading before.
- And Harry Potter didnt? Harry Potter had morals too!
21. It's a great fantasy series, like our Harry Potter, that can make you forget the perils of real life, by finding how others deal with more exaggerated problems.
- This is not a reason. This is saying T/and HP are the same in a sense.
22. For those who say Twilight has but one emotion, love, I argue that and say it also has pain. Bella doesn't want to have to choose between Edward and Jacob but she has to, and it kills her everday that she hurt Jacob.
- Harry Potter has love and pain/ as well as angst, accomplishment, self realization, joy, anxiety, confusion, hurt, growth, depression, self sacrifice...and the list goes on .
23. Also, it's not healthy to be that depressed when someone leaves you, but he was get whole world. I know that's not healthy either, but he was her first love. Everyone goes a little crazy thier first time.
- Harry had to deal with the fact that his first love was in love with a dead boy. Then, his first love ratted them out. His second love, which actually loved him back, couldn't be with him because of the treat of Voldemort, but he didn't sink into a depression so bad that he couldn't continue. Neither did Ginny. Bella stil had her friends, her family, both parents, but she ignored them to sulk over one boy.
24. We say that Twilight is better because it has that Romeo and Juliet aspect. Bella and Edward are also star-crossed lovers and nothing can keep them apart. A good love story can always find it's was into the hearts and minds if people. Have any of you read Wuthering Heights? Another good example of star-crossed lovers. (and it was a superb book).

- Not to bash the person that wrote this comment, really I'm not trying to. But to address the comments that say that Twilight is the modern Romeo and Juliet..that is ridiculous. R&J is a TRAGEDY! It is officially in the genre as a tragedy. Both of them die in the end because of jealously and betrayal. How is this in ANY WAY comparable to Twilight. They are two completely different books all together. Sorry, but just no. Also, Romeo and J. couldn't be together because of their families not getting along and titles. Bella's dad like the Cullen's just fine, even appraised them.

25. I would also like to add that it is perhaps a good thing that Stephenie Meyer didn't kill off any important characters. I've seen a lot of grief around the web when our favourite characters died in the Harry Potter series (Requiescant in pace Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, Tonks, all four Marauders and the hundreds of good witches and wizards in Europe...). So Twilight is perhaps better in the aspect that none of the fans favourite characters died...
- Yes, it's always great, but it adds so much depth to a book when the author is willing to sacrifice a character.
26. Those vamps' powers from all over the world were kind of cool. I especially like Zafrina's.
- Valid point, but Wizards powers are almost infinite in what they can do with practice in their own willpower.
27. Its creative! Of course, there are cliche's but beyond the obvious, many parts are creative

Like Zafrinas
- Give me a specific explained example.
28. They are addicting books. Once you start reading them you get hooked. That was for me at least I know its not everyone.
- Can't really argue this one, matter of opinion. But, I know many who have read HP multiple times as well.
29. the plot is good
- Not a reason. So, is HP's.
30. At least they talk about reliegon even 4 a short while
- Yet they don't claim any. Besides, not everyone shares the same religion, which is probably why Stephanie Meyer left out any specific text. Although, if you are familiar with religious symbols, you can find many allusions to them in her book. She has references without directly putting them word for word in the book.
31. Meyer is creative she even made her own type of vampire
- JK created every single spell in Hp from actual Latin. This inclused uses, limitations, and exceptions. She created a whole new school, new subjects, stereo types, A WHOLE OTHER WORLD.

32. he movie may not be faithful to the book but at least the cast are good
- I would disagree.
33. IT has a graphic novel
- Harry Potter has a larger fan base and it's own theme park. :)
34. Stephenie Meyer did her research and found a place like Forks so the vampires could be outside. JK just made one up.
- Again...LATIN SPELLS THAT WHEN TRANSLATED ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE. Little Whining is an actual place.. most muggle places mentioned are as well.
35. It's vampires living in a normal world, not vampires living in a vampire world undercover.
- Muggles outnumber wizards. Therefore, it's wizards living in a normal world as well. Also, the prime minister (muggle) knows about wizards.
36. The sparkles are so unique and creative. They're not stupid.
- No comment.
37. They are immortal and they do have to survive on blood. I do agree that they aren't exactly like traditional vampires, but they still have some of the main traits.
- Supporting detail, not main reason.
38. twilight has passion,mystery,sadness
- So is HP, matter of opinion
39. its interesting
- matter of opinion
40. its won mtv movie awards for the best movie of the year when new moon came out and the halfblood prince it was twilight who won the best movie of the year.
- Funny, because most Twilighters would agree the books are not like the movies. Also, HP has won much more awards.
41. besides the characters being hot, when you read the books you instantly fall inlove with the character edward and the book has no pictures edwards personality in the books and movies is just charming and jacob hes so sweet.
- You could say the same thing about HP.
42. twilight is also a little more realistic (even though its still fake) it doesnt say vampires die in the sunlight and they dont sleep in coffins in twilight its a normal person life goin two skool and everyting but in harry potter its the story we here over and over posions wands brooms and witches i like hp but twilight is better and it will always be my favorite
- Some points apply for HP as well
43. Harry Potter only depends in his wand and Edward Cullen can read his mind to know how and when and even how harry'll attack.
- Don't know that for sure. What's to say that Harry wouldn't be like Bella. Edwards wouldn't even know how to counter spells. If taken by surprise, he's defenseless. I'm sure the killing curse could take out a vamp (who can still be killed so they aren't really immortal in the first place)
44. And alice can know(Harry's only human after all,weak) the future
- Divination..prophecies.. Hp has em too. Alice can't see that which is unpredictable.
45. Some could say Twilight is a better book because it has more romance (DISCLAIMER: I am definetly not saying that HP doesn’t have romance- just less). Romance apparently appeals more to teens.
-Yes, perhaps, but really only teens and young adults. HP can be enjoyed by more age groups.
46. Maybe Twi-fans could relate more to the feeling of indecision? Or the feeling of having to choose between two loved ones? I’m not too sure if that happens in HP (maybe when Hermione had to choose between Ron and Harry in DH? But, that was smaller scale).
- Smaller scale? Hmm, should Hermione go after Ron and jepordize Harry's mission in destroying the horcruxes, giving up any hopes of truly killing off old voldy. Then, Harry is left without protection, and could die..meaning voldy would win.. and everyone else would become enslaved and millions of people would be killed...

Or.. should Bella choose the stalker or the boy who's in love with her daughter?
47. Well, I have to admit it… Meyer does describe Bella’s feelings pretty well. Jo is a WAY better describer on most parts… but on feelings, I personally believe that Meyer does it almost on Jo’s level.
- That's giving credit to HP.

“Just because you like something, and someone doesn't, that DOES NOT make them stupider, dumber or beneath you. “ –A nice quote to toss in the mix

48. Twilight is inspirational, just look at how many great fan fics there are!
- Harry Potter has more..and I don't see how Twilight is inspirational.
49. Twilight was probably more difficult to write because of the location and surroundings of the main characters.
61. Bella is a True Friend
Although many people in the community of Forks, Washington find Edward scary and dangerous, Bella only sees the good in him. She sticks by him even after learning the secret he harbors; Edward is a vampire. In the same way, she is also fiercely loyal to Jacob (her best friend). Upon discovering that Jacob is a werewolf, Bella is unphased. She asserts that their friendship will prevail.
87. In Twilight, the Teachers don't hit their students
- I don't recall any of this, and even if there is... Twilight is based in the REAL world. In the real world, this DOES happen...
It's horrible, but it does.


Now, I didn't come to bash, but only to set facts straight. Argue with valid facts, not just opinions. And if they are opinions, great, but back them up with facts that are correct.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
They were backed up with facts. they're scattered all over this forum. They weren't all random words people spat out, like in the other forum. I didn't collect all the reasons and the supporting facts because it was too much to do.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Wait wait wait, UR CALLING YOURSELF A SPARKLY VAMPIRE? I can relate more to Harry than HIM!? And I'm not just saying that cuz I'm an HP fan, Rowling was being creative unlike Meyer to MAKE UP WORDS. IF U LISTEN/READ U CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY MEAN. LOVE? LOVE? DON'T GET ME STARTED? U CAN FEEL THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RON AND MIONE, THE PAIN GINNY'S GOING THROUGH WATCHING HARRY FALL FOR THE WRONG GIRL.!? Well Harry's parents are dead?! what u gotta say about tht? And NO all your facts DO NOT Back it up, I still believe HP Is better than Twilight.. here are MY reasons
1) Harry Potter is an orphan trying to get thorugh his life, a lot of people can understand the pain with Dudley, and the Dursleys
2)Every page you turn there is something new going on.
3) Harry Potter has a fan park, do u see one for Twilight? No.
4) You can relate to the characters
5) Vampires DON'T sparkle,
6) Have you seen Vampires Suck? Yeah its making fun of Twilight, do you see a movie making fun of HP? No.
7) Harry Potter fans can do something WITH there knowledge of it, sort them into houses, ETCCC...
8) NO HP TEACHERS HIT? Snape is a discipline, and puts there heads INTO the books, but certainly DOES NOT HIT.
9) Bella a true friend? WHAT? Hermione, luna, Ginny, true friends, they DO SOMETHING IN LIFE.
10) When Hermione looses her love, she does something, when Bella looses her love, She crawls up in a ball and doesn't do anything.
11)twilight has passion,mystery,sadness? YEAH RIGHT...Sadness, Woo hoo Edward leave, pass around the drinks, Mystery? What? U didn't know Jacob was a wolf? PASSION? WHAT PASSION?!
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
If relating to Twilight meant you're calling yourself a "sparkling vampire", relating to Harry Potter means you're calling yourself an orphan wizard.
There are so many writers out there that don't make up words. Making up words doesn't make you good.
I didn't feel any relationships or pain while reading HP.
You're reasons are pretty lame

that's what i have to say
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Have you seen "Epic Movie"? It's from the same people who made "Vampires Suck" Here's a clip.

Here's a better quality clip
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
1) It teaches about the importance of love and friendship.
2) In Twilight, everyone looks/sounds/acts like their on meth
3) It don't sell SEX., like emma watson said.,
4) It teaches you don't need money to be great. It teaches that age doesn't matter. It teaches that books and cleverness aren't everything. Not to be selfless.
5) When Bella's love leaves, she crumbles around in a forest, when Hermione's love leaves, she helps the world.
6) it works on soooooo many levels, apeals to all ages
7) The events are unpredictable., not like twilight=The boy always saves the girl!
8) Hermione doesnt always need saving, she kicks butt, Unlike Bella.
9) Harry Potter (in my opinion) had much better detail than Twilight.
10) Harry Potter is a bit of everything. There is action, suspense, romance, comedy, thrills. Every square inch of Twilight is "EDWARD IS SO GORGEOUS!"
11) .K Rowling was inspired to write Harry Potter by her past. Stephanie Meyer was inspired by a sexual fantasy.
12) Cedric is dead.
13) Bella in HP is so way better.,
READ THIS ONE! - 14) I am going to give the Harry Potter books to my kids so they can read them. If I do that with the twilight books i have to be afraid my daughter would jump of a cliff everytime a dude is leaving her.
15)Bella is a sex crazed (don't deny it!) clingy freak. Atleast Hermione has common sense.
16) nd also the seer's predictions are clear not like alice's vague guesswork.,
17) Sense of humor from the characters.,
18) more realistic indepth and overall believeable distinct charactors
19) 'Vampires plus mutants' is not a good combination
20) Stephanie Meyer needs to get herself an editor.
21) In twilight when you say it's about love it only means bella/edward/jacob just boyfriend/girlfriend type of thing.. But in Harry Potter it means love for the family (weasley et al),and how the Potters and Longbottoms will sacrifice for their child, friendship (golden trio), undying love like how snape loves lily, then ron/hermione harry/ginny
22) ts just a classic childhood book that parents read to their kids and everyone enjoys it
READ 23) Each and every character in HP is very well developed and has their own wonderful in-depth background and personality, while many characters in Twilight are very simple, regular people... Or sparkling faries. It doesn't take just a characte...r's death to make you sad, just the entire character can trigger so many emotions in you. Think about Snape. He was a spy for Voldemort, then Dumbledore, but he ended up saving everyone in the end. He was in love with the girl that married the man who tormented him as a teenager, and then he was forced to protect her child. Even though he was reluctant and mean to Harry at times, he ended up coming through at the end because he knew that if he acted like a jealous bitter jerk that the whole world would end in termoil and despair.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
What on Earth are you talking about?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Why don't you come on Earth? Cause you can't read then.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
And all for one, your reasons are lame and make no sense. Epic Win isn't a real movie like Vampire Suck, if you don't feel a love connection with Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron, Lupin/Tonks, then honestly your out of your mind.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu avjimenez said…
I think harry potter is way better then gay twilight...twilight is just a movie a wanna be vampires and harry potter sure does have hotter guys!!!!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
What do you mean it's not a movie? I saw it in theaters, then I bought it on DVD
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
I'm just gonna go. I'll come back when you're sane.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
big smile
Pass the drinks there leaving.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Holly77 said…
Im not meaning to be rude, but Harry Potters better. Flat out better than Twilight.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sydstar said…
I <3 Twilight but i hate Harry potter
lebih dari setahun yang lalu cassie-1-2-3 said…
How annoying is this?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu cullen0lover said…
Yeah... Twilight.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu cullen0lover said…
101 (?). Twilight has ORIGINALITY on their side. They don't follow the normal rules for creating vampires and wolves like this:

Normal rules:
Vampire should have fangs
Vampire should sleep in coffins
Vampire should transform into a bat
Vampire must be dangerous
Vampire must wear capes (creepy)
Vampires must live in abandoned houses w/ cobwebs, coffins, blah blah blah
And for the wolves... dunno because they're shape-shifters and not werewolves.

Twilight rules:
Vampire don't have fangs
Vampire don't sleep
Vampire don't transform into bats
Vampires are dangerous, period
They don't wear capes
They don't follow 'Dracula lead'
Vampires leave in well-coordinated houses
They sparkle in the sun (who would've thought to made vamps sparkle?)

HP had it, too, but HP fans criticizes Twilight because of this! (up)

Blah blah blah. And besides, its just fiction so DON'T QUESTION IT ANYMORE! FICTION IS FICTION!
Twilight still for me.
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Just saying so doesn't mean anyting.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PotterForever said…
Wow, I haven't been on this forum in a while. cullen0lover you make some good points, but in my opinion, (and remember this is just my opinion feel free to disagree) she changed everything that makes a vampire a vampire. Yeah originality is great, and there's nothing wrong with changing some things, but she made vampires almost un-recognizable. Especially with the sparkling.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
I'm with you on that on :D
and what do you mean...Just saying so doesn't mean anything?
-I honestly could say..
A lot of Twihards think that because all their beloved characters lived that it makes their fandom better. Ummm, no, JKR killing off our characters makes the story more BELIEVABLE, they are in a war, and innocent and good people die in war..., there was not talking their way through it, people had to literally fight for their lives, make sacrifices and do whatever they had to do to make sure the good prevailed. LOVE won out, not obsession, Harry won because he was brave enough to sacrifice himself for all those he loved, he died for them, but had the opportunity to come back and finish it for good, while making everyone on the good side untouchable by Voldemort. That is a freaking climax!... In my opinion (:
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
I said saying "Harry Potter. No contest" doesn't mean anything. I'm glad you know how to point out a climax
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Merope29 said…
I guess HP has originality on their side too. after all, it was a whole world JK created.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
I know I'm an excellent plot builder *rolls eyes* And its my opinion thanks. If you disagree I don't care..Potterheads are the biggest army you'll ever meet..
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
And, at least JKR tried to make a different world..Unlike random Forks... " I live in Forks.."NO "I live in Hogwarts.." or "I live in Godric Hollow." Sounds much more interesting..Just sayin.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Lots of books take place in normal places
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
What's your point? At least it's a world people can imagine..
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
People can imagine Forks just like how they can imagine any place that exists.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Forks? A town in Washington....
Hogwarts. A castle in England...
I can picture both..
But Hogwarts is more livid.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
When I picture Hogwarts, I see a big castle looking building. I've seen a castle up close before, it's not that amazing. When I picture Forks, I see Washington. I've been to Washington too. Neither are that amazing
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
True, But you must've not of seen Hogwarts in picture, in real, in HP.. I'm done with fighting, We have our own opinions, how bout we call it a day.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
I've seen some of the movies
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Good to know...?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
You said I've never seen Hogwarts. I've seen it in the movies
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
I have another reason..
Harry Potter isn't a Childish Bedtime story, Nor it shall. A story based off a single dream has no depth. Twilight fans will never know what kind of man James, Esme, etc.. was before he turned into a vampire. Rowling, however, spent 15 years planning every single detail. She created a world within our own for her witches and wizards. She has based there heritage off of real mythology and history. Their spells are in dead language and they have an organized governments with strict laws. She has followed her characters, stories from childhood to graduation and many times to there death.. One of the best thing about the series is that you can study these intricate details. The Twilight fans can only argue about who Bella will marry..In Harry Potter there are many things to argue about, such as, Snape's loyalty, to the critic meaning of Trelwney's prophesies, to peppy ship-wars. In Twilight, very few people can ask: "What does she mean by that?" "How does she get that idea?" "Are these two little details supposed to be connected?" "Does this result differently than what we think?" To Potterheads, these are everyday questions.. Like an amusing Childhood Fantasy, Meyer's 'saga' is to be taken for face value; Delving Deep within display undesirable flaws. The Mere Fact is the Harry Potter makes you think, Makes you question Rowling, and causes you to come up with creative theories..

Proves its superiority :)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Twilight isn't a childish bedtime story either.
It wasn't based off a single dream.
Quilutes are real people. Shapeshifters and vampires are mythology.
Latin spells aren't original.
I've had a lot of discussions about Twilight that went beyond dating.
I ask those questions all the time about Twilight.
You may take Twilight at face value, but you don't have to.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
I watched Twilight thanks, I didn't ever have to ask my 'Twilight Freak' a question. Yeah it is, Vampires...Werewolves..We're better off with Wizards. And it seemed like it was. Bella's love for Edward seemed to me that's all it was based on.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
Cool.... what are you trying to say?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Proving my reasons..What about you, you don't seem to be going anywhere.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
Oh and!!!!
Harry Potter have hard to pronounce names. How shallow can one get? JK gave each character a name that suits their personality.
Albus- white (or something like that)
Severus - from severe "harsh" (seriously, hearing the name Severus sends shivers down one's spine)
Remus - alluding to Romolus and Remus(that's a werewolf name to you,)
Sirius - brightest star from the constellation Canis Major.
Lily, Petunia, Rufus, Filch, Umbridge, Quirell, Mundungus, Merope, Gaunt, Bellatrix (which means female warrior btw) I can go on forever.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
I'm disproving some of your reasons, that's where I'm going
lebih dari setahun yang lalu PeaceLuvPotter said…
How's that working out for ya?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu youknowit101 said…
pretty well