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 Tragedy of revelation.
Tragedy of revelation.
Chair Tales S02E21- Daddy hari Care

It has been a week since Bella, Zach and Pheobe were Christened. Blair and Eric were named God parents to Pheobe and Zach. Serena and Dan were named God Parents for Bella.

Blair has come to Serena's house. She has had to drop Bella off to the hospital for a check up and observation.
Blair is upset and sits with Serena on a sofa. Lilly is still at Serena's house and is leaving for halaman awal later today. She is talking on the phone near by.

B: I dont know what to do any more.....i think im losing her.
S: Hey...(puts her hand on Blair's) we've been through this before...we can get through it again. It's just a routine check up right?
B: No....i think it's different this time (Lily finishes her phone conversation and notices Blair upset, she joins the conversation)
S: What makes it different?
B: She's worse....she's lebih tired than ever....she's never been this sick before. Even with the medication.
L: hey who are we talking about?
S: (Blair closes her eyes and puts her head into her hands) Ummm...mom....we're talking about Bella.
L: Why what's happened?
S: It's kind of a long story....Blair? (Blair looks up at Serena and nods, giving her permission to carry on telling Lily)...ummm....well....Bella isn't well....she has Leukaemia....and its acute..
L: Oh my (she places her hand on Blair) That's awful...Blair....im so sorry

Blair begins to shed a tear...Lily places Blair's hand in hers....Serena puts her arm around Blair. Blair didnt know how to react....this was the first time in years that she had to experience someone finding out the truth about Bella. No one else had known except for Serena and Dan. It had been like hell for her, all these years, people questioning why Bella was in and out of hospital all the time and why she was sick lebih than a normal child....all along she had known that her baby had cancer and she could do nothing to change it. She just had to pretend as though everything was ok....she had to cope with it, because there was no one else there for Bella. All she had was a mother....so Blair had to be there for her daughter, for as long as Bella lived. She would have a short life, that's what the Doctors had said...so Blair would make sure that her short life would be worth living. She had promised to never cry, to never regret and to never let the cancer dictate their life choices...she was going to make sure that Bella was just like any other normal child...going to school, having fun, going places and making the most of the time that she had. She would make sure that she'd make all of Bella's dreams to come true...all of her dreams except one...Bella's dream of seeing her father, just for a second....that was one dream Blair could never deliver for her precious baby. But that made her lebih determined to make Bella happy in every other way possible.

L:...how is she?
S: Well...Blair had to take her into the hospital today....she's deteriorating...some days because of the medication she can get through a few days feeling relatively fine, but most day's she'll feel sick...
L: Well of course...she must be exhausted......how long have anda known..?
S: Umm..Blair found out when she was about 2... I was with Blair when we found out, the years before that we just thought it was Anaemia atau something...Blair was afraid of seeing a specialist Doctor to find out why she was sick all the time..but we did eventually and that's when we found out it was Cancer.. It was pretty hard to take....but Blair....(puts her hand on Blair) you've taken it so well....i know it was difficult at first but you've been so brave....im so proud of you.

Blair begins to cry and Serena holds her rubbing her back...

L: I dont mean to pry....but....what does it mean...for Bella? Is she going to be ok?
S: We dont know...it all depends on how long her body can...keep going....(Blair cries more) ssshhhh honey.....it's going to be ok....(Serena sheds a tear too but tries to stay strong for Blair)

* * * * * * * *

Later on Serena and Blair go to the hospital to pick Bella up. Her tests have been sent to be analysed so she is free to go halaman awal for the time being. She is still rather unwell but is on medication which has helped her a lot.

Serena and Blair wait outside the hospital room whilst the Doctors medicate Bella.

B: Serena...i've had so much things to deal with....i really need a favour...
S: What do anda need?
B: I haven't paid for any of her medical care....it's all been loans....im in a lot of debt and i cant sleep at night....i haven't been able to for the past tahun and evey thing is just piling up....i cant cope....i wouldn't ask anda for help if i wasn't desperate....
S: B...why didnt anda tell me earlier...you shouldn't have to deal with this....it's not fair...
B: I know...i just had no choice...i couldn't afford it....im still living on the money i get from my mother...well the money she's put aside for Bella...i cant cope any more...(almost in tears)
S: Look...how much do anda need?
B: Too much....but im not asking anda to clear my debt...i just need a little bit for today...just to get her medication for the selanjutnya few months...the other stuff can wait.
S: B...how much debt are anda in?
B: I've been struggling ever since i moved here to New York...4 years Serena...i have no job, im a full time mother...not only that but i live in an expensive house that needs expensive things...i live the Upper East Side luxury life just to cover up what's really going on....i have no money S...all i have is debts, loans....and bills to pay....these medical bills are getting out of my control....it's too much....i cant cope....four years of money, wait other peoples money going down the drain....and it's just getting worse...(begins to cry) This massive hole im in....its just getting bigger and bigger.....i dont know what to do any more....i know this sounds evil....but sometimes i just want to give up....i want to give up....what kind of a mother am i!
S: (hugs her) B....this is serious....we need help....this cant carry on....it's too much.....but dont blame this on yourself....this isn't your help honey....ill pay her medical bill today...but we need help with everything else....i probably dont have the kind of money you're talking about....but (interrupted)
B: I know...you have your own children...you have your own life to pay for....that's why im not asking anda for the money...i just need a tiny loan for today...
S: hey im not giving anda a loan today...take it as a gift...to Bella...im not going to ask anda to pay me back B...ill help as much as i can...but realistically...you need stability....clearing your debts might lift all the pressure of your head, but it's not going to solve the problem of anda having no money...in terms of the near future...we need help..
B: How am i going to get that help....i cant find a job....i need to care for my baby...she needs me there when she comes halaman awal from Kindergarten...i could get a part time job....but it'll take ages for me to get the money i need...
S: B....I have a suggestion....but i know anda wont like it.....
B: What?
S: Blair, anda might be Blair's mother but that doesn't mean you're the only one responsible for her care....she does have a father too anda know.
B: (looks shocked) What? S...he is not her father!
S: B, please.....you have to face the fact that he is responsible, for Bella's sake.
B: Do anda have any idea what he has put me through?! Where the hell was he when i was pregnant...where was he when she was born? Where was he when i was going through depression! Where was he when she was sick almost everyday! Where was he when i had sleepless nights all alone looking after my baby! Where was he when i was going through hell! every time mother went on business trips i was left all alone with nothing! I had to cope! Where the hell was he?! He is not her father!
S: B...look....there's no point dwelling on the past with what happened...yes, he let anda down, yes he walked away from his daughter....but he thought she wasn't his....and i know thats not an excuse but we shouldn't let those misunderstandings ruin Bella's chances of getting the care she needs...she's getting worse Blair....she needs all the care she can get. He has to step up...he has to take responsibility for his daughter...she is his responsibility and we need to get his support...she needs him.
B: No, Serena...im not going there....i dont want him in my life...it's not going to happen...i cant let him come into my life and ruin it again....i dont deserve that...my baby doesn't deserve that! Im saying this now and im saying it only once....i do not want Chuck to know about Bella. Not ever.
S: (looks disappointed) Ok...fine...it's your decision...i'll help anda out with paying for the medication today...but anda need to think of another way to help with all the other expenses and the debts.

Their conversation finishes when the Doctors allow Blair to take Bella home. Blair asks Serena if she could babysit for the afternoon whilst she goes to visit her mother. Serena agrees and takes Bella home.

* * * * * * * *

Serena arrives halaman awal and is surprised to find Chuck at the house with Zach and Pheobe. Bella runs off to look at Pheobe who is in her bouncer.

S: Chuck? What are anda doing here? where's Dan?
C: Long story...i came here to see anda and Dan was here with the kids....he told me he had an emergency meeting to go to and left me here with the kids....you have no idea how glad i am to see you! Cleaning up after this little one is a nightmare! I dont know how the hell anda do it!
S: It's called being a mother! I cant believe Dan left anda here alone with the kids!
C: Is that meant to be an insult to me?
S: No (she giggles) I just meant that anda know...it wasn't really fair on you...thanks for watching them though.....nice to see they haven't driven anda mad!
C: Yeah...they were actually quite well behaved...and Dan has only been gone a while. He was in a rush so i couldn't exactly say no to him.
S: So how are anda anyway?
C: Im fine...i came to see how anda were...with the baby and everything....i was just free this afternoon so i thought id come and annoy you.
S: (laughs) Great...well maybe i could teach anda a few things...like cleaning cooking!
C: hey i can cook! I know a couple of things....i have lived solo for long enough to know how to look after myself.
S: Really? Im impressed! (her phone rings) Hold on a second...(answers phone) Yes this is Mrs Humphrey......yes he is........oh no whats happened.....your kidding me.....what was he thinking!.....where is he?.....ok ill be there straight away......yes.....is he hurt badly? Oh my...ill be there right away...thank anda ...bye..(hangs up the phone) I have to go...
C: What why?
S: Dan crashed his car...he's been hurt....i have to go to the hospital...right now....
C: I'll take you.
S: No...the kids...stay with the kids...please...i need to go (she runs towards the door)
C: But Serena....i (it's to late shes left the house)

Chuck looks around for a moment regretting coming to Serena's house in the first place. He returns to the room to find the kids playing....Bella was bouncing Phoebe in her bouncer whilst Zach was playing with his train set. He watched them for a moment, trying to avoid looking at Bella, Why did she have to be there....he would just have to pretend she wasn't there. That would be difficult, she was only a kid...she'd want to speak to him at one point.

Z: Uncle...where's mum gone?
C: Uncle? (he smiles, before picking Zach up) How many time have i told you, call me Chuck.
Z: Ok...Chuck, where's mum.
C: She's had to go out, she'll be back later. For now your stuck with me! (puts him down)
I: Has she gone to see my mummy? (Chuck looks at her for a detik but looks away and ignores her) Excuse me...Mr. Chuck..(she pulls on his trousers) When will mummy come to collect me?

Chuck ignores Bella once lebih and walks away from them quickly going over to pick Pheobe up to see if she was ok. Bella watches him, upset that he ignored her. She doesn't know why he was mean to her so sits down on the floor watching Zach play with his train, at the same time looking over to Chuck who is with Pheobe.
Bella continues to try and get Chuck's attention, pretending to get hurt and crying hoping that he will run over to her to see if she's ok, but it doesn't work. She stops crying when Zach comes over to her and asks her to play with him. After some time, Zach goes over to Chuck to ask him to fix his broken train...Bella watches and sees that Chuck immediately responded to Zach so she decides that maybe he is in a better mood now so she runs over to them both and tries to talk to him again....once lebih she is ignored oleh him and he doesn't even look at her...she gets really upset because she thinks she's done something wrong. She doesn't understand why he was talking to Zach and Pheobe but ignoring her.
She sits down to the floor and starts crying again, a lot heavier than before. Zach goes up to her and asks her why she's crying but she doesn't respond...Zach tries a number of things to get her to stop but again she doesnt stop crying. The whole time Chuck is aware that she is upset and trys not to look at her. But the sound of her crying makes him feel really guilty for not trying ot calm her down. He feels like a bad person but at the same time he cant stand the fact that he has to be around her....Blair's daughter...Zane's daughter....it takes him at least 5 menit to let the guilt overcome him...he reluctantly walks over to her and looks down at her.She looks up at him and immediately calms down a little, she sniffles and waits for him to say something.

C: (he gulps) What's wrong...stop crying. (she continues to sniffle and her tears haven't stopped, he kneels down in front of her) Why are anda crying?

She raises her arms up to him in a gesture to get him to pick her up, He didn't want to but he felt bad for ignoring her, he was alone with the kids so he decides to just be civil, to be the adult, so he picks her up and sits her down on his lap on the sofa. She immediately stops crying and wipes her tears away. Her breathing returns to normal. They sit for a moment in silent. She leans on his chest.

C: Why were anda crying?
I: ....(sniffs) because i was sad.
C: About what?
I: anda didnt be nice to me like anda were nice to Zach atau Pheobe.
C: (short silence) i....im sorry....i was being immature.
I: What does that mean? (she looks up at him)
C: (he giggles) nothing...it doesn't matter...(He looked at her carefully, for the first time...she was just like Blair, he smiles at her) where did your mummy go?
I: I dont know. She berkata she'd pick me up later....but i dont know when.
C: Is she.....going to come here?
I: I dont know. sometimes Aunty Serena takes me home.
C: (Isabella touches Chucks face and notices her hospital band around her wrist) What's that?
I: (plays with the band) Its this thing the Doctor put on me...i have one every time i go hospital.
C: Why did anda need to go to the hospital?
Z: (shouts across the room) because she always get ill! She's weak!
I: No im not! Mummy says im stronger than everyone else and lebih brave! Because i have lebih problems than most children! Im not weak!
C: Let me see it...

He holds her hand up and reads the menulis on her band...all it berkata was the ward number and her full name....Isabella Hope Madison Bass. bas, bass the name had never stung him so hard before...why was his name on there! It meant that Blair had named her after him....as if she wanted it to look like she was his daughter...but she wasn't! how could Blair do something like this, he thought....how could she give her his name! It made him angry...but he was concious of not taking out his anger on Bella...it wasn't her fault....she wasn't responsible...he looked at her once more, he was still in shock...this little girl had his name...she had no idea about it...she had no idea about the history he and her mother shared...

I: Im hungry Mr. Chuck...
Z: Yeah me too (he runs over to Bella and Chuck) can anda make us makan malam please!?

Chuck sees this as an opportunity to get away from Bella so immediately gets up and agrees to make them dinner. He goes into the dapur and finds things that he can use to cook a meal for them all, he'd make enough for Serena and Dan for when they got back.

He'd been in the dapur almost an jam before someone came to the door. He goes to open it, leaving the makan malam cooking in the oven.
It was Blair. He opens the door and she is shocked to find him inside.

B: You? What are anda doing here?! (she barges in) Where's Serena....and Dan?
C: They aren't here.
B: What do anda mean they aren't here! Where are the kids....(she walks in and finds the kids) Oh my ....you're here....with the kids! What the hell was she thinking! (Bella runs over to Blair) hey baby are anda ok?
I: Yes mummy it's fun! Me and Zach are playing and Mr. Chuck was making us dinner!
B: (looks over to Chuck) Making dinner? Are anda serious?!
C: Actually yes....surprisingly i know how to cook a few things...
B: (goes over to pick up Phoebe) Bella...has Pheobe been ok? She hasn't cried atau anything?
I: No....we've been playing with her.
B: And Zach how long have mummy and daddy been gone?
Z: lebih than an hour.
C: It was an emergency...dont know if i should say in front of the kids...
B: (she walks over towards the dapur alone, Chuck follows her) Where are they?
C: Dan crashed his car, Serena had to go to the hospital...she left me here with the kids...
B: Omg is Dan ok?
C: I dont really know...she kinda just ran out of the house without saying much...
B: Oh God...
C: I could....take anda to see them if anda like?
B: No, i've had enough of hospitals for one day!
C: Well....ummmm...dinners probably nearly ready....you should probably stay....and help me with the kids till Serena and Dan get back...thats if they do.
B: (looks at him considering his offer) Well...seeing as Bella is probably hungry....i guess i can stay....for dinner.
C: Well the meja needs setting...i'll do it...if anda can just keep an eye on the oven.
B: Ok..
C: And the kids.
B: Sure.

Chuck walks off leaving Blair in the kitchen.

Later on at the makan malam table. Everyone is sat eating makan malam (Chuck Blair and the kids)

B: So Bella, how was your day?
I: Well...the Doctor berkata i have to take new medicine because the old one isn't good enough (interrupted)
B: No! I mean...here...at Serena's house...were anda having fun?
I: Oh...yeah...
Z: She was crying again!
B: anda were crying?
I: No...i was just....sad because....my head was hurting.
B: Ok...well we'll get anda straight to tempat tidur when we get home.
C: So....do anda think we should call Serena to see if Dan's ok?
B: Ummm...i guess anda could do later....

Short silence.

C: (looks up at blair, who catches his eye, they stare at each other for a moment) Ummm, Blair....about that day, when we first saw each other, again, at the diner, Viand....i berkata some mean things, i shouldn't have been such a ....
B: Pig?
C: (his expression changes slightly and he smiles) well, i guess anda could call it that....loo i just wanted to apologise for it, that's all.
B: Well go on then.
C: I just did.
B: no anda didn't actually say the magic word.
C: Ok..im sorry. happy? (he smiles)
B: (smiles back) sure. (continues to eat)
C: No, really i am sorry, i berkata some horrible things, i was way out of order.
B: (looks up at him) it's fine, forgiven and forgotten. Anyway when did anda learn how to cook lasagne?
C: A few years ago....i was in between houses...i was staying with this Chick who had two kids and she kinda taught me a lot.
B: Really? I can imagine.
C: No...it wasn't like that...she was just a friend. I stopped being that guy years ago.
B: (looks at him for a moment, not knowing whether to believe him atau not) Sure.
C: She had a partner anyway.
B: So what else did she teach you?
C: How to be responsible....one of her kids was a baby, like Pheobe and the other was 4. So i kinda learnt how to anda know...be with kids...im actually pretty good with them.
B: With all kids? atau just the ones anda chose to acknowledge?
C: (looks at her blankly, there is a short silence as he doesn't respond, Blair looks away from him) Im going to give Serena a call and see how she is.

He excuses himself from the meja and calls Serena. a couple of menit later he returns.

C: They're on their way home, they shouldn't be too long...it wasn't a serious accident, he's going to be fine. He wasn't really injured.
B; Great....lucky him....ummmm...have anda finished your dinner?
C: Yeah...i'll clean up dont worry...
B: No, anda dont have to...i'll do it...you should probably get going....i can take care of the kids from here and like anda said, Serena and Dan will be back soon anyway...you should go.
C: (looks at her for a moment) Ok....fine....ill go. I'll get my things. (he goes off to look for his jacket)

Chuck returns with his jaket on and says bye to Zach and Phoebe, He even forces a smile at Bella when she says bye to him. Blair walks Chuck to the door so she can close it behind him. Chuck walks out of the door but stops the door just as Blair is about to close it.

C: Wait...
B: what?
C: I just want to know one thing.
B: (looks at him, she cant stop herself from becoming emotional) What?
C: Isabella Hope Madison....Bass.....why?
B: (sighs) anda really want to know?
C: Yeah...
B: I'll tell you...but then anda walk away and dont ever speak to me again.
C: (he swallows, does he really want to risk not ever being able to speak to her again....but he needed to know why she gave Bella his name.) Fine...just tell me, and i wont bother anda again.
B: (she looks down) Isabella because...mother wanted that name, Hope....because I Hoped that she would find her father one day, (a tear begins to roll down her cheek) Madison.....because she was....she was conceived in Madison Square Gardens.....and Bass.....because.....that's her father name....her biological father.....(she begins to silently cry as she watches Chuck standing there in shock) now leave

She closes the door and finally gets to cry without him there. It takes Chuck a few menit to get out of his trance as he manages to turn around towards his car and drive home, still in shock. Not knowing how to process the things Blair had just berkata to him. Isabella Hope Madison Bass.

 Cry to me...
Cry to me...
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“People DON'T write sonatas about being compatible atau novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation, the GREAT LOVES are the crazy ones” 4x22

so what happned?? where's the real blair waldorf?? where's this balir waldorf?? the blair that loved Challenges, the blair who didn't care/needd/want the a approve people for her relationship.

why is all of sudden seedling for (being compatible, shared life goals and stimulating conversation) why isn't she looking for the GRAT LOVE?
Story: "In another world I could cinta you"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: “I could cinta you” Almost unable for her to hear, whispered in her dark curls it leaves her thinking that she could too.”

I will update ‘Don’t leave me behind’ next. Please let review and thanks for reading.

    Soft kupu-kupu kisses down her neck. Hands grasping her waist. Not too strong to make it painful but tight enough to let her think he doesn’t want to let go. Ever.

    She’s peaceful as she lays here...
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