gossip girl Club
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added by lilie2
added by kikuska414
added by Makeupdiva
added by Gretulee
gossip girl
blair walford
hbo max
added by iloveejasper
The whole concept of placing these two together has irked me since the idea was introduced. Call it the Joey and Rachel (Friends) atau George and Izzie (Grey's Anatomy) effect. Just like Blair berkata in the Hurt Locket, some couples only look good on paper. These are my 5 reasons why I don't think this couple is going to work. Please note, this is JUST MY OPINION.

5) Lack of story development
Yes, we all know about the fateful night at the wedding. The event that started the series. We all know about Nate's cinta for her, and Serena's wish to keep her friendship with Blair. The Serena/Blair/Nate...
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added by notesofchange
Source: just jared
added by supernowa
Source: tumblr
added by Invisible-Tears
added by Zimzi17
added by Amberla
Source: BuddyTV
added by melikhan
added by LaPiccolaFra
Source: Gossip Girl Season 1 DVD special features