Damon & Elena ANTI STEFAN SPOT!!!

loveofdelena posted on Dec 13, 2013 at 01:53PM
here you can rant about this selfrightious asshole to your hearts content!!!


Damon & Elena 67 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
From 1x04 'Family Ties'

“Dear Diary,
This day did not start well. First Damon gave me a nightmare, in which Elena died. It’s not so much that I care for Elena, it’s just that I have to be with someone that looks exactly like Nina Dobrev. So, Elena should have the decency to postpone her death, until I can date one of her future doppelganger descendants.

There was also this special thing, the annual Founder’s park dance, and Elena literally forced me to go there. What, is it so hard to understand that sometimes I want to lock myself up in my room, and cry while listening to One Direction? I mean, I’ve had a very traumatizing life, you know.

What about those people whose head I ripped off? Isn’t that a little more traumatizing for their families?
Oh my God!!! So not the point! We’re talking about me, here!

Now, I have to say, Elena looked dashing. Of course, I don’t expect anything less from my living, breathing trophy.

I danced with Caroline. She’s a good dancer, I have to admit it. I always say I don’t dance, but that’s really because I don’t want to make anyone else feel less confident about themselves. I know, I’m such a good person!

Good news, Elena finally realizes what an awful being Damon is. Bad news, when I told her I would take care of it, she was suddenly all over me with her questions, and how she doesn’t know anything about me.

And I’m like, geez, take a hint. Me no talky about me past.

Best news, I tricked Damon into drinking vervain. Now, he’s locked up in our cellar, and I’m going to keep him there until he’s basically dead.

Mwuahaha, I’m such a badass!

Xoxo, Steffie”
msmysticlove commented…
I lol'ed hard at ' i have to be with someone that looks exactly like Nina Dobrev' XD lebih dari setahun yang lalu
loveofdelena commented…
Hehe!! This is soooooo damn halirious!!! Lola lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu msmysticlove said…
You know a character is bad when his doppelganger gets more praises than him lol
loveofdelena commented…
Hehe!! Yes!! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu loveofdelena said…
Can you believe Stefan??? What a prick!!! HE figured it out REALLY now, SERIOUSLY??????!!!!!! Go die in a ditch Stefan, you lying two faced little shit!!!! How dare you use that as an excuse to try and win back Elena!!! Boy, this ashole really does think a lot of himself doesn't he??? I swear, never have I loathed a character so much in all my life!!! When will people see and finally except that saint is never going to change. He still that he's a gift from god, ugh!!! I just.....want to smack him soooooo damn bad!!!!!!
panther-jewel commented…
Damon was only shortly around the false Elena when his deep complexes and biggest fears were used, what blinded him. But the others spend much time around the wrong Elena and didn't notice anything despite her “behaving totally Katherine”. Stefan and Caroline only figured things out because Damon notices every detail about Elena even through his ripper blood thirst; and although it was subconsciously, Damon let “Elena” (Kat) walk away after the “It is over. We are over.” while he affectionately and passionately kissed the real Elena after the same words. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
carambolas commented…
Yep, he lied to make himself look better, as always. He has not changed at all. And he will never get called upon that.. This is just ridiculous. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu loveofdelena said…
Stefan hasn't changed in the least! This episode proved it!!
panther-jewel commented…
I waited very long for the writers to use the potential for Stefan if he grew up and moved on, but he always "developed back" after a promising statement, so that I gave up and stopped caring about his story to get rid of my disappointment. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu dreamer369 said…
" Not all of us are like my brother"
Right, some of you are rippers.
dreamer369 commented…
Because that's sooooooo much better Steffie :P lebih dari setahun yang lalu
panther-jewel commented…
I hate how Stefan can basically acknowledge that all vampire have bad sides and even try to understand and see good in others (like Klaus), but can’t do the same for his own brother who did so much for him. Stefan really seem to have improved lately, but my hopes have been so often destroyed in that matter, so that I had to give up on waiting for his development. I appreciate what few good things Stefan says and does and I hope that he will also be happy in the end because Delena want that and I want them to be perfectly happy. But Stefan can’t pindah on, finish his own journey and find peace until he accept lots of things that are inconvenient for him, like the ripper being a real part of himself atau him loving a person like Katherine. And Stefan still thinks himself a good person that can “be overtaken” oleh an evil one (the ripper) and he sees Damon as a bad person that is only under control oleh Elena [even if Stefan might himself not be fully aware of his opinion]. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
panther-jewel commented…
I hope that these aspects are somehow mentioned in the end, and that Damon’s goodness and redemption as well as Stefan’s bad deeds and mistakes will be declared directly (like Damon’s bad acts and flaws were brought up as well as the glorification of Stefan happened throughout the story), but the important thing is what is always SHOWN to us, and that clearly speaks for our cause – atau to be lebih accurate: that led us, the clear and outright majority, to realize the truth in the story. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
1x05 ‘You’re Undead to Me’
Dear Diary,
So, I locked Damon up in our cellar, and I told him that if in 50 years he still wasn’t a nice boy, like me, …oh, wait, I didn’t say that. Point is, he has to change. He doesn’t have to be exactly like me. After all, we are all unique. But he could take an example from me.
Now, I really hope Elena still wants to talk to me, but if she doesn’t, it really says more about her, than about me. I mean, I’m going through some major drama here. A little understanding and support from my girlfriend would be nice.

A few hours later...

Dear Diary,
Elena was acting pretty cold, when I apologized and explained why I wasn’t around, but I convinced her to meet me at the Grill. I also told Caroline Damon wasn’t coming back. At least I’m honest, which is not something you could say for Damon.
However, because Damon’s such an ass and attacked Zach, I arrived at the Grill, an hour late. Elena wanted to know why, and she just wouldn’t satisfy with the cliff note version. She had this attitude, like she owned the place.
Then, a man came, and he said he knew me, and then Elena got even more suspicious. You know, that man was lucky I am such a kindhearted and gentle person.
Fortunately, I have, among many other skills, amazing cooking skills. I made dinner for the two of us, and I told her a little about Katherine. No, of course, I didn’t tell her about the resemblance. Are you nuts?
Elena cut herself. Stupid bitch. That would never happen to me. Some of her blood fell on my hand. If I get some strange disease now,…
Later, I went to see Damon, and he said I must feel pretty good about myself, and I was like, say whaaat, I’m not the guy who takes pleasure in torturing my siblings. But, to be honest, I did feel pretty good about myself. Then again, I always feel pretty good about myself.

The next day,

Dear Diary,

Today there was a car wash for some charity cause. It was really hot, and I wanted to take my shirt off, but I was afraid that if I did that, the girls would be all over me.
Then, Elena saw my ring, and said she noticed Damon has one, too, and I’m like, whoa, you slut. You’ve been having eyesex with Damon? Obviously, she had a bunch of questions about my ring, too. She even tried to take it, and I’m like, no touchy my stuffy, you know? I mean, does this bitch ever stop?
Oh, and she didn’t know I’m from Italy. Like, Salvatore, isn’t obvious enough. She’s got the looks, but…
BTW, I am a lifesaver. Bonnie caused a fire today, and I practically put it out. Who knows, what would’ve happened, had I not been around…
Unfortunately, there was one life I couldn’t save. Damon escaped and killed Zach. That was when I decided to kill Damon. I was ready, stake, and all, but when I left the house, Elena was there.
So, the fact that there’s a vicious monster terrorizing the streets, is all Elena’s fault.
Wish me more luck tomorrow,

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msmysticlove commented…
This guy is full of himself!! xD lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
1x06, Lost Girls

Dear Diary,

Elena came to my house, and asked me, and I quote: ‘What are you?’ And I’m like, what, I’m an object now, a thing?
I tried to explain to her that she’s safe with me.
Safe with a vampire who doesn’t have his bloodlust under control, and who feeds on people to the point where their heads come off?
I would, like, die for her. (given the fact that Julie Plec will most certainly resurrect me)
Dude, you are dead.
Diary, you are not helping.
Anyways, she wanted to get some answers. She told me that google only provided fiction, and I was like, wait, Twilight isn’t real?
I told her how I met Katherine, and how she obviously preferred me over Damon.
There was also a huge deal going on with Vicky, because Damon turned her. I consoled her, and then I got shot.
They freaking shot the wrong brother! Damon’s the bastard, I’m the saint. Even Damon calls me Saint Stefan. Read the books.
I should probably mention Damon saved my life, but in doing so he made Vicky feed on a human being. Can’t he just do something good, without screwing up something else?
Ultimately, Elena broke up with me. When she was inside, I could hear her crying. She was right to cry. I mean, she’s breaking up with the most amazing guy ever existed. How will she ever recover from that?

lebih dari setahun yang lalu teampetrova said…
Where are you guys? Don't you hate Stefan anymore :P I just read an Anti-Damon spot (by mistake, of course) and I really need some people to talk about how awful Stefan is. My friends are all like "OK we got it you hate Stefan. You can stop talking now. You are talking about this for 3 hours. Please." Anyway I read all of your entries and you are awesome :) I feel much better now.
loveofdelena commented…
I keep asking myself the same question? Don't anda know? Apprently Stefan has become a reformed character after only a few episodes, so it's like every terrible thing that he has ever done and berkata doesn't exist anymore..sigh.... lebih dari setahun yang lalu
thisthat12 commented…
Well then, lets talk about how in the last episode Stefan rewrote history oleh saying he wanted to tell Elena he was a vampire because he loved her, when in reality not only did he tell her atau intend to on his own, but she had to find out about it after he hid it from her, and then, when she finally confronted him on the subject, he manipulated her into forgiving him, promising to tell her everything, only to hide crucial information from her? lebih dari setahun yang lalu
thisthat12 commented…
^ I know that they did it for DE's sake, and that a huge part of the reason they don't explore the problematic parts of SE's relationship is because they don't care that much about their story, but their are so many very, very problematic elements in their relationship, and most of them (unlike DE's) are very ambiguous, and can easily be trivialized. oleh not addressing them they are sending a massage to the audience (that mostly doesn't notice) that the way Stefan treated Elena in S1-5 is OK, which is very disturbing. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
I feel like Stefan's finally getting what's coming to him. Also, don't we all love Enzo for not taking Stefan's shit?
panther-jewel commented…
I always thought Enzo fun, but he really came up with good interpretations lately of what kind of brother/ friend/ person Stefan is. It is good that we finally have someone who doesn’t treat Stefan like he has no faults. But I enjoy everyone most in interaction with Damon, and I really miss Denzo these weeks. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
teampetrova commented…
Enzo is the best. He is the only person who treats Stefan like he deserves lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
Yesterday my family and I were watching the season 5 premiere. They hadn't seen it yet. We reached the scene where Silas cuts Liz' wrist.

My brother: That's how you can see what an asshole Stefan really is.
Me: That's not Stefan, that's Silas.
My brother: So, Stefan's not an asshole.
Me: Oh, no, he is.
teampetrova commented…
yeah, my conversations with my family are pretty much the same :) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
loveofdelena commented…
lol. stefan is even worse. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu teampetrova said…
Stefan stans: Stefan took care of Sarah!! How cute is that! He is such a perfect guy, Damon is so bad so bad. He isn't like Saint Stefan, Saint Stefan knows what FAMİLY means.
Me: Yes, except this time he didn't even realise that Damon was gone for 5 YEARS. I wish he cared about his brother a little bit more than this girl, which is his "family".
And plus, I think the only reason Stefan didn't tell Damon that Sarah is alive, he wants him feel guilty even more and wants to consider himself as "hero", as always.
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thisthat12 commented…
Ugh this whole storyline was just a huge letdown. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
HaleyDewit commented…
Yeah, my sister was talking about the ending of season 4, and how it was awful for Stefan, and I'm like *shrug* 'Oh, well' lebih dari setahun yang lalu
loveofdelena commented…
AWFUL FOR HIM???!!!! is she serious??!!!! stefans lucky that elena didnt do away with him! lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu loveofdelena said…
elena: "you knew me better than anyone stefan."

im sorry, but WTF???? EXCUUUUUSE me elena, SINCE WHEN???!!!! are you seriously kidding me with this???!!!! tell me your not serious???

oh yes, he knew you SOOOO well didnt he??..

he knew that you were miserable with cheer leading right?

he knew that you wearing a mask to hid your true feelings right?

he knew that you being klauses sacrificial lamb would cost you your life right??

he knew that you could handle yourself as a vampire right?

he knew that you would be on wickery bridge in 4x06 right ?

he knew that you being used as a weapon against klause, and made to relive your worst nightmare would emtionally and mentally destroy you right?

he knew that katherine had taken control of your body right??

he knew that killing your best friend would result in your humanity returning right??

he knew that you didn't need fixing right?

he knew that you wouldnt be able to keep animal blood down right??

he knew that you didnt need him, and that you were grieving for the loss of your guardian right???

oh, wait a second, no he didnt, THAT WAS ALL DAMON!!!! so please, dont act like saint asshole knew you best elena, its completely insulting and disgusting to even suggest such a thing!!! i cant believe that you would come out with such fake bullshit as this. ITS COMPLETELY OUTRAGEOUS!!!

lebih dari setahun yang lalu loveofdelena said…
one thing that is bothering me about stefan.

he goes on and on about how he is the moral brother, the good samaratin, the defender of mystic falls, and how every single day of his life is a day reacked with guilt for his actions. okay, if is so cut up, and remorseful of his actions, if he does feel so guilty for all the unspeakable crimes that he has commited, THEN WHY IN THE WORLD DOES HE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR THEM???!!!!

panther-jewel commented…
Together with nobody ever holding him responsible for his actions, what anda described is exactly the problem. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
source: tumblr


Stefan:*stalks Elena for months*
Stefan:*lies to and manipulates Elena*
Stefan:*sleeps Elena without telling her about Katherine or her parents*
Stefan:*loves Elena for what she represents, not for who she is*
Stefan:*gets mad at Elena for something that, according to him is out of her control*
Stefan:*instead of worrying about her agency, gets jealous and it's all about his man pain*
Stefan:*treats Elena like a broken toy*
Stefan:*overall treats Elena like a possession**
Stefan:I'm the good brother, our luv is epic.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
Source: tumblr


In a span of 5 years Elena Gilbert loses her parents, her favorite aunt, Alaric, her brother, a relationship, Bonnie, her humanity but somehow manages to survive and move on.

Stefan Salvatore gets locked up in a safe underwater for 3 months and gets a PTSD storyline because precious did not get saved by the right people.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu loveofdelena said…
okay guys, there is something that is really irking me, i have been looking on mysticdrownfalls tumblr page.( she is a delena fan) and i have have been looking at some of stefan stans replies too her posts. and i have to say, that the levels that these people will go too to defend stefan, it BLOWS my mind. they literally ARE in denial about this character. SERIOUSLY in denial. i have noticed that they will go extremely far to twist the facts to suit their own dillusional perception of stefan. i have noticed that everytime we suggest that they come up with valid reasons too defend stefan, they instantly follow up by by an attack on damons character. its rediculous. but something they said really pissed me off. one of them decided to compare stefans actions with damons relating to elenas transition in season 4. according to them, damons method to help elena with the transition was a selfish act, and that he would benefit from it. whereas stefans actions were selfless and that was nothing wrong with wanting the old elena back. and that he was in the right? oh , and one of them had the nerve to actually suggest that elena didnt sleep with damon willingly. i mean what?? if elena didnt love damon, she would have broke up with him years ago. i sometimes wonder if these people are on something.
cathyirishchic commented…
This doesn't surprise me. I have seen many Stelena fan defending Stefan in ridiculous ways. It's really annoying. How was Damon selfish??? He was the only person who was thinking practically. Stefan held onto an absurd idea that there was another way to save Elena from being a vampire. So that encouraged her not to feed. Then she almost died because she hadn't completed the transition until the very last moments – because of Stefan’s stupidity. The “old Elena”. Ha. This excuse never gets old, right? XD Of course my favourite line. She slept with him because of the sire bond. Did they not pay attention when Tyler confirmed that it doesn’t affect the way anda feel just the way anda act? Elena loves Damon so she acted on her true feelings. They are just pahit and can’t accept Delena. Fact. lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu HaleyDewit said…
My brother: 'You hate Stefan, but you still have a poster of Paul Wesley..."
Me: "Paul Wesley is not Stefan. There's a difference. And I don't hate Stefan. I feel a profound and justified loathing for him"