Stephanie Fuhgetaboutit.

fanpopping sejak July 2008

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Agalaxyfarfaraway, someplace where the summers are bloody hot and there's never a decent snowfall.
  • Favorite TV Show: Fullmetal Alchemist and Doctor Who.
    Favorite Movie: LotR trilogy and anything Pixar.
    Favorite Musician: At the moment? Rich Mullins, Celtic Woman and Vienna Teng.
    Favorite Book or Author: Anything but Twilight. Yeesh.
mosaic daftar

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dinding saya

Pinnipedi beri saya props untuk my articles
I've been membaca your Narnia artikel and you're such a talented writer! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Cinders beri saya props untuk my links
anda probably don't visit this site anymore, but I did want to prop/thank anda for linking to Snopes.Com in the debat Spot. SO important, especially today. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
big smile
Simmeh beri saya props untuk my comments
Some things I disagree with anda about, but anda seem like a very respectable person, so I like anda regardless. :) Also, FMA 1 is the best and I'm glad to know anda like it lebih than Brohood, unlike many others here on Fanpop. Oh, and Kyle XY is another awesome show! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu