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posted by robinluv14
So that’s why a couple of hours later, Jessica had gone temporarily ‘good-guy’ and was helping save the world. And all she could think was:
Oh, the cruel irony...
They found Phoenix in the same place Jessica had left her, standing in a forest clearing, burning brightly. Ryan stood against a pohon a aman, brankas distance away, sulking. His once green-now brown eyes widened as he watched the team approached, and he turned away, not willing to watch them come to her.
He began to walk away from them, but felt a hand tighten on his shoulder, and he turned. He found himself looking into Russel's green-grey eyes, and the kid stood about as tall as him. “We don’t care what atau who anda are at the moment. We just need your help.”
Ryan nodded, and allowed himself to be led oleh Rus towards the group. Kaylee gave him a quick glance and smiled sweetly, then remembered what she was supposed to be doing and she quickly looked away. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone else but Jessica. Otherwise he just shyed off from everyone else.
Phoenix watched them all warily. She knew they were here to apprehend her, not saying that’d she go without a fight. Jessica stepped up to her. “Look, Phoenix, your... um, services,” she muttered quietly, wincing at the word, “have been fulfilled. anda can leave now.”
Phoenix did a quick read over of the grey haired teenage mercenary. She got hatred, disgust, fear, and yet there was a sense of approval and demanding within Jessica. Phoenix sighed and decided to do what was best. If she was asked to leave, she would leave. She began to lower her body temperature. The emas in her eyes began to fade out, and her dirty blonde curls straightened themselves out and went dark.
Then everything went dark.
Whatever light that had been provided oleh Phoenix, Mercy, and Scarlet combined, it was gone, all of it. It was like someone had accidentally blown them all out at a birthday party, and the candles just wouldn’t relight. As hard as the fire-casters tried, there wasn’t any lebih api left for them to light.
Mercy spoke. “I don’t think I like this.”
There was a flash of red from their left and Jessica cried out in pain. Then she fell to the floor, soon followed oleh Ryan’s anguished yell and a thud indicating that he, too, had fallen. Jessica squealed.
“It’s Chelsea! She knows, she wants it to end, she wants Fin!”
Dick, Danna, Aisling and the others all took a fighting stance, when the last scream came.
It came from Fin’s body, which had relighted with a golden glow, and something struck it harshly. And Fin choked and relapsed into her phoenix state, but with full awareness of what was happening around her and what she was doing. The temperature in the room went up dramatically, and Dick yelled.
“Fin! You’ve got to calm down! You’re going to--”
His eyes widened. “Oh, god, no...” he whispered as she stood.
Fin choked on her own tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry...”
“Fin!” Danna screamed. “Don’t anda fucking dare!
A shield surrounded them all, and they had to look away in order to avoid being blinded oleh the flash of white light. It was then that they realized the shield wasn’t for them, it was around her. And when they looked back, she was gone.
Danna stood and turned. Chelsea gave an evil sneer of a smile. “Miss her already? It’s your fault anda dared to lose her.”
Blade let loose a furious scream and began to run towards Chelsea, teleporting at at least five feet intervals. She pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at Chelsea. “You goddamn bitch!” she infuriatingly yelled, and pulled the trigger.
But she fired into empty air. Chelsea was gone. Fin’s murderer had gotten away untouched.
Danna fell to her knees, Dick following close second. The only thoughts running through their heads?
I never thought this was the hari I’d be losing you.

Fast, sudden, unexpected... I wanted it like this. FIN'S DEAD, BITCHES!!!
What'll anda do to cope??
posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Twelve:

Revenge landed on the rooftop.

"Things just went south. holly and Cassie have been taken captive. holly called for an immediate extraction."

Nightwing looked up.

"She wants anda to "Call in the Calvary"."

Nightwing nodded. "All Team units to the school now. Priority Red. Blue, grab Mal Duncan and meet us there."


"This is one hell of a school." Barbara muttered.

"There!" M'gann whispered, pointing at a room. The two crept inside and were stunned at what they found.

The girl was indeed there, but shrink to six inches tall. She looked...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Ten:

The api raged. Nightwing watched as a tower crumbled. He grabbed another girl and dragged her off the school yards. He turned back and got a kick to the face. Blue Beetle ran over and helped him stand again.

"Hello, Nightwing,darling." the woman said. "Remember me?"

"Too well." Nightwing said, wiping the blood from his mouth as the rain continued to pour down.

"You need help, hombre?" Beetle asked.

"I'm fine." Nightwing said. "Get the girl to the hospital with Mal. And raise a line to Revenge. Tell him to get out. Now!"

Beetle nodded and ran off. Nightwing turned back to his adversary....
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
The team trudged back from the laporan into the cave. Wally collapsed on the couch.
“I’m going to go change” Artemis berkata walking to her room.
“I am going to laporan to batman” Aqualad announced before leaving. Wally started turning on his games. He plugged in two remotes. He was about to yell something, but stopped himself “was I just about to call someone to play with me” He thought. He looked at the two remotes he plugged in. No one played video games except him. He pulled out the detik remote and started playing.
Aqualad came from reporting to batman. He walked down the hall...
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posted by SilverWings13
Hauntings part II-Family

Walking down the hallway of my apartment, I strapped on my fingerless-gloves tightly. I reached up to push the swinging door open, but paused.
Drifting in from the living room was a melody played oleh not 1, but 2 pairs of nimble hands. I listened to the tune for a moment before entering the living space.
Jasper didn't look up as I entered, and neither did his partner. Her wings stretched relaxingly behind her, her clear eyes forwarded in concentration, Immunity looked much lebih healthy, and happy, than she had a week before.
Allowing the door to ayunan closed, I sat down...
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posted by The_Red_Revenge
If Sportsmaster is here, we may need to pull the girls out." Blue Beetle said.

"No." Nightwing replied. "Holly hasn't called for an extraction."

"You're trusting her?" Revenge asked.

"Yes. She's been in this atmosphere where none of the others have. She'll know when is best to call for an extraction."

"You're dumber than I thought."

"You don't trust her?"

"As someone to fight with, not protect my back and DEFINITELY not put other people's lives in danger."

"The girls are NOT in danger." Nightwing replied.

Blue Beetle reached for his hamburger, but Sam and Nightwing batted his hand down.

"I never said...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Six:

"Good, good. Natalie, one thing worries me."

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do I look like a 'ma'am' to you?" The woman snapped.

"No Ms. Happsnatch."

"Thats what I thought." The teacher said, adjusting her glasses before continuing. "What worries me, Natalie, is how slow anda are in disabling your target and hiding the body."

"Im just trying to do a good job, Ms. Happsnatch." Megan replied.

"Well hurry it up!" the woman snapped.

"Yes, Ms. Happsnatch."


"Take the cat and rub the ointment on it's fur, like so." the teacher took the tabby, who protested...
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posted by Mclovin_69
It was dark and cold making it even lebih depressing and frighting then it already was. Shattered glass, dead trees, and the dead of the night made it feel even lebih real then it seemed, the sound of a crashing car was heard as its horn let out a noise. His navy blue converse stepped through the glass and shattered bits of ruble, his black hair blew through the wind revealing his grey eyes that had sorrow and hopelessness in them. He fell to his knees looking helplessly at the car, the car door finally flew open and a weak bloody hand let itself up, the fingers gripped the side and she pulled...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Burning Watch

*NOTE: This introduces a very......important character. I'm restricting information on her for the fourth book in the RoR series.*

Revenge stepped out of the hot mandi, shower and wiped off the mirror. His face was ragged and worn. Along with three distinct claw marks down his left cheek he had hidden using an unstable formula. Dark circles under his eyes only added to the emphasis of his sleepless nights like he feared this one would be. 

He dried off and slipped into his Red Revenge suit, seeing no purpose in staying in civilian clothes. He took the note that had been on his mind....
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posted by YJTTFAN

Silvia dropped from the portal into free fall, her eyes snapped open to see water rushing towards her, she quickly reached for her breather and barely got it in her mouth before she hit the water with a sicking splash

Wally had no idea what happened ne detik he was on his surfboard and then he was under water. He shook off the feeling of confusion and tried to swim up, but his foot was stuck. Wally mistakenly gasped all the breath he had immediately rushed to the surface in little bubbles panicking he tried his speed to vibrate the rocks that held his legs but only had the jagged...
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posted by 66Dragons
Part 10:

Becca ran through the alley. She could hear men behind her. Men with guns. Men with guns with a mission to kill her.

Just perfect. She thought SHE would jeopardize the mission? Sam had screwed them over!

Becca tripped and fell down, her sprained ankle erupting in pain. And now Sam was gonna be the death of her.

Earlier that evening...

Revenge broke the lock on the door to the warehouse with his bare fist. Becca was still ready to kill him. Sam busted the door open and looked around.

"Infrared scanners weren't malfunctioning. No life forms. Two Face is desperate."

Becca snorted. "Obvious."...
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posted by MercyYJ
I growled and did a belly flop onto my bed. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. No matter how much I told myself that they wouldn’t get to me, they did. Somehow, and it was tearing me apart from the inside out. Why? They didn’t even say much, and I was already feeling super guilty.
A gentle knock on the door sent me snapping up. Colin peered through the crack of the door. “Bella, I’m sorry.” He whispered. I ran over to him without a word and he opened the door and let me embrace him in a hug. Before I knew it, tears were flowing freely from my eyes. “Colin James Anderson, what’s...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Clash-


"A biological attack has affected the greater part of New York City. A green fog rose from the streets this morning in downtown New York. Despite interventions of the Justice League & Young Justice, New York has been stranded from all help. Monsters are being formed from what we are told is 'Gamma Radiation'. But the main pertanyaan everyone is asking is not "How will we save those who have been affected" Rather the pertanyaan is: Where is New York's protector? Where is the Spiderman? And did he truly end the masked vigilante Red Revenge, now known as Samuel Grant?"

Should I publish?
posted by Mclovin_69
The moon began to fade in the clouds and a small boarded up building sat underneath the moon, he lifted open a window and stepped inside closing it again and his feet echoed across the hard wood floor, as silence filled the room he put his swords on a counter and sat on a dusted up couch. " Looks like someones had a bad day.... " muttered a cocky tone as a man stepped out of the shadows, he looked up an unhappy expression on his face under his mask, " i dont need any of your comments...... " he berkata getting up crossing his arms, the man stepped up smiling at him , the stubble on his face was...
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posted by BladeYJ
It was dark.. the smell of metallic and rotting flesh filled her lungs. She coughed as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.
"Wh.. where am I?" Blade muttered almost not understandable through all her coughing. Cool, soul-less fingers ran through her long, golden hair.
"Oh sweetie, why did anda ever leave me?" He came closer inhaling her sent and smirked continuing his sentence,"I almost forgot what a stupid,worthless, betraying, beauty mencium like.." He smiled and turned her face towards his with his index finger.
Blade replied with her snarky tone, even though she was dying inside,"And i forgot...
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posted by BladeYJ
It tore at her.. the pain.. the hurt.. the betrayal. She knew.. she knew all she did was wrong atau flawed in every way. She loved her team, they were her only family, how could she not. She wished she could just come out and say it.. say "I. Am. A. Traitor"
She glanced over and noticed the blood dripping from her wrists.. she didnt care though.. she ignored the pain. Actually she was content with it, it was like a friend that hated her but loved her all at once.
The dark maroon blood hit the ground and she grabbed one of the razors on her dresser, she looked over it and suddenly was over-whelmed...
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posted by BeccaYJ
I could hear the sounds of a fight from my room. The thick wood door was closed. Which meant I was missing out. But damn it all Sam had hurt me. I was starting to respect him and he had hurt me! I was very tempted to go out there and kill someone. But those flirtatious perverts wouldn't stop even if I did! So I stayed hidden in my room.
“Becky, report!”
Oooo. I wanted to rip his throat to shreds for calling me that. But that would jeopardize the entire mission. Not okay. Bats would tear me to shred. I answered with the communicator.
“Mission successful. Two-Face got what he wanted.”
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posted by Mclovin_69
( 5 years later)

his tight black boots landed on the ground infront of a chair, " master ive brought news about the missing 3...." he said, the chair turned and a man with a red kap, hood leaving a shadow covering his face turned around looking at him, " where are they......" his deep voice said, " Santa Prisca sir..." he said, the man chuckled to himself pullling off his kap, hood revealing a burned face and hazel eyes, " bring them to me..... dead.... atau alive..." he said, " yes father " the boy berkata with his red millitary cut hair and green eyes glimmering. the boy left the room with his red bow and...
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posted by Little_RedYJ
I'm surprised at what anda believe. I'm that simple girl, skipping down the dirt path surrounded oleh trees, with a basket of goodies filled with the mother of my mother. I must be careful of the wolf, people think.
I am the wolf.
I'm the one fading in and out among the forest, stalking my prey. I don't just use claws and fangs; I use silver bullets and blades. I use my superhuman senses to smell them out.
No one suspects it. I've got secrecy on my side. A kap, hood hides my ears, a rok covers the tail. And the red color wasn't to create the irony.
It's the color of blood.
So no one sees my destruction....
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Bellatrix

Secret ID: Bella Tricks

Age: 13

Personality: Bella is a easily annoyed person when she is treated like her age. She often ignores peoples orders on missions and gets herself into trouble, She is a very loud and outgoing girl who often picks a fight with Wally,Lucas, atau Steel, she mostly picks on Lucas becuase of her crush on him.

Appearance: Lavender long hair and emas eyes but in public, blonde hair and blueish green eyes.

Powers/Skills:she can fly through the air similar to the way rocket does, the sound of glimmer is heard when she takes off.

Relations: younger sister to Betelgeuse ( soon to be introduced)

Civvies: she wears flat with bunga on them,jean shorts and a grey sweater.

Others: she is very jealous of Artemis becuase she is dating Lucas.
 hero outfit
hero outfit
posted by Robin_Love
 Dylan sekop
Dylan Spade
Name: Dylan Spade
Alias: Notte
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Flight, shadows, dark energy, telekinesis, hand-to-hand combat, scythe
History: Dylan was born a mutant. He has one white wing and one black wing. He lived in an orphanage for kids like him and grew up there. He was taught many things, one of those being how to defend himself from evil. Dylan was an expert with a scythe, a master in hand-to-hand combat, an ace flier, and able to control his powers at all times. When he was sixteen years old, the orphanage was attacked. The people had gotten tired of having mutants among them. Dylan was one...
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