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NOT MINE when the heros are little the actually DID see the watch tower.....and had fun with Robin's hacking abiltys
ROBIN(age 8)
WALLY(age 11)
ROY (age 13)

"This isn't fair." Roy complained. He sunk into the plush chair and crossed his arms, a deep scowl on his face. "They took us to the Watch Tower and it was supposed to be cool, but now we're stuck here with nothing to do!"

The three boys looked around their confined luar angkasa with a groan. All they'd wanted to do was watch a movie. They hadn't known that they'd put it in the monitor system. Soon enough Pirates of the Caribbean had been playing on every computer screen, monitor, and televisi in the luar angkasa station. They hadn't meant to do it, but that didn't stop the mentors from being angry at them.

It had taken the League too long for their liking to find the sumber of the problem and take out the movie, finally restoring order to the Watch Tower. batman was furious that the computers had been temporally offline. Even though nothing bad had happened he kept emphasizing that something bad could have happened and they wouldn't have known because Jack Sparrow had taken over the computers. batman had been so angry. Actually, most of the League members were upset with them. They kept going on about how if they wanted to be heroes they had to be lebih responsible, reliable, etc.

Poor Robin, who had put the DVD in there in the first place, was near tears because of their anger. And because the little bird was so upset, Roy had taken the blame. He didn't want to make the little boy cry so he'd told the mentors that he'd been the one to put the DVD in the system.

The mentors had finally calmed down, but the three boys had been confined to a small guest room. 'Time Out' as Ollie had called it. Grumpily Roy kicked his feet. It wasn't fair. This time they hadn't even meant to do something bad.

"We can't do anything now." Wally added. "They'll never let us watch another movie. Ever!"

"Batman was mad at me." Dick whispered. He was curled up on a chair, a small frown creasing his face. He didn't like when batman was upset.

"He isn't upset anymore." Roy promised the little boy. Now batman was rather upset with Roy. Though the archer had a feeling that batman probably would know the truth soon enough. batman was like that.

A smile graced Dick's lips and he sat up. "Batman isn't upset with me because you're the best Roy." He grinned at the red head.

Roy gave him a smile back. "I know."

Dick giggled.

"I'm so board!" Wally cried. He threw himself backwards onto the floor. "We're in the Justice League headquarters and I'm boarded. Shouldn't that be a crime?"

"I agree." Dick said.

Roy nodded. It just wasn't fair. "I still have the DVD if anda guys want to finish that."

"We can't. There isn't a TV in here." Wally groaned. "And no computers either."

"They don't trust us anymore." Dick berkata softly. The boys sat in silence for another moment. Then, suddenly, Dick's face lit up. "Wait! I have a computer."

The other two exchanged a look. "You have a computer in your utility belt?" Roy questioned.

"Do anda have a refrigerator too?" Wally asked hopefully.

Dick giggled. "No. In my glove." He said. He pressed a button and suddenly a small holographic screen appeared above his glove. The others rushed over.

"That's so cool." Wally berkata eagerly. He remembered now seeing the computer-glove before. When they'd tried to rescue Batbear, Robin had used it then. He hadn't seen it since and had forgotten. Now he remembered that he'd been meaning to ask Flash for computer-gloves too. atau maybe refrigerator-gloves. He was fairly sure batman could make those.

"Does your sarung tangan play DVDs?" Roy questioned.

"No. But we can probably play some video games atau something." Dick said. "I just need to bring up the right programs. Batman's been teaching me."

Dick clicked a few times on the holographic keyboard and the screen changed.

"What's that?" Roy asked, grabbing the child's hand before he could change the screen again.

"Oh. That's the Justice League." Dick shrugged. "I was practicing hacking into the security cameras. batman berkata they're always the easiest to hack."

"This is live?" Roy asked. He could see the League members sitting around a table. Right now Green panah was talking rather heatedly to the group.

"Yea. It's their conference room. Why?"

"Can anda get the sound on?" Wally asked.

"I think so." It took a few tries but soon Dick had the sound playing.

"—need lebih discipline." Green panah was saying. The sound was scratchy at best, but they could just make out his words. "They'll never listen."

"They're fine, Ollie." Flash groaned. "They're just kids."

"This is the eighth time they've disobeyed."

"We didn't actually tell them not to do that." Hawkgirl spoke up.

"That isn't the point!"

"Queen, you're just upset because Roy doesn't hero-worship anda anymore." batman growled. "What they did was wrong but they didn't mean to. We can each individually deal with their discipline, as we always have. The league doesn't need to step in to discipline children."

Green panah sat down with a grumble. The room was silent for a moment. Then Green Lantern spoke up. "Green panah makes a good point." He said. "They are still children, but in becoming heroes they have to learn the consequences of their actions. They get away with a lot."

"They're doing just fine." Flash berkata quickly.

"They should learn to handle orders better."

"I agree." Hawkgirl said. "They are wonderful, but I swear I've had to tell them a million times not to play in the rafters, atau put their videogames in the computers, and park their toy cars in the hanger."

Robin blushed at these words. Most of those were him. batman was really the only mentor who took his sidekick up to the Watch Tower often.

"A lot of that is just kids being kids." superman said.

"But they need to learn." J'onn agreed calmly. "Their actions here, though maybe from playfulness, can have a bigger impact on the whole League."

"Are anda suggesting that we aren't training them right?" Batman's voice was a deep growl and the others flinched.

"No. I'm saying that they need to behave." Green Lantern said. "They're growing older and they need to learn if they're going to become heroes."

"Shut up!" Roy cried at the screen. "We're doing just fine anda butt-heads. Haven't anda guys ever made mistakes?"

"Flash goofs off all the time and they never care when he does it." Wally added.

On screen the heroes were yelling at each other, all save for batman who sat calmly in his kursi watching. They were arguing about them and yelling that the boys shouldn't even be side kicks in the first place.

"Stop it! Stop arguing!" Dick exclaimed. He stared at the camera in horror. He hated when the talked about getting rid of the sidekicks. He was always scared they'd make him stop being Robin. They'd confronted batman plenty of times about it. "Stop it!"

Without thinking he brought up his keyboard and with a few strokes all the lights in the conference room went out. The heroes immediately stopped arguing.

"What was that?" Flash asked. Everyone held their breath as they waited for the lights to come back on.

"Forget to pay the electric bill atau something?" Green panah asked, trying unsuccessfully to lighten the mood.

"We should go check the systems." batman berkata immediately, worried oleh the presumable threat. Only once the heroes had left that room did Dick calm down. They weren't going to take him away from batman anymore.

The little boy looked up, staring at his friends. "How did anda do that?" Wally asked.

"It was easy."

Roy peered at his computer curiously. "What else can anda do?"

Suddenly the boys know how to entertain themselves.

batman was bent over the computer council, growling to himself as he tried to figure out what the heck was going on. Everything that could go wrong at the station was. Planes were starting up, the teluk, da? doors kept opening and closing, the lights kept flickering on and off, the monitor systems were constantly playing some horrible youtube video, the bathrooms had been locked, the detik floor had gone into lock down, and to puncak, atas it all off they didn't know what had caused it.

batman growled. No, to puncak, atas it off would be the people he had to deal with. Currently Flash was being 'helpful' oleh asking over and over again what was going on. Ollie had gotten himself locked in the bathroom. Superman, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, and all three Green Lanterns were down in the hanger trying to keep the javelins and jets from taking off. Numerous others were scattered about trying to get the place back into control. And Batman, the only one who truly knew how the systems worked, was trying to get whatever virus had infected the system destroyed.

It wasn't working.

"Batman, what is going on?" Black Canary asked, storming up to his side. "Why isn't it fixed yet?"

"I don't know." batman hissed. "The computer hasn't detected any virus."

"Then what is it?"

"I. Don't. Know." His voice had dropped to a feral growl and the blonde woman quickly rushed away. batman took a few breaths to control himself. If he couldn't find out what was going on he'd have to at least pinpoint the cause of the problems.

As the lights suddenly went out around the tower again he groaned. Easier berkata than done.

"What are these?" Wally pointed at the screen, his finger going through the holographic screen. Dick batted his hand away and made a face at him.

"Those are files." He berkata simply. He'd managed to hack all the way into the computer's core system. This was… fun. A smile spread over his face and he let out a laugh. When batman had started teaching him about hacking he'd been so bored. But now-now-he realized just how amazing it could be.

"What type of files? Are they about us?" Roy asked.

Dick smiled. "No. batman only keeps those on the Bat Computer." He frowned, and then a smile spread over his face again. "I wonder if I can get in there."

"No way." Wally berkata instantly. "There is no way anda can get into the Bat Computer."

"Watch me." Dick teased, making a face at his friend. "I should be able to connect from here."

Only a few menit passed before Dick cheered. "I'm in!"

The boys settled down, watching as Dick scrolled through the many files. He stopped when he found the mission descriptions. The boys watched in awe as they read the different files about the missions the Justice League had gone on.

"Roy, read to us." Dick insisted suddenly. He crawled into the elder's lap. Wally went to his side and looked up hopefully.

The archer grinned at his younger brothers and began to read the missions to them. He accented the story with voices for characters: a high pitched noise for the girls, a whiny voice for Ollie, and a deep grumble for Batman. Wally and Dick added the noises of the planes flying and bullets going off.

Inexplicably the attacked had ended. It was sudden without any warning. That only served to worry batman lebih though. He quickly lifted all the mishaps the virus had caused. The planes were flown back into the hanger. The rooms were taken out of lockdown. Lights were restored. The monitors were silenced. Everything was put back as it was.

But batman couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling in his gut. Something else was wrong. He searched deeper into the computers, trying to find out exactly what the problem was.

The virus had gotten into the Batcave's system.

Bruce swore loudly. His system had even lebih information than the Justice League's computers. He had information on all of the heroes, including their secret identities. He had information about the locations of different criminals. He had all his designs for his weapons and body armor and vehicles. He even had plans on how to take down each and every member of the Justice League.

"What is it?" superman flew up to him when batman swore again.

"They got into the Batcave." batman growled. He was typing furiously on the computer, trying to find just what the virus was going for. Everything? One thing? What?

They were going through the mission reports. Every mission the Justice League had ever done had a file written about it, describing exactly what had happened. He had reports about the missions he'd been on solo and with Robin on.

This was not good.

batman swore again, frustrated. Nothing should have been able to get into the Bat Computer. Nothing. It was supposed to have the most secure system on the whole planet.

"No lebih stories." Wally berkata suddenly, breaking Roy off mid-sentence. "What else does batman have on his computer?"

Dick's face scrunched up as he tried to think. "Stuff about the villains and heroes… old news reports and papers…designs for costumes and stuff. I guess."

"I bet he has to have something better in there than all that boring stuff." Roy said. "Don't anda think he has anything interested in that computer of his?"

"I thought the stories were interesting." Dick pouted.

"I bet he has even better ones hidden away." Wally said.

Dick considered this for a moment before a grin flitted across your face. "You're right. He probably has the best stuff hidden."

He began to cari the computer and soon found files buried deep under piles of code. A cackle left the boy wonder's lips at the thought of the challenge.

"They're going deeper into the files." batman hissed. There was nothing he could do to stop this virus. That left only one lebih thing to do. He called up Alfred.

"Master Bruce, what-"

"Turn off the power to the Batcave. Now."

"Right away sir." Alfred was level headed even while batman was practically screaming. A moment later Alfred returned to the line. "The power is off, sir."

"Good." batman breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't recover whatever had happened, but the hacker atau virus had been slow. He'd stopped him from getting any lebih files at least. batman leaned back, a scowl deeply set on his features.

How could this have happened? His systems were so advanced. No one should have been able to get in. No one could have. Then how had this happened? And what had they taken? And who had it been?

"Hey, look on the bright side." Flash spoke up. He was attempting to be cheerful but Batman's dark scowl stopped him.

Wonder Woman gave a small smile. "What bright side?" She asked curiously.

"At least the kids weren't around." Flash's grin abruptly faded at the words. "The kids!" He cried. A moment later he was gone.

Ollie berkata a rather colorful word and shot after him, along with batman and the rest of the League.

How had they forgotten about the kids? How had they somehow forgotten about the danger their children were in? They could have been locked in. They could have been without power. Richard would have been terrified if that happened. atau what if they'd been placed on lockdown? Wally got claustrophobic. He would have been petrified. What if they'd been separated from Roy? At least Roy would have been able to take care of them. If they'd been separated who know what could have happened.

A dozen different scenarios plagued their minds as they burst through the door.

Nothing was wrong. Their children were safe. They were all huddled around Robin's computer screen, complaining. "How come it stopped? What happened? Did anda break it?" Wally asked.

"I didn't break it. It wasn't me." Dick shot back.

Of course they would have noticed the strange happenings and been following them.

Barry rushed over to his nephew and swept him into a hug. "Wally! Are anda ok?"

The boy squirmed in his uncle's grasp. "Of course I'm ok, Uncle Barry! What are anda doing?" he whined as Barry crushed him to his chest

"The Watch Tower was going haywire. I thought anda could have been hurt."

"Roy? Are anda alright?" Green panah rushed to his ward's side and placed a hand on his shoulder. Roy made a face at his mentor.

"Of course I am."

"Dick?" batman knelt before his son. The boy was still frowning at his computer though.

"Daddy, the computer died." He complained. He showed the blank screen to his father.

Bruce chuckled despite the situation. "I know. A virus got in. It hacked our systems and the batcave."

"A virus? Like a cold?" Dick questioned.

"That wasn't a virus!" Wally spoke up. "That was Dick."

"But I haven't been sick." Dick said.

"No, silly," Roy said. "a virus infects a computer."

"Oh." Dick nodded and beamed up at his father. "That was just me, Daddy."

batman had no idea what to say. What in the world was his son talking about? "What do anda mean?"

"I hacked into the systems, just like anda showed me." Dick berkata proudly. "I was able to do anything. It was really fun. And then I found out how to get into the Bat Computer from here. Isn't that cool?"

Bruce just stared. Richard had done this? Eight tahun old little Dickey Grayson had hacked through the Justice League systems and his own? How was that even possible?

No one else seemed to understand either. "You did this?" Green Lantern demanded. "You hacked the systems?"

"Yea. batman was tampilkan me how so I was just practicing. It's really fun, actually."

"Dick, anda can't do that!" Hawkgirl cried. "Do anda know what anda could have done?"

"We thought someone was attacking us!" superman exclaimed.

"I was locked in a bathroom!" Ollie added.

"The jets were taking off-"

"-couldn't get into the cafeteria-"

"-computers were playing stupid shows-"

"-so annoying-"

"I was locked in a bathroom!"

"-could have been hurt-"

"-villains attacking-"

Dick's eyes welled up with tears at the sudden onslaught he was receiving from the Justice League. This was twice in the same hari that he was in trouble. "I-I didn't m-mean to." Dick said. "I-I just wanted to-to practice."

He looked hopefully at his mentor who had yet to say anything. "I didn't mean to do anything wrong, daddy." He pleaded.

batman studied him a moment longer. "You hacked the Justice League systems."

"Yes." Dick whimpered and rubbed his nose.

"And anda hacked into my computer."

"Yes." Dick looked at his toes.

Then, of all things, batman smiled. A gentle hand ruffled his hair. "Good job." batman said. His eyes were shining with pride and he chuckled softly at Dick's confusion. Bruce pulled the child into his arms.

"You aren't mad?" Dick asked.

"Of course not." How could Bruce be upset when he son was so obviously a genius? He was eight and he'd hacked their systems. Bruce couldn't believe how proud he was of his little boy. Sure, it had been annoying and possibly dangerous. But at the same time he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

A smile lit up Dick's face. "You aren't?" He repeated, astounded.

"No. anda did excellent." Bruce congratulated him. "How far into the Batcave's files were anda able to get?"

"I was working on the triple encrypted ones." Dick berkata cheerfully.

"Bruce!" Ollie cried. "Come on, he just hacked our systems. I was locked in the bathroom. Aren't anda mad?"

"No." Bruce smiled down at his son. He kept smiling until Dick asked his selanjutnya question.

"Daddy, how come all your triple encrypted files are foto of catwoman?"
posted by Robin_Love
Here are some episode names I found! IDK who diposting them but give them my thanks if anda know! Because this is seriously cool!!! I really hope anda enjoy this!!!! I know I am! Now we just have to wait for the actual episodes! *sigh* They never learn! But we shall try our best to hold on Damn this is getting long!!!! Sorry!!! XD

1. "Independence Day" Watched
2. "Fireworks" Watched
3. "Welcome to Happy Harbor" Watched
4. "Drop Zone" Watched
5. "Schooled" Watched
6. "Infiltrator" Watched
7. "Denial" Watched
8. "Downtime" Watched
9. "Bereft" Watched
10. "Targets" Watched
11. "Terrors" Watched
12. "Home Front"...
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posted by YJTTFAN
I'm not normal that's a fact, I like being myself its just would be nice if I didn't have to make an excuse to see my boyfriend and close friends. We'll I'm not, just suck it up and deal with it, Becca. I tell myself. Just go to bed.


I can't sleep, the person who maters to the most is a few doors down. But I don't want to look I? Ugggggggg. She knows I cinta her but I want to make it count, to do something! Come on,Dick, THINK!! There has to be something! But she knows me, every single bit.........except. I grin to myself.


I wake up in the middle of...
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posted by Robin_Love
A warm sensation over took her. It spread all throughout her body. Her fingers moved an her toes wiggled. She cracked her neck and stretched. The needles left her body and the ketopong, helm fell away from her head. She opened her dark brown eyes and they glowed an amber color. A ripple of amber light spread throughout her cell and she was free from her tank. The door of her cell opened and she went towards it. The alarms had been silenced oleh her magic and no one was around to see her. The magic had also released the others being held captive. With a smile, she entered one of the many rooms belonging...
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posted by Robin_Love
“It's been a month! We haven't found Young Justice! And Becca ditched us!”
“Erin calm down,” Devin tried.
“NO! Becca was supposed to help us! She left me in Arkham! She went with Catwoman! What kind of a person does that?”
“I-I don't know!” Devin exclaimed. “I don't know. But I do know that Robin needs me right now so I'm going to focus on the main problem! What about you?”
“I-I-I...Young Justice.”
“Then let's go.”
“You're going to need my help.”
They turned, looking to see Becca standing there.
“You? Why you?” Erin asked with disdain.
“Because while anda all thought...
continue reading...
Finally after everything had setteled, well mostly everything, Wally and Willow had been akting strange ever since all of that, and there will still issues with the attackers and today was the wedding day. Willow still loved Wally lebih then anything in the world but she also loved her home... the one she oh so forgotten long yang lalu when she sat a puncak, atas the mount justice wondering... and now she knew..., Willow sat in her room and on the balcony in her beautiful silk white dress, it was long enough to blow in the wind, she looked down as tears began to form in her eyes as she wiped away her tears...
continue reading...
It was night now and the team, would think on what to do about Willow. Wally lied in his tempat tidur trying hard to sleep, but his jantung kept aching for her to come back, come back to him. That memory of the look on Willows face when he screamed in agony for her, he could only imagine the look she saw on his face, he remembered the fear in her eyes.., the look on her face, it never disappeared from his mind. He groaned and threw the bantal over his head. He couldnt sleep so he finally decided to go outside for fresh air, when he got out on the pantai he looked up in the sky, " where ever anda are.. i...
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THE GUY CAN MAKE SWORDS OUT OF WATER?! I think yell, I try to make a force field of water but no dice, he controls water too. I quickly doge and jump in the water causing him do slash the air, then he jumped in to, the world was murky water. I couldn’t see a thing then I felt a movement, fast. Suddenly I get whacked in the back oleh a shark, mmmmmm…….


Kal’dur now stood on the concrete slab, patience he tried to tell himself. He turned swiftly to see a hiu teeth bared flying straight at him, he barrel rolled and brought a dinding of water in front of the shark. It immediately...
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posted by 66Dragons
I (being the impatient teen I am) have decided to go ahead and begin menulis short fanfictions based in my version of the Earth-16 world (with Revenge and Holly) but including your characters!

If anda want me to write a short (between 3 and 8 chapters long) fanfic with your characters, please message me your character and (if anda want) an idea about the story.


Stupid 'you need a longer article' hjhuiihbubuhguyuguhguhigihgiuggigihgiuhgiuggivgiughighuighuigiugighhigiuggiuhgiuggiuhgiugggiviuggigugihggiuigggigugiuggiugugigggguihgihgguighuigiughighuighgcyfftyrdyrxtdxtrxststerstrdrtyctfctfuvyugvhbihubuihoinojiokmoknoijnouihvuyctcyrdresersredxdrydtfctfvyvuihi
posted by 66Dragons
I'm almost done menulis the book! (Relax, there's still at least ten, twelve chapters for y'all to read)

Chapter Four-

Sarah was surprised to see Revenge's bike pull up in the garage.

"What're anda doing halaman awal so early?" she asked, walking into the garage.

"Shouldn't anda be working on the connections between the murdered?" Revenge asked.

"Nice to see anda too." Sarah muttered. She turned around and walked back to the computer.

"I did get one thing on all of them." Sarah berkata as the Black Hero walked in and shed his mask. "They all made a big business contract in between now and two weeks ago. I'm tracing...
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posted by Skittles98
I woke in a strange room. I was on a bed. I jumped off and wobbled.
“Lioness? Eagle?” I called
‘Girls? anda okay?’ I asked
‘Yeah. Where are you? We have some big news’ singa betina though
‘What is it?’ I asked
‘It’s better we tell anda in person’ she said. With a growl, I walked out of the room. I walked silently to where I had a feeling singa betina and Eagle were. They were in a lounge with the six teens. I got in a fighting stance.
“Behind you!” I exclaimed at my team. They came meneruskan, ke depan calmly.
“They are not enemies. They are friends. And they have offered us a place on their team”...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
Sylver looked Becca in the eye. For several seconds, she seemed to be looking into Becca's soul. She straightened with a nod.
“Confirmed. YJ has been taken.”
“Which is why I requested anda here,” batman interrupted. “With the exception of Shade. We assumed she had been taken as well.”
“I wish I had been.”
“No! Becca, we're going to need you!” Devin cried.
“I feel so sick! I wish it was me that had been taken!”
“It'll happen,” Erin said, racing to her friend. “You get taken like what? Every six out of seven times?”
“Six out of nine,” Becca corrected.
“Big deal. You'll...
continue reading...
posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two:

Sarah was surprised to see Sam inside the elevator. He walked out, cape, suit, sabuk still attached, but his mask off. He walked over and looked at Sarah.

"Is there some boring assignment I can do?" he asked.

Sarah looked at him for a moment. "Talk." she said.

Revenge sighed and sat on the desk. "It's Holly. I'm worried about her."

"Why? Because she might get kicked out of this Team anda guys are on?"

"No, because she's my partner."

Sarah's looks turned compassionate. She placed her hand on Sam's knee. "None of what happened was your fault." she said.

"It is." Sam said. "If I had been better,...
continue reading...

Holly broke away from her ciuman with Sam at the sound of the voice over her comm unit.

"Be right there." she said. 

She looked at Sam and could tell immediately something bothered him. 

"What?" she asked. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Sam berkata after a moment.

"Something is wrong." holly said, looking in Sam's blue eyes.

"It's nothing." Sam said.

"Uh-huh" holly replied unbelievingly. 

Sam went for his mask, but holly caught his wrist. "Oh no anda don't." she said. "Sam talks to me before Revenge leaves."

Sam sighed. "You'll know when anda get there. I hoped it wouldn't come to this." he slid on his...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love

Robin knew that if he wanted to get anywhere close to finishing the base's security update before daybreak, he would need to send Wally off to his room. But this was far too amusing.
"Rob. Hey, Rob."
"Yes, KF?" he asked, not looking up from the screen of his laptop. The cave was silent except for the sound of Robin's typing on the keyboard, the hum of the refrigerator, and Wally. Specially Wally.
"What time is it?" Wally's voice was muffled, but that was normal when anda had your cheek smothered against the counter like...
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C'mon. Did anda really expect me to end it there? XD


Slade moved into the room. He bowed before the dark shadow. The voice spoke to him.
“You failed me Slade.”
“I know master. But she is stronger than we first expected.”
“Yes. I know. I expected as much from her. But we now have her in a dangerous position.”
“Shade must make her choice. She has followed the Light for seventy years. Now, she must choose whether she is willing to risk everything atau to continue to play hero.”
“And if she chooses hero?”
“She won't.”
“But Master-”
“Shade thinks she is in the clear. But I have one last trick up my sleeve.”
“My-my inner demons?” Becca asked.
“Yes. We all have them. I am yours Becca. You've been running away from me. Now that I've caught up, anda must face me.”
Becca looked at Sheila. Her brown eyes were calm and peaceful. Becca imagined her eyes were fearful and sad; troubled and worn. She tried to look away but Sheila's eyes were so focused it was hard to pindah under her gaze.
“Becca. Do anda cinta him?”
“Then face me. In order to gain what anda have lost, anda must talk to me.”
“About what?”
“Tell me how they make anda feel, how he makes anda feel.”
“How I feel when I'm...
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“What did anda do with Becca?!” Robin shouted. “Who are you?!”
“Becca belongs to me, Robin. She use to, anyway. As for who I am, the name is Slade.”
“Batman's fought you.”
“Indeed. I was always so disappointed when anda never showed with him.”
“You are quite the dedicated hero. It would have been fun to beat anda again and again.”
“Slade,” Prendere said.
“Alright apprentice. I have broken him enough for one day.”
“You killed Becca?!”
“No. Who berkata anything about killing? We had a disagreement. I compromised and she became what anda see before anda now. Prendere...
continue reading...
posted by TOTALIzzyluver
SOOOOOOOOO I will start typing stuff up as soon as a story line comes to me which is probably like tomorrow so..
I'm gonna make a character cars and draw and stuff
(robin)butt this is all you'll be getting for nows:

Hero Name: Naturess (Nate for short :P)
Secret I.D: Sierra I. Bowen
Powers: Power to control weather
*Emotions can affect weather
*Past is.....questionable

Sierra Izabel Bowen was born to charlotte and Norman Bowen July 29.
Norman had past issues working with the League of Shadows.
He eventually was killed off by...
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This story is to include the most famous Robin characters ever such as Nightwing, Red X, Robin III, and Red kap, hood among others.

Comment and tell me whether I should continue atau not.

YJ: The Difference Between


Artemis hated the rain. She hated it almost as much as she did her family. She hated it almost as she did her mom for using her to help the Shadows. She hated it almost as much as she hated batman for kicking her off the Team. 

And she hated it as much as she hated having to kill her sister.

It hadn't been her choice really. She had replayed the confrontation over and over in her mind,...
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“Becca. Jade. Glad anda could come.”
The lights in the training hall switched on. The two girls froze in their tracks. The entire team was staring at them. And they looked like deer in headlights.
“Hey guys,” Becca nervously greeted. “What are anda doing up?”
“What are anda doing sneaking around?” Artemis retorted.
“Sneaking? Who's sneaking?”
“You are Becca. And Jade. oleh they way, who's Red X?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Becca narrowed her eyes. She looked at Jade. They exchanged a series of head movements before looking back at the suspicious...
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