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 The Writer Behind the Words
The Writer Behind the Words
Luck has little to do with link. A long lasting menulis career doesn’t just happen. A writer can burst onto the scene and quickly disappear. Another can have a series of hits then write a bunch of flops and never be heard from again. The difference between a long lasting career and one that burns out is strategy. Here are seven rules to help anda find the right strategy for anda and get anda started on your journey to long lasting success.

Learn the power of focus. For most of us, we have lebih than enough to do on a daily basis. And when it comes to any menulis project the daftar can grow exponentially- anda have a blog to write, a monthly newsletter to keep up with, two deadlines for upcoming books, a speaking engagement and more. A long “To Do List” can be overwhelming and for many of us can lead to procrastination, confusion atau just plain paralysis! The solution? Do one thing at a time. Come up with a goal for the day. menulis atau marketing? Then do the tasks that will accomplish that goal. If anda have extra time anda can focus on other less pressing tasks.

Keep moving. Humans are smart. Sometimes too smart. Many times obstacles come in our way like a pohon in the middle of the road and instead of going around it, we try to chop it down atau climb over it. Don’t focus on the obstacles. A rejection is an obstacle but instead of focusing on it pindah to the selanjutnya submission atau work on something else. So your first play wasn’t the greatest, start your selanjutnya one; okay so your favorit editor left your magazine, try to woo the new one. Don’t focus on the roadblock. Go around it.

Don’t use a shovel to eat soup. Use the right tools that work for your project. Whether it is the tool of language (different language is used in romantic fiction versus fantasi atau literary) atau software. However, anda don’t need all of the latest technology to be a prosperous writer. I still write all of my initial story ideas long hand before entering them on my computer. To help ‘speed’ the process, a tahun yang lalu I bought a Neo AlphaSmart that has helped me capture ideas and bits and pieces of my manuscript and upload it directly to my computer, but my handwritten notes are still my old standby. There are a lot of reasons to spend money, new software, menulis books, gadgets that promise to make your menulis life easier, choose only the ones anda really need.

Time stops for no man. How anda spend your present time dictates your future. Daydream about menulis and months later you’ll have a lovely daydream and nothing to tampil for it. If anda envision a book write it every day, if not every hari at least every week. With our busy lifestyle many of us--beginner and professional writer – let time get away from us. For some of us, we are always trying to ‘find’ time to complete atau start our selanjutnya manuscript. Time never stands still so it’s up to anda to grab a hold of it rather than waiting for it to be ‘enough’. I know a dear friend of mine who when she was working full-time always dreamed of being able to stay halaman awal and paint. She now works from home, but still doesn’t find enough time. Why? Because she hasn’t learned the importance of time management. She fills her time with activities that don’t get her close to her dream of painting. So now every hari she puts in a half jam when she must paint and is working towards her dream of being a full-time artist. Time is not the enemy, how anda use it is. So be conscious of what anda do with it. You’ll be surprised how far you’ll go.

Be your own cheerleader not your opponent. We all suffer from doubts, but don’t let your inner critic stop you. When a baby is learning to walk she’ll fall down a lot. She’ll get bruised and cry, but in order to master the skill she’ll need to keep on getting up and trying again and again. We understand that falling is part of the process, but for some reason as adults we’ve become averse to falling. We’ve interpreted it as ‘failing’ and it is. But one must fail his way to success. When anda fail at something, instead of letting the critic have the final say, replace it with your inner cheerleader. The one that says, “That’s okay, keep going.” atau “I know it didn’t work this time, but selanjutnya time will be better.” Like the baby learning to walk we have to keep getting up. One rejection letter atau two hundred should not stop anda from building your menulis career. So an editor didn’t like your latest story, come up with something else atau menyerahkan to a different editor. Every career will have its ups and downs. The ones that burn out are the ones that hit the floor and stay there.

Claim your status. Whether you’re published atau unpublished claim the fact that you’re a writer. Don’t wait for someone else to give anda that validation. Once again your inner critic may be saying, “I’m not a real writer because I haven’t published anything.” atau “I’m not a real writer because I’m not published in hardback.” “I’m only a genre writer; I’ll be a real writer when I’m in mainstream.” atau “I’ve only been published in the community newsletter I’m not a real writer like a journalist.” If anda write, you’re a writer. anda don’t need anyone’s permission. However, I will caution you, if anda make this claim, take the necessary steps anda need to grow your skills as a writer. On the flip side there are a number of people who proudly call themselves writers, but never grow in their craft and their careers shows this lack. So constantly strive to be a better writer. This can be accomplished in many ways, online workshops, attending a conference, taking college courses, self-development oleh reading, etc. Don’t ever stand still.

Be flexible. Successful menulis careers are rarely linear. Writers have to take detours when a magazine closes atau a new editor hates the writer’s work. A successful mystery series suddenly becomes stale atau market trends change the type of work that is accepted. Stretch your menulis muscles so that your career can always take a new and exciting journey. Do anda write poems? Try menulis an artikel on poetry. Perhaps that could lead to a book. If your novel isn’t selling, perhaps serialize it online atau take the theme and write a short story. Fiction authors try non-fiction. Don’t let yourself be victim to the whims of the industry.

Success is mainly strategy. Writers whose careers have lasted haven’t been without failure, disappointment and setbacks, but these individuals have learned how to pindah meneruskan, ke depan on the goals they’ve set for themselves. Hopefully with these seven rules anda can linkfor success.
posted by para-scence
"Shiloh, I..." my mouth was dry, and I had no idea what to say. He smiled hopefully at me. I did cinta him, but I'm only eighteen! "I... uh..." The door opened, and Sicily and Chance walked in. Sicily froze when she saw us; my face burning and Shiloh down on one knee. She mouthed "oops" and tip-toed out of the room, still holding Chance. I heard her giggle.

"Well...?" Shiloh prompted, thinking I'd forgotten the sebelumnya conversation. I turned back to him, my mouth still gaping. Then, my jantung seemed to melt. I realized I loved him a lot; and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

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Jason: blonde spiky hair, green eyes, wearing his favorit gitar kemeja for almost three days straight, and he’s a teenager, but a rather short one. He has jeruk, orange braces that are spotted easily when he smiles. Jason has an arm that can oddly twist all the way around in a
perfect circle. One of the strangest things about him is a black thing in the shape of a flame on his left leg. People think it’s a poorly drawn drawing, but he was born with it, and as he got older it grew with him.

Jason was sitting oleh the fireplace watching the flames blow from side to side. His eyes liked to find themselves,...
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posted by Insight357
It felt like I had been submerged under water. I was suffocating.
    “How could anda leave her?” I managed to get the pertanyaan out of my mouth.
    “Genette didn’t tell me she was pregnant. I didn’t even know about Lucy until she was five. oleh then I figured it was too late,” Alexander berkata a look of pain was in his face.
    “It’s never too late, Alexander,” I said, angered oleh the fact he would just give that magnificent child up.
    “It was at the time. I didn’t know where she was, and the...
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posted by Insight357
“I can’t get anda out of my head either,” I said. Voices broke loose in my head, and I fought to push them all back.    
    “What are we going to do then?” he asked unaware of the chaos in my mind.
    “What do anda mean?” I asked confused.
    “We both have feelings for each other. We can’t just ignore it,” Alexander said.
    “I know,” I wanted to ignore it no matter what he said. That would be rude though.
    “We should take time together to explore...
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Part two, obviously, of the first chapter. No warnings this time, unless anda count lying and subterfuge.


Part Two

    Harper, March & Fields wasn’t a law firm I’d ever heard of until a few months yang lalu when I’d received a letter from them concerning my father’s will. It was strange that they’d waited until nine months after my 25th birthday to contact me — especially when the instructions had specifically stated alerting me on that day. Phyllis March wasn’t an entirely unpleasant woman to talk to, but she was fidgety and a little high strung. She...
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posted by Insight357
    “Damien, that was years ago,” berkata Alexander as his cheeks turned a light pink.
    “I know, and I don’t understand why the memory is resurfacing now,” I berkata shaking my head slightly.
    “Do anda think it’s because you’re with Grey lebih often?” Alexander asked. I’d rarely seen Grey while at the asylum. The only people I would talk to was Deborah, Dr. Anozi, Alexander, and a few college professors.
    “I don’t know, maybe, but it’s scaring me,” I said. “I spent all last night at...
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posted by Insight357
I sat on a black, leather couch, starring at the deep blue walls. I was in Alexander’s office, for my appointment. I’d come here straight from the cathedral. My hair was tangled, and messy. I still wore plaid pajama bottoms, and an old, gray tee shirt.
    I came to a realization last night. Today, I would make my move. I have done enough to hold my own. Now I could be happy…Maybe.
    I debated whether, atau not I should tell Alexander about Lucy. Dr. Anozi would’ve liked the idea, but I’m not sure about Dr. Laveney.
    I also...
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posted by Insight357
I ran my hand through my tired hair. I fell asleep on the attic floor last night, after my outburst. I was tired, and ached everywhere. What a night it had been.
    I took my weight of the gurney I had been leaning on. I was at the hospital today, to help calm this schizophrenic man. I arrived here at seven this morning, and had to leave before noon. I couldn’t miss Lucy’s appointment at Social Services.
    It was eight-thirty now, and I was getting ready to meet my patient. He was in the emergency room, with the doctor. He’d had a nervous breakdown,...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 17

“Who killed them?!” Koda growled.
Iah was trying to keep Koda calm; from his few encounters with this one he knew anger was Koda’s worst enemy.
“I am not sure…” he replied softly.
“How can anda not know!?” he screamed, charging after Iah. He dug his fingers into Iah’s chest as they turned to claws, slamming him to the ground, his dark red eyes bored into Iah’s sending dark chills through his mind. “You know everything else but anda don’t know who killed them?”
Iah cringed in pain, trying to speak.
“I do not know but…I have a feeling who may have done…it”...
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posted by Insight357
I had my first client today. I was to go to a middle school, and talk with an obsessive-compulsive child. Her name was Lucy Taylor. She was starting to be teased oleh other students. It was not right; it’s not as if she could help it.
    I walked into the main entrance of the school. The halls were the color of dirt, the lockers a mucus green. I saw kids with name brand clothing going down the halls. As I walked toward the big sign that berkata Guidance Counselor on the front, I saw a group of kids. They were all against the left side of the hall. They were all dressed in...
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posted by Insight357
Today was my first hari working for the mental institution. I woke around ten, and got a shower. I dressed in my black pants, shoes, and shirt. Over the kemeja was my white doctor’s jacket. The color white didn’t’ suite me, but it’s not like I hade a choice in wearing it.
    I walked to work. The asylum was only three blocks away. As I walked I worried over people criticizing me. Or, making fun of me. What if I treated the wrong patient? What if I messed something up? What if I got lost?
    My stomach started to tighten as I thought of the day...
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posted by para-scence
When I woke up, all the windows were covered in snow, surrounding me, isolating me from others. My stomach growled, but I didn't want to leave. I feared if I didn't get a job, I'd lose everything. I got out of the car, still wearing my clothes from yesterday, which was nothing but jeans, converse, and a black penyu, kura-kura neck. Not wanting to waste valuable gas, I walked around town. My stomach growled again, and the thing inside me kicked a series of blows for a couple seconds.

The buildings here were tall, and far away I could see the new, fancy skyscrapers. But here, the buildings were old and...
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posted by para-scence
A little while after the holidays, Alice left for California. It wasn't long before I felt the despair of loneliness. Alice was the only one I've really talked to for months. Once she was gone, for the first time in a long time it felt like I had really run away. Not like I had gone to a aman, brankas haven, but like I really was in an unfamiliar town.

I went to work , and Alice had only been gone for two days. Work just wasn't fun that day. I found it harder to be nice to rude customers, and the hari seemed endless.

"Yeah, Alice kind of brings light to this place, huh?" Georgie, the cook asked. I nodded...
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posted by para-scence
About three months have passed, and text messages and calls have stopped. It made me feel sad, but at least I knew they had moved on. At least they weren't devoting their lives to worrying about me.

Then one hari before work, I had drove to the edge of town to the grocery store. I had paid for all my things, I was leaving when I noticed a bulletin board. It was the ones where missing people were posted. One in particular caught my attention. It was a picture of me from a party, I was all smiles and waving at the camera. Missing: Kodi Hunter. Last seen: **/**/** Hair color: brown. Eye color: brown....
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posted by Insight357
    I stood from the brown couch, rubbing my eyes. I had slept on the couch. Grey was mad, and I had been stressed. It was a fight waiting to happen.
    Grey had already left for her job at the pharmacy. She was a secretary. Today, I was going to get my license, to practice psychology.
    I stood from the couch, I was dressed in last night’s clothes. I’d been at the bar, doing tequila shots. I was trying to numb my mind from pop-up questions.
    It had been a week since I left the asylum. Since I left Dr. Anozi....
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 13

The hallways of the hospital were dead silent except for the beeping noises of the jantung monitors from the patient rooms and acak coughing. Jax slowly and silently stepped passed each door not wanting to spook anyone and draw attention to him. So far it was working.
Finally, he reached an elevator and pressed the down button, hoping that no one was on the other side of the door.
The door binged loudly as it reached his floor and Jax held his breath waiting to see a doctor atau security on the other side. It opened and he let out a huge sigh to an empty elevator.
He stepped inside and...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 12

The late afternoon sun shined on Koda’s back as he headed further west. Soon the sun would be shining in front of him, slowly drifting its way down the western horizon. Night would follow…

The hospital grew quiet as the hours went by. Jax’s pain had subsided but his anger and vengeance did not. With each passing menit he grew lebih restless and ready to leave his hospital bed.
He gently took the oxygen tubes out of his nose then gritted his teeth as he pulled the IV out his hand. Slowly, he moved his feet towards the edge of the tempat tidur but quickly pushed them back as he saw a nurse...
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posted by Insight357
This is a story; my story. I am Damien Cole Demidov. My grandparents are full-blooded Russian. I am twenty-one years old, and I’ve been locked up in an asylum for four years.
    I have black hair about four inches from my shoulders. I am vampire pale. I have crystal blue eyes. I’m 5’9’’.
    I have met many a person in my time. Maybe you’ll meet some of the throughout the story.
    Anywho, I live in the U.S. now, shipped over with my mom when I was twelve. I live in New York City at the moment. My mom is back in Russia with my father, and grandparents.
    Now, let’s see what’s in store for us.
Sylvia took him to the hospital after his tantrum. He had a fever from it, and he became a little sick from his anger. She was a very good mother and taught her children well, but why would her malaikat of a son act so violently and moody? The doctor berkata it wasn't Sylvia's fault. Luke's real mother drank alcohol while carrying him which that means, Luke has fetal alcohol syndrome. It causes violent mood swings, temper tantrums, and compulsive behavior. Sylvia was worried about him because this can effect his behavior with everyone else around him, and his self esteem. A few days later, Sylvia...
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“I can’t even remember why I chose to marry you!” She yelled. Her beautiful face filled with anger, those sparkling brown eyes that I have loved since hari one, bore into me with no affection. She had berkata them, the words I never wanted to hear.
The fight had been going on for an jam now and I started to yell back, I could no longer control myself. Our first real fight in five years. I knew she would be over it soon and that big bright smile will light up her face, but I was overwhelmed too. I was hurt. But I stopped myself.
There were no lights on in our house; the outside light had...
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