warrior kucing club Club
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posted by stormypelt
The sun was starting to go down when Rusty stirred. Half the hari had gone past since he was brought in. Yawning, he pried one eye open. He faintly heard the medicine cat—Yellowfang, he recalled—tell Runningnose to "get Brokenstar." His ears perked up as he heard Runningnose leave.

Rusty lifted his head and looked around. "W-where..." Yellowfang walked over, something clenched in her mouth. She dropped it beside his head. Rusty looked to see that it was a wet ball of moss

"Here. Drink." Yellowfang berkata curtly. "You're about to have company—be respectful and anda may walk out of here with...
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posted by WCSilentBreeze
{( The Herb daftar )}

Alder bark - Toothaches. Eat.

Alfalfa - used to prevent tooth decay.

Aloe Vera - Use the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems atau burns.

Ash (tree) - New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bite of an Adder atau ular berbisa, viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.

Beech Leaves - used for carrying herbs.

Bindweed - used to fasten sticks to broken limbs to keep them in place.

Blackberry Leaves - when chewed to a pulp, it helps eases the swelling of bee stings.

Blessed thistle - increases circulation of blood

Borage Leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing...
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added by shimmerpelt
Source: homemade
credit goes to RiverLee.
scourge im Scarlet
are anda a girl?
no im a boy!
isnt Scarlet a girl name.
yeah my parents were expecting a girl! on with the story-

LionBlaze:Jay!Jay! wakeupwakeupwakeup!


LionBlaze: i want to tampil anda something.

Jay: WHAT? IM BLIND! balashnsghbweivfnwhgbe

Lion: Did anda just have a seuizure? okay whatever, its a picture.

jay;its a picture.(Jay feels the paper) what the! it feels like cheese and mountains. cheesymountains?

Lion:No,Much better its Cheesy Mountain. were going to CHEESY MOUNTAIN!

jay has a seuizure this time.
"BLAZEWISKER!" wow, hailblaze can sure yell.
"Stay here lillykit, that means anda too cloudkit." I wounder...
"Cloudkit. anda know you're not thinking, well anda are, out loud though." That's my sister, lillykit she's so much prettier than iam. *Sigh.* "Are anda ok cloudkit?" Her grayish black pelt swaying in the dark silver sky. "Yea,im fine, lets go to sleep." I snuggled my wight face into my puffy wight fur.
"I would but what abou.." She paused when we hearde mom and dad say.
"But our kits hailblaze,we cant leave them!" mom sounded scared.
"I understand, then if anda wont come with me then...
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added by o-Ravenfrost-o
Source: Me
added by ravenpawrox
Source: 1p
api and Shadow: Chapter One

Rusty was overwhelmed oleh all the new sensations of the forest: the sights, the scents, the sounds! Everything was like a revelation to the young kitten. He was so enthralled he hardly noticed that he had ventured so far into the forest that his housefolk's nest was no longer in sight.

A sudden noise in the bushes ahead of him caused him to crouch down. His nostrils widened as he sought to take in the scent of whatever was there. His bulu raised in an attempt to make himself seem larger to whatever was out there and his claws unsheathed themselves. Rusty slowly crawled...
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"I have some bad news for anda kits." That was Dusttail, she sounded like something was trubeling her. Vanillakit,rabbitkit and satkit all ran outside to see what was wiating for them.
"Whisperscream!" rabbitkit yelled out loud. "how did she die, tell us Now dusttail!" Dusttail hesitated for a moment then said,
"She fought bravely, yet, she was killed with a slash around her neck, so fast it happend none of us had time to think." Spikefelt came out of the nerse's halaman awal holding his and dusttail's new born kit. At that same moment scentfrost came out and grabed whisperscream oleh the scruff and...
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added by Longfur
Source: Becky(Me)
added by scourgestar55
Stripetail was tired. Since he was just made a warrior, he couldn't talk, atau sleep. On the bright side, he was with his sisters and brother, Darkwing, Silvernose, and Muddyfoot. Just when the sun was about to come up, a rubah, fox was making it's way to the warriors den. While Silvernose was heading toward Bramblestar's den, Stripetail ran toward the fox."Take that anda mousebrain fox!" he yowled as he sliced the foxes nose. The sun was up oleh the time Stripetail single pawed defeated the fox. When he looked around at his proud clanmates, he saw the most beautiful she cat ever, Snowfeather. She is...
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added by shimmerpelt
Source: paint
posted by bluefire700
Leader: Ravenstar (M)
Deputy: Kestrelbreeze (F) Apprentice, Thistlepaw (F)
Medicine Cat: Wingheart (F)

Leopardspring (M) Apprentice, Ashpaw (F)
Blueblaze (F)
Quailwing (F) Apprentice, Stonepaw (M)
Flarestorm (F)
Flamefern (M)
Lionfang (M)
Honeystripe (F)
Grayblaze (M) Apprentice, Darkpaw (M)
Sootspots (M)

Whitefire: Fangkit (F)
Mistybreeze: Snowkit (F), Tigerkit (F)

Wingstorm (F)
Tanglestripe (M)
Muddyleg (M)

Leader: Bramblestar (M)
Deputy: NIghtstreak (M)
Medicine Cat: Brightmist (F)

Flamedawn (F) Apprentice, Starlingpaw (M)
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posted by prim17luvr101
“Could anda go out to the lake and get some lebih horsetail, Dewpaw?” asks Silverblossom, my medicine cat mentor.
“Of course,” I reply. I’m a medicine cat apprentice, it’s my job.
Right before I leave she adds, “Bring a friend!”
“I know!” I yell back, but she probably doesn’t hear me because I’m already across the clearing. Accidently, I ram into grumpy Snakefang and run over Inkkit and Rabbitkit, earning glares from Nightheart and Blizzardcloud. I ignore them. I’m too focused on the task at hand. I know just the cat to bring. I find him, my best friend, Birchpaw, talking...
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(Humans in this story are called No-tails. Thank anda for membaca this)


Leader-Seastar-Blue gray she cat with white muzzle and paws, hazel eyes

Deputy-Saltwind-speckled emas and gray tom

Medicine Cat-Seacliff
Beautiful gray she cat with amber eyes.
Apprentice, Rainpaw

Apprentice, Swirlpaw
Apprentice, Bulkpaw
Apprentice, Wavepaw


Surf-fur – emas she cat

Plungingkit-Hazelsand kit
Leapkit- Hazelsand kit
Shinykit- Surf-fur kit
Tinykit- Surf-fur kit


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Silverkit bounced up and down.
"We're finally apprentices!" she squealed to her brother, Blazekit.
Blazekit rolled his eyes. "Bramblestar didn't even start the ceremony yet."
Silverkit huffed. Blazekit thought he knew everything.
kucing were starting to gather around the Highledge as Bramblestar's amber gaze traveled around the Clan.
"Today,"he began,"we have two kits who are ready to become apprentices." He beckoned to Silverkit. "Silverpaw," he continued,"Your mentor will be Ivypool."
Silverpaw turned around to see a silver and white tabby walking toward her. That must be Ivpool, she thought....
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posted by briskpelt21
Chapter Two- Lionblaze stared at Jayfeather. “Do anda mean,” “Yes,” Jayfeather cut him off, “The patrol came back when I was in my den. They ran in and I saw Brambleclaw supporting her. She lost her last life because a rattlesnake bit her. I am so stupid! I could’ve saved her if I was still outside! I killed my own mother!” “JAYFEATHER!!!” cried Lionblaze, “You do not say such things. anda tried. That’s all that matters.” Dovepaw stood there Frozen in her spot, and in a membagi, split second, she padded away. “GREAT! Just GREAT!!! Now one of the Three thinks I’m going to kill her!” Jayfeather choked on his own words, “Please excuse me.” He ran off toward the lake. “Jayfeather…” Lionblaze berkata quietly.