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Harold's daftar of the best arcade games ever (which you've probably never played).
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22 fans
Do games have to be hated to be loved?
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11 fans

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10 fans
judul says it all, I don't even get the point of these on Fanpop. ^___^
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8 fans

Funny daftar of really bad video game titles. Examples: Booby Kids and Nuts & Milk.
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6 fans

A comprehensive game news, review, and cuplikan site that covers PC, console, and mobile games.
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6 fans
This is my daftar featuring my 20 favourite PS2 games.
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6 fans
The 15 Most Frustrating Situations in Video Games. A Dorkly artikel has hit the nail on the head on the most frustrating situations in video games.
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6 fans