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posted by groovychicklisa
musik and Memories

Charlie had left oleh the time I got up the selanjutnya morning; he was fishing with Billy again, and probably wouldn't be back until late. I did the homework that had to be done oleh Monday and cleaned the house, but it was still barely noon oleh the time I had finished. Edward hadn't berkata when he would call, so when the phone rang a few menit later, I almost fell down the stairs in my hurry to get to it.

"Hello?" I answered breathlessly.

"Hi honey!"

I let out a slightly disappointed sigh; mom.

"Hey mom." I started twirling the chord around my finger, hoping this wouldn't turn out to be one of her marathon calls.

"Was that a sigh of disappointment I just heard? Were anda expecting a call from someone else?"

"Mom…" I could never hide anything from her.

"Are anda waiting for a boy to call, Isabella Marie Swan?" I knew her well enough to recognize her teasing.


"Tell me everything! What's his name? How old is he? Are anda dating? Is Charlie completely freaking out?" I laughed at her last question.

"Actually, yes, a little. I had to remind him to put his gun away before Edward came over last night." It hadn't been very funny at the time, of course, but I could laugh at it now.

"Edward? He sounds like he's eighty atau something."I could practically hear her frown over the line.

"He's my age." Eighty… eew.

"He's in your class then? Is that how anda met him?"

"Yeah, we have Biology and P.E. together."

"He still wants to hang out with anda after having seen anda in Gym? That must be a good sign." I rolled my eyes and was about to say something sarcastic, but she quickly changed the subject. "So anda went out last night? Where did anda go? What did anda do? Is there actually anything to do in that sorry excuse for a town?"

"Not really. We went to this really nice little Italian place in Port Angeles, and then we went to the movies." I didn't say that we went to see a movie, because there really hadn't been much of that.

"What movie did anda see?"

"Eh…" I desperately tried to remember what the movie had been called, but came up blank. "The new one with Leonardo DiCaprio." That I remembered.

"Oh, anda made out at the film then." Mom chuckled, and I blushed. "And stop blushing."

"How did you…" I blushed even harder.

"Please, sweetie. I know you." She had a point. "Is he taking anda out again?"

"I think so." I was suddenly filled with doubts. He had berkata that he would call, but he hadn't actually berkata that he wanted to go out again. "He berkata he'd call, but I don't know if…"

"Then he'll call. And I'm sure he'll want to take anda out again, what guy wouldn't?"

At last count? All of them. Maybe more.

"OK, I'll let anda go; don't want to block the line when he calls. I just wanted to see how your week's been. Call me tomorrow, I want to hear everything!"

With that, she hung up.

And I was left all alone with my shiny, new doubts.

He had meant it when he berkata that he would call, right? I mean, we had been making out through half the movie and then in his car before we berkata goodnight. He seemed to like me. He had berkata it, he'd even called me his girlfriend, and still…

Fortunately, my thoughts were interrupted oleh another phone call.

"Hello?" This time, it was him.

"I'm so sorry!" My jantung immediately dropped. Was he only calling to say that he didn't want to see me again?

"Why?" I held my breath as I waited for his answer.

"I accidently mentioned to Alice that we were doing something today, and she somehow got me to agree to movie and pizza with her and Jasper tonight." I let out a sigh of relief. "Did I mention that I'm sorry? I'm really really sorry."

"It's fine." It was, really. "I mean, I wouldn't have minded doing something just the two of us, but Alice is my friend, I don't have a problem hanging out with her and Jasper."

"Are anda sure? Because if I berkata that anda wanted to do something else, I could probably… OK, maybe, get her to let us off the hook. It might take some begging and possibly the promise of a favor of some kind, but…"

"Pizza and a movie with Alice and Jasper will be fine." I interrupted.

"Are anda sure?"


"OK, but selanjutnya weekend we'll do something just anda and me." I liked the sound of that.

"Deal. What's the timeline for tonight then?"

"I think it's pretty open. Just let me know when anda feel like coming over and I'll pick anda up. We'll order the pizza when we're hungry. Oh, and Alice already has the film picked out, so don't bother bringing anything."

When I feel like it… how about right now? No, that would be too pushy. Right?

"Fiveish? Is that OK?" Four and a half long hours from now. I had no idea how I would pass the time.

"Sure. I'll call when I'm on my way." I thought I heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Hang on, Alice wants to talk to you. See anda in a couple of hours."

"See anda later." I waited as he handed the phone to Alice.

"Hi Bella!" She sounded as chipper as ever. "I've got a favor to ask."


"Are anda doing anything special today, atau do anda mind coming here a little earlier? I have an English paper on The Scarlet Letter due on Monday, and I really, really need your help."

I was pretty sure she could just ask one of her brothers, atau Jasper, for help, but I wasn't about to pass up on the opportunity she had just – deliberately? – thrown at me.

"Sure, when do anda want me to come over?" Please say now, please say now.

"Well… I actually haven't started yet…"

"How about I grab some lunch and then I'll head over? As long as someone can pick me up, I still can't drive the truck anda know."

"Would you? I really appreciate it."

"Sure, Alice." I waited as she covered the phone with her hand and spoke to someone.

"Edward will pick anda up in half an hour, is that OK?"

"Sounds great."

"OK. See anda in a little while!" I could almost hear the smile on her face as she hung up.

I fixed some grilled cheese, and waited impatiently as the roti sizzled in the pan. After I had eaten, I took a quick mandi, shower and threw on my favorit t-shirt and a pair of jeans I had bought during my shopping trip with Alice. I grabbed my own copy of The Scarlet Letter and headed down the stairs just as I heard Edward pull into the driveway. Before heading out the door, I scribbled down a note for Charlie, telling him where I was and that he had to fix makan malam himself, and stuck it to the fridge with a magnet in the shape of a rainbow.

Edward was leaning against the driver's side of the Camaro, and a crooked smile appeared on his face when I came out the door.

"Hey." I returned the smile as I walked down the porch steps.

"Hey." He walked around the car and opened the passenger door for me. I leaned in for a quick hello-kiss, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Missed you." He mumbled, pulling away slightly and burying his face in my hair.

"Me too." I snuggled into the crook of his neck and sighed. I could definitely get used to this.

After a couple of menit he released me and I got into the passenger seat. Before he started the car, he opened the sarung tangan compartment.

"Pick something."

I pulled out the pile of CDs that filled the small luar angkasa and flipped through them, settling on Maroon 5's Songs about Jane.

"Good choice." He acknowledged with a grin.

I leaned my head back, closed my eyes and let the slightly aggressive notes of Harder to Breathe wash over me.

After a few minutes, I felt Edward's arm around my back, and I willingly scooted a little closer to him and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Sorry about Alice." He mumbled. "I mean, not that I mind having anda around all hari – obviously – but she can be a bit of a pain in the pantat, keledai when she's on a mission."

"Mission?" He raised an eyebrow at my questioning tone. "Oh." It had been deliberate, then. Thank you, Alice.

"I tried to tell her to back off, that I had everything under control, but she seems to think I'm going to mess up atau something."

"It sounds like she just cares about you." I suggested.

"She cares about anda too, anda know." He chuckled. "She actually told me that if I hurt you, she'd beat me to death with a shovel."

"I hope that won't be necessary." I actually shivered at the thought, and he pulled me closer.

"Not if I have anything to say in the matter."

Was this happening way too fast?

We had known each other for barely two weeks, been on one single date. And I already knew that if he ever left me, it would break my jantung beyond repair. So, yes, this was happening way too fast. But I didn't think that there was anything I could do about it.

When we got to the big house, Alice had set up her laptop on the bar counter. Edward joined Jasper, who was watching TV in the living room part of the area, and I climbed the barstool selanjutnya to Alice.

"Thank anda so much!" She gave me a tight, one-armed hug. "I didn't understand half of what Mr. Mason was saying in English the other day."

We worked on her paper for a couple of hours, until she was happy with the results. When she flipped the laptop closed with a satisfied click, the boys looked up from the TV.

"All done?" Jasper asked, and Alice nodded.

"All done."

"Where's everyone else?" I asked as Alice hopped off her chair. I opted against trying to match her grace and carefully climbed down instead. One broken limb was quite enough for the time being.

"They went to Seattle for the day; they probably won't be back until pretty late tonight." Alice plopped down on the dipan, sofa selanjutnya to Jasper, leaving a luar angkasa for me between her and Edward. "Are anda guys actually watching this, atau can we start watching the movies?" She indicated the bola basket game on the television.

Jasper handed her the remote, and she skipped to the entertainment set, inserting a DVD in the player.

"I thought we'd start with some comedy." She returned to the dipan, sofa as the trailers began, kicking her shoes off to get lebih comfortable. I followed her lead and pulled my legs up under me. Edward put an arm around my shoulders, and I leaned into him.

I had always liked British comedies in general – and Hugh Grant comedies in particular – so Alice's choice of About a Boy suited me well.

After the movie, we ordered pizza. As we waited for the food to get there, I spotted Alice glancing at the piano in the corner.

"Do anda play?" I asked, and was surprised when she turned to Edward, raising her eyebrows at him.

"It's mine." He shrugged. "It's a hobby."

"You're being too modest!" Alice huffed. "He composes his own music."

"Really?" I frowned at him. "We've spent I don't know how many hours talking about music, and anda what? Forgot to mention it?"

"Sorry." He had a sheepish look on his face. "It's just not something I go around talking about, I guess."

"It's OK. As long as anda make it up oleh playing something for me."

He got up and walked over to the piano, sitting down on the bangku before running his hands over the keys, trying out different scales. He paused for a moment, and then began to play a slow, sweet melody. It became lebih and lebih melancholy as it progressed, and the final note tugged at my heart. I realized that I had tears in my eyes when he finished playing.

"That was beautiful." I said, my voice a little unsteady.

"And new." Alice noted.

Edward gave me a long, meaningful look. Had the song been for me? The small smile on his face gave me the answer.

"Hey, Jasper, I need that book anda berkata I could borrow, come with me upstairs?" Alice seemed to have picked up on the electricity that was flowing between me and Edward.

"Right, the book. Come on." The two of them walked up the stairs, and Alice winked at me over her shoulder.

I walked over to the piano and sat down selanjutnya to Edward. He placed a ciuman on puncak, atas of my head, and I leaned into his body.

"How long have anda played?" I asked quietly.

"As long as I can remember." He ran his fingers lightly over the keys. "My mom played, so we had a piano in our living room. Esme always says that I started tinkling on the piano before I could talk."

"My mom made me take lessons when I was eight, but I never really got the hang of it." He took my hand and placed it on the keys, pressing my fingers down to produce different notes. After a moment I realized that we were playing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

"One of the few memories I have of my mom is how she used to pick me up and sit down on the piano bangku with me in her lap, and we'd play Chopsticks together." His voice was a little sad.

"That's nice." He let go of my hand, and I wrapped my arm around his waist. He leaned his head on mine, and we just sat there.

When the doorbell rang about five menit later, we were still in the same position. Before either of us had a chance to react, Alice bounced down the stairs and threw the door open. Jasper followed at a lebih reasonable pace.

Alice paid for the pizzas and put them down on the coffee meja in front of the couch, flipping the boxes open. One plain and one mushroom. Jasper took a slice from the plain one before reclaiming his kursi on the couch.

Edward went to get some sodas from the fridge, and I joined Alice and Jasper on the couch.

"What movie's next?" I wondered, and Alice held up two DVD-cases for me to choose from.

"Matt Damon atau hot surf guys?"

"Franka Potente atau Kate Bosworth." Jasper corrected, grinning, as Edward sat down selanjutnya to me.

"Either one is fine." I shrugged.

"Hot surf guys it is." Alice put the disc in the DVD-player and skipped past the trailers.

The movie was actually pretty good. oleh the time it was over, the pizza and sodas were all gone. Alice skipped into the dapur with the trash while Jasper put the last movie in the DVD before sitting down on the floor in front of the couch. When Alice came back, she joined him on the floor, sitting down between his legs and leaning back into his chest. She grabbed one of the blankets from the armrest of the dipan, sofa and pulled it over them both.

As the movie started, Edward stretched out on the dipan, sofa and pulled me down in front of him, his head leaning on the armrest. He took one of the pillows we had tossed on the floor earlier and put it underneath my head.

"Are anda cold?" His mumble in my ear sent shivers down my spine, and he took that as a yes, reaching out for the other blanket that was draped across the armrest of the couch.

His arm crept around my waist under the blanket and he pulled me closer so that my back was pressed against his chest.

"Comfy?" I only managed to hum in what I hoped was an affirmative way.

Needless to say, I had trouble keeping up with the plot.

About half an jam into the movie, we heard a car pull up outside the house.

"They're home." Alice acknowledged.

As the door opened, I tried to sit up, but Edward only held me tighter. Carlisle and Esme came into the room first, joined oleh Emmett and Rosalie a moment later.

"Hey kids." Esme greeted, smiling at us.

"What're anda watching?" Emmett flopped down on the floor selanjutnya to Jasper and Alice.

"Bourne Identity." Jasper replied, eyes focused on the TV.

"I've been wanting to see that."

"We'll be off to bed." Carlisle said, pulling Esme along with him towards the stairs. "See anda in the morning."

Rosalie joined Emmett, Jasper and Alice on the floor and we continued to watch the movie.

Edward and I ended up making out in the car outside Charlie's house later that night, Goo Goo Dolls' Iris playing softly in the background.

It was only ten thirty, so I figured Charlie wouldn't come looking for me for a while. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Daddy Cool started playing from my pocket, and I groaned.

"I'm assuming that's your dad calling?" Edward berkata in an amused voice.

"I made the mistake of teaching him how to assign personalized ring tones." I complained, pulling the phone out of my pocket. "He's taking it out on my phone."

Edward only chuckled.

"Hello?" I answered, sounding annoyed on purpose.


Who else would it be?

"What's up dad?"

"I just wanted to know when anda were planning on coming home."

I calculated the risk of him looking out the dapur window, and found it to be pretty big.

"We actually just pulled up outside." I shot Edward an apologetic look.

"Great. See anda in a bit then."

"Sure thing." I was pretty certain that he didn't pick up on the sarcasm in my voice. I returned the phone to my pocket. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Edward assured me. "He's your dad; it's his job to look out for you."

"He's a little new at it, so he goes overboard sometimes. We've only had the summers together before, and I'm pretty sure he was lebih worried about me having a good time so I would want to come back the tahun after than sticking to curfews and stuff."

"You didn't have a boyfriend then, either." He noted, and I smiled at the word. Boyfriend.

"Also true. Maybe he's just behaving like any normal parent of a teenager."

"Most likely." He ran his knuckles down my cheek, making me shudder a little. "You should probably get inside."

"Yeah." I agreed grudgingly.

"Lunch tomorrow? I think Esme berkata something about making her famous lasagna."

"Are anda sure? I don't want your family to get sick of me." In truth, I didn't want him to get sick of me.

"Could never happen."

"OK then." I looked over towards the house and saw that Charlie was standing in the dapur window. "I really do have to go now. I wouldn't put it past him to come out here and drag me inside."

"I'll pick anda up at noon tomorrow."

"Charlie can take me; anda shouldn't have to drive me around everywhere."

"I don't mind." And I could tell that he really didn't. "But I do have some homework to do before anda get there tomorrow, so it would probably be better if Charlie drove you."

"Tomorrow at noon then." I was about to open the door, but he reached out and held me back.

"You forgot something." He berkata before he placed his hands on my cheeks and gave me a long, sweet kiss. I might have forgotten to breathe at some point, because when he pulled back, I was completely out of breath, and my brain felt all fuzzy.

I snapped out of it when I heard the front door open.

"Night." I quickly got out of the car, and I could hear Edward chuckle behind me. "Hi dad."

"I thought anda berkata anda just pulled up outside when I called you?"

"We did, I just didn't get out of the car right away." I blushed as I walked past him into the house and hoped that he wouldn't notice
posted by CharmedVamp101
I stepped out of the car. We were facing Jo Ann Fabrics, they had the best selection ever. Alice and I walked side oleh side. She was wearing a pair of sun glasses. So, I wore some too. We walked through the double doors and Alice smiled at the unsuspecting husbands, who got dragged along with their wives, who couldn't help but notice her beauty. I must have looked plain selanjutnya to her. We walked right up to the only employee we saw, which happened to be a guy, (how weird?) who gawked at Alice.
"What can I help anda with, ladies,"he asked, barely able to get the words out.
"Can anda direct us to the...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
YES this is the same person who wrote BLOOD LUST and STORYTELLER and BLEED IT OUT (storyteller 2) and I just have to say that I'm
really greatful to all of the fan out there telling me to keep up the work! So thanks, and even thought I'm on writers block for both books! I will continue them sometime soon. I finished STORYTELLER (as some of anda know)...and I started BLEED IT OUT, and I didn't know where to go with it so I just got stumped! Same on BLOOD LUST...but someone did get the first part of it...and I can't say cause then you'd bug that person for it...but chapter 14 of BLOOD LUST will...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
 TRUE BLOOD season one ON DVD!!!
TRUE BLOOD season one ON DVD!!!

"Bill, I have to go home!" I berkata slipping my kemeja on.
"Why?" He asked me.
"Cause Josh is gonna' come over here wonderin' where the heck I am, and he will see us in tempat tidur togheter!" I berkata and he smiled.
"Fine!" He berkata and he got up and started to get dressed.
"But anda can come over and get blood from him!" I berkata and...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope anda like my story sorry for the spelling and stuff like that im trying my best!!!!!

Rennesme POV
When anda cinta the one, who left anda no options at all,and change anda campletely how can anda fight with the world to not lose him?

What about if your life depend on the person, what would anda do to tell him what anda really feel about him and that anda want to be with him FOREVER!!!!!!

And anda have just one lebih chance to do it!!!!

posted by Edward_lover101
 cool huh
cool huh
Everyone must have left, because no one was here except me and Edward. I was lebih that ready to get some sleep. So Edward gave me some privaticy. I took a hot shower, and put on some pj's. I walked to Edward's room. there stood Edward, as perfect as ever. I waked over to the tempat tidur and layed down. Edward came over and layed selanjutnya to me.
"Bella are anda ok? anda were so upset back at the medow. What did Jacob do that made anda fell that way. I mean anda don't have to tell me, if anda don;t want to." Edward was curious. I could tell. "Edward, Jacob wants to know why I cinta anda so much. And when I give...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was finishing up the spageti, spaghetti when a loud crash echoed from the front room. I couldn't see what it was. I was about to get up, to check it out, when Edward strolled in and sat selanjutnya to me. I stuffed the remaining amount of spageti, spaghetti in my mouth, watching him. He grabbed my plate and headed for the kitchen. I followed. I had some pertanyaan for him.
"What was that noise I heard?"
"I threw something down the stairs. I was angry, but I have something for you."
That took me oleh surprise.
"For me?"
I doubted it could be better than the present he'd already diberikan me. How could any present beat him? He...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I put the box on the floor carefully, I didn't know if there was anything breakable in it. I peered inside. I closed my eyes and inhaled, I was angry, I wanted her to keep things, to remind her of me, but she mustn't not have wanted to. The CD I made her in its jeweled, plastic case was sitting on top. I pulled it out and put it aside. The diamond jantung I gave her, to go with Jacob's carved wolf. The stereo from her truck, a copy of the gift Emmett, Rose and Jazz gave her for her 18th birthday, the one that I replaced. All of the notes that I left her. And a black velvet box. If I could cry...
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posted by lovethecullens
Hi Everyone!
I am sorry that I haven't diposting any new Dusk chapters recently. It has been HECTIC in my house. I am finishing up my semester of school, taking care of my uncoordinated brother who fell off of a roof (don't ask LONG story, all i can say is dumb boys and their stupid toys LOL), plus taking care of my crazy girls & husband. On puncak, atas of that I am very excited to say that I have finally came up with a project of my own for a fictional story that I am hoping to eventually publikasi if I am blessed enoughto have that opportunity (keep your fingers crossed for me :) I don't want to say...
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posted by Pirate_4_life
I let myself fall into a deep sleep, trying to block out the pain. Although the intensity had reduced, just as before all the gambar of that night I changed came rushing back like a tap in my mind had been turned on. They were now accompanied oleh the gambar of my grandmother and the feeling of complete guilt. If I had just acted like a grown up, took some responsibility for what was happening it could have been very different now.
I wake up with tears in my eyes. I sit bolt up ignoring the pain ripping through my body. Although most things about me had changed, that is the one thing that remained...
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posted by qtpievy
I was totally unprepared for what I was about to face. How could I leave my one true cinta alone so fragile and unprotected, but surly she could stay out of harms way without the vampire in town. I knew that it would be a while before she actually hinted that I was leaving and I knew that she would cling with every thread of hope. But this was for the best. I think.
I pulled into Charlies spot not wanting to look at the empty house so I spent the few menit it took for Bella's truck to come billowing around the corner, with my love.
Holding her warm hand, I was so attuned to her that I could...
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posted by Twilight597
Ok i know this took a long time. well its because i live in ohio and we are having OATs(ohio achievement tests) for the end of the tahun and i just took the membaca one so we get a break for one hari and thats 2maro and the rest of today so i dont know when i will get chapter 3 up either its done but writen and i have to type it. this one is a long one just for the wait but its really only long becasue the song lyrics oh and i changed My Hero to Loves Not A Competition(but i'm winning) so on with the story and i also dont have a name for this other then practicing so any suggestions please tell...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was giddy as we got on the plane. I couldn't believe she agreed to come with me. As we took our seats. I hadn't felt this good since, that fight with Victoria. I mean, sure I stayed with Bella, but I thought we would get married, I thought she would have picked me. I mean at first, she had berkata that she would marry me, but now I realize, she wasn't completely honest with me. I know she is a bad liar, but I guess I just wanted to finally have her say yes, and to finally have her choose me. She must have thought that I would still make cinta to her, before we were to be wed. I thought she loved...
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10. Sing “Discovery Channel” oleh the Bloodhound Gang in your head whenever he is near.

9. Hotwire his Volvo and take it on a joyride.

8. Tell him the relationship he is having with Bella is practically paedophilia and he could be sent to jail for it.

7. Ask how Tanya is.

6. End every argument with “Bite me, Edward.”

5. Call him Romeo both behind his back and to his face.

4. Whenever he complains atau argues, reply with “What are anda gonna do Edward? Go to Italy?”

3. Tell him his hair isn’t bronze, it’s ginger, and he should stop denying himself – he’s a ranga.

2. Whenever he leaves a room atau says goodbye, get down on your knees and beg him not to go, not again.

And the Number One way to annoy Edward Cullen?

1. Take his silver cell phone and change the ringtone to “Like a Virgin” oleh Madonna.

Source: link
posted by Pirate_4_life
I have thought about menulis my own story for quite some time, with my main influence being twilight-7. She has an amazing menulis style and has kept me and many others enthralled oleh her captivating story. I don’t want anyone to think that my stories will be in any way shape atau form nearly as good as hers but I will give it a try and if no-one likes it then I will simply give up and try something new.
Suggestions and komentar will be kindly welcomed throughout.

Chapter 1.

I sit alone in my room in silence, 7pm, another sleepless night ahead. Although I don’t seem to get tired, I just sit and...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I started packing right away, I was rejoicing. This really hot guy was taking me away from the drug lord, plus, he likes me back. I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid apartment. The only reason I lived here was because the drug lord paid for it as long as I turned in the money.
That thought stopped me in my tracks. If Max berkata I was supposed to pay $500, then the drug lord would come for the other 200. I just hoped he wouldn't come until I was already gone. I would leave him a note.
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Dear DL:

I'm leaving, so anda won't be able to find me, it's a place...
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Chapter 2

    I was hyperventilating as my malaikat walked past me on to his first class. He walked into the door of Mr. Emmi’s class, which was also my first class. I learned that my malaikat name is Stefan . His sisters names were Colleen and Carmen. His brothers, Jacob and Leo.
    His voice was heavenly. Sweet and daring. He walked to the last empty desk. It was beside me. I moved my tas, dompet from off the desktop and smiled at him politely. His answering smile made me hyperventilate again. I could have sworn I heard him chuckle.
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
(I found a song that goes GREAT with this chapter, and its called NO GOOD oleh KATE VOEGELE, and then there is also KINDLY UNSPOKEN oleh her too! And for CHAPTER ELEVEN, at the very end of chapter ten and throughout chapter 11, HALLELUJAH oleh KATE VOEGELE works AWESOMELY with that! Check them out, and enjoy CHAPTER 12 ~BuffyFaithfan1)

CHAPTER TWELVE: Its Gotta Be This One...
I always wonder if this is truely me u know? I've been thinking of this lyric from...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Chapter Seven: Bad Influences!...
Around three in the morning, Alice came into my room, and sat at the end of it and placed one hand on my leg.
"Bella. I think its time to ambush Ili. We found where she is, and she is at this old warehouse. Are anda ready for this? " She asked me.
"I thought anda would never ask!" I berkata and followed her and the others to the car, heading for the Ili ambushing attack!
We got into the car, and I sat in backwith Edward in the middle, and Alice on the far side. Alice knew about...
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posted by kladida_22
Chapter.3 – Back to Life It’s Self

“No, but thanks again really I heard the guys and they say that anda have really been taking charge of things and looking out after Billy , the pack and La Push I don’t think I could ever repay anda for this” his eyes were locked on mine I saw that he was grateful.
“I did my job Jacob that was all I’m Beta when anda not here someone needs to take the laid that all I did besides remember anda saved my life once when I was akting really stupid soo lets say that we’re even ok” I berkata in a calm voice still locked on Jacob eyes I couldn’t look away...
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posted by barbie91lala's my little story..
It's a compilation of my role play, so a lot of people participated on it.
I started it with BellaBrooke and BellaCullen96 (who I both thank a lot) and we role played as Bella (me), Edward (BellaBrooke) and Alice (BellaCullen96) at first, but then some other people thank anda to the others!
hope anda like the story!

CHAPTER 1: Almost perfect night

i was walking really angry along the dark streets of forks when suddenly little rain drops began to fall on my head. that made me feel worse...why did i say those things to him? i should have learned to shut...
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