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Today is a landmark for Twilight fan because Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight Series, has finally hit theatres.

I have had the opportunity to see it twice and counting. I have to agree with the critics when I say, “Eclipse was the best ‘Twilight’ yet.” It definitely was. Not only did the cinematography add to the film’s richness, but the elements from the book were captured on film. This film brought the book it was based on to life. This film was the only movie that was successful in that aspect.

All in all, I loved the movie! I thought it stuck very close to the book, way closer than the sebelumnya film had. Of course I had my quirks though. I will share my positives and my negatives. I will not go through every scene because this would be a really long review if I did. Haha


I felt the need to write a small paragraph about the new director. When Slade was chosen as director, many people were worried, including me. Yes, David Slade brought darkness to the film. However, he brought it to a realistically, dark level. And what I liked about Slade's direction is that he did not try and follow the directors before him. Continuity is there, but he made the movie his own. The film is tainted with his unique touch, and anda can obviously see it in the film. The tone of the movie, the wide-shots, everything is "Slade-copyrighted". We haven't seen these camera movements in the other films before, and I thought Slade did a fantastic job: with the actors, with the cameras, and with the movie.


The cinematography was absolutely gorgeous. From the landscapes to the tone of the movie, everything was beautiful. The movie was very visually dynamic and the coloring was incredible. The different angles, whether wide shots atau close shots, they fit with the scene they were in. I will go into specifics when I am talking about certain scenes. To membungkus, bungkus up this portion of the review, I reiterate what I berkata about him in the paragraph above: David Slade did an amazing job with the camera work. I would even use the word artistic. He had some unique shots, which I am excited to talk about later on.

****Obviously, Spoilers from here on out****


I would give a play oleh play review, but I am afraid I would mess up the order of scenes, so I will review them in the order in which I loved the most. This is very hard for me to do considering I have many favorit scenes in this movie :) I can say that two and three are tied. I can’t decide which one I like better!

1)Edward Proposing to Bella. This scene was absolutely beautiful. I loved how similar Edward’s bedroom in Twilight and Edward’s bedroom in Eclipse were. They were two completely different houses in two completely different locations and I was very impressed. The color of his room, the golden glow fit the scene so well. It added intimacy. This scene was all about them. When Edward gave Bella the jantung charm, I do wish it was longer, and I do wish the whole “I thought it was a good representation” talk was in there, but the scene is amazing nonetheless. I will not gush about the kissing/leg hitch in this scene too much, but I must komentar that it was insanely…passionate. The emotion in the scene was building and flowing and that’s one element that I loved. Of course, Sia’s My Love song placement was perfect and fit hand in hand with this scene and helped the crescendo of emotions. The camera movements flowed and intertwined with the melodies. It was like having an instrumental song with the scene. I would not have had any other song playing during this scene. I wish this scene was longer, but maybe that’s just me being greedy. :)

I loved how Edward explained how he’s from a different era. I cinta how he told her the steps in which he would have made her his if they were living in his time. “I would have courted you. We would have taken chaperoned strolls and had ice teh on the porch. I may have stolen a ciuman atau two. But only after asking your father’s permission… I would have gotten down on one knee and would have presented anda with a ring…” I absolutely loved that. And after Bella accepted Edward’s proposal, she jumped into his arms and he spun her around and embraced her…I could not have asked for a better and lebih touching proposal.

2)Edward and Bella’s First Scene in the Meadow. I’m going to start sounding like a broken record, but the way this scene was shot was remarkable! The lighting, the ethereal feel of it, the magic of the meadow…it was the meadow from the book. The interaction between Edward and Bella in this scene was such an improvement from the sebelumnya films. People seem to forget that Edward and Bella have light moments in the books, but this scene shows, they most certainly have fun at times :) Edward playfully whispering in her ear, breathing around her neck, playing with her hair… he was the Edward from the books. anda feel the closeness, the connection, the cinta between them. Nothing heavy in this scene.

3)Edward vs. Victoria/Riley. What else can I say other than epic? David Slade berkata in an interview that he wanted Edward to be dark. He wanted to tampil the audience a dark Edward. He succeeded. “You won’t get another chance like this again! anda want her! anda want me to feel the pain anda felt when I killed James! When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing.” He was taunting her. He was playing on her feelings, her motivation. Once she set off, he crouched and they fought. Once he went for the kill, he bit her neck, then beheaded her. It’s one of my favorit scenes because it shows that Edward is capable of fighting too. And that he’s lebih than capable of doing anything for Bella, even if it means him risking his life for her. However, the addition they made, Bella cutting herself with a rock, I loved it. Because… nothing says “I cinta you” lebih than having the will to risk your life for a person. Upon membaca the script, I was a little wary. I did not know if that idea was so great, but it turned out well. I have nothing bad to say about this scene.

And small pujian to Xavier Samuels. He played Riley really well, especially since the character is small. He made me feel… bad for Riley throughout the movie. And applauds Bryce Dallas Howard. The task of continuing Victoria must have been daunting to her. She knows the fan base and how hardcore they can be at times. People doubted her ability. I did not like that Rachelle was replaced, but I was positive Bryce would do a great job. And she did. The book says Victoria was feline like. A sweet, soft voice. Like a child. They both had great chemistry and they took their characters and embodied them. Give Bryce Dallas Howard a chance. She’s not half bad.

4)The Tent Scene. A lot of Edward and Bella fan will tell anda they hated this part in the book. Of course I am not too fond of Jacob’s fantasi thoughts, nor do I cinta the idea that Edward is just sitting there, feeling completely helpless. Well, I am one of the few that loved this chapter. The movie wasn’t nearly as specific as the book, but the scene played out well. In this scene, Edward’s thoughts are revealed to the audience like in the book. The conversation vaguely mentions Edward’s reason for leaving [in New Moon]. I do wish they had lebih of the “four options” speech though. And it’s revealed that Edward would let Bella go if she were to choose someone else. The reason why I cinta this scene so much is because Edward never had a chance to explain himself in New Moon. He did in the book, but not in the movie, unfortunately. But, we see what he went through. Rob played this really well. anda could see all the emotions on his face. He was completely disgusted with what he is. He was disgusted that he could not do anything to help Bella because of what he was. Rob did an excellent job with this.

And another reason why I absolutely love this scene is that it shows how much of a man Edward is. He stays classy. Jacob asks Edward “How did anda cope?” Edward balasa “There are no words. But I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, Jacob.” Also, Jacob asks Edward “Would anda try and kill me?” Edward balasa “That’s an intriguing idea…but no. I could not hurt her like that.” I cinta that the audience can finally catch a glimpse of who Edward is and that he solely lives for Bella. How he would do anything for her, how he wants her to stay human and have a human life. She’s his “reason for existing”. In the other movies, Edward has berkata he wants her to stay human, but this scene, there’s an undeniable honesty there. anda cannot doubt him.

The scene in the movie compared to the book? Similar. The gist of the chapter wrapped into five minutes. I would have liked lebih conversation between them like in the book, but we cannot have everything. :)

5)Fight Training. This scene was so fun to watch. It changed a little from the book though. It was supposed to be dark, however, I liked the change they made. I think if they put darker tones in this scene, it would not have been so great. We can actually see what they are doing. I liked Jasper demonstrating how to fight. He would fight Emmett, and then give a tip. In Emmett’s case, “Never lose focus.” Edward vs. Carlisle was adorable. I loved their relationship in the book so much and I loved that we got to see it on screen. When they were fighting, Edward was… smiling. He was “fighting with dad” and I thought it added to their father-son relationship rather well. Once Edward smashed Carlisle to the ground, which looked amazing oleh the way, Jasper gave another tip, “Never turn your back on your enemy.” Rosalie vs. Jasper was cute since it was playful “sibling rivalry”. I loved how Rosalie smiled when she was on the ground. And Alice vs. Jasper, I am glad Alice and Jasper fan got a couple of cute moments between them. I loved how they showed Alice. She was cunning, but playful. Like she should be. Again, I do wish this scene was longer, but that’s just me being greedy again :)

6)Graduation. This might be surprising, but I really enjoyed the graduation scene. From Jessica’s speech to the after party, I really enjoyed it. I appreciated the fact that during the graduation ceremony, it focused on Bella, Charlie, Edward, and Carlisle and Esme. When we see Bella accept her diploma, and Charlie stands up and claps… it makes my jantung melt. anda can see how proud he is of her, almost on the brink of tears. And Carlisle and Esme share a smile of appreciation for each other during the speech after we see Edward. I think the reason why I cinta this particular section of the scene is because I graduated this year, and it brought me back to that. I was in tears in this scene. “This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions. It’s the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love…a lot. Major in philosophy ‘cause there’s no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent…”

The after party, when the Cullens, Jacob, Embry, and Quil were gathered in a room talking about teaming up to save Forks, I liked what Jacob had to say at the end. “Bella…this is was we do. anda should be happy. This is what anda wanted. Us… working together.” Something along those lines. In the movie, Jacob lost his edginess. I specifically remember in the book, Jacob sounded cocky and had an “it’s stupid for anda to worry” attitude, but this line sufficed I guess.

7)“Something's Wrong." This is such a little scene, but I cinta this scene. Bella returns halaman awal from seeing Jacob for the first time. Once inside, there is a knock on the door. Edward appears and he begins to tell her how worried he was and how close he was to breaking the treaty… then he stops. He has this look on his face. A look of fear. He runs up to Bella’s room and touches her dream catcher. “Edward, what’s wrong?” The way he says, “someone’s been in here” is so chilling. I do not know what it is. It is how I imagined it in the book. There is nothing lebih tampilkan in his eyes other than fear and concern for Bella’s safety. Not a big scene, but it spoke volume.

8)The Clearing. I loved the scene where Bella and Edward, Jasper, and Jacob were gathered in the clearing talking about scents. I thought it was cute. All the bantering. When Jacob picks Bella up and Edward plainly says, “Run.” lebih chills.

9)Victoria On the Treaty. The reason why I cinta this scene so much is the Cullens’ desire to catch Victoria to save Bella. anda can hear it in their voice. When they are chasing her and she nears the Treaty line, Esme shouts “She’ll get away!” I loved that. I do not know what it was. Just the fact that she was so desperate to catch Victoria and that unknown fierceness. We have never seen that in Esme before. It was a nice touch.


--Eclipse. The ‘Eclipse’ judul screen. I really have nothing lebih to say other than absolutely beautiful.

--The Make-Up. It is so much better in this film. Edward does not look old. He looks so young. He actually looks like a seventeen tahun old, which is a good thing! Since there are a lot of close ups, I am glad we could not see the powder on his face.

--Seth Clearwater. The boy is too cute. Even though he had a minimal character, I loved his character just like in the book. I did miss him and Edward’s friendship. I really liked that in the book. I also missed their fist pompa when they killed Riley and Victoria, but he was adorable nonetheless and it was nice to see him on screen.

--The Wolves. Their characters were shown through the wolves. anda could actually tell which serigala was which. The actors’ features were resembled in the CGI wolves. Big thumbs up to the art and graphics department.

--The Ice/White Granite Effect. In New Moon, we see the vampire being torn apart and they were like stone. In Eclipse, we see plenty of vampire being torn apart, but they were like ice atau white granite. I really liked that. It showed how hard and cold the vampire are.

--The Sets. David Slade berkata he was diberikan pretty much free reigns about the set as far as continuity. I think he did a great job recreating Bella’s room and Edward’s room, let alone the Cullen’s whole house, especially the stairs to his room. I thought the resemblance between the Twilight house to the Eclipse house was amazing. It looked the same! Such a beautiful house.


--The Wigs. My goodness, some of them were just awful. Bella’s wig was okay in some scenes, but in certain scenes, it was very distracting. The puncak, atas of her head would be flat at times. Jasper’s wig… he always ends up with bad hair in the movies. However, during his flashback, we see him riding in the desert… his wig looked amazing there because of his hat. Victoria’s wig was pretty obvious, but it did not take away anything from Bryce’s performance.

--The Jacob/Bella Kiss. Before anda all say anything, I did not write this off as negative because I cinta Edward and Bella. I put this in the “negatives” because it seemed awkward. I am sure it was for the actors, but the awkwardness was just leaking off the screen. I did not feel anything. Nothing like I did in the book. I was angry when I read the book. I was angry at Bella, but in the movie, I was not angry at her, I was just irritated that the ciuman was going on for so long. Lol. The scenery was beautiful, but I felt the ciuman to be awkward. anda can disagree, but I did not feel the passion the book described. Jacob did not grab her violently. I thought the ciuman would have been lebih heated. I was prepared for it. But it turns out, I did not need to be.

--Angry Edward. I did not know where to put this, so I put it in the ‘negatives’ just because I would miss the change. I liked the change; however, I am also sad that he was not as calm as in the books. In the books, when Bella calls him up and tells him about Jacob’s forced kiss, he arrives at her house and checks her hand first. Then he walks up to Jacob and calmly threatens him. In a way, it could have been lebih chilling. I did miss that, but this way worked too.

--Angry Bella. I wish Bella became lebih irritated with Jacob. It seemed that she did not really lash out at him as much as in the book. I missed her asking Edward to kill Jacob, however, Edward, being the gentleman that he is, would say it would bother her in the morning. I wish they showed lebih of that, lebih of Bella’s disgust when Jacob kissed her the first time.

--The Last Scene. A big problem. In Breaking Dawn, after Bella has become a vampire, she says that she knows it was her destiny to be with Edward and to become a vampire. In Breaking Dawn. Not in Eclipse. When Bella is talking to Edward in their meadow in the last scene in the movie, Bella says that it was not just a choice between Edward and Jacob, but between who she is and who she should be. “I’ve always felt…out of step. Literally, stumbling through life. I’ve never felt normal. But now I know. I’m not normal. And I don’t want to be. I’ve faced death and lost and pain in your world. But I’ve also never felt stronger, lebih real… lebih myself. Because it’s my world, too, Edward. It’s where I belong.” And then says “You’re saying… that it’s not all about me.” Bella smiling, simply says “Sorry. No.” It has everything to do with him.

Page 267 of Eclipse says that “Forever means nothing without you.” The quote I provided from the movie, where Bella is talking about not fitting in, it is sounding like she just wants to be a vampire with powers. It comes off as shallow and superficial and completely and entirely out of canon. During Eclipse promotion, Kristen had berkata that the ending scene was to tampil that Bella is also choosing for herself. She is not just running off with the guy. She is choosing to be with Edward and choosing, for herself, to be a vampire. And I do not get that. This had the potential to ruin the entire movie for me because this is what the movie, the book is about. Bella’s immortality and her conscious decision to be with Edward. Solely for Edward. Being with Edward means becoming a vampire, and she is willing to make that sacrifice because she loves him that much. Forever means nothing without him.


--Kristen Stewart. All in all, I think she did an okay job. I do wish she had lebih enthusiasm in certain scenes. However, I think she portrayed Bella well in this movie. Better than the sebelumnya movies. I like what Kristen brings to Bella. And that is inner will power and strength. We all know Bella is motivated and has a strong will in the books, but I cinta that Kristen enforces that a little more. She does not make Bella as weak as she is in the book. She evens out the field. In the books, anda can tell Bella is completely different and out of sync with everyone. But in the movies, it is lebih believable.

--Robert Pattinson. I cinta how Rob plays Edward. Even though Edward in the buku and the film are a little different, the scripts change the character, not Rob. But I cinta how Rob plays Edward. Just like the book describes Edward, “the emotions flash across his face”… anda can see that when Rob plays him. I appreciate that. Rob understands his character. He understands that Edward is flawed. He understands that Edward can be over-protective, but he also understands that he only acts that way to keep her alive. That her “existence is everything”. He knows that Bella is the only person he wishes, he needs to protect. He comprehends that even though Edward is one hundred years old, long past human, Bella brings out the human in him. Bella brings out the 17 tahun old in him. He grasps the fact that even though Edward is disgusted oleh himself and what he is, maybe he has been too hard on himself. Because, how could someone like Bella be capable of loving someone like him if he was truly the despicable creature he thought he was? Rob knows that Edward accepts the fact that he is a vampire, but he also accepts the fact that Bella loves him because he chooses to be better. To become the best he can be.

--Taylor Lautner. Taylor’s portrayal of Jacob is lighter in the movie than it is in the books. I appreciate his enthusiasm and his cinta for Jacob, but sometimes, Jacob’s other qualities need to be shown. During New Moon promotion, Taylor had been speaking about Jacob’s pre-transformation/post-transformation side, but I have yet to see a massive difference between the two. In the books, anda can tell Jacob is different. He is a lot rougher and lebih edgy. In the movies, we hardly see his ignorance. It’s part of his character, and I am disappointed that we do not see it. During the scenes where Jacob is trying to convince Bella to choose him, the scene in the garage, his akting is awkward. Dramatic pauses and he do not mix well. I do like how he berkata “He probably can’t even ciuman anda without hurting you. Feel that? Flesh and blood and warmth.” Despite what ‘team’ I am on, Taylor did act that one line pretty well. Other than that, I could not help but feel awkwardness leaking off the screen.

Now, we have finally reached the end of the review. It ended up being longer than I originally thought. I restate what I berkata at the beginning of the review, over all, I loved the movie. The movie had the jantung the book did. The feelings, the magic was captured in the film. David Slade recently berkata in an mtv interview, “You can have the best actors in the world and the best cinematographers in the world. But if anda don’t have a solid story, then anda don’t have a film.” And he is absolutely right. Without a solid story, the film would be dead. I very much like David Slade and have grown to cinta him and what he has done for the Twilight fan oleh blessing us with a movie such as this one. I really respect him as a director and I hope everyone shares my thoughts regarding him. He knows his stuff. Aspiring film directors should take notes from him and what he says. Because a lot of what he says rings true.

I hoped anda liked my review :) komentar are welcome!
posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope anda like my story sorry for the spelling and stuff like that im trying my best!!!!!

Rennesme POV
When anda cinta the one, who left anda no options at all,and change anda campletely how can anda fight with the world to not lose him?

What about if your life depend on the person, what would anda do to tell him what anda really feel about him and that anda want to be with him FOREVER!!!!!!

And anda have just one lebih chance to do it!!!!

posted by Edward_lover101
 cool huh
cool huh
Everyone must have left, because no one was here except me and Edward. I was lebih that ready to get some sleep. So Edward gave me some privaticy. I took a hot shower, and put on some pj's. I walked to Edward's room. there stood Edward, as perfect as ever. I waked over to the tempat tidur and layed down. Edward came over and layed selanjutnya to me.
"Bella are anda ok? anda were so upset back at the medow. What did Jacob do that made anda fell that way. I mean anda don't have to tell me, if anda don;t want to." Edward was curious. I could tell. "Edward, Jacob wants to know why I cinta anda so much. And when I give...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was finishing up the spageti, spaghetti when a loud crash echoed from the front room. I couldn't see what it was. I was about to get up, to check it out, when Edward strolled in and sat selanjutnya to me. I stuffed the remaining amount of spageti, spaghetti in my mouth, watching him. He grabbed my plate and headed for the kitchen. I followed. I had some pertanyaan for him.
"What was that noise I heard?"
"I threw something down the stairs. I was angry, but I have something for you."
That took me oleh surprise.
"For me?"
I doubted it could be better than the present he'd already diberikan me. How could any present beat him? He...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I put the box on the floor carefully, I didn't know if there was anything breakable in it. I peered inside. I closed my eyes and inhaled, I was angry, I wanted her to keep things, to remind her of me, but she mustn't not have wanted to. The CD I made her in its jeweled, plastic case was sitting on top. I pulled it out and put it aside. The diamond jantung I gave her, to go with Jacob's carved wolf. The stereo from her truck, a copy of the gift Emmett, Rose and Jazz gave her for her 18th birthday, the one that I replaced. All of the notes that I left her. And a black velvet box. If I could cry...
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posted by lovethecullens
Hi Everyone!
I am sorry that I haven't diposting any new Dusk chapters recently. It has been HECTIC in my house. I am finishing up my semester of school, taking care of my uncoordinated brother who fell off of a roof (don't ask LONG story, all i can say is dumb boys and their stupid toys LOL), plus taking care of my crazy girls & husband. On puncak, atas of that I am very excited to say that I have finally came up with a project of my own for a fictional story that I am hoping to eventually publikasi if I am blessed enoughto have that opportunity (keep your fingers crossed for me :) I don't want to say...
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posted by Pirate_4_life
I let myself fall into a deep sleep, trying to block out the pain. Although the intensity had reduced, just as before all the gambar of that night I changed came rushing back like a tap in my mind had been turned on. They were now accompanied oleh the gambar of my grandmother and the feeling of complete guilt. If I had just acted like a grown up, took some responsibility for what was happening it could have been very different now.
I wake up with tears in my eyes. I sit bolt up ignoring the pain ripping through my body. Although most things about me had changed, that is the one thing that remained...
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posted by qtpievy
I was totally unprepared for what I was about to face. How could I leave my one true cinta alone so fragile and unprotected, but surly she could stay out of harms way without the vampire in town. I knew that it would be a while before she actually hinted that I was leaving and I knew that she would cling with every thread of hope. But this was for the best. I think.
I pulled into Charlies spot not wanting to look at the empty house so I spent the few menit it took for Bella's truck to come billowing around the corner, with my love.
Holding her warm hand, I was so attuned to her that I could...
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posted by Twilight597
Ok i know this took a long time. well its because i live in ohio and we are having OATs(ohio achievement tests) for the end of the tahun and i just took the membaca one so we get a break for one hari and thats 2maro and the rest of today so i dont know when i will get chapter 3 up either its done but writen and i have to type it. this one is a long one just for the wait but its really only long becasue the song lyrics oh and i changed My Hero to Loves Not A Competition(but i'm winning) so on with the story and i also dont have a name for this other then practicing so any suggestions please tell...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was giddy as we got on the plane. I couldn't believe she agreed to come with me. As we took our seats. I hadn't felt this good since, that fight with Victoria. I mean, sure I stayed with Bella, but I thought we would get married, I thought she would have picked me. I mean at first, she had berkata that she would marry me, but now I realize, she wasn't completely honest with me. I know she is a bad liar, but I guess I just wanted to finally have her say yes, and to finally have her choose me. She must have thought that I would still make cinta to her, before we were to be wed. I thought she loved...
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10. Sing “Discovery Channel” oleh the Bloodhound Gang in your head whenever he is near.

9. Hotwire his Volvo and take it on a joyride.

8. Tell him the relationship he is having with Bella is practically paedophilia and he could be sent to jail for it.

7. Ask how Tanya is.

6. End every argument with “Bite me, Edward.”

5. Call him Romeo both behind his back and to his face.

4. Whenever he complains atau argues, reply with “What are anda gonna do Edward? Go to Italy?”

3. Tell him his hair isn’t bronze, it’s ginger, and he should stop denying himself – he’s a ranga.

2. Whenever he leaves a room atau says goodbye, get down on your knees and beg him not to go, not again.

And the Number One way to annoy Edward Cullen?

1. Take his silver cell phone and change the ringtone to “Like a Virgin” oleh Madonna.

Source: link
posted by Pirate_4_life
I have thought about menulis my own story for quite some time, with my main influence being twilight-7. She has an amazing menulis style and has kept me and many others enthralled oleh her captivating story. I don’t want anyone to think that my stories will be in any way shape atau form nearly as good as hers but I will give it a try and if no-one likes it then I will simply give up and try something new.
Suggestions and komentar will be kindly welcomed throughout.

Chapter 1.

I sit alone in my room in silence, 7pm, another sleepless night ahead. Although I don’t seem to get tired, I just sit and...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I started packing right away, I was rejoicing. This really hot guy was taking me away from the drug lord, plus, he likes me back. I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid apartment. The only reason I lived here was because the drug lord paid for it as long as I turned in the money.
That thought stopped me in my tracks. If Max berkata I was supposed to pay $500, then the drug lord would come for the other 200. I just hoped he wouldn't come until I was already gone. I would leave him a note.
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Dear DL:

I'm leaving, so anda won't be able to find me, it's a place...
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Chapter 2

    I was hyperventilating as my malaikat walked past me on to his first class. He walked into the door of Mr. Emmi’s class, which was also my first class. I learned that my malaikat name is Stefan . His sisters names were Colleen and Carmen. His brothers, Jacob and Leo.
    His voice was heavenly. Sweet and daring. He walked to the last empty desk. It was beside me. I moved my tas, dompet from off the desktop and smiled at him politely. His answering smile made me hyperventilate again. I could have sworn I heard him chuckle.
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
(I found a song that goes GREAT with this chapter, and its called NO GOOD oleh KATE VOEGELE, and then there is also KINDLY UNSPOKEN oleh her too! And for CHAPTER ELEVEN, at the very end of chapter ten and throughout chapter 11, HALLELUJAH oleh KATE VOEGELE works AWESOMELY with that! Check them out, and enjoy CHAPTER 12 ~BuffyFaithfan1)

CHAPTER TWELVE: Its Gotta Be This One...
I always wonder if this is truely me u know? I've been thinking of this lyric from...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Chapter Seven: Bad Influences!...
Around three in the morning, Alice came into my room, and sat at the end of it and placed one hand on my leg.
"Bella. I think its time to ambush Ili. We found where she is, and she is at this old warehouse. Are anda ready for this? " She asked me.
"I thought anda would never ask!" I berkata and followed her and the others to the car, heading for the Ili ambushing attack!
We got into the car, and I sat in backwith Edward in the middle, and Alice on the far side. Alice knew about...
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posted by kladida_22
Chapter.3 – Back to Life It’s Self

“No, but thanks again really I heard the guys and they say that anda have really been taking charge of things and looking out after Billy , the pack and La Push I don’t think I could ever repay anda for this” his eyes were locked on mine I saw that he was grateful.
“I did my job Jacob that was all I’m Beta when anda not here someone needs to take the laid that all I did besides remember anda saved my life once when I was akting really stupid soo lets say that we’re even ok” I berkata in a calm voice still locked on Jacob eyes I couldn’t look away...
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posted by barbie91lala's my little story..
It's a compilation of my role play, so a lot of people participated on it.
I started it with BellaBrooke and BellaCullen96 (who I both thank a lot) and we role played as Bella (me), Edward (BellaBrooke) and Alice (BellaCullen96) at first, but then some other people thank anda to the others!
hope anda like the story!

CHAPTER 1: Almost perfect night

i was walking really angry along the dark streets of forks when suddenly little rain drops began to fall on my head. that made me feel worse...why did i say those things to him? i should have learned to shut...
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posted by Twilight597
Chapter 2

I awoke to a loud voice telling us to put our seatbelts on. I groaned but sat up and put it on. I saw the boys were up already looking out of the windows to Italy.

I looked out my window and it was beautiful. I noticed Jane walking over to me, “How I wish I lived here! It’s just wonderful.” I exclaimed.

“Uhh… yeah I guess.” she replied.

I sighed when the plane touched the ground a few menit later.

When I saw the light meaning we can get up, I stood up and walked over to the door where we came in from and stopped dead in my tracks.

Standing in front of me was a giant man...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
 I'm a winner!
I'm a winner!
******************* Lust********************
Chapter Four: Fight! Fight! Fight! PART TWO...
**************By: BuffyFaithfan1*****************
I watched the water spray against the side of the boat, and against my face, as we headed to our car. I saw my reflection and saw a different me then usual. I then remembered when Edward berkata to me...
"And so the lion fell in cinta with the lamb...." he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
"What a stupid lamb," I sighed.
"What a sick, masochistic lion." He stared into the shadowy forest for a long moment, and I wondered where...
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posted by Chrisztine
Okay, so this is a crossover between charmed and Twilight. I've added characters. That way Twilight and charmed characters alike stay intact. This is like a preview. I don't know if I'm continuing with this. It kind of depends on how anda all feel about it, so please let me know!
If you've got any questions, just let me know too.
Here goes!

I sat around, fidgeting. We were all at the club and I couldn’t concentrate. I think I was also making noise. ‘’Stop that, you’re driving me crazy!’’, my sister Rachel said. Yeah, I was making noise. ‘’Sorry Rach, I’ll try to stop.’’ ‘’You’d...
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