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posted by KataraLover
Trent became a singer his manager was Chris but he drove him too far he almost lost Gwen so he quit and became a lawyer like his dad. Trent and Gwen got married and had a handsome son named Jake who's best friends with Bridgette and Geoff's daughter Ariel. Jake and Ariel have a cinta for musik Bridgette, Geoff, and Gwen don't mind but Trent doesn't want his son to have anything to do with music. Years later Jake and Ariel are 12 years old and are going to be going a a great adventure.

Trent-Hi Gwen I'm back from work
Gwen-Hello dear
Trent-How's Jake? In fact*looks around* where's Jake
Gwen-I think he's with Ariel
Trent-Doing what
Gwen-I heard them say something about bernyanyi and music
Trent-Uggh I thought I berkata no lebih music
Gwen-Trent this happened a long time yang lalu can't anda let it go and not let it affect your son
Trent-Chris drove me to dar I almost lost anda oleh becoming a selfish pig
Gwen-But anda didn't and that doesn't mean it'll happen to Jake he's only 12
Trent-Perfect time for him to learn musik is not the way forward
Gwen-Well it's almost time for makan malam so go pick him up from the park where they're singing
*at the park*
Trent-Jake what have I told anda about bernyanyi and music
Jake-But dad I.....
Trent-No buts your coming halaman awal and Ariel I think I'll take anda back to Bridgette and Geoff now
Jake-Dad this isn't as bad as it seems
Trent-Jake.. car.. now
Jake-Fine*runs to car*
*at Ariel's house*
Trent-Ariel I think anda parents are waiting for you
Ariel-Bye Jake
Jake-Bye Ariel
*at home*
Jake-Dad what's the big deal about music
Trent-It almost wreaked my life
Jake-Well it makes my life happy and I'm going to become a singer
Trent-No your not we've had this conversation your becoming something that will get anda lots of money and a good life
Jake-That will make me lots of money and a good life
Trent-No it won't anda need something reasonable
Jake-You need to leave me alone I'm going up to my room*runs up to room*
Gwen-Trent what are anda doing
Trent-I'm trying to look out for him
Gwen-Oh yeah Ii can tell
Trent-I'm trying Gwen I'm trying
Gwen-Well go and get him to come down to makan malam and try not to make it worse
*Jake is listening to musik and has things out musik related in his room*
Trent-Jake comeback downstairs
Trent-Dinner is getting cold
Jake-Just like your heart
Trent-Jake don't start that
Jake-You can't make me
Trent-I'm your father I can make you
Jake-Go ahead knock yourself out
Trent-Do anda want to starve?
Jake-If I can't have musik in my life yes
Jake-I'll sing in my room all night
Gwen-Trent where's Jake I thought anda were getting him from his room?
Trent-He's being difficult he get's this from your side of the family
Gwen-Ohhhh my side of the family well..... yeah he get's it from my side of the family
Trent-Well is took anda forever to forgive me when I forgot to dig anda up when anda were burried alive
Gwen-Yeah all because off your stupid fear of mimes
Trent-They're creepy and I'm going up to Jake's room and I'm going to grab him to get him down for makan malam if I have to *as he goes up to Jake's room*
*Jake listening to music*
*Trent goes to room and see's musik and is angry*
Jake-Dad I can explain
Trent-Explain what? Just come down stairs now and we'll have a little chat
Jake-But dad I.....
Trent-Come down stairs NOW
*Goes down stairs and eats dinner*
*Jake tries to sneak up to his room*
Jake-Yes dad
Trent-What are anda doing
Jake-Going up to my room
Trent-No your coming down stairs and eating desert
Jake-Your just making excuses to stop me from listening to musik in my room
Trent-Jake what have I told you
Jake-Music is a waste of time but I don't care I cinta MUSIC
Trent-JAKE I already told anda anda going to grow up and get a reasonable job like an accountant
Jake-Boring why can't anda just except what I want to do and let me listen to music
Trent-Jake I'm going to make my point and there's only one way to do so even though it's drastic I'm doing it*Trent goes up stairs to Jake's room*
Jake-Dad what are anda doing
Trent-Making a point*Trent smashes musik related things*
Gwen-Trent stop this
*Trent about to smash guitar*
*Trent smashes guitar*
Jake-I HATE YOU*cries*
Gwen-There, ther it's ok *hugs Jake*
Jake-Mom can anda take that man and give me some time alone*still crying*
Gwen-Of course sweetie
*Trent and Gwen leave room*
Trent-I over reacted didn't I
Gwen-Um let me think about that..... YES!
Trent-It's just everywhere I saw Chris and I had a vision on how I was a jerk to anda and how I almost lost you
Gwen-Trent anda need to ler him make his own choices
Trent-I should talk to him later once we give him some time to himself
*in Jake's room*
*Calls Ariel*
Jake-Hey Ariel
Ariel-Hi Jake what's up?
Jake-My dad found out about the musik things I had in my room and he smashed them all even my new guitar
Ariel-Ohhhh that's terrible
Jake-Yeah I hate him I'm going to run away from home
Ariel-You can't go alone..... I'll come with you
Jake-You'll run away with me cool because I have a plan
Ariel-Ok what's the plan?
Jake-I heard Chris Mclain is in florda looking for some talent so let's go to florda and get him to make us famous sneak out and meet me at the park
*at the park*
Ariel-Hey Jake I'm here
Jake-I have enough money for two tickets on a bus to florda we'll be there oleh morning
*at florda*
Jake-Look there he is
*runs up to Chris*
Ariel-Hi Chris I'm Ariel and this is Jake can anda make us famous?
Jake-We can sing
Chris-Well let's hear anda sing
*both sing so amazing it blows Chris's mind*
Jake-So are we good
Chris-Yes very good kids your gonna be stars
Jake-So is there a contract we need to sigh
Chris-Yes there is Chef get the contract
Ariel-That's a chef
*contract LONG contract*
Jake and Ariel-DANG THAT'S LONG
Chris-and leagaly binding
Jake-Where do we sign
*Chris points to many, many, many places*
Ariel-Is there anything we should know
Chris-No anda can do whatever anda want and live the good life anda just have to sing whenever I tell anda to
*both sign contract*
Chris-Great now please get into the limo I'll tampil anda your new home
Jake-Awesome this is working out great Ariel
*at Trent and Gwen's house*
*Trent calls Geoff*
Trent-Hey Geoff
Geoff-Hey Trent have anda seen Ariel she's been gone for hours
Trent-I was going to ask anda if you've seen Jake I haven't seen him since last night when I..... nevermind where on earth could they be
Geoff-I don't know I hope there safe
Trent-Maybe Duncan knows he was out late trying to avoid the cops again I'll go ask but make sure Gwen and Bridgette don't find out tell them I took them out for ice cream
*Trent finds Duncan*
Duncan-Hey buddy
Trent-Have anda seen my son atau Geoff and Bridgette's daughter Ariel anywhere
Duncan-Yeah last night I stopped on a bus headed for florda I didn't realise it was them at first
Duncan-I think I saw in the news that Chris was there looking for fresh talent atau something I'll call Courtney she's working over there
Duncan-ok, ok trent calm down man I'll call her now *calls Courtney*
Duncan-Hi princess Trent needs to know if you've seen his son atau Bridge and Geoff's daughter anywhere near Chris Mclain
Courtney-Yes and with Chef they were singing, they signed a contract that was REALLY LONG and they got into a limo
Duncan-ARE anda SERIOUS
Courtney-Yes and one lebih thing Trent and Geoff might want some helmets
Courtney-Because I sorta called Gwen and Bridgette and told them
Duncan-Trent Gwen knows
Trent-This just get's better and better doesn't it
Duncan-Hey blame princess she told them
Courtney-I'm still here
*Gwen and Bridgette are behind Trent and are angry*
Trent-Duncan why do anda look so scared
Duncan-uhh..... umm..... look behind you-Duncan
Trent-It's Gwen isn't it
Duncan-and Bridgette
*looks behind*
Trent-Hey Gwen hey Bridgette did I mention how pretty anda two look when your mad
Duncan-Nice try dude
Bridgette-We must be gorgeous because we're furious and don't think your going anywhere Duncan
Geoff-If I were anda I'd do as she says dude
Duncan-Um..... I know where your kids are
*Bridgette grabs Duncan and shakes him*
Duncan-Florda with Chris I called Courtney she's seen them and I'm gonna help anda get them back
*stop shaking duncan*
Duncan-Are anda ok now
Bridgette-Yeah I'm ok I lost my calm sweet nature for a moment because if anything happens to my baby *cries* I don't know what I'll do
Geoff-Ohhhh baby *hugs Bridgette*
Trent-Okay how are we getting to florda
Duncan-Well they took a bus
Bridgette-Forget the bus we're taking a boat
Geoff-We own a boat-Geoff
Gwen-That's a good idea
*in florda*
Bridgette-Where could they be
Duncan-Accourding to Courtney they're having a konser at the place Trent had his first concert
*At concert*
Jake-Chris we gotta go
Chris-We can't
Jake-Our parents are here so we have to go now
Ariel-and fast
Chef-Hey Chris aren't those the kids we tormented on Total Drama
Chris-They are let's go kids into the limo
Ariel- No need to tell me twice
Jake-Coming right behind you
Trent-Not so fast young man
Ariel-How did anda find us
Duncan-Courtney saw anda with Chris and Chef
Trent-Jake your coming home
Jake-No I'm not going halaman awal anda can't make me
Chris-So Trenty boy I haven't seen anda since anda quit being a singer/musician
Jake-Huh what
Chris-Your dad use to be a singer and musician but quit on me for that girl he calls his wife
Trent-He worked me to death this is why I didn't want anda to have musik in your life I was trying to protect you
Jake-By making me sad anda know how much I cinta musik why didn't anda tell me
Chris-Let's go kids anda signed a contract so into the limo
*in limo and limo drives off*
Gwen-Trent are anda okay
Trent-No I just lost my son
Duncan-Well at least Bridgette hasn't gone crackers again
Geoff-Yeah good thing
Bridgette-Trent are anda crying
Trent-No *wipes tears*
Duncan-I'm sure that Courtney's sharks can help us
Courtney-My lawyers are on vacation so I can't contact them for a month
Bridgette-So what are we gonna do for a month
Courtney-Well maybe we can teach Trent how to be a better dad
Gwen-Oh come on honey we all know it's your fault anda know it too
Trent-Well yeah
*month later*
Jake-Ariel I'm so tired
Ariel-Yeah me to
Chris-Come one time to sing
Ariel-No we quit
Jake-I can't go back to my dad and have my life lived for me we're finally living the life we wanted
Ariel-This isn't the life I want I'm going back to my parents
Chris-Your not going anywhere my dear
Ariel-Oh yeah who's gonna stop me
Chris-Oh Chef prahaps a night in the closet will tampil are darling little bintang will tampil her who's boss
*Chef takes Ariel into closet*
*at Bridgette and Geoff's house*
hey guys I got a text from Ariel-Bridgette
What does it say-Geoff
Bridgette-It say's SOS locked in closet getting tied up help from Ariel
Trent-What about Jake
Bridgette-She didn't mention him
Trent-We need to save her and Jake
Bridgette-We need a plan and I have just the plan
Gwen-What is it
Bridgette-Well first we gotta get Chris and Chef out of the way with a distraction
*all look at Duncan*
Courtney-Your perfect at distractions
Bridgette-Next Courtney will try to find the contract for her lawyers meanwhile me, Geoff, Gwen, and Trent will go find Ariel untie her and see if she knows where Jake is
*Duncan distracts Chris and Chef*
Bridgette-Okay now where is that closet
Gwen-Maybe it's upstairs
Bridgette-Wait I hear something down stairs
Bridgette-It's Ariel
*unties Ariel*
Bridgette-Honey are anda okay did they hurt you
Ariel-I'm sorry I ran away
Bridgette-It's okay
Trent-Where's Jake
Ariel-I don't know
Chris-Did anda really think that little distraction would work
Duncan-Let me go
Chris-Chef forget him we have lebih important things to do
Trent-What are anda going to do
Chris-Well first I'm going to offer Ariel to sing so how about it my darling little star
Ariel-I'm not doing anything for you
Chris-Too bad such a beautiful voice from such a beautiful little girl but I don't need anda as long as I have one of anda I'm set for life
Trent-Where's my son
Chris-Right here and I think you'll find he's here of his own free will
Chris-Come on kid
Chris-Let's let him choose come on my big star
Trent-Jake please come halaman awal I'm your father
Chris-Are anda gonna let daddy tell anda what to do he destroyed everything musik related and never told anda about his past I've been giving anda everything you've always wanted
Jake-But I.....
Trent-Jake please
Jake-Dad I can't imagine my life without musik me and Ariel promised each other that we'd one hari work together and become a famous bernyanyi duo and anda didn't tell me about your past
Trent-I'm sorry Jake I was wrong to do that but do anda really want to be treated like this oleh Chris he wreaked my life please don't let him wreak yours
Jake-I didn't say I was going to stay with him
Jake-That's right I quit I'm not your dog I don't do commands I'm my own person plus I haven't slepped all month
Chris-You can't leave anda signed a contract
Courtney-Ah ah ahhh I found loop holes if they people who signed the contract are under 18 they can leave if unhappy last time I checked they're 12 and unhappy
Chris-Well I won't leave empty handed*grabs Jake*
*Jake kicks Chris*
*Jake runs*
*up on balcony*
Chris-No place to run
Jake-Unless this button does something
*presses button*
Chris-No don't
*Jake unconcous*
Trent-JAKE NO*runs to Jake's side*
Ariel-Jake is he.....
Trent-I don't know
Coutrney-What about Chris
Trent-I berkata I don't know
Bridgette-Chris unfortunately is okay
Trent-This is all my fault what have I done
Trent-Jake your alive I'm so sorry I've been the worse dad ever *hugs Jake*
Jake-It's okay I'm sorry I ran away from halaman awal I must have made anda and mom worried sick
Trent-You wouldn't have ran away if it wasn't for me
Jake-Let's go home

They go halaman awal but they're life doesn't go back to normal because Trent quits his job becomes a famous singer/musician with his wife Gwen as his manager. But Trent's not the only one that Gwen's the manager for she's also Jake and Ariel's manager. So things didn't go back to normal because it's even better.
added by NoahFanNumber1
Source: Well IDK!!!
added by Mp4girl
Source: MEEE.
added by Broccoligirl
Source: idk
added by Mp4girl
Source: Me and DeviantART
added by TDILova123
Source: TDILova123
added by Mp4girl
Source: MEE ~
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot!
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot!
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Too Many! D:
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot........
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Alot........
added by Mp4girl
Source: Me/MDD
added by Mp4girl
Source: Me! ;D
added by TdiFan4Everz
Source: Total Drama Wiki