total drama island Club
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Little girl: He killed them! (starts to cry) I know he killed them.
Eli: Who killed?
Little girl: His coming!
???: It's ten o'clock! anda know what that means!! anda have five minutes! And then I want to hear a pin drop!
Eli: Was that-
Lia: Victor?!
Mathew:WHAT?!?!Victor killed a little girl's parents?
Elizabeth: L-let's play a different cylinder!
Jordan: ummm... here. Here anda go. (Hand Elizabeth a cylinder and she puts it in and it starts making loud, scratchy noices)
(Elizabeth turns it off)
Mathew: W- what was that?
Lia: I sounded like a moan. A death moan. Like- like someone that r- really doesn't want to die.
Jordan: Very descriptive.
Lia: yeah.
Mathew: Let's go!
Eli: Wait. what's this? (takes out a puzzle piece)
Mathew: That's a puzzle piece! Look!
Elizabeth: It is!
Jordan: Come on! Let's go!
(Team Sibuna's girl's room)
Jordan: Okay. We'll have the puzzle piece in our room.
Eli: (takes the puzzle piece) No. Us girls will have it.
Jordan: (takes it back) No we will have it!
Eli: No we will!
Jordan: No we will!
(They fight over it until the drop it and it breaks into 3 pieces.)
Lia: Oh no! Look what anda guys did!
(Elizabeth, Lia, and Mathew pick them up)
Elizabeth: hey look. There's words on these.
Mathew: Let's put it together.
(They put it together)
Lia: What does it say?
Elizabeth: When daytime ends at midday through tears of glass the eye shall see.
Lia: What does that mean?
Jordan and Mathew: (Shrugs)
Eli: Well let's just get to tempat tidur and figure it out tomorrow.
Lia, Elizabeth, Jordan, and Eli: Agree.
Eli: Let's go.


(Dinning room)
(Elizabeth, Lia, Eli, Jordan, and Mathew are sitting at the table)
Eli: Okay. So when hari time ends at midday, through tears of glass, the eye shall see...
Jordan: An apocalypse?
Lia: No that's the end of the world. Not the end of the day.
Eli: Com on think about it. When does the sun go down at midday?
Mathew: I know! In cartoons!
(Jake, Sophie, Danny, Rochelle, Arthur, and Autumn enter)
Jake: What about cartoons?
Lia: Oh... ummm... We're talking about our types of shows. Mathew's is cartoons, Jordan's is Si-fi, and mine is Romantic-comedy.
Jake: mhm.. sure. (walks to the living room and sits selanjutnya to Sophie.)
Sophie: What do anda want Jake?
Jake: I think we should go see what the Sibunas are doing.
Sophie: (looks behind her) Looks like their eating breakfast with Rochelle, Autumn, and Arthur.
Jake: No I think they have the first puzzle piece. I mean, It wasn't there. They must've beaten us to it!
Sophie: So what are anda say? We're going to steal it from them?
Jake: That is exactly what I'm saying.
Danny: (walks up) What are anda saying?
Jake: We are going to steal the puzzle piece from The Sibunas.
Danny: I'm in!
Sophie: (sigh) I guess.
Jake: YES! Let's go!
(Sophie, Danny, and Jake exit)
Elizabeth: I got it!
Rochelle: Got what?
Elizabeth: Ummm...
Lia: She got the toy in the cereal box. Oh Elizabeth, that was just a marshmellow in there.
Elizabeth: Ohh... silly me.
Autumn: hmm....

(team Sibuna's girl's room)
(Danny, Sophie, and Jake eneter)
Jake: Danny check under Eli's bed. I'll check under Lia's.
Danny: okay.
Jake: Sophie. Be look out.
Sophie: Okay. But hurry it up. And what about Elizabeth?
Jake: If we can't find anything we'll look under her's okay?
Sophie: (sigh) Fine.
Jake: I found something! (takes box out of Lia's bed)
Danny: What is it?
Jake: A box. (tries to open it) It won't open!
Sophie: anda need a key Einstein.
Jake: I know just where Lia hides all of her keys! (gets up and goes to the puncak, atas of the door and swipes hand through it and a key falls down) Here we go! (opens box and the puzzle piece that is broken into 3 piece is there)
Danny: What is that?
Jake: Looks like one of the puzzle pieces but it's broken.
Sophie: hey look! There's words on it!
Danny: What does it say?
Jake: When hari time ends at midday, through tears of glass, the eye shall see...
Danny: English please?
Jake: I don't know. But we're going to have to keep this.
(From outside there are footsteps heard)
Eli: (from outside) Come on. Let's go in here.
Jake: HIDE!
(Jake, Danny, and Sophie hide in the wardrobe when Elizabeth, Eli, Lia, Jordan, and Mathew enter)
Jordan: Okay. what is it that anda thought of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Midday. noon! So the riddle has to do with noon time!
Lia: But what about tears of glass.
Mathew: We can look that up online.
Eli: Good thinking. Lia? can we barrow your computer?
Lia: Sure.
Eli: Okay good. (runs over to Lia's computer and goes on the internet) Okay. so. (typing) Tears of glass... Here we go! Tears of glass is sometimes known for a chandler.
Elizabeth: Where's a chandler in this house?
Jordan: We could ask Trudy.
Lia: yeah. Good thinking! Come on! Let's go ask Trudy!
(Lia, Jordan, Elizabeth, Mathew, and Eli exit and Jake, Danny, and Sophie exit the wardrobe.)
Jake: Okay. they just solved the riddle for us!
Danny: Good.
Sophie: SO what do we do now?
Jake: Let them find the selanjutnya puzzle piece and then steal it from them like we did with this one.
Danny: Sounds like a plan.
Jake: Come on. We got 1 jam until noon. Let's do this!
(Trudy is doing the dishes)
(Lia and Eli enter)
Lia: Trudy?
Trudy: Yes Lia?
Lia: I was wondering if anda know anything about us having a chandler?
Trudy: Why yes I do. I have pictures of it.
Eli: Do anda think we could put it back where it needs to be?
Trudy: Good thinking. Oh my! This house will look pretty again! (exits)
Eli and Lia: YES!
(Living room)
(Danny, Jake, and Sophie enter)
Rochelle: hey guys. Where have anda been?
Danny: We found a puzzle piece.
Arthur: anda did?!
Jake: Yep. (shows them the puzzle piece) see.
Autumn: Wow. Where did anda find it.
Danny: We mencuri it from the Sibunas.
Sophie: Yeah. And we know where the selanjutnya clue is.
Rochelle: Where?
Jake: Well we don't know the exact place, but we do know the time.
Arthur: well what's the time?
Danny: noon.
Autumn: Well how are we suppose to get it if we don't know where it is.
Sophie: The Sibunas know. They will get it and we will steal it from them.
Rochelle: Oh. Okay.


Trudy: There anda go.
Eli and Lia: Thanks Trudy.
Trudy: No problem. (exits)
Eli: okay. It's almost noon. Let's see what happens.
Lia: (Nods)
(the Grandfather clock strikes noon and the sun raise comes in, hits the chandler, it glows green then some of the light hits the wall)
(angle on Jake and Sophie spying behind the stair case)
Eli: What do we do?
Lia: (locket starts glowing)
Eli: OH NO! LIA!
Lia: What? (see's locket) Oh no! I'm going to vanish again!
Eli: Wait no Lia! I think anda have to touch it to the dinding like anda did in the attic.
Lia: maybe.
Eli: I can't hurt to try.
Lia: (walks up and presses the locket onto the dinding and it opens up) I did it!
Eli: See anything?
Lia: ummm... I do! (takes out a puzzle piece) A puzzle piece!
(Sophie gasp quietly)
Eli: We got 2!
Lia: Come on. Let's go put it with the other!
Eli: Let's go!
(They go up stairs)
Jake: Ready to go steal it Sophie?
Sophie: (Sigh) I guess.
(Team Sibuna's girl's room)
(Elizabeth, Jordan, and Mathew are waiting when Eli and Lia enter)
Lia: We got the selanjutnya puzzle piece.
Mathew: Awesome!
Eli: But I do wonder, where's the selanjutnya clue?
Lia: Maybe It's in here! Like the other one was.
Jordan: maybe.
Elizabeth: See if anda can twist it.
Lia: okay. It'll try. (twist it and it opens) It worked! (takes out a piece of paper)
Mathew: What does it say?
Lia: Ket is the place to find and there in the flames anda must look behind?
Mathew: Ket? What does ket mean?
Jordan: Ket means place of api in Egyptian.
Eli: How do anda know that?
Jordan: I told you. I took Egyptian mythology. It has tons of different topics in it, even for the meanings of words.
Lia: Okay so what is the place of fire?
Elizabeth: api place! A api place!
Eli: Good thinking! Isn't there a api place in the living room?
Mathew: Yeah there is!
Lia: Come on! Let's go!
(they exit leaving the puzzle piece on the bed)
(Jake and Sophie enter)
Jake: Wow. It's so like Lia to leave the puzzle piece on the bed. (picks it up) Let's go.
Sophie: okay.
(Jake and Sophie exit)
(living room)
(Team Sibuna enter seeing Rochelle, Danny, Arthur, and Autumn on the couches)
Lia: oh... hey guys.
Danny: Hey.
Rochelle: what are anda guys doing?
Eli: We live here. Are we not aloud to wonder oleh our self?
Victor: Not with out my permission your not.
Jordan: (whispers to Mathew) How does he do that?
Victor: What's going on in here?
Arthur: nothing... We're just membaca and talking.
Victor: very well. carry on. (exits)
(Jake and Sophie enters)
Jake: Fabinas! Follow us!
(Jake, Sophie, Rochelle, Arthur, Autumn, and Danny exit)
Elizabeth: They're gone! Let's go!
(Jordan and Mathew look into the api place)
Eli: See anything?
Jordan: Nope. Nothing.
Lia: Aggghh... then where is it?
Trudy: Oh my! Silly me!
Elizabeth: Is everything alright Trudy?
Trudy: yeah. But i tried to open this oven that doesn't open.
Mathew: There's a oven that doesn't open?
Trudy: yeah. Victor tried to open it but it wouldn't open.
Eli: That's strange.
Lia: Come on guys! Let's go!
(Team Sibuna's girl's room)
(The Sibunas enter)
Eli: Let's look at the puzzle pieces we found so far.
Lia: okay. i'll get it open.
Jordan: I can't believe we didn't find it.
Mathew: I know. Where else is there a api place?
Lia: OH NO!
Elizabeth: What's wrong?
Lia: The puzzle pieces... They're gone!!!

I added another part to it because this episode is going to be longer than I though.
Jordan: *holds up a photoe of Zoey and Alejandro* who to vote???

Courntey: Fianly a chance to vote off Zoey! And i have anouther reason! yes!

Rochelle: *sigh* Zoey did lose to challange for us. But it wasn't on purpuse! *sigh* and alrjandro is mean! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr who to vote???

Zoey: I bet i'm leaveing but Ezekiel! I want him gone!

Abby: I like the whole team! Zoey did lose the challange for us! *sigh* I don't know!


Chris: anda all votted! and here are the peple with no vo.........
Ezekiel: Wait chris i want to use my Invincibility passes!
Chris: too late zeke! Maby anda can use...
continue reading...
posted by rose35
Dear diary,
Today is hari is another bazar hari at this quiet hospital room. Most of my friends visited yesterday most of my friends came to visit me. I felt pretty bad that I kinda made every one feel bad, but also I felt glad that they cared.

~episode three~
Cat:*walks in* good news your parents decided to drop the charges!
Kate: Well that's pretty good at least duncan didn't mean to.
ashley: Do anda know when anda are coming out?
Kate: I dunno but hopefully today.
Cat: YAYZ!
kate: So what's up?
Cat: We heard that anda like Duncan.
Ashley: Well do you?
Kate:seeriously? A dude i've only known for an hour?...
continue reading...
Duncan's POV: The selanjutnya morning, we had no school because it was a staff meeting day, so I started to fall asleep-

-when my sister screamed downstairs for me to wake up.

I groaned and ran a hand through my thick black hair.

I sat up and fished through my cell phone, seeing if there was anything I could do all day.

I got a news bulletin fron the school council, saying 30 people got picked for the talent tampil and to meet at 10 AM at the school to discuss practice.

"Anyone who recieves this letter had been chosen to be in the show..." I read and grunted afterwards. Yea that's just what I need, people...
continue reading...
Chris: “Welcome To The Campfire Ceremony. When anda Hear Me Call Your Name, Come And Get A Marshmellow.
Alex: “Yayz, I’m Safe!”
Chris: “Lindsay, Sky, And Alison.”
The Girls: “Yay!” *Group Hug*
Chris: “And Finally…..DJ, Niomi, And Harold.”
DJ: “Alright!”
Chris: “Ava, Duncan…….The Final Marshmellow Goes To:” *Dramatic Music*
Duncan: “Whaaaaaaaaat?”
Ava: “Yesssssssssss! Bye Duncan!”
Chris: “Sorry, Dude. Your Eliminated.”
Duncan: “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” *Walks The Dock Of Shame*
 The Cast Excluding The Voted Off Camper!
The Cast Excluding The Voted Off Camper!
posted by kk99aa
(Vannessa's voted off moment on total drama fanpoppers)

I clenched my fist tightly.My breathig quickened.Andrea held the last marshmellow in her hand.I thought about how i needed that money for my bigger sister amanda,who was gonna go to colledge."And the final marshmellow goes to..." Andrea tempted. "Sumer... anda get to stay!" Andrea finished as she tossed Sumer MY marshmellow."Well i dont need this place anyway!" I shouted as i stood up from my chair. I walked up to where Andrea was standing and berkata "Goodbye,Theresa!My only friend here!Bye Sumer... I hope anda burn in hell...bye Everyone...
continue reading...
posted by chocopockyninja
Sofie X Duncan cinta Story!
by chocopockyninja

Duncan took Sofie's hand gazing into her eyes. "Sofie, I want to tell anda something." berkata Duncan still holding her hand.
"So what is it, honey?" berkata Sofie reaching for Duncan's other hand.
"I dont want to tell anda here, I want to tell anda oleh the beach." Duncan berkata walking over to the door. Sofie gave him a quick smile and followed him to the door. Duncan opened the door and let Sofie walk out.
"Can anda open the car?" Asked Sofie with her hand on the car door. With out a word the car made a clicking sound and the door unlocked. They got in and...
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its not all of em but only ones i found nd yeah i am 2 lazy to find the rest hehe?? sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah it wont let me post it bkuz its to short sooo ama write acak crap

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posted by megaDUNCANfan
Haley:Ok, um Chris is going on a coffee run, guys u want some?
Haley:Review!Chris and D.J. are our interns.
Haley:Noah's the camera guy,Trent and Duncan are my co-hosts.
Haley:Geoff is the guy plays music, Tyler does the sound effects.
Geoff:Wat up pplz!!!!
Duncan:This is the most randomest tampil there is.
Haley:Thank-you, at the end I want anda to sing Hotel Sevice.
Haley:I'll give anda a raise.
Haley:We Take calls now at 234-6674(not realy a real phone #)
*phone rings*
Haley:Hi, wats...
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When owen was watching LINK "great its sooo boring around here" "no" "you must die" *the king been shot oleh link* "haha its funny" berkata owen. when the new berkata "THE laporan IS THE ROBOTS ARE COMING AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME MOMMY THERE COMIN TO HERE GET WEAPONS, FOOD, AMMO, AND WATER TO SURVIVE THANK U". owen was sooo screaming "AHHH HELP ME WERE DOOMED NOOO I NEED HELP" *when owen sees a shotgun he grabed it but he sees a terminator he shoots the terminator and dies* anda all frakin robots are dead war THIS IS SPARTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. When joe wakes up he berkata "hey keep it down already owen hey that terminator is dead go owen" TO BE CONTINUE... PT 2 COMING SOON
posted by TDIlover226
Sequel to "TDI ancestry - The Rise Of Beatrice Thorn"

"You can't be serious!" yelled Damien from the corner of the "outer realm". "I'm sorry my child..but-".
"What do anda mean sorry! I have to hide from my own sister! I thought she was dead!"
"She is dead...but death is not the end"
"You berkata that as soon as we put the curse on the old thorn house....everything would be okay!"
"Nothing is okay! Nothing will ever be okay! You're sister was evil! She's blaming her death on you!...........I want to keep anda safe, my child...
"I know...But anda berkata it yourself, anda can't always be looking out for me...
continue reading...
(A/N: First off--I dont ship GwenxDuncan. But I see them as siblings and always have, and I cinta that relationship between them. It's meant to be GwenxTrent and DuncanxCourtney, because anda KNOW I'm the biggest *Nine* shipper ever.
It takes place a couple hours after Trent gets voted off. Gwen's still in total pain and regret, Duncan swears a lot, and yeah.


    If there was one thing as luminescent as the moon that night, it would’ve been her tiny ashen face. It wasn’t often that anda could find patches of rumput anywhere near a suburban place...
continue reading...
added by cocokloony
added by Broccoligirl
Source: CITPrincess
added by Duncan-superfan
Source: Autobubbs
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: escorted2xf75h
added by milorox18
Source: oleh drago-flame
added by milorox18
Source: oleh drago-flame
added by milorox18
Source: oleh XJKenny
added by milorox18
Source: oleh XJKenny