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Chris: Hi! I'M Chris McClain! And I'm the host of the Total Drama Series. On This Season of Total Drama, me and 22 other constants will be going around the world and competing is curtain challenges! Don't miss this season of Total Drama Around The World!

(Theme Song)

(Bus pulls up)
Chris: Okay first we have the crazy girl anda all know and hate: Izzy!
Izzy: (exits bus oleh doing a back flip) Yooohooo!
Chris: yay.....
Izzy: Is Owen going to be here this season?
Chris: did anda see him on the bus?
Izzy: YES!
Chris: Then yes.
Izzy: YAY!!!
Chris: Moving on. selanjutnya we have the Evil Spanish Hot guy: Alejandro!
Alejandro: (exits bus)
Chris: The selanjutnya person anda have never met. She's new. And her name is Rochelle!
Rochelle: (exits bus) Heyy. How's it going people?
Alejandro: eh.
Rochelle: okay...
Chris: selanjutnya we have the dork: Cody!
Cody: (exits bus being hugged oleh Sierra) Help. Me.
Chris: Sierra, your not supposed to come out until I say your name.
Sierra: (sigh) fine. (enters bus)
Chris: Okay selanjutnya we have the stoker girl: Sierra!
Sierra: (runs out of bus to hug Cody) CODY!!!
Cody: oh. dear.
Chris: selanjutnya we have another person new: Liza
Liza: (exits bus) hey everyone! I'm Liza. Nice to be anda guys.
Rochelle: We met on the bus.
Liza: the camera didn't see it.
Rochelle: well.


Liza: I like for the cameras to see my nice side. That will help me get vote in the end. which i can make it. I just have to try very hard.

Rochelle: Liza must want the judul of "nice" girl so she can win in the end. But I'm here to tell anda that that's not going to happen. I'm going to be the winner. And no one can stop me!


Chris: selanjutnya we got the cowboy party animal: Geoff!
(Bridgette and Geoff exit bus making out)
Chris: (sigh) Bridgette can anda go back in the bus.
(Bridgette and Geoff are still making out)
Chris: Bridgette? Bridgette?
Chef: (Exits bus) I got it. (Separates Bridgette and Geoff and carries Bridgette back to the bus)
Geoff: What was that for?
Chris: It's not her time. Now we got the surfer chick: Bridgette!
Bridgette: (exits bus to make out with Geoff again)
Chris: Now it is.
Alejandro: Chris she was selanjutnya anyways. Why did anda make her go back.
Sierra: Yeah anda did the same to me.
Cody: I think anda should just send her back home.
Chris: I'm trying to follow this schedule. Now selanjutnya we have the evil mean girl that's not Heather: Eva!
Eva: (Throws Heather out of the bus into Alejandro's arms)
Chris: I berkata not Heather!
Eva: And that's what anda get for going through my things!
Rochelle: what the?
Alejandro: Are anda okay?
Heather: yeah... I guess.



Heather: All that happened was that i accidentally dropped my gum in her bag. I was going to tell her i dropped it but she kept shooing me away and telling me to shut up. So i was going to get it out but then she picks me up and throws me out. What a *Beeeeeeeep*


Chris: Go back in Heather.
Heather: I'm selanjutnya anyways.
Chris: so? go!
Heather: (sigh) fine. (kisses Alejandro then enters bus)
Chris: selanjutnya we have the other mean girl: Heather!
Heather: (exits bus) there are anda happy?
Chris: yes.


Heather: Chris is a *beeeeeep* too.


Chris: selanjutnya we have another new person: Jordan!
Jordan: (exits bus)
Chris: selanjutnya we have the fun loving fat kid that farts lebih than the average person does in a life time: Owen!
Owen: (exits bus) Hi e-
Izzy: (Jumps on Owen) OWEN!!! I missed you!
Owen: aaaaa....


Izzy: Me and Owen are dating again.

Owen: To be honest, i don't like Izzy any more. I like someone else. Gwen. Too bad she isn't in this season. I haven't really broke the news to Izzy yet. I'm too afraid too.


Chris: selanjutnya is the multiple personality guy: Mike!
Mike as Svetlana: (exits bus doing a dozen back flips and lands in front of Alejandro) Привет
Alejandro: I'm sorry but I don't speak Russian.
Mike as Syerlana: I berkata Hi.
Alejandro: Hi....?
Chris: (snaps his fingers in front of Mike's face) Mike! Get back!
Mike: huh? oh sorry.


Mike: I can never control my MPD. It's just so har-
Mike as Chester: awww! My back!


Chris: selanjutnya we have another new girl: Fawn!
Fawn: (exits bus) Hi everyone!
Chris: Okay selanjutnya we have Taylor!
Taylor: (exits Bus) Hey! How is everyone- (trips)
Liza: are anda okay?
Taylor: yeah. that happens a lot.
Chris: selanjutnya we have another new girl: Layla!
Layla: (exits bus in sun glasses and looks around) this the place?
Chris: nope. We'll get there soon.
Layla: fine. Well hi everyone! I'm Layla. And anda all should go halaman awal now, because your looking at the new Total Drama winner.
(Heather rolls eyes)
Chris: selanjutnya we have a new boy: Cole!
Cole: (exits bus) What's up everyone!
Chris: selanjutnya we have another new girl: Annie!
Annie: (exits bus) Hi!!
Jordan: Annie over here!
Annie: (runs over and starts ciuman Jordan)

Layla: Great... Another Bridgette and Geoff.


Chris: selanjutnya we have another new boy: Draven!
Draven:(exits bus)
Sierra: Wow! His hotter than Cody.
Cody: HEY!
Mike: Be happy, that means anda don't have to dill with her hugging anda to death.
Cody: huh? Oh right. YES!
Chris: selanjutnya we have another new boy: Chilly.
Chilly: (exits bus oleh doing a back flip 4 times then Liza: anda have dog breath.
Chilly: (smells breath) oops.
Chris: selanjutnya we have Joss!
Joss: (exits bus slowly and walks towards Heather)
Heather: Scoot over nerd!
Joss: (takes some steps away)
Chris: And finally, we have the last boy: Lance!
Lance: (exits bus) Hey.
Sierra: OH MY!!! (to Cody) Cody, anda are not my lover anymore. Draven and Lance is.
Cody: oh, okay. I mean, it's your chose.


Cody: YES!!! YES!!! No lebih Sierra!!!


Chris: Not that I got all of you, let's head in the plane to the mess hall.

(Mess hall)
Chris: Okay while I call the teams up, eat everyone! You'll need it to live through the selanjutnya challenge.
Owen: anda don't have to tell me twice. (starts eating)
Chris: Okay so this season we will have 2 teams. Team 1 is called Team Italy. The team members are:
Cody, Eva, Alejandro, Bridgette, Geoff, Rochelle, Jordan, Annie, Draven, Fawn, and Mike.
Cody: I'm not with Sierra? YE- I mean. awww... that's too bad.


Cody: This season just keeps getting better and better!


(Mess hall)
Chris: The selanjutnya team is team Germany! The team members are: Sierra, Lance ,Izzy, Owen, Heather, Chilly, Liza, Cole,Taylor, Joss, and Layla!
Heather: Alejandro?
Alejandro: It'll be okay.
Chris: Okay is everyone done eating?
Owen: No we need more.
Liza: anda ate all of the food!
Owen: We still need more.
Chris: Now start drinking these water bottles.
(Chef hands everyone a water bottle)
Cole: what did anda do to these?
Chris: Nothing. Just drink and in 10 menit go to the elimination room. (exits)
(elimination room)
Chris: Okay everyone ready to go swimming?
Chilly: In what?
Chris: this.
(everyone falls out of plane)
(everyone falls in the water)
Fawn: Where are we?
Chris: The Equator!
Taylor: What? But that's like the hottest place on Earth!
Chris: Yeah... Your challenge is to swim from here to the pantai to your east. To Africa. That's only like 10 miles from where anda are at right now.
Annie: 10 MILES???
Chris: Yep. The first team to have everyone arrive wins! GO!
(Everyone starts swimming but Alejandro, Heather, Lance, and Sierra.)
Sierra: So... Lance...
Lance: yeah?
Sierra: Do anda want to be-
Lance: in an alliance. Sure!
Sierra: That wasn't what I was going to ask anda but okay...
Lance: now let's get swimming. We need to win this.
(Sierra and Lance starts swimming)
Heather: So what are we going to do if we are on different teams?
Alejandro: well, we can still be boyfriend and girlfriend but... I don't know.
Heather: well, we need to think of something.
Alejandro: break up?
Heather: (slaps Alejandro) NO!
Alejandro: okay no.
Heather: we can still ciuman right?
Alejandro: sure.
(they start swimming together)

(1 hari later)

(African shore)
Chris: Think they died?
Joss: (swims up)
Chris: good job Joss!
(Jordan and Annie swim up)
Jordan: We did it!
Annie: oh yeah!
(Chilly swims up)
Chilly: I did it!
(Bridgette and Geoff swims up)
Bridgette: okay so who's in the lead?
Chris: looks like team Italy!
Geoff: oh yeah!
Izzy: (swims up) Oh yeah!
(Mike swims up then Draven)
Mike: I'm here!
Draven: I made it!
(Cole swims up)
Cole: I'm alive!
(Taylor swims up)
Taylor: I'm here!
(Liza swims up)
Liza: here!
(Layla swims up)
Layla: Okay my team must be winning right?
Chris: ummm.... Yes they are now oleh 1 person.
(Rochelle swims up)
Chris: make that tied.
Layla: Dang it!
(Fawn swims up)
Fawn: I need water!
Chris: If your team wins anda will have all kinds of it in first class.
Fawn: yes!
Rochelle: but water's water. how can there be lebih than one kind.
Chris: there just is.
(Lance, Cody, and Eva swims up)
Eva: Chris if anda make us do that again i swear I'll-
(Sierra swims up)
Sierra: Lance wait!
Lance: oh sorry.
Sierra: it's okay.
(Owen, Heather, and Alejandro swims up)
Owen: (out of breath) I- I- made it!
Izzy: OWEN!!! (runs over and hugs him)
Cole: That's everyone right?
Chris: yep.
Taylor: so who won?
Chris: Well, since Owen, Heather, and Alejandro all tied. Owen and heather are both on team Germany. Team Italy wins!
Team Italy: YES!!
Chris: Team Germany, see anda guys tonight.


Okay so Team Germany needs to vote someone off. anda can IM me, kotak masuk me, atau komentar below. anda can ether tell me the name of who anda want to be voted off atau put it in a confessional form.

Here's who is on team Germany:

posted by sillybandfan321
 Thanks to CourtneyGirl for the wonderful character and dont worry your character will appear again so please keep reading! there will be something special for her later in the tampil and for the rest of the people that are eliminated:)
Thanks to CourtneyGirl for the wonderful character and dont worry your character will appear again so please keep reading! there will be something special for her later in the show and for the rest of the people that are eliminated:)
Claire:And we are back so far the campers have ran 3 miles lets see how they are. We will be watching them from our helicopter...lets go!

*Up in the sky*
Claire:Well all there doing is running and there are not actually going that fast...hmmmmm lets give them some inspiration!! hahaha realease the bears!
*Bears start running*
Claire:Ok ther are some hidden cameras down there so we are going down there

Jessica:AHHHHHH!!!!*starts sprinting*
Jordan:Who knew!?!
Blaine:Yea i know!!
Buster:Slow down a little Jess anda still need energy for up the mountain.
Jessica:But i dont want...
continue reading...
posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:*whispering* Welcome back to Total Drama Secrets. The campers are sleeping right now so lets give them a rude awakening. *gets out horn* WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!
Everyone:AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *They run outside*
Jessica:Whats the big idea!
Talia:Yea shes right!
Kylee:I need my beauty rest atau i cant look beautiful
Claire:You all look fine time for breakfast get dressed and down to the dining hall ASAP! and we will talk about the selanjutnya challenge!
*Girls Trailer*
Jessica:GRR i am soo tired!
Kylie:Everyone is tired Jessica
Maddi:*to herself* its not always about you
Jessica:Ok that time i heard someone!...
continue reading...
LeShawna:HEY YALL!
Geoff&bridgette:*making out*
Chris:um...Charlie and Sara!
Chris:Trent,Gwen,And Falicity!
Chris:JJ,Sam,Skye,and blaine!
*all 4 say hi*
Chris:Now,TEAMS!Team bintang is...
and LeShawna!
Chris:Team jagung meletus, popcorn is...
and Falicity!
Chris:And Team award is...
and Geoff!and the challenge is...part 2 coming soon!
This Season We Are Taken Steps Backwards! Were Goinq Bak To Beinq a Movie bintang And Stuff..xD We Will Have Eliminations At NEW YORKS BUS STOP.. The One Who Gets Eliminated Gets To Take A Ride halaman awal In a DIRTY STUPID Bus..We DEFINETLY Have Drama With Your Character And Some Characters From The Oriqinal Series Of Total Drama ! I'm Afraid i Will Only Need 7 Girls And 7 Boys..i WOnt Have Enouqh luar angkasa To Fit Alot Includinq The Characters From The Oriqinal Series Of Total Drama... But First i Will Need To Know Some Personal Stuff Bout Your Character Like...



LIKES(iNcLuDeS WHO they like)-





posted by ZachHapyUnicorn
theme music
A stage with the curtain closed. Crashes and Bangs. Then, Erica and Krista fall out of the curtain then stand up and smile.
Krista: Uh Erica....
Erica: yeah what
Krista: Where is everyone......
Krista: Nothin I invited them
Erica was about to object when the contesants flooded into the seats.
Erica: Yeah uh huh sure whatever.
Krista pulls out acak pieace of paper out of nowhere.
Erica: ok this is howits gonna work we say your name and come up here then...
continue reading...
Chris: Now we have all of our vote in and we can vote off somebody! And Mayla's back!

*Walks in*

Mayla: Hey!!

Chris: How was the funeral?

Mayla: Not good, duh!

Chris: That's too bad, 'cause today when we vote somebody off, Mayla still has a chance to be voted off!!

*Slaps Chris*

Mayla: anda are so UGH!!!

Chris: Will Mayla get voted off? Find out on today's most undramatic campfire episode of Total Drama Bermuda Triangle!!

*Theme Song*



Gwen: aughhhh....

Chris: WAKE UP! It's time to vote somebody off!

Kierra: GOD! Really??

Chris: Yes! And anda all have a chance to get voted off!...
continue reading...
Chris: Welcome to total drama survivor! There will be 10 new campers here and 10 old ones! All of them are coming right now! And here comes Jade!

Jade: hey chris!

Chris: hey Jade! Your the first one here.

Jade: I am? Cool.

Chris: Oh and here comes Jared!

Jared: hey Chris whats up!

Chris: Congrats your the detik one here!

Jared: Damnt!

Chris: Look whos coming next! ALEX!

Alex: Hi chris, its a pleasure to be here.

Chris: Hello Alex, Nice of anda to gabung us.

Alex: Your welcome.

Jade: *whispers to jared* well we know whos going to be on the good team.

Jared: *Laughs* we sure do.

Chris: selanjutnya here is Lisa!

continue reading...
posted by KARIxTRENT
chris:last time on total drama dynamite..geoff blew up the kitchen,then got elimnated,but got one last ciuman from aydan,on the cooking challange...who will get voted off today?only 8 contestants left:kari,trent,duncan,kate,aydan,selena,nicole, and megan.find out now on total drama dynamite!
chris walked up to the contestants:today's challange:skydiving!anyone who chickens out loses,and gets eliminated!got that?!
everyone:yeah fine sure whatever...
chris shrugged:close enough...
kari your up first!
she jumped.
chris:next is duncan!
he jumped.
chris:next is kate!
she jumped.
chris:next is aydan!
she jumped.
chris:next is selena!
she jumped.
chris:next is nicole!
she jumped.
chris:next is megan!
chris:next is trent!
trent gulped:I'm not jumping..
chris:bye buddy..
kari kissed him one last time.
chris:who will get voted off selanjutnya time?!find out selanjutnya time on total drama dynamite!
posted by KARIxTRENT
chris:last time on total drama dynamite...our contestants:kari,trent,nicole,duncan,megan,aydan, geoff,kate,selena,and justin arrived.their first challange:climbing up mt.chrismore!justin was elimnated because he fell off because pretty boy was too focused on his looks.figures...anyways,who will get voted off today find out now on total drama dynamite!
chris walked up to the challangers:today's challange:cooking!the one with the best dish wins!I will be the judge!and if they don't blow up the kitchen!geoff blew up the kitchen.
chris:cough,cough anda are elimnated!
aydan kissed geoff on last time.
he shoved geoff.
chris:who will be voted off selanjutnya time?!find out selanjutnya time on total drama dynamite!
I walked down the school hallways with Bridgette at my side. I was fuming. I just found out that the guy I'm crushing on has one menggerutu, jalang of a girlfriend. My worst nightmare: Gwen. "Uh,oh. Gwen alert." I looked to see Gwen leaning on Duncan's locker, ciuman him. I gripped my buku tightly and walked away with Bridgette. Bridgette and I were probably the most-feared girls in school. Bridgette didn't change. She just liked hanging around with me. She was like my sister. Anyways, I kept walking with Bridgette to gym, my final period.

As we ran in gym, I saw the most populer guy at school, Justin,...
continue reading...
Penny had been picked to fight heather in a challenge. She decided she would fight with her beruang hands. The fighting began. Heather immediately tried to pull penny's hair. Penny's body was shaking with anticipation to seriously do some damage to the queen bee, maybe even kill her. Heather slapped her round the face. This set her off. She wasn't about to get her pantat, keledai kicked oleh this biatch! She pulled out her gun and shot heather. The bang silenced everyone as they looked at Penny-now a killer-in shock
 Penny (CourtneyGirl)
Penny (CourtneyGirl)
trent:gwen,I'm sorry but this isnt working out...
trent:no.I just....
his voice trailed off...
gwen bit trent.
kari saw and she tackled gwen.
trent was bleeding,and gwen smelled it and couldnt resist the smell of his blood.
she tried to attack kari,but kari countered it,and threw her.
kari growled at gwen:BACK OFF!
gwen ran.
a werewolf was a vampire's worst enemy.
trent:kari,I cinta you..
(in the story she was as pretty as edward is hot)
(he gently removed a strand,of hair from her face and they kissed)
her ciuman made trent dizzy,she was like a goddess,her unhuman beauty..
(like I berkata I am going along with twilightish)
5 years have passed since all the Total Drama contestants were freed of Chris and his challenges and the monatary prizes. After the tampil ended, the competitors had their minds wiped. None of them knew where the past tahun had went. They were unconcious for an jam after the mind wipe, just enough time to bring six ccastmates into a large buisness like building. The rest were sent home. One competitor slyly escaped the mindwipe. She was still knocked unconcious oleh the shock, though, and was dragged off to that building with 5 others. They could only vaugely remember their fellow castmates names....
continue reading...
posted by Fangirl99
chris;ok,jakie left for an early vaca,so,im not gonna tampil your days off on TV
chris:its getting boring.
katie:oh,so anda saying our lives are boring?!
chris:yes. Todays subjcct will be PE,now, og eat your breakfast and meet chef in the field.

chef:okay!today,i want switch some people on the teams.zoe,youll switch with jared.
trent:oh,damn it.
chef:why not?denise,youll switch with,with sumer.

cc brooke:great,we lost are smartest player!wait,shes not good at sports,so,shell get voted off,no noe will have her,then!
cc sumer:no!im on the different team as trent!no!
chef:ok,now that thats all done,we will begin
posted by KARIxTRENT
kari was snowboarding waiting for everyone else to wake up.
trent:woah gnarly moves.
kari:heheh thanks.
chris had a meghorn:EVERYONE MEET ME IN THE MESS HALL!
kari fell:GAH!
(she rubbbed her head)
in the mess hall:
kari dumped her tray:SOMEDAY BUT NOT TODAY!
trent:you can have my roti panggang kari.
kari smiled at him.
duncan:how can ANYONE eat this slop?!
leshawna:dont know about yall but I aint eating this.
lindsay:me neither.
confessions of kari:
peh todays challange:EATING CHEFS SLOP!
chris:last time(s) on tdd:
trent fell in cinta again with the ice cool kari, alot of fast hookups between:noah and dawn,phil and gwen,gordon and raynette,dylan and lindsay,(lindsay is tryin to help him overcome his shyness) will there be more?!
what do we have in store for them today?!
find out now on total drama dynamite!
at breakfast:
everyone was in line for chefs slop.
kari dumped it:Someday but NOT TODAY!
trent:tou can have my roti panggang kari.
(kari smiled at him)
(trent smiled right back)
gordon:what the (f bomb)is this?!
chef:you got a problem with it punk?!
gordon gulped:no.
chef:thats what I thought...
continue reading...
Episode 20: “Get a Clue”
I chatted with Beth at breakfast, scrambled eggs.
“You’re like sooo lucky anda have your boyfriend here,” she was saying. “Brady... well, I haven’t seen him in so long.”
“You must miss him,” I berkata politely.
“Yeah,” she sighed. I didn’t really believe her. But, she was my friend, so...
Suddenly, Harold spit a microchip at me. “Ew!” I gasped. “Harold!”
“Sorry,” he said. “What is it?”
“Only on way to find out,” Beth said. “Stick it in Courtney’s PDA.”
“That is not going near my PDA,” Courtney protested.
Duncan grabbed...
continue reading...
Another acak poem I wrote. I tried to make it rhyme, but I didn’t feel like it.
Titled “If There Was A Chance”

If there is a chance
I would get away from here
Without a detik glance
But, no.
The world is like this,
Small and dark and evil.
And it always will be.

It was because of you;
You whom I trusted;
You whom I loved.
It was all because of you…

In my heart, a api blazes
Strong and wild,
It will never fade.
Never, ever… until…

But if there is a chance,
I would pindah away from this
Without a detik glance.
Without you, my jantung sways;
Longing for you;
Crying for you.

If I could have
One wish come...
continue reading...
It was natal Eve.

Courtney stood in front of her mirror, holding the dress in front of herself, debating on whether to go to the hari N’ Night speakeasy tonight atau not. She utterly, truly wanted Duncan to be able to see her in this dazzling dress, but did he even cinta her anymore?

C + D

C + D

C + D, her brain repeated over and over.

But Duncan left her! That was the one major fact that could change anything. He told me he loved me,she thinks, But he left you. She wondered where he was right now. He carved our initials on a skull, she thinks, But he left you. She wondered what he was thinking...
continue reading...
“Courtney! Courtney!” she hears her name being hissed in a low voice. Her eyelids flutter open and light floods her pupils, much to the disapprovement of her pounding headache. The first thing she sees is the rough, brown ropes around her wrists. She was laying on her side, on a dusty gray floor, with her wrists tied to a tall wooden post. As she slowly attempted to sit up, the itchy rope rubbed her wrists like an Indian Burn.

Once she was sitting with her back to the post, Courtney looked to see where the voice came from. Duncan was staring intently at her from just three feet away, where...
continue reading...